2 did not see

"I'm looking for my husband."

The girl was stunned for a moment and looked at her suspiciously: "I think you are younger than me, only sixteen or seventeen years old. You should still be studying, right? Are you married so early and have a husband?"

Chu Chu was also stunned.

Oh, he's not her husband yet.

The girl explained for her: "Is it a boyfriend? It seems that you love him very much, and you dare to find it alone at this time."

Don't young people like to call their boyfriends husbands when they are in love?

Chu Tso did not object.

"What is your boyfriend like?"

It was a long night, and finally there was a girl about the same age as him, and the girl couldn't help but talk more.

When Chu Chu recalled his death in his previous life, he couldn't help but feel a dull pain in his heart, but fortunately it was still too late.

She thought about many words to describe him, but finally said only one: "He is very strong."

"Very strong? Is it a power user?" The girl was surprised. "But the general signal was cut off soon after the natural disaster. How did you contact? How did you know he was a power user?"

Chu pursed his lips and said nothing.

He is very strong, the strongest she has ever seen.

The girl didn't ask any further, she just regarded it as a girl's brave and fearless fantasy about her boyfriend.

The ancient capital of Jiangning at this time was once a very prosperous first-tier city, but after the apocalypse, it will inevitably become an abandoned city, with broken walls and scorched earth.

Desolate and wilting, neon no longer.

In a small township county in the outer suburbs of Yicheng, which is very close to Jiangning, it is surrounded by mountains, like a natural barrier, arching the quaint villages in the middle. The mountains used to limit the development here, but now they have become shelters. .

In the whole Yicheng, only here is still a little light, like stars falling into the mountains.

All the residents gathered in the center of the village, surrounded by a besieged city that was smelted together with various reinforced animal bones and rocks. Except for this protection circle, the rest of the place has been occupied, but these seemingly weak steel besieged cities have risen. To the role of temporary defense against the invasion of monsters.

It is the star holding the moon and the turtle in the urn.

On the bluestone road where there are still dry and unwashed blood stains, a tall figure strode past, and a little white smoke would rise from the ground where the boots had stepped.

He was chasing three boys closely behind him, but because the soles of his shoes were not insulated, he walked over the scorching hot ground and kept jumping. Finally, he hopped in front of the tall figure and reached out to stop him.

"Aye, Brother Luo, the boss, the ancestor!"

Seeing the irritable face and the cold-eyed boy impatiently pushed them away, a few people hurriedly grabbed him and hung him on top of him not to let him go.

As a result, the hand that just touched him was scalded by the uncontrollable fireworks, and he quickly let go of his hand and held the blistered palm, shaking and blowing it, daring not to get closer to him.

Among them, a man with a flamboyant golden hair said: "Aye, although Captain Li's words are a bit unpleasant, we really can't stay here for a long time, and more and more monsters are infected and awakened in the mountains and forests. It's not that you can't, but we It's too tiring to rely on you alone, and it's not good to have someone from their army **** everyone to the base?"

The strongest and tallest boy among them echoed: "Yes, Brother Luo, although she doesn't speak well, she looks good... uh..."

Another boy who looked weaker jumped up and covered the mouth of the previous one, and said, "Aye, in fact, there are many people with higher positions than her in the base. She is given preferential treatment, and when we get there, she will be considered a minor character."

Luo Ye sneered: "When you go to the base, you won't be yelled at by people?"

"Ah this..."

Several boys fell silent.

They came to this ancient village from Jiangning University on weekends to play and vacation. Who knew that they had caught up with the apocalypse and had been trapped here for several months. Luckily, Luo Ye awakened his supernatural powers on the first day, and was able to protect the entire village from being attacked. Monsters slaughtered.

But they couldn't go out either. The food was almost exhausted. A few days ago, a search and rescue helicopter found them, and then Lieutenant Li, as they said, led someone to find them.

She was going to evacuate them to the base.

But the captain was a little arrogant, and he spoke to them like an order, a high-profile attitude, strong and undeniable, and just satirized Luo Ye in public at the meeting.

The irony is that Luo Ye has repeatedly refuted Captain Li's decision in the meeting. In the eyes of the people's officials, he is undoubtedly a thorn who "does not listen to discipline and does not obey arrangements".

The second reason is because of Luo Ye's ability, although the lethality is terrifying, he can't control it very well. Just like just now, when the mood fluctuates, the ability can't be controlled, and it will accidentally hurt allies, so Captain Li thinks, Even if he is recruited into the base, he is not a useful and effective power user.

If other officers in the army are arrogant like this, it seems that they don't have to force themselves to go in and get angry.

"However, even if we don't leave, the villagers hope to go to the base."

Only the soldiers are the safest and most reliable people in their minds, even if they leave their hometowns, it doesn't matter.

"Yes, the rest of the food won't last long."

Luo Ye sneered indifferently: "You follow her, I won't go."

After saying that, he left without looking back.

"Have you met my husband? His name is Luo Ye."

Standing behind the army green truck, Chu Chu summoned up the courage to leave the social fears behind, and asked people from another team that they met while supplying supplies in a city on the way.

She heard them say they escaped from Fuzhou, and she remembered him saying that he had been there before, maybe he appeared there.

"Luo Ye? We haven't heard of this person."

"Yes, he should not be in our team, and those who met on the way did not have this name."

"Look elsewhere, maybe he's still alive."

The people in the carriage answered her words and comforted her.


I thanked them at the beginning, and then rode away on the little electric donkey with a new battery.

Of course he was still alive, and he had to live to meet her.

Chu Chu rode a small electric donkey back to the cart that was parked at the gas station for supplies. The girl Xiaojing and the uncle followed a few soldiers to search for supplies, and a few soldiers stayed to protect the old woman and the twins.

"Little girl, have you heard about your man's whereabouts?"

The old woman asked Chu Tso when she came back. Everyone in the car knew that she was looking for her husband.

Chu Chu shook his head in frustration: "I met a convoy on the other side of the city just now, on a different road from us, and I haven't seen my husband on the road."

"It doesn't matter, people can find them when they are still alive." The old woman also comforted her.

Chu Chu nodded: "Well, I will find him."

After an hour, the people who went out to find supplies finally came back, but they looked utterly embarrassed and were still running for their lives.

Xiaojing supported the most seriously injured uncle and ran desperately in front, while several soldiers were behind with guns, and from time to time they turned their heads and shot at something fast moving behind. The sound of gunfire was dull, but the whole street Still shaking.

"Come on! There are variants!"

Mirror yelled at them in a hoarse voice.

The people in the car were startled, and the soldiers in charge of driving quickly started the car and quickly reversed to approach them. Xiaojing also helped the uncle to catch up, and the two remaining soldiers in the car pulled them into the car.

"Quick! Get in the car!"

Everyone shouted to the soldiers who were still shooting.

Several soldiers in the rear quickly put away their guns and ran towards them in large strides. One stepped on the carriage and kicked up. After the last person got into the car, the backward truck changed gears instantly and sprinted out quickly.

The old woman hurriedly took out gauze and medicine to stop the bleeding of the uncle who was bitten out of two holes in his waist and still bleeding. The two holes were almost as thick as chopsticks, and they were very deep. It's like cutting the waist.

The wound was bloody, and the twin sister was so frightened that she hugged her brother and didn't dare to open her eyes.

"Grass! The **** who killed a thousand knives is actually raising snakes at home!" Xiaojing's hands were covered with blood, desperately covering the bleeding wound on the uncle's waist, looking at the uncle who had fallen into a coma helplessly, the whole person was in a state of scarlet anger .

Chu Chu finally knew what caused the uncle's wound.

She looked up and saw that she was still chasing behind their truck, and her huge tail body swept away the debris on the street when she was chasing, smashing the glass doors of shops, and even destroying the walls of buildings, and her figure was hidden in the smoke and dust of its own making. , looming.

Through the dust mist, Chu Chuo saw the two scarlet eyes and **** teeth of the mutant python, and she was so frightened that she fell to the ground and her legs were weak.

Among the mollusks she fears the most, snakes are the most disgusting.

What's more, it was a terrifying and vicious giant python that swelled dozens of times its combat power after genetic mutation.

When raising pythons at home, I really don't know whether the snake is more reckless, or the owner who raises it is more reckless.