53 is husband

"Mother Zhou was still there when we went back to the room at noon."

"I was the last to go upstairs, and Zhou's mother went upstairs behind me."

"No, she didn't seem to go upstairs later. I saw her sitting by the window before I entered the house."

Everyone recalled the scene when they finally saw Zhou's mother,

Zhong Wenjie has always been careful and recalled a detail before that: "Mother Zhou said at the time that she saw a child wearing a red cape outside the yard, but we didn't see it."

Wen Yan Chuchu and Luo Ye looked at each other and both saw the answer in each other's eyes.

"What's wrong?" Others couldn't help but raise their hearts when they saw the two with serious faces.

"It's alright." Luo Ye's tone was as calm as ever, which made people feel at ease. He tapped Chu Chu's shoulder, and then turned to go upstairs.

At the beginning, he took over his words and explained: "Mother Zhou is fine, we already know where she is, you wait at home, Aye and I will find her back."

Although it is not certain, the only clue points to there, it is necessary for them to make a trip, and in order to appease the others, they have to say so.

After a while, Luo Ye came down with the down jacket he was wearing when he went out and put it on for Chu Tiao, looked at everyone, and added a reassurance: "You eat first, we will be back in three hours at most, don't leave the house."

Originally, everyone was still a little uneasy. Seeing that the two of them were so determined, their hearts were relieved. They knew that going out would be a disservice to them, so they didn't mention going out together.

After comforting everyone, Luo Ye and Chu Tso left, braving the wind and snow, and walked to the opposite school.

There was a heavy snowstorm outside, but the two walked very easily. Chulu leaned against Luo Ye's arms, hiding from the oncoming wind and snow, and was taken away by him. The footprints they stepped on quickly disappeared behind them, leaving nothing behind. Leave no trace.

"Will Mother Zhou be at Xue Nv?" Chu Tu was stuffed in his open coat, his voice was a little dull. When they heard the red cape child outside the yard, the only thing they could think of was Xue Nv, but they lived here for a few days. , Xue Nu didn't do anything to them, nor did she have any reason or motivation to capture Zhou Ma.

Unless Mother Zhou took the initiative to go out.

"I don't know." Luo Ye wasn't sure. He didn't know Xue Nu well, he just thought she was a quirky and willful child, and he warned that day, and it could be seen that she didn't have any ill will towards them. In this case, Snow Maiden shouldn't take this risk.

It was impossible for her not to know that if any of them had an accident, the first person he would suspect would be her. She wouldn't try this kind of murderous behavior as long as she wasn't stupid.

But whether it was her or not, they were going to find her.

No one knows the situation in this city better than Xue Nu, even if it is not her, only she can know how Zhou Ma disappeared and where she is now.

Where there is snow is Snow Maiden's domain. Every snowflake is her eyes. If Zhou Ma is still in this city, Snow Maiden can find her.

The homestay and the school are not far away, just cross the road. They walked through the gate of the school and walked in the direction of the playground. Snow Maiden didn't know where the school lived. She might have known from the moment they entered the school, so she only Just wait for her wherever you need to go.

As expected, when they arrived at the playground, Snow Maiden and her inseparable snowman elf were already waiting there.

Snow Maiden sat on the stand next to the playground, shaking her bare white and tender feet, quietly watching them approach.

She looked small, eleven or twelve years old, and a half-old child. But in such a bad wind and snow, she was at ease, wearing three-quarter shorts, no shoes and bare feet, only a large and worn red cloak, which leaked the wind, and the first three layers of the inner and outer layers. It's like living in two seasons by comparison.

"You come to fight and fight, why do you bring someone with you, do you think I can beat you?" Xue Nv looked at Luo Ye, her mouth was amazing, full of logic.

At this moment, it was frozen into the first quail, and it seemed that Luo Ye came to find fault with a burden.

After all, they had agreed before that the well water would not make the river water. She knew that she could not beat this man. If it wasn't for his mercy last time, neither she nor Xue Bao could get away with it, and naturally they would not provoke him again.

And when he came over suddenly, all she could think of was that this person was uncertain, and he regretted wanting to fight again.

When she said this, Luo Ye and Chu Tso were relieved, and immediately dispelled the little doubt they had about her.

Chu Chu took a breath on his frozen nose that was almost unconscious, patted his face wearing thick plush gloves, raised his head from Luo Ye's warm arms, and looked at this girl so closely for the first time.

Xue Nv was also looking at her, and it was obvious at a glance that she was also a power user, and she was not weak. If they fought, it would be mixed doubles, and she didn't even have a chance to escape, so she lay flat. LJ

"Xue Nu, I don't know what to call you, so I can only call you that. I hope you don't mind. In fact, we're here to ask you something. I'm sorry to bother you." Chu Chu tried to be kind and sincere. They have someone to ask for.

Unexpectedly, they came to seek help and not fight. Xue Nu was silent for a moment, feeling a little uncomfortable in the face of Chu Chu's kind tone, and said stubbornly, "What's the matter?"

"I don't know if you have ever seen a middle-aged woman, the woman sitting next to me when we were eating hot pot that night. She disappeared in the afternoon." Chu Tu directly named him and peeked out of the window that day. snow girl.

Suddenly being mentioned that night, Snow Maiden turned her head stiffly and said, "I haven't seen it before!"

Chu Chu didn't doubt her words, which was also what they expected. She continued, "Can I ask you to help me find it? Please, she is very important to us."

Snow Maiden's stiff body slowed down, she returned to silence again, she didn't know what to think, she lowered her head, and her cape covered her expression.

After a while, she said indifferently: "She is very important to you, but what does it have to do with me."

She walks alone in the world, without anyone who matters or cares.

Relatives, friends, and partners, she doesn't need any of these, nor does she have empathy, nor is she obliged to help them.

Chu Chu glanced at Luo Ye, Xue Nv had no obligation to help them, and they didn't want to force them. If Xue Nv was unwilling to help, they had no choice.

Xue Nu glanced at them and heard Chu Chu sincerely say "Sorry for disturbing you", then when she bent down slightly and was about to leave, she said, "I don't do anything good."

Chu Chu, who was about to leave, pulled Luo Ye to a stop again. She keenly sensed a bit of negotiation from the girl's tone of voice.

She seized the opportunity and worked hard to offer conditions that could impress her: "Of course, if you are willing to help us, you can open the conditions as you like, as long as we can give it, anything can be done."

However, Snow Maiden was silent again and did not put forward any conditions.

Chu Chu was reluctant to give up, so he said tentatively: "Food? We have vegetarian vegetables, fruits and meat. If you don't have it, we will find a way to find it. Fuel oil, gas, solar lights, flashlights? Or pharmaceutical supplies, or Any request that takes us."

Snow Maiden's drooping eyelashes trembled slightly.

Chu Chu suddenly remembered the scene of the girl lying on the window and looking into the house with her feet on her feet that night. Although she saw most of the shocks at that time, thinking about it carefully, she should have been attracted by the liveliness of the house at that time, even if it was not easy. Perceived envy.

She tried again: "Or, are you willing to join us and become our partner?"

Xue Nu suddenly raised her head, her eyes a little cold.

Chu Chu didn't flinch, and spared no effort to promote their team: "In our team, everyone loves each other like siblings, never quarrels, caring for each other like a family, playing chess together, drinking tea and eating together, everything People are very friendly and kind, if you join, you will definitely like it, and Zhou Ma's cooking is delicious! You can eat delicious food every day!"

Xue Nu saw that there was no reaction in front of her, but when she heard the last sentence, the coldness in her eyes had been replaced by flickering, and she couldn't help but be moved.

Chu Chu saw it, did not expose her, but pleaded again: "Because it is a relative who cannot be lost, so we must find it back, only you can help us find her quickly, please."

The snowman, who had been quiet beside him, moved. It waved its branches as if it was stating something, and it looked a little excited.

No one but Xue Nv could understand what it was saying, and Xue Nv's face slowly turned from sunny to cloudy, she stood up suddenly, "Disgusting scholar!"

She said to Chu Chuan angrily: "I will find her, but it's not because of you, I'll go find that scholar and see if I don't make her into an ice sculpture!"

Chu Chu and Luo Ye looked at each other, not knowing what happened, but since Xue Nu agreed to help find Zhou's mother, their purpose has been achieved.

The Snow Maiden walked away aggressively, and the Snowman bowed to them gently, then quickly followed up with the Snow Maiden.

It would be much easier to have Xue Nv to help, but Chu Chu and Luo Ye didn't stop there. They also searched in the city separately, and agreed that they would return to the homestay after three hours whether they found it or not.

This was the first time that Luo Ye agreed to her acting alone. Before he knew it, he no longer protected her under his wings like he did before, for fear of her being hurt.

Chu Chu opened her transparent wings and flew towards the snowy sky.

Luo Ye watched her disappear, then withdrew his worried eyes and went in the opposite direction.

Chu Fei was looking for it in the air. Snowflakes soaked her wings. Although she didn't feel heavy, she still felt tired after flying for a long time. She landed on a tall building.

Glancing around, I suddenly saw a red silhouette flashing across the street.

"Snow Girl?"

Chu Nao was puzzled, did Xue Nu also find this place?

Worrying about what danger Xue Nu would encounter alone, she flew down the tall building and chased where the red figure disappeared.

She chased Snow Maiden to a dark and narrow alley. As soon as she entered, she was shocked that something was wrong. There was no snowman next to the figure she had just seen.

She immediately flew high with alertness, and in the next second, there were several more arrows where she was standing, and a feather was wiped off from her transparent wings.

At the entrance of the alley, the red figure I saw just now appeared again. The other party was covered in a cloak and couldn't see his figure. He glanced gloomily at the beginning of the road, and the figure quickly disappeared at the entrance of the alley again.

Chu Tuo hesitated for a moment, turned on stealth mode, and chased after him directly.

The author says: