26 girlfriend

Luo Ye sat cross-legged on the bed with his eyebrows pinched, and opposite him was a lop-eared rabbit squatting and scratching his ears.

When I woke up, there was a rabbit spirit that could speak human words on my face, and it was impossible to say that it was not frightened.

Luo Ye lowered his hand, rubbing his eyebrows, and stared at the rabbit who was sitting on the bed propped up with a pillow.

Rabbit Bentao was also very confused. When she found out that she had really become a rabbit, she was no less frightened than Luo Ye.

She looked at her fluffy claws and scratched at her long ears, and when she looked back, she saw the short round tail curled up behind her buttocks. She fell back and slumped on the pillow.

She must have not woken up yet.

Luo Ye held her by the back of her neck and brought her up to his eyes. Looking at her red eyes, he asked tentatively, "How far?"

Chu Tuo kicked his legs and pretended to be dead, never admitting it.

But Luo Ye was already convinced that it was her, otherwise how could he explain why the people who were sleeping beside him were gone, and there were more rabbits who could only talk.

"Is this your power?" he asked again.

Chu Chu continued to pretend to be dead.

She didn't want to admit it, but it was indeed a power she had just acquired.

She hasn't figured out what the ability is, but turning into a rabbit must have something to do with the ability.

Although the ability to become an animal is special, it is not uncommon. In addition to those with elemental power like Luo Ye, there are also various types of power users. Those who can change color like evasion, and those that can be transformed into half-beasts, the ability of superpowers is all kinds of strange, only you can't think of them without him.

Among them, the half-beastization ability is more common, and it is quite similar to the current ability of Chuchao, but people are half-beastization, she is full animalization, and the genes of other people's animalization are either bears and lions or tigers and leopards, or strong attack power or fast.

And she, the beast gene is a rabbit.

What's the use of this shattering power? Do you make a living by selling cuteness?

She thought that she would die if the power awakening was unsuccessful, and that the power might not be very strong, but she never thought that it was not only not strong, but also outrageously weak.

Is her ability reverse-evolved?

No sharp claws, no armor, and even the size of a normal rabbit. It may not be able to beat the mutant rabbit and pig. It is really too weak.

She raised her paws and secretly wiped away the tears that didn't exist, her red eyes looked at Jun's face, which had been magnified many times in front of her, and thought out of time—

The husband in the eyes of the rabbit is also very handsome.

After the nympho, she still had her legs hanging down and was held by her neck, just like a bunny with no love.

She originally thought that even if she couldn't help him in this life, she couldn't be a burden to him, but her ability was obviously contrary to her wishes.

What can a fluffy rabbit do?

Can't move the bricks.

I don't know if this beastization can be controlled.

The villain in Chu Chu's heart has begun to carry the package and prepare to leave home.

I was thinking nonsense, and then found myself being dragged by a pair of big hands, rubbing comfortably on my back.

The man lowered his head, with a somewhat gentle expression in his idle expression. He dragged her hind leg with one hand, and the other hand began to smooth the hair from the head to the back. The rabbit's hair was soft, fluffy, and soft to the touch.

Chu Chu was very comfortable to be rubbed at first, but gradually she felt weird. She is now a rabbit, but she is also a human being. His stroking is equivalent to touching her directly. At first, the rabbit felt more Intense, but as soon as she started thinking, she felt a tingling in her spine and an uncontrollable heat and redness of her skin.

Fortunately, she had hair to block her.

She hurriedly kicked her legs and jumped out of his hands, jumping away like she was running away.

She was afraid that Luo Ye would come to catch her again, rubbed against the bed in one breath, and then hesitated at the height that was equivalent to a small cliff for a rabbit.

To jump or not to jump? The animalized form has broken her legs, will she also break her legs when she changes back to human form?

She turned around and saw the man leaning against the head of the bed lazily, watching her jumping with interest.

Chu Chu: "…"

She withdrew her tentative feet and decided to pretend to be a normal rabbit.

She lay down, shivering.

Rabbit was timid and now she is a frightened rabbit.

Seeing that she was still pretending, Luo Ye let out a low laugh, raised his hand to grab the rabbit back, and rubbed the rabbit's bushy chin with his fingers.

"The claws are not big, but the temper is quite big."

The rabbit bowed his head, and the front teeth bit his fingers.

This is neither painful nor itchy for the man, let her grit her teeth.

After biting it for a while, Chu Chu released it, and even licked the teeth marks from the bite, reluctant to let him hurt.

Luo Ye squinted his eyes, leaned against the head of the bed and followed the fur on the rabbit's back, and teased her again after a while, causing Chu Chu to chase after him and bite his fingers.

The man was so naive sometimes that he seemed to treat her as a toy, as well as a hand warmer, which he held and kneaded for a long time.

At first, she couldn't take it anymore, and kicked her legs to escape the claws again. This time, she learned to be smart and slipped down the sheets hanging by the side of the bed. She grabbed the sheets with both claws, but finally found that the sheets were not long enough to hang halfway. No less.

She kicked her legs to find a place to land, but she couldn't get to the bottom. Just when she was about to give up her free fall, a hand stretched out from the bed and lifted her to the ground with a light lift—Luo Ye also got out of bed.

Chu Chu jumped towards the door, panting to the door, and the man behind him slowly walked over to open the door.

Rabbit raised his head and looked at Luo Ye at his current height. He was undoubtedly a giant in Rabbit's eyes because of his superior height. As soon as the giant's long legs crossed, he would step over the threshold. Rabbit was silent for a moment, then jumped up and bit his trousers. , and hitch a ride across the high threshold that was very difficult for her.

Luo Ye lowered his head and picked her up in a funny hug. Chu Chu didn't struggle any more and was carried away obediently.

The first time I made a rabbit, I realized that the distance and height in the eyes of the humanoid were an adventure "over the mountains" for the rabbit.

Luo Ye came to the well with the rabbit in his arms, put the rabbit on the stone pier, filled a bucket of water, washed himself first, and then grabbed the rabbit to help her rinse her mouth and brush her teeth.

Rabbit is born without love jpg.

Luo Ye wet the towel, and the rabbit consciously brought his face over and wiped his hair until it was shiny and soft.

The man stretched out his hand, and the rabbit naturally jumped to his palm.

The rabbit has given up on himself, and the rabbit decided to be a well-behaved and smart "pet".

The main courtyard is preparing lunch. During the awakening period of the first-time supernatural ability, the others only went to the east courtyard on the first morning, and they did not dare to disturb the rest of the time. , when it is good, you can eat it anytime.

Coincidentally, today is the day when the base uniformly distributes food. Because of Luo Ye, the food they distributed is generally more abundant than other teams. Today, there is an extra cage of mutant rabbits, a total of three, from the headquarters. batch.

As a variant, the mutant rabbit not only has the same appearance as ordinary rabbits, but also has more delicious meat. As one of the first edible varieties of the technical department, the number of mutant rabbits is rare, and it is difficult to find. It is difficult for others to see it once. It's Luo Ye. If there is anything good at the headquarters, he is close to him. I don't know how many people are jealous of this.

The mutant rabbits are also called rabbit pigs. One is as big as a suckling pig. Zhou's mother made a spicy rabbit meat for lunch.

The others were sitting in the yard chatting, when they suddenly saw Luo Ye, everyone was obviously surprised.

Luo Ye finally came out, does that mean that the distance is all right?

"How's it going?" Cui Yu asked the question everyone wanted to know the most.

Luo Ye tilted his head and glanced at the rabbit who was squatting on his shoulder and was going to dress up to the end, but he didn't pierce her, and found a suitable excuse: "It's all right, I'm still resting."

When everyone heard him say this, they no longer doubted.

As long as you go through the awakening period, there will basically be no more danger, and the awakening period requires a lot of energy, and it is normal for the newly awakened to feel tired.

Just as Zhou's mother finished the last dish, everyone moved to the dining table, Luo Ye sat down in his place, and put the rabbit on his shoulders on the table next to him.

This action successfully attracted everyone's attention. His family was wearing a white shirt today, and the rabbit had been squatting on his shoulders motionless. It looked like an ornament from a distance. Now he held the rabbit down, everyone It turned out to be a real rabbit.

He squatted on the table very humanely, his small red eyes twitched, and his two drooping long ears fluttered like a small plane, his three-petaled lips moved gently as if he was smelling a fragrance, and his white fluffy was soft and fluffy. It's so cute, and it immediately captured the hearts of all boys and girls.

Sitting next to Luo Ye on weekends, his eyes were worth it when he saw the rabbit. He walked around Luo Ye, crawling on the table, wishing to put his face on the rabbit, and looked at Luo Ye in surprise: "Brother Luo, when will you raise it? A rabbit?"

Both are rabbits, but there are still some differences. The rabbit and pig that came to the dining table are comparable in size to a small suckling pig, with huge front teeth, which are insulated from the word cute.

Human beings are sometimes very double-standard, eating spicy rabbit heads while praising the cuteness of another rabbit, and their love is beyond words.

Luo Ye leaned back on the chair leisurely, looking at the rabbit with a smile in his eyes: "Just raised today."

"Is this also a mutant rabbit?" The weekend was curious, is it because the species are different, so the direction of mutation is also different? Some evolve horizontally, while others evolve sprouting.

"Well, probably." Luo Ye mumbled.

"Do rabbits eat radishes? I'll go get radishes to feed them!" On weekends, he was the youngest here.

Luo Ye didn't say anything, but Zhong Wenjie reminded: "In fact, rabbits mainly eat hay, carrots are cold food, and the immunity of small rabbits is low. Eating carrots can easily lead to diarrhea and other symptoms, and even cause the death of rabbits. , to feed the radishes, you need to dry the water, I remember that Zhou's mother had some radishes to make dried radishes before."

Wen Yan scratched his head on the weekend. He really didn't know this. He got into the kitchen and quickly came out with a handful of radishes. Then he put the sun-dried radish in front of the rabbit and looked at it expectantly.

However, the rabbit didn't even look at it, walked to Luo Ye, glanced at him, stretched out his claws and grabbed the chopsticks in front of him, then pointed to the spicy rabbit meat in front of him and motioned him to clip it for himself.

Luo Ye raised his eyebrows slightly, and hilariously gave her the tenderest piece of rabbit meat, and then she sat on the table, holding the piece of rabbit meat and nibbling at it.

Others are still shocked by her humane actions, and they are too shocked to say what to say.

Good guy, rabbits eat meat, or spicy rabbit meat.

Sure enough, the rabbits raised by Luo Ye are not ordinary rabbits, I am willing to call the rabbit boss.

After the shock over the weekend, he couldn't help reaching out and wanted to touch Boss Rabbit, but Boss Rabbit seemed to have eyes on his back, and he jumped away before he could touch it.

Chu Chu jumped into Luo Ye's arms, looked at each other vigilantly, still holding the piece of meat in his hand, looking so cute that it made people feel more and more itchy.

With a smile in his eyes, the man stroked the fur on her back one by one, in a lazy tone, but it wasn't hard to hear the possessiveness that even he didn't know: "She's afraid of life."

The implication is that no one will touch him except him.

The author says:

We didn't save the manuscript, and started naked. Running to TVT

Plus it depends on the status of the day, garbage hand speed, snail speed, the tentative update time is 9 o'clock in the evening, sometimes it may be delayed due to various things, and it will be updated before 12 o'clock at the latest

There are a lot of things to do in the New Year. If it has not been updated after eleven o'clock, you don't have to wait. I will put up a leave request before eleven o'clock.

We usually change every day, but in fact, we can't guarantee everything when we are in a hurry. I hope the little angel understands and loves you.

There are a lot of bunnies today, but I won't count them all. Thank you for your support