1 did not see

Abandoned streets are full of ruins and wreckage, and a setting sun hangs behind the tall buildings, dyeing the sky a thick orange-red.

The wind blew through the streets with a hint of coldness, and it was so quiet that only the harsh sound of falling iron sheets swaying and scraping against the ground hurt every sensitive nerve of the person.

There is no trace of human activities in this city, and it is devastated. It is desolate and lonely, standing in the same place. I can vaguely see the prosperity and excitement of the past, but I don't know what it is still watching.

Chu Nao carried a light blue rabbit-eared schoolbag, carefully and vigilantly walked through the debris and debris on the floor, trying to find some possible leftovers on these empty and messy supermarket shelves or on the ground.

At the beginning, she finally found a small bottle of mineral water under the collapsed shelf. She wanted to pick it up, but she was too weak to move the shelf.

She tried to move several times without success, and finally took a breath and sat down on the shelf to rest.

She looked at the empty supermarket with a confused look.

She should not be unfamiliar with such a scene, but she was so well protected by him later that she no longer had the dilemma of "looking around at a loss" and "lack of food and short drinks".

She met him at Wei Mo, but in a mutant siege, he tried his best to send her away in order to protect her, but he was trapped in it.

After he left, she was overwhelmed with pain, and lived for a few days in a daze, and finally lost her desire to survive.

When she opened her eyes again, she was reborn and returned to the past. Back when the apocalypse had just begun, she was still a high school student whose school was destroyed and evacuated with the troops.

After waking up this time, she was on the evacuated troop truck and went to the shelter with the large troop.

But at the beginning, I knew that in the end, more than half of their team would be killed or injured on the road.

After almost all the rescuers were killed or seriously injured, a few strong men in the team would work together to **** all the firearms and supplies, and drive all the remaining old and weak women and children out of the car, leaving them to fend for themselves.

In her previous life, she was also a member of the castaway.

After being reborn, the first thing she did when she woke up was to leave the convoy and not be with them.

She couldn't explain her rebirth to others, and no one believed her.

No one understands her, and even thinks it's crazy for her to leave the team.

She could only leave a reminder to the captain of the army to warn them of those men with bad intentions.

As for whether they would believe her, it was not something she could consider.

After leaving the team, she drove bumpy for several months alone, all the way dangerously, and after hiding, she came here.

There is no trace of mutants appearing in the city. It is safe for the time being, but I dare not take it lightly.

After being kicked out of the car in the previous life, a group of people who have no self-protection ability can imagine what the situation will be. In the end, only she and a fifteen-year-old boy survived. Later, the boy did not survive when he awakened his power. The past is also dead.

She wandered alone for a long time. At first, she hid in the basement of the city, which was empty and dark, and had to go out to find food until she ran out of ammunition and food.

However, facing countless variants, she hid in embarrassment, until a flame blasted the two narrow walls of her hiding place, and also blasted the outside world that trapped her in a square inch and wanted to put her in Deadly variant.

She raised her head, and in the narrow alleyway, she saw the man standing on the roof, his fists burning with flames, looking down at her, who was as cowardly and cowardly as an ant below.

It was the only person she had met in the months she had lived in the city, who possessed supernatural powers and was not afraid of mutants.

So she followed without thinking.

She has always been afraid of strangers and socializing. In order to hug this thigh, she shamelessly turned herself into a dog-skin plaster and used it as a small tail of an oil bottle behind him.

Later, he became his wife and was protected by him...

Recalling all kinds of past lives, Chu Niao's eyes were slightly red.

She misses him so much.

After going through the pain of losing him and going back to the past, she just wanted to find him as soon as possible and never be separated again.

Chu Chu wiped away his tears, stood up again, borrowed the strength of his lower back again, and finally removed the shelf that was pressing on the mineral water bottle.

She picked up the bottle of water and put it in her schoolbag, and continued to collect the supplies that might be left in the supermarket.

But it's been so long, there's really nothing to miss here.

She picked up a box of facial masks, a few packs of sanitary pads and tissues at the beginning of her journey, and she silently put these things into her backpack.

When I came out of the supermarket, the setting sun had already set a little behind the peaks and trees in the distance, the curtain color was dark gray, and there was only a wisp of dark purple cloud still dotted in the only blue sky at the sunset, reflecting the quiet world, the stubborn unwillingness May you escape completely into darkness.

At first glance, his eyes fell on the lonely and deserted street.

There was no one in the city, and no one she was looking for.

It is not advisable to stay for too long at night, she has to continue to look for the next city.

Away from the outskirts of the city, on the straight highway, the car freely passed through the abandoned toll station that had long been left unattended. The wind blowing wildly in the wild blew her hair and the ears of the lop-eared rabbit on her schoolbag, and beat the rhythm.

Chu Chu tensed the muscles on his face and tightened the accelerator.

There was no one in the wilderness, the ground was scorched, and there was no movement everywhere, but she might encounter danger at any time, and she did not dare to slack off to maintain a high degree of tension and vigilance.

In the dark night, only a beam of car lights illuminated the car, and the car also maintained its maximum speed, with a tense expression and a galloping speed.

A medium-sized military pickup ran over a pothole and damaged road, and the people in the carriage were all bounced off. The already tense nerves suddenly woke up, and several people rubbed their faces or jaws that hurt to varying degrees. sit up.

A burly man yawned, took out a crumpled pack of cigarette paper from his pocket, took out the only cigarette left, and was about to light it with a lighter. Sensing the unkind look next to him, he sneered. , stood up and lay on the carriage to ensure that the smell of smoke would be blown away by the wind before lighting the cigarette.

The girl who glared at the big guy just now hugged her schoolbag, she curled her lips and persuaded: "Smoke less, uncle, nicotine causes cancer."

Facing the ash that was about to be blown away by the wind, the big man looked at the barren and dark wilderness, and he seemed to think of something. His eyes were full of vicissitudes. I smoked, I didn't listen to her before, I always smoked secretly, and now no one cares about me."

The girl rested her chin on her schoolbag, not knowing what to say to comfort the nine-foot tall burly uncle.

He seemed distressed, but he didn't seem to need consolation.

"In the past, she asked me to smoke less so that I could live a few more years, but now it seems that it doesn't matter if I smoke more or less." The big man seemed to laugh at him and said dully.

In this world, if you live too much, you will suffer, but if you live less, it is a kind of liberation.

"You can pull it down!" The girl sneered, "There is still a chance to miss it when you are alive. When you die, you are just a pile of white bones and loess, and you don't even have any bones. If you die now, will you be worthy of those who desperately rescued you?"

The big man glanced at the soldiers who were sitting in the carriage with them, dressed in olive green and holding steel guns. Even when he closed his eyes, he did not let go of his hand. He looked at the large and small scars on their faces, and those Comrades who had died in the city and on the road, he breathed heavily.

"Yes, I can't die now, at least I have to die in a meaningful way to be worthy of the people's soldiers who rescued me."

Soldiers are a group that is exciting, reassuring and full of hope just by hearing their names.

In the face of catastrophe, they have never been afraid to back down. They fought to protect the people and protect their country and country. Even if the whole army is wiped out.

The big man blew out a cigarette, dropped the cigarette holder, and a little spark was annihilated by the wind. He was squinted by the rushing wind, and saw a different firework in the distance.

"what is that?"

The girl looked up: "What?"

"There seems to be someone ahead." The big man squinted hard to see a bunch of lights speeding in front of them.

"Is there anyone else on the way?" The girl also stood up curiously, and looked out on the side of the big man.

The speed of their car was much faster than each other, and they quickly caught up. The lights of the car shone on the small figure riding a bicycle in front of them, and their eyes widened in surprise.

Do not stop the car from the rear of the truck,

Chu Chu stopped the car, stepped on the foot support, and looked up at the military truck next to him.

Two soldiers dressed in olive green got out of the car, still holding steel guns,

Chu Chu was naturally very fond of these soldiers, so he was not angry when he was stopped.


The two soldiers saluted her, "Why are you riding on the highway alone?"

After thinking about it for a while, I told the truth: "I left the original team, so I am alone."

The two looked at each other, obviously not understanding why she left the convoy protected by their comrades: "Why?"

"I'm going to find someone, but I'm not on my way."

The two soldiers understood and asked again: "Why don't you drive a big car? Do you know that high speed is dangerous in your car? And how slow."

Chu Chu glanced at the little electric donkey beside him and was silent for a moment, "Because I can't drive a big car."


The girl who was lying on the carriage and looking down heard their conversation and couldn't help laughing.

Chu Chu looked up in surprise. The girl saw that she was looking at herself. She held back her laughter and asked her, "Where are you going? We are going to the capital. If you are on the way, come with us. It's safe for many people."

No, more people are more dangerous.

Chu Chu wanted to refute her words, but he held back.

After riding for a few months, her little electric donkey was slow and consuming power quickly. When she stopped, she glanced at it and found that there was not much power left. There was no place in front of the village or a store in the back, and she couldn't find a place to charge the little electric donkey. .

Chu Chuo thought about where she was going.

She wasn't sure where he was now, but she had heard him talk about a few places he had been to before meeting her in a previous life.

"I'm not sure where he is, but I know where he might be."

"As we go north to the capital, we will pass through many places, and we also need to stop for supplies on the way. Why don't you come with us and go to the place where you are going?" The girl sincerely invited her.

Chu Nao glanced at the configuration of their team. There were seven or eight soldiers, girls and big men, two eleven or twelve-year-old children and an old woman. Compared with the car she was in before, there were many fewer people, and it was potentially dangerous. Also less.

She agreed to their invitation to travel, but she looked at the little pink electric car that had been with her for a few months and asked sincerely, "Can you bring my car with me? I need it."

The little electric donkey was hung on the carriage and walked along with the big truck.

The girl handed her a piece of bread, sat down with her, and explained to her: "I am going to the capital to find my brother. He is a scientist at the Capital Research Institute. It is a soldier sent by the state to find and **** the scientific research family members to the capital, and the mother-in-law's daughter and the parents of the twins are also selected researchers this time."

Chu Chu looked at the burly man who was only nine feet tall among the citizens present.

"The uncle was rescued by us on the way. The soldiers who originally protected them from the evacuation died, and he was the only one left in his convoy."

"What about you? Who are you going to find?" the girl asked her.

Chu Chu: "I'm looking for my husband."

The author says:

This article is also known as "Looking for a Husband" (bushi), we will not meet soon in the early stage, but there is a male protagonist's perspective

Double life, the male protagonist has no previous life memory in the early stage