17 found


Chu Chu was awakened by the heat, and her body seemed to be attached to a stove, so hot that she was like fried potstickers repeatedly in her dreams.

She was all too familiar with this feeling, and she used to be awakened by him from time to time.

Chu Chu tried her best to move her buttocks and wanted to leave the stove, but she was hugged so tightly that the arms that bound her waist were as strong as iron, and she couldn't break free at all.

In the end, she was accustomed to giving up the struggle, closed her eyes and touched the man's face with her feeling, and muttered sleepily, "Aye, you are so hot, please lower the temperature."

Due to the collision of supernatural powers in his body, and it is difficult for him to distinguish between hot and cold, he cannot perceive his body temperature very well, so the body temperature is often not too hot or too cold.

In a blur, Chu Chu thought they were living in a previous life, and naturally reminded him to control his body temperature.

Neither of them slept for long, and they were very sleepy.

Feeling the little hand scratching his face, Luo Ye impatiently grabbed it and clasped it on his chest.

Once unsuccessful, the first time was uncomfortably hot, and he tried to push his chin with his head that was still able to move, and called him again: "Aye..."

However, before she could finish speaking, she was hugged from the side by the man's right side and moved from the top to the left side. The tall and sturdy figure was pressed on top of her - Luo Ye turned over, and by the way kept moving around. The "pillow" is pressed under the body.

Suddenly, he was hooked on his waist and performed a projectile movement in the air. Chu Chu, who was in a daze, was awakened by the sudden weightlessness, and opened his sleepy eyes in a daze.

who I am? where am I?

Her whole body was trapped under her limbs, her head was pressed against her chin, and she was almost unable to move because of the tall man's body in her arms.

However, the man's scorching body temperature had dropped before he knew it. Although it was still a little high, it was not so uncomfortable.

Chu Tuo's head was blank for a few minutes, trying to wake up, but in the end the brain system failed to load, she gave up struggling and closed her eyes again, buried her face in the strong chest of the person in front of her, and continued to fall asleep.

The two people who have been sleep deprived for a long time hugged each other and slept very soundly. If no one disturbed them, I am afraid they could sleep for a day.

Wei Hao and his party came to the East Small Courtyard in a mighty way, but they all got into trouble when they got to the front of the house.

"Who's going to knock?" Several people looked at each other at the closed door.

At this time, it is no surprise that Luo Ye is still sleeping, and Luo Ye is a family with serious difficulty getting up, and after waking up, he often has a bad temper, which is very difficult, although they are eager to see the mysterious "little fairy" ", but no one dared to pluck the hair from the tiger's head.

"Xiao Zhou, come here."

Shao Jing encouraged the youngest weekend.

The named weekend heard the words so frightened that he jumped out five meters in an instant, hid far away, and shook his head frantically: "What a joke, Brother Luo will kill me."

Don't think he's just fooling around when he's young, he's not stupid.

Several people pushed me and I pushed you, but no one dared to take on this dangerous job, and finally Cui Yu knocked on the door calmly.

There was no movement in the house.

It's normal, if you have trouble getting up, keep knocking.

Twice, still nothing.

It was normal, even if Luo Ye slept for less than half an hour, he wouldn't be able to wake up.

Three, four, five...

They kept knocking on the door for ten minutes, and finally there was some movement in the room, and they vaguely heard voices.

The knock on the door didn't wake Luo Ye, but it woke Chu Chu.

This is Luo Ye's residence, and the person who knocked on the door knew that he didn't know him, so Chu Chu didn't respond immediately, and she couldn't get up, she was still being pinned by Luo Ye.

The people outside the house are very persevering, the knocking on the door is continuous, and I will not stop if you don't open the door. At the beginning, I had to choose to wake Luo Ye up.

"Aye, someone is knocking on the door," she said beside his ear.

The sensitive ears were blown by the warm airflow, and the man immediately itched his head to avoid it.

The movement of his dodging made Chu Chu move a little bit, scratching the itchy flesh on his body with his hands and feet, and shouted to him again: "Aye, someone is looking for you, wake up."

Chu Chu knew where scratching him would be unbearable, and after a while it made him unbearably disturbed. He barely broke free from his deep sleep and became somewhat awake, but his eyelids were drooping and he couldn't open his eyes, and his face was slightly sullen, as if he would get angry at any time. The arm clasping her waist unconsciously tightened a bit as punishment.

His voice was hoarse, with obvious anger and annoyance: "Don't move!"

Chu Chu was locked by his sudden increase in arm strength and had a backache. The knocks on the door outside were like rain, as if there was something urgent, which made her also anxious, and being treated so rudely, she felt wronged for a while, anxiously red eye.

"There is a knock on the door outside, let me go!" She stretched out her hands with red eyes to break the fingers that were fastened to her waist. The man who was not very conscious did not know how to control it. She felt that his waist was about to be cut off by him.

"Luo Ye! You hurt me!" The soft voice brought a cry because of eagerness and grievance, accusing him of the crime.

Luo Ye, who was drowsy and unconscious, was awakened by the cry. It was more effective than any wake-up method, and he didn't even need to spend time to wake up. He seemed to be punched in the face. gone.

When he woke up suddenly, he was in a trance for a moment, not knowing where he was, until he felt the unusually comfortable shape of the "cushion" in his arms and the limp hand that was still trying to pry his fingers. He bowed his head a little stiffly.

Chu Chu couldn't pry the big hand that was locked on his waist. He raised his head aggrievedly and met the man's lowered gaze. He pouted, with tears in his eyes like spring water, and his voice was aggrieved, "It hurts..."

If it was said that he was punched just now, Luo Ye now feels like he was struck by lightning.

He was stiff and motionless, and the situation in front of him was completely beyond his acceptable range: they were hugging each other intimately, both of them were disheveled, and the girl was crying and saying "it hurts", all of which made him feel like suffering Lei Pi, he couldn't remember at all whether he had done anything bad to her last night.

The fingers that could not be pryed at the beginning no matter how hard they were, loosened one by one stiffly. Facing the girl's aggrieved and accusing eyes, Luo Ye panicked uncontrollably.

He only remembered that they were lying on the same bed last night, but they were far apart. As for how it became what it is now, he couldn't remember clearly, let alone what he did.

I haven't done such absurd things in my 20 years of life, and I don't know how to deal with it. My mind is in chaos.

Unlike a man's panic and lack of control, Chu Chu just sniffed, and after he stepped back in a panic, he got up slightly and lifted the hem of the T-shirt under the bathrobe, revealing a flat belly, and he could clearly see that. There were five fingerprints branded on the slender waist, and there were some bruises around the dark red skin, which showed how hard he was pinching.

After a night of tossing and turning, the belt of the bathrobe had long since loosened and hung loosely on the body. The T-shirt inside was not fit, it was more than one size bigger than her, and it covered her slender body empty. It is too big and low, revealing a large area of ​​tender white, and further down you can see the rolling peaks.

Luo Ye looked away in time.

At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief. At the glance just now, at least he didn't see any absurd evidence of last night's crime.

Although she hasn't done that kind of thing, as a man, she knows exactly what it is. If she really does something she shouldn't, the mark on her body should be obvious.

And looking at the girl's reaction, it's probably just that he accidentally pinched his waist too hard...

"Boom boom-"

The knock on the door after a short pause sounded again, and this time Luo Ye finally heard it.

Chu Chu checked the fingerprints on her waist. Except for the pain just now, it didn't hurt as much when her fingers were removed. She put down the hem of her clothes, re-tucked the belt of her bathrobe, sat up straight, and complained, "I've been knocking on the outside for a long time. Now, no matter how I told you to wake up, it hurt me."

Her voice still has the tone of crying, soft and weak, like a milk cat, people can't help but want her to cry more...

Luo Ye stopped this dangerous and obscene thought in time.

He didn't dare to stay on the bed any longer, so he got up suddenly, but Chu Chu, who was next to him, also moved with his movements.

"My hair..." Chu Tuo painfully grabbed a strand of her long hair that had been pulled up, but fortunately she responded quickly, otherwise her scalp would have been torn apart.

Luo Ye lowered his head in a panic, just to see that the buttons and strands of hair in the middle of his pajamas were entangled. The buttons on the top had been loosened, and the black hair and the white buttons were tied together in the place close to the chest. Only then did Chu Chu also follow him to get up.

There were a lot of knotted hair, and the tangled posture was too complicated. Almost every move he made would pull on her scalp. Whether it was pulling the hair or pulling the buttons, it would be her who hurt, and she couldn't stand the pain at all, just pull it. It's just tears, and it's even worse to cut it, and I can't bear it at the beginning.

The two were deadlocked for a moment. The knocking on the door was as annoying as urging her to die. Luo Ye was so impatient that he unraveled his hair one by one. Will tug at her hair again.

Chu Chu didn't expect that he would suddenly pick him up, wrap his neck subconsciously, and tuck his legs around his waist.

A very ambiguous face-to-face hug.

Luo Ye paused, ordered himself not to think about it, got out of bed with someone in his arms, and walked towards the door.

His face was not good.

I was woken up early in the morning after I slept for less than three hours. At this moment, I was even more disturbed. I was suffocating in my heart, and I wanted to find someone to vent.

He dragged the girl in his arms with one hand, opened the locked door with the other, and looked out gloomily.

Almost as soon as the door bolt rang, the people outside scattered like birds and beasts. Cui Yu and the others retreated quickly, but Shao Jing, who did not understand the dirty routines of these people, was left behind. When the door was opened, he was still dumbfounded at the door, perfectly taking the blame.

After realizing that he had been tricked and was about to endure Luo Ye's wake up anger, Shao Jing was numb.


The routines of these dogs are really dirty!

Partnering with him as an outsider is simply not a human being!