29 girlfriend

According to Xiaojing, they found that the first position on the tracker's display had stayed at the same position for more than half an hour, thinking she was in danger, but she didn't send a flare, so they were hesitant to find her. .

Just when they made up their minds to find her, her position began to shift.

It's just strange that the two trackers on her backpack and in the car are not together, but gradually separated.

This caused them to be even more confused. It was obvious that Chudu's backpack was separated from her car, and both positions were getting farther and farther away from them, and they didn't know which one to follow if they wanted to chase them for a while.

In addition, the signal of the tracker was not good, and it was intermittent. After a lot of tossing, they finally found the Drum Tower and followed one of the red dots to District 1, but the red dot ended up in the headquarters, and they couldn't get in. Had to think of other ways.

The signal of another site was not working. The signal was disconnected for two days, and it was only connected on the third day, but at this time, the position of that site was already displayed outside the Drum Tower, and it was still moving.

It was not until last night that they finally stopped Shao Jing's car, who was returning to the city, outside the district. After the initial misunderstanding and communication, they finally figured out what happened.

At the beginning of that day, the little electric donkey was taken away by other soldiers, and was put on a transport vehicle and brought back to the headquarters of District 1. After that, it was parked in the parking lot of the headquarters, and the little electric donkey was also forgotten inside.

As for the tracker in the backpack, it should have been accidentally dropped on Shao Jing's car, and he often has to go out on missions, so the location is not fixed. .

Chu Tso was sorry for that, and it wouldn't have happened if she hadn't forgotten them.

Xiaojing and the others didn't blame her. At first, they were concerned and messed up, which is why they were so angry. Now they know that she is all right, and they have found the love she has been looking for, and they are also happy for her.

Xiaojing asked her, "Have you decided to stay here?"

"Well." Chu Chu looked in the direction of Dongxiaoyuan with soft eyes, "He's here."

Xiaojing also knew that her question was superfluous, and she was not surprised by her answer at all.

In fact, she really wanted to know, what kind of person is that person, is it so worth her effort?

"We will stay in the Drum Tower for a few days to provide supplies and rest, and we will live in the first district. If you change your mind, you can come to us at any time. If you are wronged, you can also tell me that we will always be your partners." Xiaojing If so.

Chu Chu knew that she cared about herself, so she didn't say anything, just hugged her hard.

In a few days, they will be parting here. She is very grateful to them along the way. If it wasn't for them, maybe she wouldn't be able to persist and find Ah Ye now. Even if she persisted, it wouldn't be so fast. many.

She will always remember them, even in this life, it will be difficult for them to meet again.

"You have to be more careful on the road." Chu Chu was most worried about their safety on the road.

Xiaojing patted her shoulder: "Don't worry, we haven't messed with you for so long."

"Do you live here with them?" Xiaojing deftly shifted the somewhat sad topic.

"Well, I live in..." Chu Chu paused, but changed his mind, "I live with Miss Xiao Yu."

Xiaojing raised her eyebrows, obviously not trusting her, and deliberately joked: "Don't you live with your husband?"

Chu Chu lowered her eyebrows, thinking that she really wanted to.

Xiaojing didn't go too deep into it, but told her in the tone of someone who had come over: "It's okay if you don't stay together, you are still young, some things can't be tried until you are an adult at least, and you must take protective measures."

Whether it's the first time or a new life, a person with a mental age of twenty-five or six, still can't help but be blushed by her straightforward words, this kind of thing...

It's really hard to say.

After all, she has no resistance to Luo Ye.

Xiaojing and the others have not yet completed their temporary residence certificates in the first district. They went back first after seeing Chu Chuo to ensure her safety.

Chu Tso sent them away, and agreed to go to District 1 to find them tomorrow, and it happened that they still had some of her things there.

Because she was thinking about things in her heart, she was absent-minded in the early morning, and even the careless weekend could see that she was not in the state.

Looking at Chu Chu, who was sitting on the side with a sullen face, he whispered to the other brothers: "Chau Chu is not really going to the capital, right? What about Brother Luo?"

Hou Jun knocked on his head: "If you are widowed, do your own thing well."

He rubbed his head on the weekend and nimbly picked up the broom to sweep the floor, he sighed.

He wasn't worried that Brother Luo's girlfriend that he finally got left just like that, and he might be alone for the rest of his life in the future.

At noon, Wei Hao and Luo Ye came out of the East Courtyard. They talked for a long time, and their faces were a little serious. The others only knew that there was another task for Luo Ye from the headquarters, but what was it? The other two of them don't know much either.

Wei Hao was in charge of liaising with the people at the headquarters and passed the news directly to Luo Ye. This time it was the same. He received the news from the headquarters at dawn.

Chu Chu was thinking about some things in her previous life, and didn't pay much attention to their situation. After a meal, she didn't even look at Luo Ye. Which time in the past few days did she not stick to him.

Suddenly ignored, Luo Ye frowned indiscernibly.

After dinner, Chu Chu didn't stay to watch them play Ludo. He borrowed paper and pen from Cui Yu, and plunged into the room, not knowing what he was doing.

Others look at me, I look at you, and eventually all look at Luo Ye, but the latter still looks as usual, sitting there drinking tea leisurely as always.

To live alone forever.

Everyone silently complained in unison.

Really worried for him.

The atmosphere was a little dignified, which made everyone not in the mood to play. I threw away the dice on the weekend, and I was disappointed, but I remembered that I hadn't seen the boss rabbit today. You must know that Brother Luo was the baby of the rabbit yesterday. Never left.

"Brother Luo, why don't you see Boss Rabbit today?" He still wanted to have a good relationship with Boss Rabbit, after all, such a smart rabbit is rare for him.

Luo Ye glanced lightly at the closed door in the attic on the east side, and said casually, "Run away."

"Run?!" The weekend couldn't believe it. "How can you run? It's obviously delicious and delicious, so you're still running?"

Luo Ye's voice was light: "Well, unconscionable."

Just as she was talking, the door of the attic was suddenly opened, and Chu Chu hurried downstairs. She ran to Luo Ye, her face flushed slightly because she ran too fast, she was a little excited and said to Luo Ye: "Aye, let's go to a place. District, take me there."

Luo Ye raised his eyes to look at her. After a long time, he put down the teacup and slowly got up. Although he didn't say anything, he still took the car keys.

Chuchu took his arm and urged him to hurry up.

Luo Ye didn't show it on his face, but he secretly rebelled in his heart. The more eager she was, the slower he was.

He didn't want to take her to District 1 in his heart, and he didn't know the reason.

Knowing that she was leaving, that she was going to District 1 for her companions, she felt irritated for no reason.

I don't even know why, I just feel numb.

Chu Chu naturally didn't know his mentality, so he pulled him to the garage: "Hurry up, Ah Ye."

Luo Ye looked at the urging girl, and his heart was even more depressed, but he was reluctant to let her down, but he couldn't refuse in his heart.

The first district has been very busy recently. Since Luoye has opened up a new situation for the Drum Tower, now the Drum Tower has not only temporarily gotten rid of the trouble of variants, but also expanded its territory.

The surrounding original ruined cities have been brought into the jurisdiction of the Drum Tower, and garrison troops are constantly being sent to the new jurisdiction to be stationed and constructed.

The transport vehicles transported all the materials collected from the captured ruined city. Each vehicle was escorted by several soldiers, and the base was very concerned about the materials.

After all, there is a lot of fish in the area, and there is no guarantee that some vicious people will take the risk and hijack the transporter.

Chu Chu saw that there was nothing else on a transport truck, but all mutant corpses. Thinking of what she was going to do later, she felt a little anxious: "Aye, will those mutant corpses be transported back to the headquarters in the end? "

Luo Ye was surprised by her question and said, "No, most of them will be burned on the spot, and only a few will be brought back to the base, and those in the technical department will be used for research."

Chu Chu's eyes suddenly lit up: "Can we take those unused corpses away by ourselves?"

Luo Ye couldn't understand what she was thinking, "What do you want those corpses for?"

Ordinary girls are scared to death when they see mutants, but she is different from ordinary girls, and she is extraordinarily courageous.

He still remembered that day when he was surrounded by mutant corpses, but she was able to run towards him without fear.

Chu Chu didn't hide it from him, and told him all his thoughts: "Aye, don't you think it's too difficult for humans to fight against mutants? Because today's firearms do very low damage to mutants, it becomes very difficult for humans to fight mutants. If we can have weapons that can fight off mutants, it won't change like this again."

Luo Ye tapped the steering wheel with his index finger and asked her, "What do you want to do?"

Manufacturing new weapons, new weapons that can be used to deal with variants, has always been a difficult problem for the technical department to think about, but so far there has been no result.

At the beginning of the journey, he replied: "Attack his shield with his spear."

Luo Ye was slightly surprised, and he understood what she was trying to convey without her explanation.

Attacking another's shield with his spear is indeed an effective method.

The skeletons of super mutants are harder than bullets, and ordinary bullets can't penetrate their protective shells at all, but if the mutant's own bones are used to make weapons, it is another matter.

Chu Chu said: "I need those mutant corpses, and these corpses have materials that can be used to make weapons."

In a previous life, someone made a weapon with a mutant spine by mistake. Later, it was found that the weapon made of this mutant bone was sharper than any sword and firearm. Later, after continuous transformation, the "supernatural weapon" became a human being. A landmark creation in the history of the end times.

According to the timeline of the previous life, it will take more than a month for the ability weapon to be discovered and created, and no one has yet discovered the real purpose of the mutant corpse.

She wants to build a batch of supernatural weapons for Xiaojing and the others, so that even if she is not in command of the team, they can use it for self-defense if they encounter any danger on the way to the capital, and they will have the power to fight against the mutants.

Today, she roughly drew some drawings of weapon modification, and equipped everyone with weapons suitable for them, but now these are only preliminary ideas, and the specific implementation depends on their harvest today.

Crafting materials are easy to find, but people who make weapons are hard to find.

"If it can be built, the road to the capital can be much safer."

Chu Chu didn't realize that when she said this, the man beside her had a slightly gloomy expression