68 Gamification

After talking about the compensation, the female boss looked at everyone sternly: "Because there are a few newcomers, let me introduce myself first, my surname is Mei, and I am Mei Xin, the president of the Dongcheng Branch, you can call me by my name. , My ability is the power of holy angels, this mission, I will act with you and be responsible for protecting your safety."

Others also entered the state after hearing the words, without the sloppy attitude just now.

The president has personally escorted and escorted it. It is conceivable how difficult this task must be. Everyone knows the priorities. At this time, it is natural to put the task first.

"I know that some of you may have some opinions on Luo Ye and the others, thinking that they have insufficient actual combat experience, and because of what happened just now, they did not dare to express their opinions." Mei Xin expressed the feelings of some people.

Abilities are only one of the criteria for measuring whether a person is strong. What is important is whether they can play a role in actual combat. If you have an ability without actual combat experience, and you are timid in battle, it is tantamount to talking on paper, and it will still drag in the end. The team retreats.

However, because of Du Yi's defeat in the competition just now, they couldn't say anything else, it would appear that they were unwilling to admit defeat, were aggressive, and bullied the newcomers.

Now that the president has taken the initiative to bring it up, there may be some hidden secrets, and everyone is willing to hear the details.

Mei Xin controlled the tablet with her fingers. A few seconds later, the projection screen behind her lit up, and the projection was playing a video, a video outside the Dongcheng base.

The security base in the half area of ​​Dongcheng only occupies half of the old Dongcheng, and the other half is always under occupation. The places outside the base are occupied by mutants. Therefore, Dongcheng is often invaded by mutants and has always survived in the cracks.

The other half of the mutant city is also the most taboo place for ability users. No one wants to go there. Every time they pass by, they must be careful and careful, for fear of attracting a surge of mutants.

However, in the video, there was a group of people rampaging in the city openly. The bus was surrounded by mutants to avoid the breakout. On the roof of the car, several superhumans were clearing the obstacles in the direction of the car. A girl was flying in the air. , they cooperated tacitly and rushed out from the heavy siege.

When the morning sun was rising, he rushed all the way to the gate of the base, and no one was injured.

Reckless but resourceful, brave and powerful.

In the video, among the power users who were guarding the car all the way, several were very familiar, and it was the four people sitting opposite them at the moment.

When the video came out, everyone was completely convinced.

After all, it was the few of them who were here, and no one dared to guarantee that they would be able to break through in that city.

The video was taken by drone, and they heard early this morning that a group of people drove a train to Dongcheng Railway Station and rushed to the base from there.

At first, they thought it was spread by those people, not to mention where the train came from and the possibility of reaching Dongcheng all the way, just the way from the train station to the base, how many people can survive.

It seems that now, it is just that their vision is small, there are people outside people, and there are days outside the sky.

"Mei Xin is very satisfied with the current results. She continued: I believe everyone has heard about someone breaking through the siege from the train station and arriving at the base this morning. Now the video evidence is here, and the real person is here. I will change the B for them now. Level power user level information, do you have any opinions here?"

"No." This time, he was really convinced.

"Since there are no comments, let's talk about this mission. This mission is quite special, and the level is tentatively set to be A+. After listening to the specific situation, everyone can choose to quit according to their own circumstances. It is not shameful to quit. , our guild is committed to doing our best to protect the safety of everyone's life and property, so please do your best, and safety first."

Write "safety first" into the base regulations, and regard it as a standard, and implement it to the end. Such a human base is a truly qualified safe area.

Here, it always pursues the concept of life first, respects life, cherishes everyone's life, and will eventually be loved by everyone.

No matter how hard they fight in private, they will focus on the overall situation and go all out to protect their homeland at critical moments.

It is not the Drum Tower's ***, who is a warrior under the heavy reward, does not want to make progress, and specializes in moral kidnapping.

Chu Tu suddenly felt that the capital base seemed to be a good home, and her only remaining family members might also be here, as well as a group of friends.

"Half a month ago, the drone detected a distress signal. After the positioning of the technical department, it was guessed that there were survivors near Meiyuan. The guild issued a rescue mission for the first time, which was originally scheduled to be a B-level mission. The first team Eleven people, including a B-level ability user, and the rest are C-level, but soon after they set off, they lost contact after entering the plum garden, and no one came back."

Eleven ability users lost contact for no reason, and one of them was still a B-level ability user. Now he doesn't know his life or death. This is indeed a sad news.

Mei Xin: "So our guild sent a second team, which also lost contact strangely after entering the plum garden. The drone would lose its signal shortly after reaching the plum garden, and then crashed for no reason. We have lost seven drones. Humans and machines have never been able to detect the situation in the plum garden."

"So this mission may not only be very dangerous, but also very strange, without the assistance from the rear of the guild, after entering all the dangers, you can only rely on everyone, there are two missing teams in front, I hope everyone here can consider carefully Let's see if you are ready and willing to take this risk, our mission is to detect the situation in Meiyuan, and the second is to rescue the missing team, if they are still alive."

Mei Xin's tone was solemn and serious, without any intention of joking.

After she finished speaking, someone stood up hesitantly, said "I'd better quit", and then left the conference room.

This person's strength is barely enough to reach the B-level, and he was promoted not long ago. Under the premise that there are two teams and both have B-level abilities, he is really not confident in his own strength. It is a wise move to quit. No one thinks his behavior is shameful, and everyone looks at their own strength very objectively.

"Is there anyone else?" Mei Xin glanced around, and after a while, another person left, and then no one got up.

After the personnel were confirmed, Mei Xin got up and bowed solemnly to everyone: "Thank you for your support, this mission still needs some preparations, and it is tentatively scheduled to start the day after tomorrow. During this period, if you change your mind, you can always quit.

In the end, the mission is long and difficult. Please be prepared for long-term battles. If you have any needs, you can tell us. The guild will do its best to provide you with the best help. During the mission, I will also try my best to protect everyone's safety. In the past two days, recharge your energy and maintain a good state. "

After the explanation was finished, the meeting ended, and everyone left one after another. The four of them were the last to leave. They were about to get up when Mei Xin suddenly stopped them.

"Please wait a moment for the four of you." Mei Xin walked towards them, "It was stated at the meeting just now that the information would be changed for a few of you, please come with me."

Mei Xin took them to the information department of the guild, and took their wristbands to be operated. During the waiting period, Mei Xin invited them to the rest room next to them for coffee.

Mei Xin: "The few of you have just arrived in the capital, and you may have a lot of things you don't know about the base. If you have anything, you can contact me or Jin Yu, and one more thing. The reward for this mission is very generous. You can have a good time in the next two days. Rest, this part of the reward will be credited to your account in advance."

Although Mei Xin's voice did not fluctuate much, it was very comfortable to listen to, and she was thorough in dealing with the world, and the details were well thought out.

As expected of a woman who can be president.

They just arrived, and they only had five points given by the guild in their accounts. They were almost spent in one day, and the task was set in two days. During this period, they had better recharge their batteries and not be able to take other tasks and have no income, which is obviously unreasonable. , and Mei Xin took this into consideration and paid Tan Dong the remuneration in advance, and the problem was solved.

Uncle Zhou asked her curiously, "You're not afraid that we won't go back and regret it. What if we pocket these rewards?"

After all, she herself said that they could quit at any time, and if they were such rascals, they would swallow the rewards.

Mei Xin put down the coffee in her hand and smiled slightly: "You are doubting my way of looking at people."

Very good, in one sentence, he answered Uncle Zhou's question, and at the same time raised their status, it was hard not to recognize her words.

Of course, they definitely can't do things like running away and pocketing rewards, and if the guild can give it, they will naturally have the ability to take it back. If they don't want to mix in the capital base, they will want to fight against the guild.

At the time of a cup of coffee, the bracelet information was changed, and the staff brought their bracelets over.

"The technology department has recently researched new technology, and I have asked someone to upgrade it for you. If the signal allows, you can establish a group chat online, and you can also see the location of the other party in the group chat. to a point."

When I first put on the bracelet, I called up the account page and saw the newly added group chat function, as well as the shocking points amount above.

Three hundred points!

good guy! It really makes money!

She was heartbroken.

When she thought it was all, Mei Xin added: "This is only half of the reward, if you can come back safely, the other half of the reward will come to your home later, and I have added insurance for you all, in case something happens Unexpectedly, the points on your account can be transferred to your family members or chosen heirs."

good guy! Accident insurance and inheritance are included!

When leaving the guild, the first steps are floating, so this is the feeling of being rich.

"Very happy?" Luo Ye couldn't help asking when she saw her fluttering.

"Of course, who doesn't like money," Chu Chu admitted honestly.

In the base, having points means having money, and having money means guaranteeing survival.

Luo Ye was thoughtful, and after a while, he tapped a few times on the wristband, and then heard a crisp system prompt at the beginning.

[Your first contact "husband" will transfer 300 points for you. ]

Chu Chu suddenly looked up at him.

Luo Ye: "I'll give you all mine."

Drip, your friends give you double the joy.

The author says:

All the way: Star Eyes~

Luo Ge is a good man who takes the initiative to hand over his salary (dog head)