55 is husband

Zhou's mother arrived home one step earlier than them.

Zhou's mother was moved with pity when she saw the fake snow girl dressed as a snow girl standing alone in the heavy snow and looked pitiful. She went out immediately and wanted to invite the child to the house to warm up.

The fake snow girl saw Zhou Ma's kindness and deliberately pretended to be pitiful, but did not allow Zhou Ma to enter the house, but told Zhou Ma that she had a home here and wanted to ask Zhou Ma to take her home.

Although Zhou's mother is experienced, she lived a very simple life and never experienced any intrigue. She met her husband when she was young, and the two made money together in business. Later, she opened a private restaurant. She has always been in love with each other. With the weekend, the family is flat, the husband is doting, the son is sensible, and she is naturally optimistic and kind, so she is essentially "silly and sweet", and she easily believes in the fake snow girl.

It is said that in today's world, people who have experienced it should grow up and be wary of people who are unknown. However, after the natural disaster, Zhou's mother has been in a state of protection. At first, her son protected her, and then she joined Luoye. After the team, she didn't need to worry about anything other than cooking and all kinds of dishes, and she had basically never experienced the dangers of the end times.

Not enough vigilance, plus it was just a small child, Zhou's mother was easily deceived, she thought that the child's home was not far away, she would return immediately after sending it back, there should be nothing wrong, because when they lived in , Luo Ye said that the neighborhood is very safe, and there are no mutants. She feels that she is an adult, so she won't get lost in the snow and can't come back.

I just didn't expect that sometimes people's hearts are more unpredictable than those monsters. Zhou's mother has no defense against the fake snow girl who is still a child.

And the fake snow girl just wanted to frame the snow girl, knocked Zhou Ma unconscious and locked her in a secret basement, because it was underground, even if the snow girl wanted to find it, she couldn't find it.

After that, the fake Xue Nv kept hiding in the dark, because she knew that Xue Nv would not pay attention to her, so her actions were very blatant. When she saw Chu Chu and Luo Ye go out to find Xue Nv, she was still very excited, thinking that the plan was successful, but she didn't. Knowing why, they didn't fight as she wished. She was far away and couldn't hear their conversation. She only saw Snow Maiden's face change, and then they separated.

She didn't know that she had been exposed, she just thought that Zhou Ma's "chip" was not enough to make them tear their faces, so she shifted her target to Chu Chu. She didn't know how strong Chu Chu was, but she could see Chu Chu hide. She looked soft and weak in the arms of the man, thinking that she could easily be deceived just like Zhou's mother.

Then there was the scene in the alley. She designed a trap. This time, what she thought was not just to make Chu Chu "disappear", but to be seriously injured or even killed. Maybe this would completely arouse the man's anger.

But her plan failed again. Chu Chu was more alert and smart than she thought, and could easily see through her poor disguise. The plan failed and she had to flee.

Chu Chu disappeared and followed her all the time. She couldn't see it. She thought she had thrown it off. After a few more laps, she would return to where she was hiding, but Xue Nv found it in time and grabbed her collar and pulled it into the air. , and brought it to that house, so only the first time I saw the footprints that disappeared in the alley.

After that was the confrontation between the two that Chu Chu heard about. In fact, Chu Chu guessed that Xue Nv knew she was there at the time, and those words were deliberately told to her.

Because if it was found by Chucha or Luo Ye first, the end of the fake Snow Girl might not be so simple, so after Xue Nv knew that the fake Snow Girl had done these things, she took the Snow Girl away before Chu Chu caught the fake Snow Girl.

Although she said those heartless words, and finally cut off the last bit of love, but because of the previous love, on the premise that the fake Xue Nv did not cause substantial damage to Zhou Ma and Chu Chu, Xue Nv still asked for this for her. Favor.

Those words were deliberately said to let Chu Chu know the cause and effect of the fake snow girl becoming so crazy to do these things, and to let her go when she was not mentally normal.

Chu Chu didn't want the other party's life at first, and the other party didn't really hurt Zhou's mother, so after listening to it, it was considered that Xue Nu's behavior was acquiesced.

And Xue Nv finally dropped the necklace and left, which actually gave Chu Tiao a choice. If she was still angry but wanted to take revenge on the fake Xue Nv, Xue Nv would not stop her, because this favor depends on whether they are willing to give it or not.

Chu Chu knew that Zhou Ma was kind, and even if she knew she was being used, she would still choose to forgive her, so she patted her **** and left without wasting time on "revenge" the fake snow girl.

But if she didn't repent and still came to plot against them, next time she wouldn't let it go so lightly.

They not only protect the shortcoming, but also hold grudges.

After Xue Nv left, she went to the basement where Zhou's mother was locked, rescued Zhou's mother who had just woken up from a coma, and brought her back to the homestay.

After listening to the cause and effect of Xue Nv's statement, I apologized to them. Because of my own reasons, Zhou's mother was implicated. Although everyone was still a little angry, but because Zhou's mother was not injured and chose to forgive the fake Xue Nv because of her soft heart, she did not pursue it. .

Chu Chu and Luo Ye were a little slow to come back. They walked back, and neither of them used their abilities. The snowflakes covered their hair and eyelashes all the way back, as if they had white heads together.

Obviously stupid, but the two didn't feel it. They held hands and went back to the homestay. They stood under the eaves and looked at each other. When they saw the other party's white head, white eyelashes, and even a "white beard" grandfather and grandma, they couldn't help but want to laugh.

In the house, the hot pot soup base was reheated, and everyone who was waiting for them to come back to eat was biting their chopsticks and looked at the two giggling under the eaves outside the window with their heads indifferent.

The dog food is late but arrived.

Zhou's mother has a kind expression on her face. Every time she sees these two standing together, she finds it pleasing to the eye. When people are old, they want to see their children and grandchildren happy. It's better if your partner is happy. As for the skin monkey weekend, just don't harm other girls.

Xue Nu, who was asked by Zhou's mother to stay and eat together, put her hands in her cloak and looked at the people inside and outside the room lightly, her eyes flickering for a moment.

If it weren't for the fact that the house was too warm, the snowman who stayed outside and stared at the two of them had a strong sense of existence, the two people under the eaves would have been able to look at each other for a long time.

In the end, Luo Ye helped the girl in his arms sweep away the snow, and then he shook off his body carelessly, and led his girl into the house. When he passed the snowman who was looking at them, he turned his hand and put the "head" of the snowman. Twisted in a direction.

Xuebao: "…"

Although it doesn't know the pain or fear, it still feels that the man who helped him install his arm crooked three times and twisted his head this time is very dangerous.

Snow Maiden ate her first warm and normal meal in a lively and lively atmosphere. Such a lively scene was already far away from her, so far away that even if she was in it, it still felt unreal.

Since she was a child, she was not a child who could integrate into the crowd and the group. Her withdrawn and timid character kept her outside the crowd forever. It was not until she entered junior high school that she ushered in her first friend, but this one she once thought could be a lifelong friend In the end, there were no people, and she was still the child who was used to being alone.

Because she was used to being alone, when Zhou's mother asked her if she wanted to stay for one night, she shook her head gently.

She doesn't belong here, this kind of liveliness is not suitable for her, she is still used to the empty classroom that is as cold as an ice cellar.

But there was another different voice in her heart. She was afraid that if she stayed, she would have nostalgia for this place. All the people and things here, and every wandering person, had a fatal attraction.

But how can a homeless person have a stable residence and a warm home?

The red figure walked towards the lonely night with his hands folded. Next to him was a snowman with a small decorative umbrella stuck on his head.

Small body, stubborn and lonely figure.

Looking at the figure gradually disappearing into the night, Chu Chu couldn't help thinking of Luo Ye who was a wanderer in his previous life.

Before meeting her, Luo Ye was a fierce and lonely lone wolf in the wilderness, a wild, dangerous and charming cheetah in Africa, and was alone with a hated, powerful and vulnerable man.

Chu Chu couldn't help grasping the hand of the man beside her on her thigh, and the man who was already drowsy beside her just woke up for a moment, gave her a look and asked, and lowered her head after seeing her smiling and shaking her head to indicate that she was okay. Doze off.

He slept longer and longer in a day. When he had nothing to do, he would doze off almost anytime and anywhere. At first, he knew that it was because with the extension of the ice and snow days, the ice attribute ability in his body was at work again, the ice element was active, and the fire element was weakened. When the two collided, he was not feeling well, and he needed a long period of sleep to suppress it, so as not to lose control and be attacked. Yihua

Winter is the most vulnerable and dangerous time for him, but even in this period, he is still strong to ordinary people, so no one can find him strange, just think that he is lethargic and lazy in winter.

And Chu Chu once felt that way, until one winter, the two encountered a dangerous mutant attack and an avalanche at the same time. Although Luo Ye hugged her and escaped all the way, but when they got to a safe place, he He fainted without warning.

In her eyes, the man who was always so strong that he seemed to never fall suddenly fell on top of her. She panicked for a while before calming down a little and dragged him into a tree hole she found, because she didn't know what happened to him at all. , worried that he would not wake up when he fell, so he stayed in fear for three days and three nights, not leaving an inch until he woke up by himself.

That was the first time she saw such a "fragile" him, and it was also the first time she knew that it was not because of laziness that he was always inexplicably dozing at any time and place.

After that, she will take the initiative to take on the task of guarding when he is dozing off, although her role is not as good as his own vigilance, and she will also deliberately avoid places with cold weather, so as not to let him stay for a long time that will cause his power disorder place.

The place where they stayed before was still in the south, but now that they have crossed the north-south dividing line, they can feel the different coldness between the north and the south. In addition, after staying here for a few days this time, the snow did not stop outside, so his reaction was a little bigger. .

Knowing and knowing, Chu Chuo had no way to help him, so he could only hold his hand quietly and accompany him.

Thinking of the pain he was going through, she felt distressed for a while, stretched out her empty hand, and lightly tapped his forehead.

If only she could help him share a little of the pain.

The author says:
