23 found

When I met the chief, Luo Ye went to the chief's office and only listened to some key points. He left before General Li had finished speaking. As a result, when he arrived in the reception room, there was no one there. out.

Huo Liao hurriedly looked for it, only to ask that someone saw her walking out of the headquarters building in this direction.

Luo Ye stood there and looked at her, his eyes were deep, and there was a slightly sullen look on his indifferent face.

However, Chu Chu didn't notice this, and even the uncomfortable feeling just now disappeared for the time being. In addition to being happy, he was also happy to see him.

Immediately, she ran towards him, and timidly hid behind him for shelter.


She grabbed the hem of his clothes, feeling aggrieved like a child who was bullied and complained to an adult.

Luo Ye's expression froze, and the fire in his heart went out inexplicably. He glanced at the shivering girl hiding behind him, and then looked at the person not far away who was still squatting in pain to relieve the pain, as if he had just made a simple move. She is not the one who kicks people neatly, innocent and pitiful.

The man also saw Luo Ye, his painful expression froze suddenly, and his voice filled with deep hatred and said, "Luo! Ye!"

His expression was as if he was going to eat him.

Cao Yan never imagined that that stinky woman would be with Luo Ye. Originally, he held a grudge against Luo Ye, but now he is even more hated. Any charming thoughts just want to smash her and Luo Ye into tens of thousands of pieces.

Luo Ye didn't say anything yet, but the little girl who had just shrank behind him jumped out again, stood in front of him, and stared at Cao Yan: "How fierce are you! Believe it or not, I'll beat you!"

She can be murdered, but not her husband!

She was like a little beast baring its teeth at a bad guy, glaring madly at herself, but in fact she wasn't threatening at all.

Luo Ye, who didn't put Cao Yan in his eyes at all, looked at the head of the little man who had just reached his shoulders in front of him, and there was a slight smile in his indifferent eyes.

Just as Cao Yan wanted to scold him back, he saw Luo Ye's eyes glaring at him coldly, his back was cold, and he lost his words for a while.

Seeing that the other party didn't speak for the first time, he became more assertive. When he rolled up his sleeves, he was about to go up to make up his feet, but before he finished rolling up his sleeves, the person was picked up and taken away.

"Let's go." Luo Ye put one hand in his pocket and dragged the little thing with fried fur away.

There's no need to talk too much with such people.

Chu Chu finally gave Cao Yan a fierce look, and then was taken away obediently.

The two left the headquarters, lying on the window for the first time, and now it was quiet. She remembered the words she heard in the reception room, and her heart was entangled again.

Luo Ye glanced at the steering wheel several times, and found that she seemed to be too silent.

He watched it a few times, and when he was about to leave District 1, he braked on the side of the road and turned around.

Chu Chu noticed it immediately, she turned her head and asked in surprise, "What's wrong?"

What are you going to do again?

Luo Ye glanced at her and said in a flat tone, "Go back and find Cao Yan."

Chu Chu was stunned for a moment, then realized that the Cao Yan he said was the shameless disciple just now, she asked dumbly, "Why are you looking for him?"

Luo Ye raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Don't you want to beat him? Let you beat him." Press his head and let you beat him.

He thought she was depressed because he didn't let her beat Cao Yan just now.

In fact, he saw that she was not bullied so much that he didn't want her to provoke a talent like Cao Yan to take her away. Otherwise, even if it violated the discipline of the headquarters forbidding fighting, Cao Yan would not even want to stand out of the headquarters today.

But now he thinks it's better to let Cao Yan learn a lesson first, as long as she feels out of breath.

Now that I go back, I don't know if Cao Yan is still there, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, Cao Yan also wants to go back to the 9th district. It is more convenient for him to go directly to the door.

After thinking for a moment, Chu Chu knew what he was thinking. With a warm heart, he spread his brows and smiled: "What am I beating him for, what should I do if my hand hurts?"

She was full and kept thinking about that rotten person.

Luo Ye pondered for a moment and nodded, "I'll beat you up."

It hurts her hands when she beats him, he can do it for him.

Chu Chu laughed out loud, looking at his serious face, obviously expressionless, but she thought it was so cute, no matter when Aye was the best.

The stagnation in her heart dissipated in an instant, and at the end of the laugh, her physical tears came out. She wiped the moisture from the corners of her eyes and pouted, "I don't want to see him again, it's better to go shopping if you look for him."

What to do is to waste the time of the two worlds doing things that are meaningless and possibly unpleasant.

The first district is prosperous, relatively stable, and the weather is cool in the afternoon, and it will get dark later in the evening. Electricity is very luxurious, not everyone can afford it, and the life is not as rich as the night before the natural disaster. Instead, it is lively at four or five in the afternoon.

The first district itself is located in the most prosperous area of ​​the Drum Tower, with four vertical, five horizontal and nine connections. Among them, Jinse Avenue is the most lively. It gathers all the noise and hustle and bustle of the first district and even the entire Drum Tower, including shoppers and beauties. All kinds of people come here to have fun.

The area around Jinse Avenue is a residential area. The people living in District 1 are mostly people with abilities and soldiers. The place two streets away is a slum that is diametrically opposite to Jinse Avenue. District 1 is the most prosperous. However, it is also the place with the largest gap between the rich and the poor, so the area is mixed, harmonious on the surface, but not peaceful on the inside.

There is a pedestrian street on Jinse Avenue, where small items are sold. Because there is no practicality, there are few tourists and it is quiet and depressing.

Chu Chu was not interested in the hustle and bustle of feasting and feasting. She preferred to look at these beautiful handmade products. She took a fancy to a pendant bracelet in the shape of a ginkgo leaf and liked it tightly.

However, the first area of ​​the Drum Tower implements a point system for buying and selling. You can exchange points for items. She was brought directly to the base by Luo Ye when she first arrived. She has not yet registered, has no point ring, and has not brought any food that can be exchanged.

The bracelet only needs one point, and one point can be exchanged for a piece of bread, which is equivalent to a day's food for many people, but this decoration is worthless.

There were no points at the beginning, she just glanced at the bracelet reluctantly, and the stall owner even proposed to give a few more gifts, but she still put it down soberly.

The points obtained by the base are all rewards for merit and deeds. Every point is hard-earned money. There is no need to spend it on flashy things.

After putting down the bracelet, she was about to leave, but the stall owner was unwilling to let this order mean her one-day "meal ticket" business.

Anyone who has been able to fight in the same area until now is not a good person. At a glance, it can be seen that they are all good food and drink masters. Women should be more thrifty and rational, but men can talk more.

The stall owner guessed that the man who was with the girl didn't look like a stingy person. If he said something nice, he might buy it.

So she smiled and said to Luo Ye, who was casually swaying behind Chu Chu: "Mr. and Miss look really good, don't you give your girlfriend a small gift?"

Luo Ye raised his eyes slightly, his eyes were a little dazed. He just drooped his eyelids and wandered out of the sky, he didn't pay attention to what they said, and naturally he didn't know what the stall owner was talking about.

But he heard the "gift". He glanced at Chu Chu, who was walking in front of him, and then at the bracelet in the hand of the stall owner. She really stayed here the longest just now. After contacting him, he probably understood.

Chu Tso walked to the front and passed several stalls, only to realize later that there seemed to be no one behind him. Looking back, the person who had been following behind was gone.

What about people? How about my older husband?

The author says:

Next Chapter V

Pre-received "The Day I Worked as a Bathman for Dragon"


In the era of the Interstellar Federation, the countries jointly defeated the evil god, and they wanted to offer a young woman to the evil **** for peace.

And Xuan Yi is one of the unfortunate people who are donated.

In the splendid temple, she saw the legendary evil **** that frightened countless powerful men of the Federal Empire.

The young man sat on the throne of God, looking down at the crowd with dignity, majesty, evil and indifference, and not saying a word was enough to shock the audience

The clansmen of the evil **** thought that the federation's offering of women for peace was just a tactic to delay the army, and they wanted to kill all the women who contributed, but they were rejected by the evil god.

Then the woman who donated was sent to the place where the evil **** lived - a virgin forest

2. In the deepest water pool in the forest, Xuan Yi saw a dragon that kept rolling in the water because he couldn't wash his scales by himself.

She gave the dragon a bath, and then got the dragon's food gift

Later, alien creatures invaded, and the patriarch of the evil **** found them in front of them

Xuan Yi saw that the stupid foodie dragon she had stabbed for a long time turned into the noble and evil evil **** in the temple in front of her.

Xuan Yi: Is it too late to run now?

3. After a period of recuperation, the federation countries challenged the evil gods again

When the patriarch came to him in a panic, Xuan Yi was giving the dragon a bath

Facing the patriarch's request for the dragon to fight immediately, Xuan Yi threw the bath towel, rolled up his sleeves and hung the patriarch from the tree next to him.

Then, in the eyes of the other party who was both afraid and wanted to kill her, he slowly finished the bath, and then let the dragon leave and asked to go back early.

In a hurry to go home for dinner and his wife sleepy, the dragon came to the front line of the battlefield

Before waiting for the other party to finish his harsh words, a tail swing directly smashed the opposite ship into scum.

4. Xuan Yi is the bride of the evil god. Everyone thinks that she is a pure human being just a tool to reproduce the offspring for the evil god.

Until later, the evil **** was framed by others and fell into the underworld.

The clansmen of the evil **** have to re-elect the leader, and according to the regulations, the widow of the previous leader must die for the former leader

The widow who was forced to die for love declared his intentions, walked out of the cave with a big knife, slashed the pillar of the temple with one knife, and split the cave of buried bones with one knife, and then jumped for life and disappeared into the sky.

Soon after, the evil **** incarnated as a dragon returns with his bride on his back

Ruined the Commonwealth, burned the temple,

From now on, the stars and the sea can be your home

#That cold evil **** is actually a natural fool

#Do not disturb the dragon to take a bath, otherwise you will be at your own risk

#Don't underestimate pure human, her knife can split your skull

The apparently super strong but too cute foodie dragon vs the calmer, calmer dragon trainer