
42 Progress

Some persistent questions had been nagging my brain for quite some time. Mohammed Ali had said in his letter to the Institute's Director that he would employ me for his "private" reason.

Why did he go ahead and give me the job even though he had discovered through his agents that I lived with membe, an employee of his?

Why did he not sack Mmembe for habouring a

man? I had known that his employees were strictly banned from having girlfriends.

His employees were even banned from having

friends of the same sex if those friends smoked or drank. Why did he even employ me when I came late by over an hour to accept the offers In the letter of employment which was signed by his wife it was said clearly that lateness by one second would earn me a sack.

Mohammed Ali employed people of great integrity, people with clean records from the past. Why did he go ahead and recruit me after he had known that I was an ex-convict?

Why did he elevate me to the position of an Assistant Managing Director barely after I had taken up the appointment? Why? I felt there was

something which I did not know.

With these thoughts in my mind I went to the bathroom to take bath. By the time I got dressed up I heard the door bell ring wildly,

My heart skipped a beat. I guessed it was Mohammed Ali. I didn't quite fancy his visits.

He could one day come with a sack letter on one of such visits.

I ran to the door with fear running through my spine only to discover that three of the people I met after the benediction in St. Patrick's were waiting for me at the door.

I opened the door and they entered. When they saw the rug in my room they nearly died of inferiority complex.

They hesitated even after I had told them to enter, pulling off their shoes like Moses approaching the holy ground.

I told them to sit on the chair and wait for me. I

went for my car key and drove to Ali Group of Companies. I was going to collect appointment forms from Mohammed Ali.

I went to the door of Mohammed Ali's office and knocked, entering almost at the same time. I didn't want to stand there for hours unattended to so I said I need some appointment forms in

case I find anybody to recruit.' Mohammed Ali drew his drawer and produced eight forms. Put all of them on N600 per month' he said.

Do not fail to complete the assignment within the given period if you still want to be my employee. If you do not do this assignment on schedule, you will loose your job."

I received the forms and dashed out of the room. When I came to the reception I discovered Mmembe was not there. Could she have been sacked? I was relieved of my fears when she called me from behind. I gave her a smile and rushed out..

I drove with speed to my flat 29 residence. "Your name?' I asked the nearest person to me. 'Baba Gana?' I wrote it on the form and filled N600 per month on it. Giving him the form I warned him to report at 7.30 on the day indicated. 'Your name?"

I asked another 'Shettima Ahmed.' I filled the form and gave it to him with warnings.

The third person who called himself Musa

Damaturu also got the same warning after I had given him the form.

You are to report at 7.30 in four day's time' They all nodded. 'Any one who doesn't come on time would loose the job.' I said gravely. On this note they left my house.

No sooner had they gone than a girl rang the door bell. I Opened the door and let her in. For a brief moment I was confused:, I had not wooed any girl and did not expect any female visitor. Worse still,

I did not know this girl. Could Mohammed Ali have sent her to me to test me and see if I was susceptible to women? My thoughts were interrupted by the girl who said you said I should come today for appointment in your company.

This made me remember that there were two girls among the people I had promised jobs after the benediction at St. Patrick.

She gave her name as Amina Usman. I wrote it in the form and placed her on N600 per month as directed by Mohammed Ali

Warning her to report at 7.30 on the day indicated I gave her the letter.

She protested that she was a primary school girl not a university graduate and did not deserve to be placed on so high pay. I told her that we accepted any qualification in my company. We pay big salaries so that you can work efficiently

and stop smoking and drinking' I told her.

She burst into' laughter and told me she was neither a smoker nor a drinker. Then she thanked me and left.

I felt happy with myself at the speed at which I was carrying out my assignment. I had already got four employees, three males and one female. I needed four more people.

The time was about 8.30a.m suddenly remembered that I had promised Tukur that I was going to come to his house and give him employment. So I packed the remaining four employment forms and entered my car. I drove from my house on top speed towards Baban Line where Tukur lived.

The rough manner I circled the roundabout near El-Kanemi's house annoyed many standers-by. If that annoyed them, it was less annoying than the

speed with which I went along the dandal, making my left-turn to Baban Line.

It was like a mad man's driving. I didn't care. I

continued with this terrible speed until I parked close to Tukur's house. People around that place looked at me with undisguised hostility because of my speed and abrupt stop. Others refused to

answer my greeting as I came out of the car, in protest against my rough driving, while those who were more good natured answered grudgingly.

I passed through their midst and shot into Tuker's

room. I have come to give you your letter of employment. What's your full name?" I asked. 'Al Tukur' Iwrote it on the form, filled the salary figure into it and gave it to him if you don't keep to time you'll loose your job' I made sure I said. Tukur looked with incredulity at the salary scale before him. Wishing him good luck,

i left his room