34 girlfriend

Ever since Wang Xiaojing and the others came back, Chu Chu has been thinking about how to make himself stronger.

Constrained by the conditions, her physical fitness is poor, she can use several self-defense techniques, and her strength is also low. There is not much room for improvement in physical skills, so she can only work more on her abilities.

But since the awakening ability changed into a rabbit for a day, there has been no other reaction in the past two days. She is not sure whether she will become a rabbit in the future, or how to control the transformation.

Although the full beast form is not very useful, the additional enhancement attributes are still good.

After her two days of trying, she found that her five senses acuity, jumping power and short-distance explosive power are far more than ordinary people. Speaking of which, these are the instincts she possessed when she became a rabbit. These instincts are copied over.

Two days later, Luo Ye will leave the base to carry out the mission, and she has to find Tian Qiansi. That day is the best time for her. When she acts alone, she must have some means of saving her life.

Her biggest reliance is actually the memory and experience of reviving her whole life.

If you want to improve yourself, you must continue to practice in actual combat. Only in this way can you get exercise and breakthrough, so she knows that taking the silk from the sky is dangerous, so she has to go.

She didn't want Luo Ye to know, she didn't need to guess, if she told him what he thought, he would definitely not agree, but she couldn't watch him with his wounds and have not been healed.

He has his task to complete, and she has to find a way to find it by herself.

Although he might be mad at her for it.

She can no longer wait for him for everything, as she did in her previous life, which is useless and drags him down.

Chu Chu took a pen and paper to make a plan, almost to the point of forgetting to eat and sleep.

She wanted to take the silk, and ordered her to cherish it. She would never do anything that would cost her wife and lose her army.

Luo Ye saw that she kept going to the attic. He knew that she had something to hide from him, but he had no position to ask her.

I haven't seen anyone all day, and I stay in the attic with a lamp at night. It seems that I want to live in the attic.

Luo Ye "missed" and knocked down the ceramic cup, making a cracking sound. After a while, the girl's voice came from the attic.

"Aye, go to sleep first, I'll go down later."

Luo Ye felt a little sullen for some reason. He packed up the ceramic pieces and lay down on the bed. In the past, he would fall asleep when he touched the bed, but tonight he has been insomnia for a long time.

Originally, he was the only one living in the East Courtyard, but now the empty courtyard has been transplanted with flowers, girls' clothes are hung on the clothes rails, other people's belongings can be seen everywhere in the house, and even the bed is covered with quilts...

Unconsciously, his life was invaded by another person, but he didn't feel uncomfortable, he naturally accepted all the changes she caused, and even took it for granted that there was another person beside him when he slept.

The scary thing is that these changes and adaptations only take seven days.

Can seven days really change a person's habit for more than 20 years?

Luo Ye put one hand behind his head, stretched out his hand in the dim light, and watched intently.

There is a faint answer in the bottom of his heart, but there is always something missing. Sometimes, he will feel that his body is out of control and his thoughts no longer belong to him.

But it was certain that her arrival had a greater impact on him than he imagined.

And he was delighted.

Chu Chu stayed in the attic until two or three o'clock in the morning. She couldn't help but yawned and went downstairs. The oil in the oil lamp had run out, and there was only a ray of light from an LED lamp downstairs. She was too sleepy to open her eyes. Opening her eyes, she climbed upstairs gropingly, and touched the man sleeping on the outside. She was too lazy to turn over and climb to the inside, so she fell asleep directly on the man.

The room was quiet, and after a long time, the man moved his hand and hugged the girl tightly.

Luo Ye's departure is imminent, Zhou's mother has been preparing dry food since last night, and I hope other people in the yard will help prepare things.

On the weekend, he patted his chest and vowed: "Don't worry, Brother Luo, we will help you take good care of the little fairy. When you come back, she will definitely not lose a single hair."

Luo Ye glanced at him, then turned around and threw the backpack into the back seat of the car. Shao Jing did not accompany him on this mission, he drove by himself.

Chu Chu slept late last night, and when she woke up, Luo Ye was ready to leave. She hurriedly put on her shoes and ran out to see him off.

Others wisely stepped aside, so that the young couple could have something to say to themselves.

Every time I perform a mission, it's a big gamble, and I don't know when I won't be able to come back.

He is indeed the strongest power user in the entire Drum Tower and even Pengcheng, but he is also flesh and blood.

If possible, Chu Chu actually didn't want him to do such a dangerous thing, but the Drum Tower needed him.


Luo Ye stopped by the car and waited for her to approach.

Chu Chu stretched out his arms and hugged him, his face rubbed against him, and his voice was soft and nostalgic: "Be safe, I'll wait for you."

Luo Ye lowered his head slightly and looked at the swirl of hair above the girl's head. His heart seemed to be filled with sparkling water, which was bubbling out little by little. When he was out on a mission, he never felt anything. I don't feel so tired, only at this moment, because of her, I feel a little bit of reluctance.

Suddenly I don't want to leave.

Chu Chu only held him for a while, then released him, untied the amulet he had been wearing around his neck and put it in his hand: "This is my high fever when I was a child, and my grandfather asked it for me. It has protected me for many years. I hope it can protect you instead of me, and you will live in peace and a long life."

Luo Ye shook hands gently and put the amulet into his hand, which still had her body temperature on it. He couldn't feel it, but even his fingertips felt slightly numb.

In this world, he has relatives but it is as if he does not. Wei Hao and the others care about him, but there is no way to do more.

He had put life and death aside for a long time, and she made him suddenly have the idea of ​​cherishing his life, and also wanted to live a hundred years for her.

As soon as Luo Ye left, he packed his backpack on the back.

Looking at her dumbfounded at the weekend, I felt heartbroken. It was obvious that the person who was parting with Luo Ge was alive and dead a moment ago, and the next moment he would run away while Luo Ge was not there.

Chu Nao brought all his equipment, and finally stuffed a Luoye shirt into his bag, and calmly said to the weekend, "I'll go to District 1 to find Xiaojing, and I'll be back in a few days."

Without waiting for his response, he went out and walked towards the garage.

She can't drive the big car. She walked to the motorcycle parked in the garage. She got the key yesterday. As soon as she put on the helmet, she turned on the accelerator and rushed out.

When I came over on the weekend, I could only see a back that galloped away.

He opened his mouth, and the word "cool" filled his mind.

As expected of Luo Ge's girlfriend.


He suddenly returned to his senses on the weekend. He promised Brother Luo to look after the little fairy. Now that the people are gone, how can he explain?

The speed of the motorcycle is faster than that of the electric car. She is not very used to driving at the beginning, but in order to finish the work before Luo Ye comes back, she has to do it.

She remembered that there was also a motorcycle at home when she was a child. It was her father's favorite car. Her father always drove her mother out on a motorcycle or took her to work. At that time, her father jokingly told her that when she grew up, she would Give her a car like this, let her take the person she likes, wherever she wants to go.

They couldn't wait for her to grow up, and she had already found someone she liked.

She couldn't drive a big car at the beginning, but she could drive a motorcycle at the age of fifteen or sixteen, but she rarely drove a motorcycle, and most of the time she rode a small electric donkey.

The car was filled with gas before, to ensure that she could go back and forth. She brought a map of Pengcheng and did some research in advance. Zhou and Zhou were locals in Gulou and knew where people were raising silkworms and planting mulberries. Find them one by one.

At this time, Luo Ye had just arrived in District 1 and joined the large army led by Li Tong. For some reason, he was always a little uneasy, and his eyelids kept twitching.

After Li Tong counted the number of people, he came to him: "Everyone is already there, we can go."

Luo Ye glanced in the direction of the nine districts, suspecting that she was over-hearted, she said she would wait for him to come back.

After driving for two hours at the beginning, I finally arrived at the nearest sericulture farm. It used to be the address of a mulberry fish pond. The ecosystem where silkworms are raised with mulberries and fish are raised with silkworm sand and pupae is now abandoned. The mulberry leaves are withered, there are no silkworm chrysalis, and the fish in the pond are no longer ordinary fish.

She crossed out a line on the paper, but not the first spot.

She rode into the car and rushed to the second place non-stop. The second place was far away, and she didn't arrive until the afternoon.

Looking at the sky, it might rain today. She didn't bring rain gear, so she had to find a shelter before it rained.

The second sericulture farm is in a village in the mountains, where mulberry, silkworm and silk have been collected for generations. feet.

Before she started to enter the mountain, she encountered a big problem, and a group of demon dogs blocked her way.

This is not good for a place like the countryside. Mutated devil dogs can be seen everywhere. They are cruel and crazy, and they will bite when they catch them.

Rao Shichu had been mentally prepared for a long time, and she was suddenly stared at by a group of devil dogs, and she couldn't help but feel cold behind her back.

The demon dog didn't give her any chance to retreat, and a swarm of bees rushed up, like a hungry wolf rushing towards food.

At the beginning of the run, he was very embarrassed.

This has to be placed before the awakening ability, she definitely can't run these devil dogs, but with the blessing of the rabbit's short-range explosive speed, she quickly managed to get rid of the devil dogs to pursue.

When she was temporarily safe, she patted her chest and took a detour to the mountain with lingering fears.

Fortunately, the rabbit is not so useless.

Unfortunately, before she could find the silkworm farm, it started to rain heavily. She was drenched in her head and hurried to a crumbling wooden house on the side of the road to hide from the rain.

Throwing off the rain on my body, I first looked at the house, the old wood, the broken roof, still leaking, and there were few dry places.

She walked inside the house and hid in a place that was not leaking.

An autumn rain and a cold, I am afraid that this winter will be ahead of schedule.

Rubbing my cold hands at the beginning, I miss the days when Ah Ye was around. Having a husband who can automatically adjust his body temperature is simply the greatest benefit of the cold winter and heat.

Speaking of which, the first time I discovered that he still had this ability was in the late winter and early spring. It was cold and biting in the spring, and walking in the wild was as uncomfortable as ice scraping.

Her physical fitness was really poor. She had a fever and fainted after two days. She thought that even if she froze to death in the snow and changed into an ice sculpture, Luo Ye would not give her another look.

Unexpectedly, when he woke up, he found himself lying in his arms, he took off his shirt, and the place where his skin was touching was the constant source of heat coming from his body.

Because it was too warm, for the first time in her life, she was lying in the arms of a man other than her father, blushing and reluctant to get up.

Chu Tso let out a breath of warm air in his hands, and couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth. In fact, A Ye at that time had said many times that he would not save her again, but every time he saved her when she was in danger, his face was cold. The heart is not cold.

The rain didn't stop for half an hour, just as she hadn't had lunch yet, she was going to eat something simple and wait for the rain to stop.

She put the backpack on the ground and stopped as soon as she opened the zipper.

It was almost an instinctive reaction. She rolled on the ground with her schoolbag in her arms, but she was still a step slower. There was a tingling pain in her ankle. She looked back and saw a silver wire wrapped around her ankle. numbness, and soon lost consciousness.

It was this negligence, and it was too late for her to take precautions. More and more silver threads sprayed out from the dark, wrapping around her limbs, nose and mouth, and finally her eyes...

The author says: