54 is husband

The alley extends in all directions, dark and narrow. Heavy snow blocks the street. Chu Yu chased the footprints left by the man in the alley. Although the air is fast, in such a narrow place, if you are not careful, it will be too late to turn. And dodging, she has almost hit the wall several times.

The man ran very fast, and was very familiar with these lanes. She turned a corner, only one step slower to chase after her, and the man disappeared.

There is a blind alley in front, but the footprints disappear when they reach the entrance of the alley, as if they disappeared out of thin air from this place.

Chu Chu flew down from the air, hovered over the place where the footprints disappeared, checked the surroundings, and found no abnormality or any hidden secret passages.

She was vigilant and did not cancel the stealth. She flew high again, looked down from the sky, and started over from the beginning when she met this "Snow Girl".

She didn't see the face of "Snow Girl", but only the similar red cloak. The other party seemed to intentionally lead her here, but after being discovered by herself and dodging an attack, the other party began to hide.

It is unlikely that there is no snowman around the snow girl, so it is almost certain that what she sees is not the real snow girl. In addition, the snow girl is not actually strong, and the real purpose is to seriously hurt her or catch her.

She pretended to be a Snow Maiden and attacked her again. Maybe Zhou Ma was taken away by her. At least her purpose was obvious, that is, she wanted to frame Snow Maiden.

Chu Niao narrowed her eyebrows. After flying for a long time, the butterfly bones on her shoulders began to ache. She had to find a place to stop, put away her wings, and the invisibility effect could not be used for too long. She hid in a leeward place to release her invisibility.

The place she was looking for was the roof of a high-rise building. She pushed the stair door on the top of the building and it was bolted, but the door was made of iron, which could not trouble her now.

A flame rose in her palm, and the scorching temperature continued to rise, directly burning a hole in the door. After the temperature cooled down, she reached in and pulled the door bolt, successfully entering the homestay.

There is a house to block the wind and snow outside, and the body that has been frozen after flying for too long finally warms up a little.

She rubbed her hands and walked down the stairs, thinking about how to find that fake Snow Maiden.

In fact, sometimes, it is often unintentional, and her luck has always been inexplicably responsive.

When I saw the two snow girls who were in a tit-for-tat state in the homestay, I had a complicated mood at first.

There is no real or fake Monkey King, you can tell at a glance which is real and which is Xibei.

Chuchu squatted in a blind spot on the stairs, propping up his chin to watch the scene of the sisters killing each other below.

The two people at the bottom don't look alike, but they wear the same clothes, and their height and age are similar. From the conversation between the two, I learned that they used to be the best friends in school, and they slept in class together and copied homework. , peeking at the novel together to discuss the boys they like, and wearing sister outfits together, they are inseparable best friends, but everything ends after the natural disaster.

When the natural disaster came, it was the holiday season. They met in the classroom with a few close classmates and went out to play. Among them was the boy whom the fake Snow Girl had a crush on. After the natural disaster, a group of them were trapped in the classroom. Outside the classroom is the variant.

On the third day of being trapped, the food they brought had been eaten, and before they could be rescued, the Snow Maiden awakened her supernatural powers at this time. For monsters like that outside, everyone kept away from her. The fake snow girl originally wanted to accompany her, but when the boy she had a crush on took her away and kept her away from her good sister, she hesitated.

What happened afterward was the last thing Xue Nv wanted to recall. Now that the old things were brought up again, the tone of her statement was colder than the raging wind and snow outside.

The mutants wandering outside the classroom found them hiding inside, slammed their bodies against the windows and doors, and acted as the mainstay of everyone's crush and decided to take everyone out. , but the next moment the door of the classroom was slammed open, the mutant broke in, everyone fled in panic, the mutant grabbed a person, stopped to eat, the man's scream stings Snow Maiden's eardrums, while the others look for Run out the door when you have the chance.

The last one to leave was the fake Snow Maiden and her crush. Before they ran out of the door, they ran into the other mutants they were attracted to. It happened that Snow Girl struggled to get up, but the crush pushed the Snow Girl who stumbled to her feet. Get out and block the mutants coming at them.

Snow Maiden fell into the mutant group, and there was a severe pain in her shoulder, and her bones seemed to be shattered, and she watched her good sister abandon her without looking back.

It was she who taught her to be cheerful and optimistic, and it was she who brought her out of the cowardly tortoise shell. They agreed to be good friends for a lifetime and never leave.

Xue Nu was awake in the severe pain, and she was also sadly awake.

She didn't die, but at a critical moment, a supernatural power broke out, and a blizzard suddenly fell on the sunny spring day, as cold as her dead heart.

The wind and snow drowned the entire city, and it became her territory and her cage.

The sudden blizzard and the mutants outside that didn't stop the killing did not save those who escaped the classroom, but accelerated their death.

When Snow Maiden dragged her **** body to the downstairs of the classroom, she saw the fake Snow Maiden and her crush rushing back and forth, followed by several mutants.

Because the speed was too fast, the crush fell to the ground. The fake snow girl wanted to turn around to help, but it was too late. The mutant who caught up bit off the head of the crush, and the blood stained the snow. She stayed on the spot in one scene, when the mutant rushed towards her, the snow girl finally shot, and the wind and snow accelerated into a sharp blade, cutting off the mutant's head.

The Snow Girl rescued the Fake Snow Girl, but the Fake Snow Girl didn't thank her for it.

The first thing the fake Snow Girl said after recovering from her stupor was to question and blame Snow Girl for not saving her crush at that time.

Snow Maiden replied indifferently: "Why should I save him? Did he think I could live when he pushed me to those monsters?"

The fake snow girl was stunned, and then said hysterically: "You were about to die at that time, and he did this just to save me, and you are fine at all, and with the ability to kill monsters, you can obviously save me. Why can't he be saved?"

Snow Maiden clutched her cold arm due to excessive bleeding and lost consciousness due to too much pain, and did not speak for a long time.

Fake Snow Girl hates Snow Girl, even if Snow Girl saves her, she will risk finding food in the city in the days to come, give her something to eat, and protect her, she still hates Snow Girl.

Later, the snow girl became stronger and stronger, and finally killed all the mutants in the whole city. After turning the city into her own territory, the fake snow girl left her and tried every means to kill her to avenge her crush.

Snow Girl knew that she was still in this city, and she was just indifferent to the other party's behavior. Since then, she has stopped paying attention to her, built a snowman for herself, and started a lonely life for half a year.

Every snowflake is the eyes of the Snow Maiden. The snowman can know what the fake Snow Maiden is doing by sensing the snow. She seems to be crazy, imitating the Snow Maiden crazily, wearing the same clothes and doing the same actions, thinking that she can be the same as the Snow Maiden. Possess powerful abilities.

Her imitation finally worked, at least at the beginning of their arrival, she had the idea of ​​killing someone with a knife.

Then, after what happened, she appeared near the homestay, led Ma Zhou out, used her knowledge of the city to bring Ma Zhou to her own site, and then stunned Ma Zhou.

She always pays attention to Xue Nv, knowing that Luo Ye was looking for Xue Nv that day, the two fought, Xue Nv lost to Luo Ye, thinking that if the other party knew that Xue Nv hurt her companion, she would definitely trouble Xue Nv and kill Xue Nv.

The plan was not perfect and full of loopholes, but it was the only solution that the fake Snow Girl came up with in her madness.

Chu Chu finished listening to the quarrel between the two as if she was listening to the story. The information revealed in the words was enough for her to piece together the cause and effect of the story. Her feet were numb, so she sat down directly because she knew the purpose of the fake snow girl and also knew that Zhou Ma was there. Now that it is safe, she is not in a hurry to leave, and waits quietly.

Not only did the plan fail, but it was completely revealed. The fake Snow Maiden was completely mad and wanted to pounce on her and slap her neck, but the Snow Maiden just avoided it lightly.

Xue Nu looked at the snow outside the house and suddenly said, "You know what? If he hadn't pushed me at that time, I would have wanted to block it for you."

The eavesdropper Chuto upstairs and the hysterical Fake Snow Girl were stunned at the same time.

"You are afraid that I will become a monster, so you are alienating me. Although I am sad, I don't blame you. It is better to die during the awakening period. Seeing that the mutant is going to attack you, I feel that I will die anyway, and I struggled to get up with the last bit of strength. "Xue Nv looked at the stunned fake Xue Nv coldly, "I regard you as my best friend, and I will never leave you. You are in danger, and I will not ignore you."

"I didn't save the person you like, you hate me, I won't defend it, but don't forget, he was the one who was unjust to me first, even if I did it again, I wouldn't save a selfish person who wants my life ."

"I don't care if you want to kill me, but you should never use innocent people to achieve your goals." There was a bit of disgust in Xue Nu's calm eyes, "If any of them are a little bit weak today, even if I If you don't make a move, don't think about a good life, that man can't even beat me, how dare you provoke him?"

The fake snow girl was completely quiet when the snow girl said "I wanted to stop you too".

Snow Maiden lowered her head, tore off a plastic crystal necklace from the neck covered by the cloak, and threw it at the feet of the fake Snow Maiden: "I never wanted to harm you, but between us, from now on, from now on, I will not in the future. Be merciful again."

Xue Nv took Xue Bao away, the fake Xue Nv still stood there in a daze, and finally knelt down suddenly, grabbing the necklace that once symbolized their friendship, as if she had just woken up from a dream, and murmured: "No... No... not so..."

Chu Chu was so embarrassed by this, witnessing the breakup of a pair of best friends, she patted her butt, stood up, shook her head, and went in the direction where she came in.

As soon as she walked out of the stairwell, when she looked up, she saw the man standing outside facing the wind and snow. He didn't know how long he had been waiting, and there was snow on his head.

Chu Chu raised his eyebrows slightly, and didn't ask him why he was looking separately in the opposite direction, but now he found her, ran towards him happily, plunged into his warm embrace, and rubbed his cheek against his. chest.

"Let's go."

The man opened his coat and wrapped her completely, like a husband who made a special trip to welcome his wife home from get off work on a snowy day.

Many feelings in the world can't stand the test, and those who use the most affection will always be hurt first.

Fortunately, they have already gone through all kinds of hardships and dangers, because it was hard to get back together, so they cherished it and no one would let go.

This life is still very long, but there is no obstacle that can stop them from being together.

The author says:

Snow girl's story is finished