35 girlfriend

Mu County is adjacent to the Drum Tower and has been occupied by mutants for a long time, which is one of the biggest hidden dangers threatening the comfort of the Drum Tower.

Before the Drum Tower did not clear Mu County, but sent more personnel to patrol, because there was no certainty of winning, the headquarters was worried, until recently the Mu County variant has become more and more powerful, and the area adjacent to the Drum Tower has become more and more harassing, caused great losses and casualties.

The jurisdiction near Mu County was full of complaints. Not long ago, another squadron leader of the combat group in the jurisdiction was lost. The people's grievances were soaring. In order to appease the people's hearts, the headquarters had to make up their minds to formulate a plan to clean up Mu County.

The Drum Tower's elites were sent to Mu County to perform the mission this time. If the mission fails, the Drum Tower will be severely damaged.

General Li appointed Li Tong as the action commander, the squadron leader of the first district combat group as the deputy commander, and Luo Ye as the chief executive officer, and everyone should obey his command when necessary.

After the brigade arrived in Mu County, they did not rush into the city, but were stationed outside the city. The hard bone of Mu County could not be eaten for a day or two, and logistical support must be done well.

After the camp was settled, Luo Ye led a vanguard of powers to advance into the city to explore the way.

Most of these people are cooperating with Luo Ye for the first time. Previously, the combat team of the nine districts did tasks with him. These people only heard about his deeds, but did not see it with their own eyes. As the chief executive officer, he was quite critical, and he felt dissatisfied in his heart.

Most of them are teammates of the first district battle group, and they always only obey their captains, and they are not afraid of even the corps in charge of all the battle groups.

Before entering the city, they did not show any expression on their faces, but they all wanted to show Luo Ye a little color, so as soon as they entered the city, they began to reveal their true colors, and they did not obey or implement Luo Ye's arrangements. A plate of loose sand.

Luo Ye didn't have any trouble in his heart. He watched them fight alone, attracting the mutants and trapping them in groups. The road was not found, and he fell into the tiger's mouth, and his life was at risk.

Where have these people seen this kind of battle, they panicked for a long time, showed their cowardice, and their faces were ashen.

It's not that they haven't cleared the mutant nests, but the ones that were executed before were all of average danger, and the high-risk ones were handed over to Luo Ye and the brothers in the nine districts.

Only then did they realize how stupid they were before they were full of confidence.

The encirclement of the mutants continued to shrink, and they retreated step by step to huddle together back to back, watching the countless mutant army waves in front of them on guard.

Their abilities have reached the limit, and they have more than enough strength. Just when they thought they were going to die here today, there was a loud noise from the high building behind them, and a fire dragon swooped down from the height and rushed into In the mutant army, the scorching fire wave burned the mutants around it to ashes.

In the end, the fire dragon raised its arrogant head, circled around and rushed to the sky, exploding into a splendid and scorching spark.

In just a moment, thousands of variants were wiped out.

Everyone looked up at the man standing above the tall building looking down.

With a special appearance of jade bones, his face is like frost, and he is surrounded by fire dragons, like gods and ghosts.

Only now did they really understand the meaning of that sentence.

Asura in the ashes, Jade-faced Hades.

It's not just an exaggerated compliment.

No one is more suitable for these eight words than him.

There are no other words to describe his power and terror.

Only by truly seeing the shock of how he swept away thousands of troops with one force, can he truly understand the gap between himself and him, and a chill and surrender will arise from the bottom of his heart.

If he was the ruthless and greedy Asura Killer God, they would be the hundred ghosts who were willing to follow Asura.

Sixteen people entered the city and fifteen returned. Because they underestimated the enemy and did not obey orders, one of them stayed in the city forever. Except for Luo Ye, the rest were injured to varying degrees.

After listening to what they had recounted, Li Tong gave a good freshman breath, sternly criticized everyone, and solemnly informed everyone that anyone who did not obey the command should be dealt with by military law.

She has suffered the price of conceit, so she doesn't want to experience such a painful thing again, and she understands that Luo Ye knows more about mutants than all of them, and how to survive and fight in it.

The first path exploration failed, and it rained heavily in the afternoon. All actions could only be temporarily retreated, and everyone returned to the camp to rest.

Luo Ye returned to his tent and consumed too many abilities at one time. He was a little tired. The tent was empty and there was nothing. He used the backpack as a pillow and lay down directly. He took out a bag wrapped in red cloth from his pocket. The talisman, pressed on the position of the heart, and fell asleep.

In the camp, Li Tong was holding an umbrella, and beside her were logisticians holding sleeping bags, hot water, food and other items.

"What about Executive Luo?"

Li Tong asked a little soldier who lived next door to Luoye.

"Report Lieutenant Li, I just saw that Executive Luo went directly into the tent after he came back."

Li Tong signaled to the logistics staff, who walked to the tent where Luo Ye lived, stood outside the tent and called out:

"Executive Luo?"

The tent was silent, and no one responded.

The logistics staff looked back at Li Tong, wondering if they should continue to disturb him.

Many power users are very alert, and unfamiliar people may be hurt by their stress response.

Li Tong thought for a while, she took a step forward, opened the tent's curtain, and glanced inside, but just after she glanced, a black dagger stabbed in the face, and her back suddenly froze, hurriedly Taking a step back, avoiding sideways, the dagger brushed past her hair, cutting off a strand of hair.


The dagger was nailed to a tree opposite, and it was still buzzing slightly, but just listening to the buzzing sound made people shudder.

If it was stabbed on the body, one can imagine how painful it would be.

The people next to them looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

Li Tong was stunned for a few seconds, biting her lower lip tightly so she didn't lose her composure, she turned and left, her eyes slightly flushed.

Inside the tent, Luo Ye opened his eyes and looked at the top of the tent. The previously injured arm had been split open again, dyed with red bandages, his arm trembled slightly, and beads of sweat rolled down his forehead.

Because of the use of too many abilities, the toxins that had been suppressed before became active again, and the wound seemed to be repeatedly cut by a knife. Because of excessive blood loss, the whole person looked abnormally pale.

When I woke up at the beginning, my whole body was entangled in silk, my limbs could not move, I had no consciousness, my eyes were entangled and I couldn't see anything, only a little gap was left in the position of the nose to breathe, as if the whole body was paralyzed. .

This feeling is not unfamiliar to her. In her previous life, when she accidentally entered a silk hole, she was wrapped in silk like this, and her whole body was hung on the top of the hole unconsciously, waiting desperately to become food for mutant silkworms.

At the beginning, I didn't expect that there are really silkworms on this mountain, and there are many lurking on the mountainside. It seems that there must be a lot of mutant silkworms here, and the whole mountain is probably occupied by them.

She originally wanted to find the silkworm hole and then act again, trying to catch a baby silkworm and leave, but she was careless, and it was far more dangerous than the most troublesome situation she expected.

She tried to move, only her fingers could bend and stretch slightly, and the rest of the place was completely paralyzed.

Chu Chu forced himself to calm down, not to panic, and even less able to think of a way when he panicked.

It's just that after quieting down, the sharp five senses become more and more clear, and all around are wrapped in silk, forming a huge cocoon, a large cocoon is a silkworm hole,

There is only one female silkworm in the cave, which is the mother of all silkworms. It is similar to the existence of a queen bee. The mother silkworm gives birth to young silkworms. Reproductive mode, mutating towards a way that can produce offspring quickly and in large numbers.

During the gestation period of the mother silkworm, other mutant silkworms will transport food to the silkworm hole to supplement the nutrition of the mother silkworm until she splits and dies, successfully giving birth to a new batch of silkworm babies.

Chu Chu heard the sound of the mother silkworm squirming towards her position, and the silk wrapped around her slowly tightened.

It was so similar to the experience in her previous life. At that time, Luo Ye broke in at the critical moment, and the fire burned all the silk. She still remembered when he saw the light again, he was covered in flames and walked towards her, the fire dragon soaring into the sky. Circling, sparks fell one after another.

His face was stained with blood, and his eyes were cold and ruthless, like a **** and murderous murderer.

He saved her time and time again, saved her from fire and water countless times, what about killing gods, from now on, he is the only **** she believes in.

As a believer of God, how can you fall twice in the same place, how can you die here.

She hadn't told him herself that she liked him.

The mother silkworm was getting closer, and at this moment, Chu Tiao suddenly felt an inexplicable heat all over her body, as if something was about to break through her body.

She first smelled an unpleasant burnt smell, and then her unconscious limbs regained strength, the silk wrapped around her body broke, and her eyes regained light.

She saw that flames suddenly ignited on her body, and a fire phoenix rushed out of her body.

The mother silkworm that originally wanted to eat her was unable to protect herself at this time. The spark left by the fire phoenix had the power to scorch a prairie. If it got on it, it would continue to burn until it was completely extinguished. screamed.

The silkworm cocoon burst, and all the mutant silkworms outside rushed up. The fire phoenix in mid-air turned around and rushed over. In the chaos, Chu Chu quickly grabbed a young silkworm that was just born and put the fist-sized silkworm into her. brought in a glass jar.

After doing this, she ran down the mountain with her backpack, and the fire phoenix crashed into a spark in the air, temporarily blocking the mutant silkworms behind her.

She ran to the foot of the mountain before she stopped to catch her breath. She was both surprised and puzzled by what she saw just now.

Although one is a fire dragon and the other is a fire phoenix, the moves are too similar, which is clearly A Ye's ability.

I don't know why, but just now she suddenly triggered.

Even now, there is a burning sensation in the body just now, and the heartbeat is abnormally fast, as if it is about to jump out of the chest cavity.

Her first feeling of escaping from death was not that she was lucky, but that she finally understood the reason why Aye's body temperature was always high.

There is such a domineering fire ability in the body colliding, it is simply a moving furnace.

Chu Chu opened his backpack and glanced at the young silkworm that had not yet started spinning.

Although the process was dangerous, she still got it.

When the young silkworm spit out the first mouthful of silk, it can be used to treat Ah Ye's injury on his arm.

At the beginning of the journey, I put the glass jar in a precious way, backed my schoolbag, and prepared to go back.


A huge mutant **** flew overhead suddenly, probably disturbed by the movement on the mountain.

The **** didn't attack her, and Chu Nao ignored her and continued on her way, just walking, when her body suddenly froze, and then with a "bang", she turned into a bird...

The author says:

Tso (angrily): Last time it was a rabbit, this time it was a sparrow. Could you change me to a tall and mighty animal?

TTZZ: Escape with the top lid.jpg.