3 did not see

The uncle's blood finally stopped. Although the python was non-venomous, his injuries were so deep that he might even have his ribs shattered, and he was already in a coma. I wonder if he could survive.

Xiaojing sat down against the wall of the carriage, her blood-stained hands covered her crying red eyes, her voice choked and annoyed: "It was me who should be damned, it was the uncle who pushed me away to be bitten. …"

Since many supermarket convenience stores have been emptied by the original residents, in order to find more supplies, they can only go to the residential building to try their luck.

Who knew that as soon as they opened the door, they would see a giant python in the living room of that family, and the mutant python who had been disturbed bit down in a fury.

At a critical moment, the uncle pushed his head away from the small mirror facing Shekou, but he was bitten by the waist. Fortunately, the soldiers shot in time, and the mutant python released the uncle after suffering pain, otherwise the uncle might be directly bitten. into two pieces.

The fighters who had just finished a fierce fight sat in the carriage racing against time to rest, hoping to regain their strength as soon as possible.

"That mutant python is still chasing."

The elder brother of the twins, Xiao Yang, said with a trembling voice when he saw the monster still chasing the rear of their car with dust rolling in the distance.

This monster is obviously eyeing them, smelling the smell of blood and the smell left by it, it will never die, and it will even attract other mutant species because of the excessive movement.

"The monster's speed is too fast, it will catch up with us."

The few soldiers who just sat down and rested for a long time heard the words and stood up again, ready to meet the big python.

Chu Niao sat on her knees in the carriage. Although she has experienced two lives, she is still used to avoiding battles and hiding. It is still the oil bottle back then. She has not become very strong. At least now, she is still weak and incompetent. How strong is he because he is gone.

"It takes a headshot to kill it, it's useless to hit anywhere else."

Seeing that the bullets fired all hit the huge body of the big python, but this did not slow down its speed, but angered it even more, and Chu Chu had to remind the warriors with a trembling voice.

If it goes on like this, the people in their car will become the belly Chinese food of the python.

It's too bad. I didn't expect that reliving one life would be more dangerous than what she experienced in her previous life, and she might die faster than her previous life. She hasn't found her husband yet.

After a few people were mentioned, they changed their strategies, but it was still to no avail.

"No, it's too fast, it's shaking its head all the time, the dust is too heavy to see clearly, it's hard to hit, and its head is harder than other places, just a single hit won't kill it at all."

Chu Tso barely stood up while supporting the carriage, even his legs were trembling with fear, but his words were very arrogant: "Let me come."

While the soldiers were stunned, Chu Chu had already grabbed the sub-gun that one of them was hanging on his back. She practiced the gun with her fingers and aimed at the snake that was still twisting rapidly.

What he taught in the previous life naturally emerged in his mind, how to control the gun to track the head of the mutant beast and shoot continuously in such a situation,

She first calmly observed the extent of the snake's head and body twisting, closed her eyes, felt that he was by her side, held her hand and taught her how to shoot, how to shoot...

Opening her eyes again, she stared at Da Mang's head, only its head was in her eyes, just like a tracker was installed. The ground shot hits the same spot on the snake's head.

With precise control, no matter which direction the python twisted, she could hit it, the bullet broke through the hard skull, the python's speed suddenly slowed down, and she shot several times in a row, directly blowing her head.

In the end, the big python fell to the ground with a bang, with a hole in its head, and it was dead.

After solving the crisis, Chu Chu trembled and returned the gun to the soldier who had been completely stunned. Then, when a little adoration had just appeared in the eyes of others, she sat back in the carriage and instantly turned the light on. Sit out.

Her eyes were even more dazed than the others. The tiger's mouth holding the gun split open and bleeds because of the movement. Both hands were trembling slightly...

She thought aggrievedly with tears in her eyes, he didn't tell her that the sequelae of doing this were so big, and her hands were so painful...

In the remote ancient village of Yicheng, the sunset fell behind the mountains, the sky was dark blue and blue, and a line of birds flew into the distant mountains and forests, and the surroundings were silent.

The floor of the rooftop was still a little hot with bare feet, and I didn't know if it was the residual temperature of the sun or because there was a fiery stove next to it.

Wei Hao scratched his flamboyant golden hair, leaned on the low wall of the rooftop and looked down, looking at the blue stone road downstairs in a melancholy manner: "Aye still refuses to go with us."

Hou Jun sat on the low wall and lifted his big feet with one side of shoes and socks off. He picked the skin of his feet with his hands, and the blisters on the soles of his feet burst, revealing the tender new flesh underneath: "If I were Ah Ye, I would I don't want to go either, it's useless no matter how good you look."

"The main problem is the female officer. Her attitude is too tough, but Ah Ye eats soft and not hard, so she can only stand in a stalemate like this. If someone else is responsible for speaking and reasoning, maybe Ah Ye will agree." Zhong Wenjie retorted. He leaned against the low wall and looked up at the man sleeping on the stairwell.

Saying that, the three of them looked at the person above the well at the same time, and couldn't help calling him sadly: "Aye!"

A ball of fire landed on the low wall an inch away from them, directly burning a hole in the wall, and when you reached out, you could feel the heat like a furnace.

All three shut up at the same time.

This man is not very angry when he wakes up.

"Why are you all here?"

One person set foot on the rooftop, he wore a pair of glasses, he was polite, very literary, and his appearance was also very handsome, which made people feel friendly.

"Senior." The three of them shouted solemnly.

This person is Liu Min, the senior of their class, not their direct senior, but because he is the president of the student council, and several of them have been student council officers, they are familiar with him.

On this trip to the countryside, they came to travel, and Liu Min came to see the children he had taught when he volunteered here in the previous vacations. Unexpectedly, they were all trapped here.

Liu Min is kind to Luo Ye. He helped Luo Ye when his abilities got out of control at the beginning of his awakening.

He is also a power user, and his power is "devour". He can devour superfluous powers like Luo Ye who are overbearing and sometimes run out of control. Because he owes his kindness, even though Luo Ye's temper is stubborn and stinky, he will give it to him. Liu Min is a little bit face.

"Luo Ye, let's talk?"

Liu Min looked at the boy on the stairwell with a mild tone.

Luo Ye sat up lazily, rubbing his hot hands into the messy black hair that he slept in, looking sleepy.

The two had a brief conversation on the rooftop.

The truck is speeding at high speed.

"All the way, drink some water."

Xiaojing held a kettle to feed her water.

At the beginning of the day, both hands were wrapped into zongzi, and he could only be fed with water by raising his head like this.

Because they were chased by mutants not long ago, when the others were helpless, she had to pick up the gun. In the end, the giant python died, but her tender hands, who had never held a gun at all, also cracked and drenched blood. Very miserable.

The hand is a hand that has never held a gun, but the movement is standard, and it is very good for dealing with variants.

The soldiers were surprised by this, but when asked, she replied "by mistake."

But apparently no one believed her nonsense.

"Who taught you this marksmanship?"

Xiaojing looked at the uncle who was still in a coma and asked casually.

Chu Chu blew on the wound wrapped in gauze, frowning in pain, "He."

"He? Your boyfriend?"


"Is he also a soldier?"


"Business hobbies can teach you so well, so he should be very good too."

Chu Chu suddenly said proudly: "Well, he is amazing at everything."

I don't know, I thought I was complimenting her.

Xiaojing was a little speechless: "...I would like to call your behavior a fan girl."

A little sister who admires her "husband".

She even had some doubts about how she knew that "boyfriend" at such a young age, and even dared to travel alone to find him.

You can't be a big guy, cheating ignorant girls on the Internet, and making a hype about himself to lure this innocent girl into believing it, right?

Xiaojing thought that when she found Chutong's "husband", she must help her take a good look. After all, she was the one who saved their lives, so she couldn't watch her being kidnapped.

If it's really that kind of stubborn guy who cheats pure girls on the Internet or a scumbag of the sea king, nothing can make her deceived.

And Xiaojing didn't know these thoughts at the beginning, and the girl will always trust her crush unconditionally.

She is deeply in love with her husband.