28 girlfriend

People who have raised rabbits, especially female rabbits, may have had such an experience, and the female rabbit will have a false pregnancy.

Luo Ye would know because his step-brother had raised two rabbits when he was a child, both of them were females, but suddenly one of them was pregnant, and his step-brother even showed him off, and it was only a few days." The bastard" was gone, and it was only after asking the vet that it was a false pregnancy.

Ineffective fertilization or hormonal stimulation can lead to pseudopregnancy in female rabbits, and pseudopregnancy in rabbits is quite common.

It was probably because of the influence of the rabbit gene that these strange reactions occurred at the beginning, but she was affected emotionally and behaviorally. She was still very awake intellectually. She knew what she was doing and knew that she was not really pregnant, so Valerian Zhu The nest is doing it secretly, and I dare not let him know.

After all, the reason for the false pregnancy is quite shameful.

She grabbed her ears and covered her eyes, trying to cover her ears.

Luo Ye grinned, dragged her with one hand, took off a little bit of grass on her back, and teased her: "It's uncomfortable to sleep in the room, do I need you to build a nest? Or are you going to sleep in it tonight?"

Chu Chu covered his eyes and shook his head again and again, that was still not enough.

Building a nest is a rabbit instinct, but she prefers to sleep with him.

Luo Ye didn't go in, anyway, leave some privacy and secrets for the little rabbit, otherwise she will be irritated, and the rabbit will bite people.

This has just passed, Luo Ye didn't mention "pregnancy" at all, which made Chu Tao relieved, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

At night, she was so focused on building the nest that she didn't have the heart to eat. Now that the matter was exposed, she didn't need to continue to sneak around, and her stomach began to protest.

Fortunately, they are not short of food now. There are still a lot of meat dishes in the kitchen. Zhou's mother kneaded and fermented the noodles in the evening. She had to wait until tomorrow to make noodles and buns. Very skilled, busy in the kitchen, and also added a late-night snack to others.

The knife-sliced ​​noodles are thick in the middle and thin in the edges. They are full of the special soup. They are delicious and mellow. The noodles are soft but not rotten. feast.

Chu Chuan was a girl who grew up in Liangzhou. She was fond of spicy food. She buried her head in the bowl and ate a drop of soup. She rubbed it with satisfaction to fill her stomach.

"Boss Rabbit is different. He eats meat, noodles and soup, just like us humans."

The rabbit looked confused, pretended not to understand, and slowly digested the food while lying on Luo Ye's shoulder.

They stayed in the main courtyard for a long time before returning to the east courtyard. The rabbit jumped onto the bed and occupied the best position of the pillow. He closed his eyes and began to fall asleep. Luo Ye left a mini LED lamp at the head of the bed. She then took her clothes and went out to take a shower.

Today, without Little Tail, he simply washed and washed in the yard. He took off his shirt and squatted down to wash his hair. After washing, he lowered his head and closed his eyes to take the towel on the stone pier, but his fingers touched a ball Hot hairballs.

Luo Ye raised his head, under the dim light of the oil lamp, a white rabbit sneaked out and nestled beside his clothes at some point, with his back undulating slightly, his big ears covered his body as a small quilt, and he slept soundly. Sweet.

this little guy...

Luo Ye laughed silently.

Pretty sticky.

He didn't move his clothes, just grabbed his wet hair behind him, and then poured two buckets of water into the bathroom. After washing, he came out in his bathrobe, bent down and gently picked up the sleeping rabbit lying on his clothes and returned to the room.

Put the rabbit on the pillow while you sleep on the other side.

Rabbits are nocturnal animals. They woke up not long after they first slept. As soon as they opened their eyes, they saw the person sleeping next to them. There was still a little distance between them.

She moved her ears, jumped from the pillow to beside him, then crawled up with her bathrobe, and lay down close to her chest, listening to his steady heartbeat, she felt at ease.

At night, the rabbit genes are restless, and they can't wait to have a party on the spot. After a while of being quiet, they start to feel uneasy, walking around on him, and rubbing against his face.

Luo Ye couldn't bear the disturbance, so he had to grab her by the neck and hold her down, and said in a hoarse voice, "Don't make trouble, go to sleep."

The little rabbit who was pinched by the back of the neck of his life did not dare to move, and obediently nestled in the position of his heart.

After a long time, she also felt a little sleepy, and dazedly leaned against his neck that radiated heat.

The night is silent, the stars and the moon hide behind the clouds, and only the Sentinel Tower Lights are still working, illuminating this lonely city hidden in darkness.

The room that was so quiet with only the faint sound of breathing suddenly flashed white light, and the furry rabbit sleeping by the man's neck slowly turned into a girl...

In the early morning of the next day, there were vaguely lively voices from the main courtyard. Luo Ye moved slightly, only to feel that his shoulders were heavy and his arms were numb.

He tilted his head, and the corners of his lips brushed something soft abruptly. He was stunned for a moment. The person sleeping on the side of his neck was not someone else, but the girl who had recovered her human form.

His eyes fell uncontrollably on the girl's lips. The lips were pink, dry and soft. There was a faint fragrance on her body, not the strong fragrance of perfume. It was as gentle and light as the breeze. Unconsciously attracted to her.

He couldn't help lowering his head, getting closer and closer, until he was about to put it on before he suddenly returned to his senses, turned his head sharply, pulled out his arms under her neck and sat up.

Chu Chu was woken up due to the too much movement.

She sat up in a daze and rubbed her eyes, only to see the figure of the man walking towards the door, walking in a hurry, with a faint smell of running away.

She didn't know what happened, but she was very happy about her return to human form. Although being a rabbit was good, it was sometimes inconvenient, not to mention that she still remembered the stupid things she did under the influence of beast genes. I feel ashamed to think about it.

She was beginning to appreciate that she didn't have to face him early in the morning.

While he was out, he sneaked to the door, made sure that no one was in the courtyard, and hurried to the main courtyard.

She didn't know that as soon as she reached the hanging flower door with her front feet, someone walked out of the bathroom behind her back feet. The man had just taken a cold shower and his hair was still dripping with water. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the back of her slipping away lightly, with a faint light in his eyes. acquainted.

There are outsiders visiting the main courtyard, but the voice is somewhat familiar.

At the beginning of the journey around the hanging flower gate, as soon as he stepped into the main courtyard, his footsteps stopped.

She never thought that she would see Xiaojing and the others here. Of course, the most important thing is that the moment she saw them, she suddenly remembered that she had always felt that she had forgotten something before subconsciously, but it turned out that she had forgotten them. .

Before they went to Jiangning to help her find Luo Ye, but it was an empty city. After leaving Jiangning, they passed through several cities and found no trace of anyone's activities. As the mutant became stronger, they acted more and more cautiously. People's plans have been thwarted again and again.

But Chu Chuo didn't want to let go of any hope. The goal of bringing everyone into the city was too big, and it was not easy to evacuate in case of danger, so Chu Chu decided to go into the city alone to find her, and the others waited for her in a safe place outside the city.

She is familiar with mutants, and she is very good at how to avoid mutants in the city. It took a lot of energy to convince them to let her go. They agreed that if she encounters danger, they must set off a flare as soon as possible, and Xiaojing and the others will immediately enter the city to rescue her. .

In order to monitor her movements at any time, trackers are also installed on her body and car. If her position stays in one place for too long, they can judge whether she is in danger based on the situation.

Just five days ago, they came to the vicinity of Pengcheng and found that the mutants here were extremely ferocious. Therefore, they judged that there may be human activities or even a base in Pengcheng.

Generally speaking, the more human beings gather, the more powerful and ferocious the variants that survive around will be. After all, natural selection and the principle of survival of the fittest are the same for variants.

Chu Tso proposed to go to inquire first, so he entered the city alone, and the rest waited in the suburbs.

It's just that she met Luo Ye that day, she was excited and over-surprised, and finally fell asleep when she was tired from crying, so she temporarily forgot about them.

Once a person begins to forget something, it is difficult to remember it later, and the Oolong incident happened the next morning. She was in a hurry, and she couldn't remember it, she only vaguely felt that there was something else going on. forget.

And that day in a district, the silhouette she saw at the intersection of the street flashed and felt familiar, but now that she thought about it, it might be Xiaojing and the others.

That day, she was in a bad mood because of the receptionist's words in front of her, and later because of Luo Yehao's arrogance, she still didn't take it to heart.

After she came back, she entered the awakening period, and then turned into a rabbit again. Until today, five days have passed.

Chu Chu couldn't imagine how they were worried and tracked here when she didn't go back to find them or leave a signal.

She felt that she was too much just thinking about it, so her first reaction after seeing them was to hide first.

Stepping into the main courtyard, he paused, then carefully retracted, and crept backwards, planning to return to the east courtyard to avoid the limelight.

She raised her hand to cover her face, thinking that she was dead, Xiaojing must be very angry, let's think about how to make her less angry.

It's a pity that things backfired. She saw her as soon as she turned around the hanging flower gate on the weekend. She probably just heard what Xiaojing asked, and pointed to her. Chu Chu stared at Xiaojing, who had her back turned to her. They were all Turning to look at her.

At the beginning, I had the heart to strangle to death the weekend.

I don't know what good things he did over the weekend, and he happily waved to her: "Sister Tsao, you are awake, they came to you, are they your friends?"

It was too late to hide now, Chu Chu froze his neck and turned around, looking at Xiao Jing's slightly sullen gaze, trying to show a pleasing smile:


In a remote corner outside the small courtyard, Xiaojing turned around a few times, and finally looked at Chu Chu, who was standing there obediently listening to the training, and said with hatred:

"Chu Tso, you really can! It's been five days without any contact at all. Do you still think we are friends?"

"I'm sorry!" Chu Chu didn't dare to refute, and his apology was very sincere.

"Say you, even if you find your boyfriend, you can send us a signal first! Do you know how worried we are about you?"

Chu Chu continued to be obedient: "I was wrong."

"..." Xiaojing was so angry that she was speechless, "You are a lover who values ​​sex over friends."

Chu Tso still did not dare to refute.

Xiaojing saw how pitiful she was that she didn't dare to say anything, no matter how angry she was, she was more happy that she had really found her lover and didn't have to go into dangerous places to find her.

Moreover, her lover's current partners seem to be people who are very easy to get along with. She can temporarily not worry about her being wronged here, but she still needs to investigate the specifics. After all, some people have two faces.

Moreover, she has not met her lover yet, and if it is not suitable, she will try to convince her to go with her.

At this time, Wei Hao was also in the East Courtyard.

Leaning on the door frame, he looked at the indifferent man in the room, what he wanted to say came to his lips and changed his mind, and said deliberately: "The teammates of the girl just now came, and I heard that they are going to the capital. I'll be gone in a few days, so the girl from the distance will also go."

He only heard that they were going to the capital, and he didn't know whether the girl would leave, but it didn't matter, what mattered was Luo Ye's reaction to the incident.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, the man who was still calm and calm moved a little slower, his eyes lowered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The author says:

Appropriate stimulation is necessary (dog head)