
43 Hotel-1

I was feeling very happy in my mind. I had recruited five people already. I needed only three people to complete the number required by Mohammed Ali.

My only headache was the three remaining people had to be females, because I had got the required number of men. I found it hard to know where I could get females from. If they were males, I needed only to go to drinking places and I would see many of them.

It wasn't going to be easy to get single girls of great integrity in drinking -bars and hotels. Most of the time, girls were often attached to their

boyfriends in such places. I might earn myself a blow on the face if I met a girl with her boyfriend and start to talk of recruiting ther into my company on a fantastic pay.

The boyfriend might justifiably suspect my motive.

I drove from Tukur's house in Bkban Line and bypassed the old Market via Chellarams Super Store into the road from Bulp bulin ward.

I turned right and ended up at the post-office

roundabout. Making the roundabout to the left I passed through the post office on my way to welcome to meduguri signboard .

I headed on along Kano road towards Bulumkutu. My target was Benisheikh Hotel where I was once turned away.because I went as a Pedestrian.

Now I was riding a Mercedes-Benz. More than that I was heavily loaded with money and could afford to pay their $100 gate fee.

It took me about twenty minutes to get there,

I paid $100 at the gate to the guards. Pointing to one of the blocks a guard told me to go there and show my receipt. I drove into the yard and packed my car in a packing space where 'Mercedes-Benz'

was conspicuously written on a signboard.

I discovered to my dismay that my car was the most inferior of all the cars there. I didn't care. I went to the block where i was told by the guards to go and showed my receipt to a female


She received it and directed me to an entrance.

Abandoning me at the entrance, she told me to enter. This frightened me because it gave me the feeling that I was being & directed into a death trap.

'Are you not entering?" I asked.

The receptionist told me that it was only people who paid $100 that could enter, and that she didn't pay $100. I left her without a word and entered. Behold, the rug in the room along with the

chairs coupled with the decorations in the room reduced my flat 29 Palour to a complete caricature of a palour.

I sat down. I was alone in the room. But in a matter of seconds a man materialised from the blues and started to come to me.

From the way he was dressed I guessed he was one of the shareholders in this luxurious hotel.

I was later to discover that this man was a mere employee whose job was to see to the comfort of custom ers - a bar man,

soto speak. The man gave me a card. The card contained menu of all types. No bill was written on any of the menu. Pointing to where 'pounded yam" was written I asked the man to tell me the


'You do not need to know the cost' I heard 'In so far as you have paid $100 you can go on all the menu in the card if you are able.'

The menu included African, Oriental, Jewish and European dishes.

What surprised me was the next thing below the menu was to indicate whether I wanted to have sex with A girl of 13,

A woman of 20,

Awoman of 40,

Awoman of 55 and A woman of 60.

The next thing was even more surprising: I was to

indicate if I wanted to have sex with a man. If this surprised me, the greater surprise was yet to come: I was to indicate if I wanted

to have sex with a mad woman.

The next thing. on the card revulsed me with disgust: I was to say if I wanted to have sex

with a cow. The mere shock of it made the card drop from my hand.

Are you a newcomer here? the barman asked. He was standing, waiting for me to indicate my taste. Do you mean, I asked

'that I could get all the things. indicated on the card?" I asked, because I felt a drunken man may have written all the nonsense I had just read.

The barman assured me that I would be provided

anything I wanted from the list on the card. So if you want an affair with a mad woman I could have it?" I asked, knowing that this would be the last mistake I could make.

He assured me that I could if I wanted. "In what way?" I asked Won't she manifest her madness?" I heard from him that there were hefty able bodied men who could strip her naked and the her on the ved forme.

The whole thing seemed bizzare to me. Who came up with this crazy idea e mad women, mad cows and all the nonsense you have in this hotel?" I asked, looking up at the barman.

His face changed from friendliness to hostility at my question. My friend!' he said in an obviously unfriendly manner As a big man you must know secret superstitions.

Every rich man who comes here knows that sex with madwomen and cows makes one wealthier.' I burst into laughter. This annoyed the bar inan a

great deal because he left in a brusque manner, leaving behind an angry message that I should call on him whenever I had made up my mind about what I wanted in the hotel.

please 🙏 do care to give this book some of your power stone

It motivates me to write ✍️ more 💕