18 found

"You hurt me..."

Luo Ye's hand accidentally pressed on Chu Tiao's waist where he had pinched red before, and Chu Tiao, who was lying on top of him around his neck and couldn't see the situation behind him, groaned in pain, and shook his waist gently, Want to wave his hand.

With her movements, her soft body was also swaying, Luo Ye's face became even worse, his palms moved down a little, and changed to drag her buttocks.

"If you move any more, go down." He gritted his teeth and warned.

Chu Chu obediently lay still.

After dealing with the pendant that was moving around on his body, Luo Ye looked gloomily at Shao Jing outside the door, who was about to escape.

Shao Jing's escape plan failed, so he could only bite the bullet and face Luo Ye with a stiff smile: "Well, the little fairy's things got off the car last night, and I'll bring them here..."

Hearing some familiar voices, Chu Chu subconsciously wanted to look back, but as soon as she turned her head, she felt the pain of pulling her hair, and she lay back aggrievedly, facing the inside of the house, unable to see when people outside looked at them That complicated look.

Cui Yu and the others, who had scattered quickly when the door opened just now, gathered again. The first thing they saw was naturally Team Luo's handsome and angry face, a familiar face, and the expected irritability and impatience.

Looking down, they saw that Team Luo, who had never been close to women, even had a little girl hanging on his chest.

The little girl's tender hands wrapped around his neck, and the thin white legs exposed from the slightly split hem of the bathrobe were wrapped around his waist. child.

The girl's long hair was swept to one side of the chest, revealing the fair neck, and there were faint suspicious red marks on it.

As they approached, they also heard the little girl muttering "You hurt me" with a weak and helpless cry.

Depend on! It's so small to be able to do it!

Simply beasts!

Facing the obvious blue color in his eyes and the stinky face that was suspected of being dissatisfied with desire, the moral bottom line overcame the fear of getting angry at him, and with trembling voices, they asked three times of morality:

"Are you an adult? Voluntary? Are you a human, Luo Gou?"

The air was quiet for a few seconds.

Chu Nao's back tightened, and suddenly it was like a light on his back, huddling and leaning in Luo Ye's direction.

Luo Ye's body froze, and then he spit out a word expressionlessly: "Go away."

Wei Hao and the others rolled swiftly before Luo Ye got angry, Luo Ye closed the door, sat on the bed patiently with drooping eyelids and helped Chu Chuo untie Jin Gui's hair.

He had never been so patient before, untying one by one, he couldn't use too much force, it would hurt her, and he couldn't break it, otherwise the squeamish guy would cry.

After finally saving the last hair that was more expensive than gold, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then took off his shirt with a few loose buttons. He never wanted to sleep in buttoned clothes again in his life.

After unraveling the tangled hair, Luo Ye fell sleepily on the bed, pulled up the sheet that was rolled out by Chu Chu last night and covered him. Before falling asleep, he urged Chu Chu with his last will, and his voice was hoarse and sleepy: "Be quiet, Whatever you do, don't make a fuss."

Then he fell into a deep sleep uncontrollably.

Chu Chu smoothed the knotted hair with his fingers, and when he heard this, he looked at him, only to see the back of his head exposed outside the sheets.

No one is born with the Great Wall of Steel. With the will of steel, the overuse of powers will bring various negative effects to the user, exhaustion, fatigue and anxiety. No matter how much ability you have, you must take big risks. The ability of the ability user It is far more complex and uncontrollable than what humans can detect at this stage.

Most of the human beings at this stage only recognize the benefits of power, and few people realize the irreversible damage it causes to the user's body and the hidden dangers of its existence.

In her previous life, she had seen the practices of many human managers, and she always felt that their practices were unacceptable. They were too eager for quick success, fishing for quick profits, and even hunting dead dogs and cooking birds to hide their bows. They used supernatural powers as weapons, and loved them like treasures when they needed them. , once it loses its value, it will be abandoned like a shoe.

Aye in the previous life didn't like the base, and neither did she.

Although she knew very little about his past at this stage, no matter what, she would protect him in this life and never let anyone hurt him.

Chu Chu cautiously climbed onto the bed, looked at his side face for a long time, and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

"Aye, I will protect you."

The man on the bed didn't hear it.

"Boom boom-"

There was another knock on the door outside the house, but the knock on the door was very soft, as if he was afraid of making a noise, he tried twice and did not continue.

Chuchu knelt down lightly and got off the bed, scratching the itchy skin on the back of her neck, where it was red, and her physique was more attracted to mosquitoes. I don't know why it's autumn, why mosquitoes are still so rampant.

The people outside the door hadn't left yet, but they didn't knock on the door again. Chu Chu guessed the other party's thoughts and walked over hesitantly.

She doesn't know anyone here except Aye. Now that Aye is sleeping, she cautiously only opened the door a little, revealing one eye to look at the people outside.

Standing outside the house was a tall, plump, mature and intellectual woman, with red lips and curly hair, and a lazy temperament. She was an out-and-out beauty.

Maybe it's been a long time, the fingertips are holding a slender cigarette, and the clouds are breathing sideways, the cold eyebrows and eyes are full of charm, and the whole person is enveloped in a gloomy atmosphere, and I can't help it when I first meet Feel amazing.

But she just praised a few beautiful women in her heart, and did not let her guard down because of this, and asked her in a low voice through the crack of the door: "Excuse me, who are you looking for?"

Hearing the sound as thin as a mosquito, Cui Yu pinched off the cigarette in her hand, and saw the little girl with eyes full of vigilance inside through the crack of the door. She smiled and pointed to the small suitcase at her feet: "You shouldn't have any. Clothes that fit, I have some washed but unworn ones here, I thought you might need them, so I'll pack them up and put them on for you."

When she came in the morning, she saw that she was still wearing an ill-fitting men's bathrobe.

Compared with other men with big nerves, Cui Yu has to be more careful as a woman.


Chu Chu really didn't change her clothes. She didn't refuse, she thanked her, but she still didn't open the door or go out.

Like a little bunny who is vigilantly guarding his den and not opening the door to strangers because his parents are away.

Cui Yu couldn't help but covered his face and laughed, thinking that this strange image of himself was not the poor and innocent little rabbit who was taken back to the lair by Luo Ye's big bad wolf.

Chu Chu didn't understand what the big beauties outside were laughing at, so he took a cautious step back and said thanks again: "Thank you, you can just put it there."

When she's gone, she'll go out to get it.

Cui Yu stopped laughing, but she could vaguely see pleasure in her brows and eyes. She didn't force the little rabbit to open the door, but introduced herself kindly: "You don't have to be afraid, my name is Cui Yu, I'm older than you, you can call me Tuo. Sister Yu, I am Luo Ye's teammate and will not hurt you."

The words "Luo Ye's teammates" made Chu Tso a good filter for her in an instant.

When she met Luo Ye in her previous life, he was alone with no relatives and friends. Later, when she was wandering or passing by the base, she met some people who knew him and seemed to have a good relationship, although he never admitted that they were Friends, but I knew for the first time that those people were very good people.

She met him too late in her previous life and didn't know much about his past. Fortunately, she was fortunate enough to participate in his life earlier in this life, and she wanted to know more about him.

Cui Yu saw that she was interested in things related to Luo Ye, and tentatively increased her stake: "Do you want to know about Luo Ye?"

To be honest, the temptation was a bit big, but Chu Tso resisted it. She shook her head and refused. She had never asked about his past when they had been together for so long in the previous life, and she didn't need to know about him from others in this life.

Cui Yu was not dissatisfied at all because of her rejection. In fact, it was right for the little girl to be vigilant. She just wanted to talk to her so that she would not be so restrained, just as a little girlfriend who helped Luo Ye take care of him. .

"Mother Zhou has already made breakfast. The restaurant is in the main courtyard. You can have some with us if you want."

Cui Yu didn't hold out hope that Luo Ye's girl could be abducted, so it was not surprising that the invitation was rejected again, but instead made her feel good about this girl.

The little girl is very smart. She is not as simple and ignorant as she looks, and she is easily tempted and abducted. She is relieved.

"Then I won't disturb you. If you're hungry, you can always have something to eat. You can ask Luo Ye to take you out to eat."

Cui Yu didn't force her, just said something understanding, and then left.

Chu Chu waited for her to leave before opening the door and pulling the small suitcase with clothes into the house.

Cui Yu is tall and slender, and the clothes she wears are a little loose, but they are much better than Luo Ye oversise's clothes, and the loose ones are better than a child stealing adult clothes.

It was still early, she hadn't slept well for too long, and the few hours she slept were not enough, but she woke up twice in the morning, and she couldn't fall asleep for the time being.

She couldn't fall asleep and couldn't wake Luo Ye, so she wanted to find something for herself to do, but the room was clean and simple enough that there wasn't even anything to let her pass the time.

She suddenly remembered that the clothes they changed last night were still left unwashed in the dirty laundry basket outside the bathroom, so she thought about washing the clothes and drying them.

She took all the dirty clothes out of the bathroom and stuffed them into the large wooden tub beside the well for laundry. Some yellowish black moss.

Water wells are common shafts. There are no reels, and it is not the kind of manual pumping well that used to be in the countryside. There is a wooden bucket next to the water. The two sides of the bucket are tied with a thick hemp rope, and the bucket needs to be put into the well. Then wait for the barrel to be filled with water and then manually pull it up.

Filling a bucket of water was a little difficult for Chu Tso. When I watched Luo Ye draw water last night, it was very easy, but it was my turn to work hard.

After the water filled the wooden tub and immersed the clothes, the trouser legs and sleeves of the clothes she was wearing were also somewhat wetted by the water from the wooden bucket.

She rolled up her trousers and sleeves, squatted down and brushed her clothes.

Although I was taught to do my own things and help my family with housework since I was a child, but before the natural disaster, I was living in a happy era, and most of the housework was done by household appliances.

Even if she lived in her uncle's house since she was a child, her aunt didn't like her very much, and she wouldn't be so harsh that she would leave her housework to do like Cinderella's stepmother. She was a day student when she was in school, and most of the clothes except the small clothes and trousers were made of Washing machine at home.

After the end of the natural disaster in the previous life, before she met Ah Ye, she had suffered a lot. No matter how squeamish people were, they would be forced to grow up, not to mention such trivial matters as washing clothes. But after being with Ah Ye, most of these things were done by him. Do, and over time, she has become hand-born.

I accidentally poured too much washing powder, and I had to rinse it many times to get rid of the foam.

The mouth of the well is relatively short, and I have to bend halfway to see if the bucket is filled with water, which causes my waist to be very sore, and the hemp rope cuts my hands, and the bucket is also very heavy. .

When she wanted to draw water again, her hand slipped, the rope fell off her hand, and fell into the well together with the bucket with a snap, and the extra well rope slipped away like a snake. .

Chu Chu didn't even have time to react and remedy, and could only watch the bucket and the well rope fall together.

She covered her face suddenly, squatted melancholy by the well, and stared at the wooden barrels floating on the water at the bottom of the well.


The author says:

Regarding the person who wakes up early in the morning, the relationship is good, but the relationship is not good, the dog's head has exploded

In fact, there are elements of gossip, and the main purpose is to care. Women who appear inexplicably and girlfriends who appear inexplicably have to be concerned about it. Care is urgent.

(Of course, everything that doesn't seem plausible is in the service of the plot - the dog's head saves his life and slips away.)

Kick Wei Hao to the stage and sing a song for everyone