24 girlfriend

Luo Ye has been following closely behind, Chu Chu never thought that such a big man could still get lost.

But she only panicked for a moment and then figured it out. Even if she had an accident, Aye would not have an accident, so she should take care of herself first.

She didn't know if she would miss it when she went back to look for it, so she simply stopped shopping, squatting on the side of the road and waiting by the more conspicuous street signs.

She believed that Aye would come to her.

There are not many people on the pedestrian street. Two or three pedestrians can easily find people squatting on the side of the road.

She held her cheeks and looked ahead, her calm face seemed to be not afraid of any wind and waves, and she was not afraid.

She looks beautiful, with eyebrows and spring mountains, Qiu Shui Jian pupils, skin like cream, seventeen or eighteen years old, simple and immature, seemingly delicate and soft, like a delicate flower swaying in the wind, but also flexible and unaware.

Luo Ye walked slowly in front of her, and when the person squatting on the side of the road saw him, his eyes lit up, and his quiet little face showed a bright smile:

"You came."

She knew he would come.

always like this.

Luo Ye was also emotionally infected by her for some reason, and his mood improved unconsciously, his indifferent face softened a little, he took out his hand from his pocket and spread it out towards her.

In the palm of her hand, she held the ginkgo leaf-shaped bracelet that she had seen and liked very much.

Chu Chu looked at him in surprise, didn't answer, but asked him, "Did you buy it?"


At the beginning, she had a bad premonition, and she asked tentatively, "I bought it with points?"

The man replied simply and concisely, "Yeah."

At the beginning, he took a deep breath and finally asked, "How much?"

No matter how slow Luo Ye was, he could sense something was wrong, and he wasn't slow, but he didn't think he had a problem, so he frowned slightly and answered truthfully, "Fifteen."

It's just an insignificant amount to him.

He wondered if the stall owner lied to him. She didn't seem to like it as much as the stall owner said, but she didn't seem to like it.

At the beginning, he almost carried it back in one breath.

She knows it!

She knew that Aye would definitely be taken advantage of when he bought something! And he also took it for granted, never realizing that he was being slaughtered!

He spent fifteen points on things that were not worth a single point!

It's really a money-losing boy!

Prodigal man!

At first, he was almost pissed.

How could that stall owner lie to honest people!

I had an experience in my previous life.

At that time, they passed a base and stopped for two days to supply supplies. She saw some people selling pears. They were wandering in the wild. The wild environment was harsh, and wild fruits were rarely found, so she was still very rare, just asked the price. After that, she walked away without looking back.

A few ugly pears who are very ugly and small, ask the lion to speak up for ten points, she is not stupid.

Who would have thought that Luo Ye, who was wandering behind her, would buy it stupidly, and he didn't know the price at all, so he directly exchanged three catties of rice for half a catty of ugly pears.

At that time, it had been five years of natural disasters, and all the materials could be moved away. The people who supported a base no longer depended on collecting materials but planting the base to be self-sufficient.

However, rice planting takes up a lot of land, the maturity period is relatively long, and harvesting and processing is also very troublesome. Few bases can spend so much energy on widespread rice cultivation.

Most crops such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, and yam are grown to replace the staple food. The yield is easy to guarantee, and it is very hungry. Therefore, rice is very expensive. Only a few people at the top of a base can afford it.

The ugly pears were hard and sour, and only later did I know that the pears were picked in a village not far from the base. It was an old pear tree, and the fruit was hard and sour, and only children liked to pick them. , it was peeled before it was mature, it was as hard as a stone and it was sour to the teeth. It was okay for children to satisfy their cravings.

So Luo Ye was taken advantage of, but he didn't know, he thought she liked it.

What can I do at the beginning, bite the bullet and suffer.

The man you found by yourself, no matter how prosperous you are, you have to live, and you can still get away.

It's the same this time, knowing that it's not worth it, he was slaughtered, and he had to keep smiling.

I can't let him know that a big man who buys something will be slaughtered, and he will be slaughtered so hard, and he will lose face.

This is a piece of his mind, and at the beginning, he couldn't directly say that the purchase was not worth it, so he had to accept it.

Although he suffered from internal injuries, Chu Tso really liked it, and he didn't think about going to the stall owner secretly to retreat later. It is estimated that people would have already carried the stall and ran away.

Chu Chu's heart was complicated for a while, and finally showed the most beautiful smiling face, stretched out his right hand to show him, and said softly: "Help me put it on."

Buy everything, and make it more valuable elsewhere.

The gift he gave and the one he put on by himself would not be a big loss if you think about it this way.

Luo Ye glanced at her and didn't say anything. He grabbed the buttons at both ends of the bracelet, looped them around her slender wrist, and fastened the buttons. The bracelet was a little long, and there was a little more space left for a small tail, but it looked good. .

Chu Chu dialed the pendant of the ginkgo leaf, and smiled with crooked eyes: "I like it very much, thank you Aye."

Ye Xieye, she likes it very much.

And the day they officially established their relationship in the previous life was on a ginkgo avenue.

Luo Ye looked at her and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the stall owner didn't lie to him.

She likes it.

There was nothing else to see on the pedestrian street, and Chu Tso was also afraid that he would buy things indiscriminately again, so he hurriedly took people away.

When she left the urban area of ​​District 1, she seemed to see a familiar figure passing by the street, but she couldn't remember who it was or why she was familiar.

She vaguely felt as if she had forgotten something, but was quickly preoccupied with other things.

Back in District 9, Zhou's mother had already prepared dinner, and everyone was waiting for them to come back for dinner.

The dinner was still very rich, and almost all the good things were used, in order to welcome the first time to join them.

Although Luo Ye has never personally admitted their relationship, it is obvious that the relationship is not ordinary, and it can be seen from the oolong at noon that he does not care about ordinary people, and he cares about those he has never seen before. Friends, for Luo Ye, that girl is also special.

As for Chu Tso, she is naturally happy to be their new team member and be accepted by them.

Join his team, participate in his past, be his companion, fight side by side, that's what she wants.

After dinner, everyone sat and chatted under the tree in the yard. There was a solar light hanging under the tree. A few people were still playing chess. Chu Chu was watching chess with melon seeds. Luo Ye and Cui Yu were drinking tea leisurely. Mother Zhou. Knitting winter sweaters and scarves.

Because of Luo Ye's reasons, they no longer need to perform daily patrol tasks, and life in the small courtyard has become leisurely and comfortable.

But of course they will not forget this quiet time, because Luo Ye is carrying the burden for them.

On the weekend, Chu Chuo was obviously very interested in flying chess, and persuaded her, "Tao Chuo, do you want to play?"

Chu Tso shook his head while holding the melon seeds.

So he stopped asking at the weekend, and concentrated on planning how to crash one of Wei Hao's flying chess back to the takeoff field.

Luo Ye, who was drinking tea by the side, held the teacup's hand slightly.


The others apparently didn't respond to the title, they didn't know when they had learned her name, but he didn't.

Chu Chu was sitting opposite Luo Ye, noticing the way he was looking at him, he patted the shell of the melon seeds in his hand, and asked him what was going on with his eyes.

Luo Ye held the cup against his lips, lowered his eyes slightly, and repeated the two words in a faint voice: "Along?"

Chu Chu's eyes were as beautiful as stars, and there was a sparkle hidden under the lamp, she replied, "Yes."

Luo Ye didn't speak, Chu Chu just wondered for a while, and then put his eyes on the chessboard again.

Luo Ye looked at the girl sitting on the opposite side, and for some reason he felt relieved, but he had no reason to do so.

After sitting for a while, he put down the teacup and got up, and when he first saw this, he also stood up.

Luo Ye looked at her: "I'm going back to the East Courtyard."

Chu Chu also looked at him: "I know."

She only wanted to go back together when she knew that he was going back to Dongxiaoyuan.

Luo Ye motioned her to look at Cui Yu: "You live with Cui Yu."

There are differences between men and women, it is not suitable to live with him, the reputation of a girl is important, he can't get involved, and Cui Yu also agreed to live with her.

Chu Chu's eyes widened, obviously not knowing that there was such an arrangement. She looked at him hurt like an abandoned beast, hoping that he would change his mind.

It's a pity that Luo Ye didn't. He left a sentence "don't follow" and left without looking back.

Chu Tso had no choice but to sit down angrily.

Zhou's mother was soft-hearted, and she couldn't see her sad, and said, "I'm in a hurry today. When I clean up a new room for you tomorrow, you will sleep with Xiaoyu tonight."

Instead, Chu Chu felt embarrassed. She was embarrassed to say that she didn't want to be separated from Luo Ye, but said, "No need, I'll just live in a room with Sister Yu."

The residence is so temporarily fixed.

Cui Yu's room is big, and it's no problem to put another bed. At the beginning of the night, she slept alone in a bed. It was obviously in good condition. She didn't know how much more comfortable it was than living in the wild. She didn't dare to move too much, for fear of waking the other party up. She had been insomnia until the early morning, and she was drowsy and drowsy, but she couldn't sleep well.

At this time in Dongxiaoyuan, Luo Ye, who had gone back to the house early, was suffering from insomnia. He was clearly mentally sleepy, but his body was unable to fall asleep.

Always feel something is missing.

There must be something missing.

At three o'clock in the morning, Luo Ye was still fighting with his body. He was mentally exhausted, but his body was full of energy. He wanted to sleep but couldn't fall asleep. He turned over and got up to do hundreds of push-ups, but suddenly there was a rapid knocking outside the house. door sound.

"Luo Ye, come out and take a look. She has a high fever, her body is very hot, and she is still talking nonsense."

Cui Yu's voice was unprecedentedly anxious.

Luo Ye got out of bed in a hurry, and went to open the door without putting on his shirt. Cui Yu embraced Chu Chuo, who was unconscious and blushing abnormally, and his face was full of anxiety.

Cui Yu touched Chuchao's forehead again, and immediately he was so hot that he retracted his hand, and his tone was worried: "It suddenly flared up at night, I don't know how long it lasted, I took my temperature, it was already 39 degrees 2, and I took antipyretics. I put on the anti-fever stickers to cool down, but they didn't work, and she kept calling your name, she slept unsteadily, and was making a fuss about seeing you. I really had no choice but to bring her here. ."

Luo Ye looked at the sleeping girl leaning against Cui Yu's arms, the small one, her face was red with burning, her hair was wet with sweat, and she was still trembling slightly uneasy. with his name.


"Aye, don't go...don't leave me..."

"Don't... Aye, I'm not leaving..."

She seems to be trapped in a nightmare, what is there in the dream that makes her afraid of fear?

Luo Yexin tightened and felt as uncomfortable as a needle prick.

He took the girl from Cui Yu's hand and hugged him horizontally. As soon as the girl smelled the familiar smell on him, she took the initiative to climb up, shrunk herself into his arms, tightened a little bit, and sobbed in a low voice: " Aye, I'm sore."

Luo Ye nodded his thanks to Cui Yu, closed the door, and carried the girl to the bedside, but just as he was about to put it down, he was hugged into his neck and clinging on, and he refused to let go.

"Don't!" She was very resistant, afraid that the person she was looking for in her dream would disappear after she released it.

Luo Ye's heart also ached. He wasn't sure if she could hear his words, so he put it in a gentle tone and asked tentatively: "Good, let go first, where does it hurt, let me see?"

Chu Chu was so confused that he could hear his voice, clinging to his neck and crying, vaguely: "Aye, will I die?"

"You'll be fine." Luo Ye said decisively.

"Aye, don't go."

"Don't go."

"Don't leave me."

"Don't lose it."

"Aye, I'm so hot..." She shouted again in a daze, about to pull off her clothes.

Luo Ye's pupils shrank slightly, his eyes panicked for a moment, but he quickly calmed down. He hugged her tightly to prevent her from moving, urging his supernatural powers to lower the temperature on his body, and his brows soon covered with a layer of coldness. Frost.

Chu Chu liked the cold, and put her hot face on him to cool down, but this was only a temporary solution, not the root cause. Her body was so hot that she quickly put her limbs on him to cool down.

Luo Ye held her tightly, and he couldn't let go.

After a while, she started shouting cold again, so cold that her teeth chattered and her whole body trembled. She wanted to push Luo Ye, who was like an ice cube, but was reluctant to push it away. What is going to rush out of her body, and the collision makes her limbs and bones ache, and the pain is unbearable.

Luo Ye raised her body temperature again to keep her warm, and so on and so forth, until dawn, and there was no sign of improvement in her early condition.

Cui Yu didn't know, but Luo Ye knew that Chu Nao's state was not a simple fever, but a precursor to awakening powers.

High fever, cold and heat, alternating hot and cold, or pain in the muscles and veins all over the body, unbearable hunger, such as never having enough to eat, etc. These symptoms vary from person to person.

Awakeners of supernatural powers often have to experience inhuman torture, sometimes for a day, sometimes three or two days.

In light of this, he will become mad and become a crippled person, in serious cases, his muscles and bones will be broken and blood vessels will burst, and his body will die.

Most people in the world only know that those with supernatural powers are powerful, but they don't know the dangers that they must go through.

Cui Yu and others came once in the morning and asked outside the door if they wanted to invite the doctor, but Luo Ye refused in a hoarse voice.

Awakening of supernatural powers is a gate of hell, and he can only break through by himself, and he can do nothing but give her a little help when she is uncomfortable.

At the beginning of the day, he burned very badly, and his reaction was even more intense than when he woke up at the time. Ordinary people have long been burned foolishly.

Two days have passed, and her heat symptoms have not subsided. The pain is not always there, but the pain lasts for a long time. Her body seems to be about to explode, and her consciousness is blurred.

She gripped Luo Ye's shirt uneasily with her fingers, and pressed her chapped lips against his neck. The two consecutive days of inhuman torture made her very weak, and she had no strength in her body.

As long as she entered the "awakening period", Luo Ye held her and boiled for a long time, without dripping water or closing his eyes, but he never let go from beginning to end, and he gently comforted her from time to time when she was uncomfortable.

Chu Chu was sometimes awake, but the pain in her body left her with no extra strength to do other things.

She has always been an ordinary person in her previous life. In this life, she may have changed her experience in her previous life, so that she can awaken her supernatural powers.

I just don't know if this change is good or bad.

She had seen with her own eyes the only little boy who survived with her after being kicked out of the car at first. After the awakening ability failed, the blood vessels in the whole body were ruptured, and no part of the skin was intact. In the end, he exploded and died. fear.

She was afraid that she was the same, and she didn't want Ah Ye to see herself like that.

She struggled slightly to push Luo Ye away, but she was hugged so tightly that she couldn't move.

Her voice was hoarse: "Ugly..."

In a word without beginning or end, Luo Ye miraculously understood what she was worried about. He thought of her possible situation, and his heart was tingling with dense pains. He had helplessly watched her lose her desire to survive. A sense of despair filled his heart, and his tone was firm: "You won't become like that, nothing will happen."

I don't know if she heard it or not, but she fell into a coma again, fighting a new round of struggle with her body.

These few days have been very tormenting for everyone, knowing that it is dangerous, but unable to stop, knowing that she is in pain, but unable to do anything.

Luo Ye had awakened his supernatural powers when the natural disaster came. Although it was equally dangerous, he only had to endure it for one day, but it took him three days for his first journey.

The night was silent, the crescent moon fell on the ancient well in the courtyard, and the door to the east courtyard was closed for three days.

Luo Ye felt that the person in his arms gradually calmed down. He could not sense the other person's body temperature, but he could see that the blushing on his body had faded. His lapels, face buried in his arms, breathing steady.

The awakening period passed smoothly.

The nerves that had been tense for several days suddenly loosened, and suddenly there was some dizziness in front of him.

Fortunately, she was fine.

"Aye..." she called him in her dream.

"Huh?" The man replied softly.

The arm that remained motionless has long been stiff, and at this moment, it trembled when he moved slightly, but he was still reluctant to put the person down.

In the sweet dream, the girl rubbed his warm skin unconsciously, and then fell asleep in peace.

The man lowered his eyes slightly, looked at her peaceful sleeping face, suddenly lowered his head involuntarily, and kissed her sweaty hair.

He always seemed to be inexplicably unable to control himself, starting from the sudden appearance of this girl.

When I saw her, I felt a sudden strange feeling in my heart, I couldn't bear her sad heartache, I couldn't resist her coquettishness, I saw her grievances and my heart softened... And at this moment, the urge to kiss her.

The author says:

Luo Ge will recover his memory, and even if he has no memory, he will instinctively fall in love with Tso Tso

We are a time-honored brand of sweet pets, no abuse or dog blood