25 girlfriend

Chu Nao had many dreams, all about her past life, and most of her life in the second half of her life was related to him.

He is also the closest and most willing person in her life besides her relatives, so even though many years have passed, every memory when she first met him is still very deep.

At the beginning, Luo Ye's temper was really cold and he really didn't have much empathy. Although he didn't react to a tail behind him, he didn't care at all. Leave on your own. Yihua

Chu Chu is not a strong person. When she was very young, her parents had special jobs, and her grandfather always took her. , Later, her parents died unexpectedly, and her grandfather died a few years later, so she was taken away by her uncle.

Her parents and grandfather have left her a large amount of property. She is not worried about money, she doesn't get much care from her uncle's house, and she never treats her badly. Besides, she has a cousin who protects her. How much suffering, the greatest suffering is probably in the first year of the natural disaster.

Luo Ye rescued her, and she followed him, even if he was eccentric, withdrawn and indifferent, and not easy to get close to, she still followed him with all his heart.

She has no life experience. She brings a hero filter to the person who saved her, and thinks that he is the best. Even if she is treated indifferently, she firmly believes that he is a good person.

Only occasionally, there are times when the grievances are too bad.

Following Luo Ye usually won't encounter any danger, it is much safer than being alone. Although Luo Ye doesn't care about her, he is familiar with the wild and can usually avoid those dangers. As long as he can keep up with her at the beginning, there is no need to worry about safety issues. .

Fortunately, Luo Ye had no destination at that time, wandering aimlessly in the wild, occasionally finding a place to stop for a few days, or looking for mutants to vent his anger when he was in a bad mood.

Chu Chu was afraid that he would run away. Even if she was afraid of mutants, he would still follow him wherever he went. He went to fight mutants, and she would find a safe place to hide and wait for him to finish before going out.

But after all, she has no experience. She was lucky and missed the first few times. Once in a ruined city occupied by mutants, she habitually found a hidden place to hide, just waiting for Luo Ye to let out his anger. leave.

There is a word called "Son of Heaven's Chosen". She never thought that her luck would be so "good". A random hiding place would be the entrance to the mutant's lair. By the time she found it, it was too late.

The terrifying variant was attached to the back of her head, her neck was too stiff to move, and her back was soaked in cold sweat for a moment. When people were in extreme fear, their minds were blank, and they couldn't even make the basic reaction to escape. .

It's not that she hasn't been attacked by mutants, but this is the closest to death. The mutant's claws are only a millimeter away from her neck, and if she gets a little closer, she can cut her neck.

She was ready to die, but in the next second, a long sword made of flames pierced through the mutant's head. In the corner of her peripheral vision was a light scorched by the flames, so dazzling that she couldn't control it. Live in tears.

The mutant's heavy body was pressed on her back, making her chest tight and short of breath, all the grievances rose to the top, and the tears that she had not cried for a long time rustled down.

She saw that he had been guarding nearby because he knew it was not safe here, and he had been waiting for this moment when she hid in, and he was well prepared to take action at the critical moment.

He didn't remind her to save her when she was about to die, it wasn't for the hero to save the beauty, and it wasn't for the discovery of conscience, he did it on purpose, to make her afraid and let her retreat, it's better to stay away from him .

He pulled out the sword that was still burning with red flames, glanced at her, and his voice was as cold as ever: "Next time, you won't have such good luck."

Next time, he won't save her again.

The first time I understood it, I was even more sure that he did it on purpose.

"There is a base 60 kilometers northwest of here. If you are lucky, you can start now and arrive before dark."

After he finished speaking, he split open the entrance of the lair and jumped into the surging tide of mutants, blocking all the mutants at the entrance of the cave, and the flames burned for an unknown time.

Chu Chu pushed away the variant that was pressing on her body with great effort, raised her sleeves and wiped her tears, stood up, and walked out of this broken city that clearly scared her but came in bravely.

The grievances of being treated coldly by him have accumulated to a certain value, and no matter how many filters are broken, she is not a person without temper, and she really left.

Isn't the base bad? It's definitely better than following him. Don't face his cold side, and don't always worry about a mutant appearing behind you.

It's only 60 kilometers, and if you are lucky, it will take half a day.

Didn't he drive her away, she was not a faceless person.

He is bad-tempered, cold-tempered, and not good in anything. He is not a hero. The last time he saw people who were trapped, he could stand by and watch. What are you missing.

When I was wronged, I felt that I had never been so sensible, that I had gone too right, someone with a little backbone should have left long ago, and it was nothing to be disliked by others like a dog's skin sticking to plaster.

At that time, the spring was cold, and I had just walked seven or eight kilometers. When the cold wind blew, my tears dried up, and people were cowardly.

There is a 50-kilometer journey ahead, and she doesn't know what she will encounter on the road. She has a bad sense of direction in the wilderness. Behind her is the person who just decided to give up. In less than two hours, her backbone is gone.

In the early days of the war between heaven and man, the little angel said, "If you stay in the green hills without fear of running out of firewood, you should be counseled. Anyway, this is not the first time you have been embarrassed in front of him, and face is not important." The little devil on the other side said again "He dislikes it so obviously, don't you have any dignity? Do you want him to look down on you?"

Little Angel: "It wasn't the first day that he disliked you, what if he disliked you a little more! You only saw him drive you away, why don't you think about why he drove you away? Be confident, he is worried that you are dangerous to follow him. "

Little Devil: "Don't be slapped in the face because you are too affectionate. He just dislikes you for being weak and eating too much vegetables, which will hold him back."

Little Angel: "Without you, he was injured and no one would bandage him!"

Little Devil: "Will he dislike the dressing technique that your dog dislikes?"

Little Angel: "How lonely he is to wander alone."

Little Devil: "Your presence will only burden him."

Chu Tuo squatted down holding a schoolbag that only contained a little water and jerky, and struggled with his face covered.

There is no sun all day today, the sky is gray, still cold, cool and shady, alone in the wild, just thinking about it alone can be scared half to death.

She was cowardly, she was sure that she would not be able to get to the base before dark.

Heaven and man fought for half an hour, and finally the little angel kicked away the little devil who was still justified. She stood up and ran wildly on the road while holding her schoolbag.

When she thinks about it, she will rely on him!

She was afraid of death, she was spineless, she wanted to follow him.

It doesn't matter if he is disliked, she will try to make him not so disliked, at least, she can talk to him when he is sitting alone, although she is always talking, and he looks impatient.

Chu Nao ran back to the cave where they temporarily settled the day before yesterday. She wasn't sure if he would come back here after he left the ruined city, but she didn't know where else to find him besides going back here and waiting. She had already left. In more than four hours, according to his speed, the mutant lair in that city had already been annihilated by him. He was very strong, and she always knew it.

It was getting dark very quickly. It was just five o'clock when the forest was mostly dark. She went back to look for the cave according to her memory. The forest was covered with a thick layer of fog, and the vision was not good. .

The forest is not safe, and the cave where they live is not safe, only his side is safe.

Without lighting, she tripped over a vine, was scratched by a branch when she fell, and her face was burning with pain. She wanted to cry again, but she knew she couldn't, and she couldn't stand a little setback. In this world, it's time to Nowhere to live, let alone choose to follow him.

One shoe was dropped, her clothes were scratched, and there were beads of blood seeping out from her face. She tore off the torn clothes and covered them with force, afraid that the smell of blood would attract the mutants.

He says he won't save her next time, so she has to be vigilant and protect herself.

After finally finding the cave, he saw a faint fire in the cave from a distance. He came back and was making a fire.

She stood there and hesitated for a moment, some did not know how to face him, she was driven out like this, and she came back with shame, it was too shameless.

After dark, the mountains and forests were very cold. There was a big hole in her clothes, and the cold wind poured into it. She squatted down with her arms clasped and rolled herself into a ball.

Either stay out of the cave tonight, or wait until he falls asleep and then go in, and tomorrow you can just pretend nothing happened, or come out before he wakes up, stay behind and don't meet him .

She thought very beautifully, but she forgot to be vigilant like him, she could detect the slightest disturbance, let alone such a big living person.

The little light in the cave was burning brighter and brighter. The most convenient thing about living with him in the wild was that he didn't have to worry about the fire, which looked very warm.

Chu Chu rested her chin on her knee and stared at the fire, her hands were frozen from the cold, and she regretted how she was so innocent at the time, and she didn't think about how long she would be able to live without him now. , to endure until she is closer to the base before leaving.

For a distance of 60 kilometers, there is no map and no sense of direction. It is impossible to think about it by walking.

What he said is that if you are lucky, you will come, but if you are not lucky, you will die.

The firelight illuminated the cave, and his shadow was printed on the cave wall. He was slender and tall, strong and tall, and he felt very safe when he looked at it.

Chu Chu took a deep breath, hesitating whether to go in or not.

As she was struggling, a rustling voice suddenly sounded behind her. She had just experienced the variant veneer, and her back was so shocked that she hugged her head almost in shock, and called out to him: "Luo Ye! Help!"

She forgot that he said he would not save her again, and all the awkwardness just now. At the first moment of danger, she instinctively called out his name, thinking about him, and relying on him wholeheartedly.

The moment she shouted, an arrow turned into flames shot out of the cave and stabbed the living creature behind her precisely.

At the beginning of the trembling, he didn't dare to look back, and the man sitting in the cave came out of it.

She saw the shadow on the ground approaching, gradually disappearing in a place with no light, walking in front of her, passing by her side, bending over to mention something, and walking back to the cave.

Chu Chu looked up and saw what he was holding in his hand - a dead rabbit.

She covered her face in shame.

That rabbit is five times the size of an ordinary rabbit, and it is also a mutant species, but there are also different types of mutants. Compared with those super mutants that are covered with hard armor and look terrible, this kind of "small animal" only grows in size. "Not only does he not have much offensive power, but he is also very afraid of people.

Probably not to attack her just now, but to flee in a panic after finding her.

Mutated species can be eaten. Not only is it harmless to the human body, but the meat is even more delicious. Some of them have special effects. Generally, as long as there is a variant that can be eaten with meat, it will be transported back to the base for consumption after being killed. This is already common sense. After all, food There is a shortage, as long as it is confirmed that the meat of the variant can be eaten, there is nothing impossible.

Luo Ye quickly dealt with the rabbit, peeled off the fur, peeled off the belly, buried the internal organs and other items with soil, and then carried the rabbit the size of a small suckling pig back to the hole and skewered it on the rack.

He is very skilled at making these. As for the taste of barbecue, she has eaten it, and it is not delicious, but it is seasoned and sprinkled with salt, there is no strange taste, it can be eaten, and there is nothing to ask for in the wild.

She was still squatting there, and he didn't even look at her when he passed by.

After the meat is roasted for a while, the aroma comes out.

She didn't eat rabbit meat before, but now with her eyes closed, she dares to eat any kind of weird meat, as long as it's cooked.

The meat of the mutant rabbit is fresh and tender, and the outermost layer of meat will soon be cooked. He uses a small blade to come down and continue to roast while eating.

He smelled the fragrance at the beginning, and thought pitifully, he was really ruthless.

But she's used to it.

He didn't care about her, but during the time she followed, there would be some leftovers at the end of each meal. He didn't say anything, but Chu Chu was very conscious.

He never wastes food.

It was the same this time. He left a rabbit leg at the end, which was just enough for her to eat.

He got up and walked out of the cave, going out to inspect.

It's not completely safe here, and he needs to patrol every night before going to bed to increase his vigilance.

Chu Chuo rubbed his cold face from the wind, slipped into the cave, ate the rabbit meat, and added a few handfuls of firewood. Before he came back, he lay back to the place where he slept, turned his back to the hole, and decided to play dead to the end. .

It's too cold outside.

It was probably a day of fright and running around, she was a little tired, and fell asleep before he came back.

She had a dream that she became a rabbit and was roasted on the fire...

wake up.

In the dream, the indifferent and ruthless man was lying beside her with his eyes closed, his breathing was slow, his sleeping face was calm, and the temperature on his body was scorching hot, which was the culprit of her being roasted in the dream.

She traced his features with her eyes.

So lovely.

Although Ah Ye is just as cold now, he is much easier to get along with than he who had no companions in his previous life.

She likes him in the past life, and she likes the present.

It's all him, the best of him.

She yawned, hugged his sturdy waist and fell asleep again.

Just after the awakening period, it is the most exhausting time.

She went on with that dream again, but this time she wasn't roasted, she turned into a rabbit and jumped up and down in the forest...

The sleeping man suddenly felt a little short of breath, and something furry was harassing his face, itching.

He raised his hand and grabbed something from his face, squinting his sleepy eyes to see—

White, fluffy, fat, with two drooping rabbit ears.

When did he have a stuffed doll on his bed?

He unconsciously pinched the rabbit's soft belly with his fingers, feeling strangely comfortable and warm.

He squeezed his soft belly again, this time with a little more strength, and then the rabbit doll suddenly hummed.

The rabbit doll opened its red eyes, rubbed its small forelimbs humanely, opened his mouth, and shouted softly, "Aye..."

The hand holding the rabbit's neck shook, and the human-speaking rabbit fell back to his face with a snap, and the fluffy fluff covered his face.

Luo Ye suddenly woke up with fright.

The author says:

two more

Comment on red envelopes within 24 hours as usual, let me see how many little rabbits there are