30 girlfriend

I came to District 1 for the first time to find people, but not Xiaojing and them.

There are many awakened abilities in the world, and their abilities are even more varied, and some rare persons with special abilities, even they themselves do not know that they are abilities, and their special abilities have not been discovered, so they are lost to everyone.

It was this kind of person that I was looking for at the beginning, a power user called "Forger" by later generations.

Forgers, as the name suggests, their innate ability is forging. No matter what their previous occupation was, whether they would be able to forge or not, as long as they awaken this talent, they will naturally know how to forge, and they are the key to forging ability weapons.

Because the ability of the blacksmith does not belong to any attack and defense ability, it is easy to be ignored by the owner in essence, and people like them rarely have the opportunity to come into contact with the materials for making ability weapons, so the talent ability is even more difficult to be discovered.

It was not until the first forge made weapons by mistake that they began to be valued and selected by the base or some guilds to train blacksmiths and become respected "weapon masters".

Today, no one has discovered the existence of the forgers, and I just wanted to try my luck at the beginning. There may be a hidden blacksmith in a district with a large population.

This is the second time I have come to Gulou District 1, and Jinse Avenue is bustling and bustling as always.

A man with a big belly in an executive uniform came out of the bar staggeringly, stumbled on his left foot and fell to the ground with his right foot when he went out, and then left cursing; the patrol team mediated a brawl caused by a quarrel at the street intersection; A well-dressed woman pulls guests on the street openly; a wife who is not good at cooking boils some scorched potatoes and is scolded by her husband; the voices of men and women come from the dark alley...

Chu Chu blinked, her light-colored pupils flashed red like blood, her keen ears received too many noisy sounds and she was slightly uncomfortable, all kinds of strange smells penetrated her nose and she couldn't help sneezing.

Previously, the environment in District 9 was quiet and sparsely populated, so I didn't feel that it was a big deal. Now, when I arrived in the busy downtown area, I was shocked to realize that my eyesight, hearing, and sense of smell had become sharper than ever before.

She can clearly see things that are a thousand meters away, can detect small voice changes in the crowd, and smell all kinds of smells, and her five senses have become extraordinarily sharp.

She suddenly understood that these changes were all her powers gave her.

Maybe it's not her ability to become a rabbit, or the point is not to become a rabbit.

But she doesn't know what it is. After all, it's the first time that an ability like her has appeared, and there is no object to refer to. How to use her ability has to be explored by herself.

Chu Tu suddenly stopped on the side of the road in a daze, a car drove from the side, Luo Ye, who was standing behind her, grabbed her hand suddenly, pulled her into his arms, and the car passed by them.

Luo Ye sullen, looked down at the person in his arms, and scolded in a bad tone: "What are you in a daze?"

Chu Chu found out when the car came over, but before dodging, she saw Luo Ye's movements behind her out of the corner of the eye, almost subconsciously, she didn't move, she let him drag her into his arms, even if she was scolded Also very happy.

She took the opportunity to hug his waist and looked up at him, even from such a tricky angle of death, he was still very good-looking.

She suddenly remembered that Aye has always been popular with girls, both now and in the past.

He is not only strong, but also handsome. These two bonus points make him still have women willing to follow him even if he is withdrawn and difficult to get along with.

The most impressive one was the sister of the leader of a base. When they were resupplying at that base, the other party somehow fell in love with Luo Ye, fell in love with him madly, and even followed them when they left the base.

At that time, she was just a little follower who was clinging to Luo Ye, watching the girl's love for the pursuit of Luo Ye's fancy, she even envied her bravery and initiative, and worried that if Luo Ye agreed to that girl, they would be together, What should she do.

Fortunately, Luo Ye was not moved by the other party's affection, and the girl only lasted for five days, and couldn't stand the life in the wild and Luo Ye's indifferent attitude, so she was found by her brother and brought back to the base.

It was also after that incident that she began to realize that she had different feelings for Luo Ye.

She likes Luo Ye.

Throwing away the filter of the savior, it has nothing to do with the protection he can bring her, and loves him out of sincerity.

Even if he is indifferent, even if he has a bad temper and a bad attitude, she still likes him.

I would envy when I see other women being courteous to him, but I am more unhappy, I don't want him to be with others, I don't want him to like others.

Such a good Aye makes her like Aye very much.

"Look at what?"

Finding that the girl not only had no remorse, but was staring straight at him, Luo Ye asked with a frown.

Chu Chu smiled sweetly and said sincerely, "You look good!"

Luo Ye: "…"

Chicken and duck talk.

He coughed lightly, pulled the girl away, looked ahead, and said indifferently, "How do you find the 'forger' you said?"

Speaking of business, Chu Chu was no longer a nympho, and took out something wrapped in cloth from the backpack she brought.

"Use this," she said.


"This is a material that can be used to make a dagger." Chu Chu opened the cloth, and there was a piece of ivory-like tooth pryed from the mutant body. Even if it had not been polished, it was sharp and glowing with a cold light.

"Forgers have a natural intimacy with mutant skeletons, and when they are close to the forging materials, they will actively stimulate their potential, and the forgers will subconsciously explore the materials."

At that time, the forger's ability will resonate with the material, and they can follow the power fluctuations to find the forge.

In fact, she had planned to make a power weapon from a long time ago, but it was difficult for them to contact the forger in their previous situation. She had prepared this material for a long time and never had the opportunity to use it.

Not everything on the mutants is useful, and only the most valuable parts can be successfully forged into supernatural weapons, and these have to be explored by humans for a long time.

Looking for the forgers can only be done by chance, they mixed into the crowd and observed as they walked.

Chu Chu only cared about feeling the toothbone in her hand, and didn't want to miss the possible emotional resonance. She lowered her head and didn't look at the road. Luo Ye had to pull her beside her to protect her, lest she be bumped into.

There are four vertical and five horizontal streets in the first district. Among them, Jinse Avenue is the most prosperous and has the largest flow of people. Unfortunately, they did not find the existence of forgers from the entrance to the exit of the street.

She was a little discouraged at the beginning, she thought she could find it here, and made it before Xiaojing and the others left, and they had an extra layer of security on their way to the capital.

"No, Ah Ye, I'm so useless." Chu Chu felt extremely lost.

Luo Ye subconsciously didn't want to help her find the forge who did it, but seeing her dejected and self-blaming look, she couldn't help but feel reluctant to give up.

"There's one more place you can try."

Chu Chu looked up and looked at him expectantly: "Where?"

Luo Ye turned his head slightly: "Slum."

The slums in District 1 are located in an alley three blocks away from Jinse Avenue, where almost all ordinary people without supernatural powers live.

Due to the large population, it is difficult to manage, and gradually this place has become a place of chaos and filth. Everyone has everything and is willing to do anything. Also because it is too chaotic and poor, people in one district call it a slum.

The free food that the base distributes to the slums every week is simply not enough to basically satisfy one's appetite. These people have to find another way out, but they are more likely to do some goofy deeds to **** and **** them, which aggravates the chaos here.

Generally, people who don't live in slums are not very happy to go there, and even the people in charge of the security patrol in the first district don't care about the things inside.

Although Jinse Avenue has a large number of people, it is not as large as the number of slums.

"Slums..." Chu Chu was suddenly awakened by him, rekindling his fighting spirit, "Yes, if they are blacksmiths, they don't even know they are supernatural beings, so they are likely to live in the slums, let's go, let's go to the slums ."

Chu Chu took Luo Ye's hand and was about to go to the slum, but he didn't pull it.

"What's wrong?" Chu Chu looked at the man who was standing still in confusion.

Luo Ye sighed deeply: "Do you know where the slum is?"

"Isn't a slum just a slum?"

"Region 1 prohibits all violations in the area, except for one place, which is the slum, where even the headquarters cannot control."

Because no one cares and can't control it, it is also an extra-legal place. After entering, you will encounter people or ghosts, robbed and killed, all depends on your ability, even if you die inside, it is just a missing person, the base does not Will take care of you.

"You know how dangerous it is, so you dare to break in?"

Chu Chu was not frightened, she raised her face and smiled at him: "Because you are here, that's why I dare."

He is someone who can enter the mutant's lair without changing his face, why dare not break into the slums.

Chu Chu took his hand and shook it gently, softly acting like a spoiled child: "You will protect me, right?"

Luo Ye was a little sloppy, and was finally defeated by her.

He must be obsessed with indulging her unprincipled time and time again.

The reason why slums are called slums is not only because the people living here are poor, but also because the living environment here is no different from the slums.

This was originally an urban village. After the natural disaster, most of the houses collapsed and fractured, and there were broken walls and ruins everywhere, in stark contrast to the prosperity of Jinse Avenue.

In the narrow alleyway, a "house" built with a few pieces of wood and iron, it is obviously the afternoon when the sun is just right, but it is dark here.

The two crossed the cracks in the ground, climbed over the broken wall, lowered their heads through the stone walls and beams, and saw the old and hungry children and old people sitting "in front of the door" of their house. These people were also looking at the two "intruders" with Vigilance, curiosity, envy, and greed.

Some able-bodied young people who live here will go out to work during the day. Fortunately, they can earn a meal, but there are also many people who stay in the slums. Chu Chu and Luo Ye.

At the beginning, she could clearly feel the feeling of being spied on. Those people were more familiar with the slum environment than they were, and it was easy to think that it was not good for them. She subconsciously grasped Luo Ye.

Luo Ye noticed her nervousness, and held her hand gently back, protecting her carefully across the ruins, his voice was calm and powerful: "Don't be afraid, there is me."

I was a little nervous at first, but I didn't feel scared.

They have experienced more dangers in their previous lives, which is nothing, and as long as he is there, she does not feel afraid of the sea of ​​​​fire.