69 Gamification

"You gave it all to me, then what do you do?" Chu Chu raised his face and stared at the person with his big almond eyes.

Luo Ye couldn't help but touched the top of her head: "I can only trouble the housekeeper."

Chu Chu looked down at the huge sum of money on the bracelet, then looked up at him, and finally pursed his lips and smiled softly: "Okay, then tell me when you need money."

Anyway, they have always been together. He needs money and she can transfer it. In fact, thinking about the various behaviors of his prodigal family in the past, putting the money here can prevent him from messing up the family again.

Xue Nv and Uncle Zhou couldn't take it anymore and they both went to the front. One wanted to find Cui Yu, Xue Bao was with Cui Yu, and the other wanted to find Zhou Ma. They were stimulated by the young couple. To find a wife for comfort.

Chu Chu and Luo Ye walked side by side in the base. Dongcheng was originally an old city, but it actually had a taste of the old days. Walking through the streets and walking in the bluestone alley with mottled old walls, the sunset was very bright, and the setting sun reflected the backs of young people. , stretched two long shadows, as if they could go all the way to the end like this, the sunset glowing in the clouds, warm and quiet.

While walking, Chu Chu suddenly stood still.

The man stopped looking back, looked at her, and asked with his eyes.

The girl didn't speak, she stood there and stretched out her hands towards the man in front of her.

The man understood in an instant, and bent down slightly in front of her, and the girl jumped on his back with a smile, hugged his neck, and said lightly, "Mr. Luo, please send me home before the sun goes down."

The man put his arms around the girl's legs and carried her steadily on his back: "Yes, Mrs. Luo."

The man is tall and has long legs, and his steps are long and steady. He usually has to accommodate her when he walks, but now he is carrying people, but it is faster than walking together.

Chu Niao was lying on his back, the man's shoulders were broad and he was full of security. He smelled the good saponin incense on him, and even his mood became better.

The orange sunset reflected their figures. A man carried a woman on his back, walked through the long street and returned to their home.

They have many places to live, but where they have each other is home.

The house assigned to the family home is not big, but it is not small. There are two bedrooms and one living room. The master bedroom has a bed. They put on their own sheets and bedding for the first time, and then briefly cleaned the bedroom to make the room look better. Neat and clean.

Luo Ye is cleaning the bathroom. The bathroom here has water and electricity, which is really convenient.

After cleaning the house almost, the two saw that it was getting late, the cafeteria had already opened for dinner, and they went to the cafeteria together.

Probably because they came late, there were far fewer people buying meals in the cafeteria, and some of the dining windows were still empty.

Chu Chu swept around the dining window, and unexpectedly saw a familiar figure, she immediately pulled Luo Ye over to line up.

The little brother who was cooking saw the two of them and raised his eyebrows. After half a day of on-the-job training, he skillfully picked up a clean plate, spooned a large spoonful of rice, and asked solemnly, "What kind of dishes do you want to cook? "

There are not many dishes in the window, but the taste is quite good, and the dishes are still warm with hot water underneath.

At the beginning, I ordered a meat dish and a material, and the little brother who made the rice took a spoonful and placed it on the plate without blinking his eyes. In an official tone: "Swipe the code over there to check out, the next one."

Luo Ye also ordered the same dish, which was still two full spoons, and even added a piece of meat, which can be said to be a blatant preference.

Compared to the other aunts who beat the rice at the window, who had Parkinson's hand shaking, this little brother who beat the rice had a good conscience.

The three of them tacitly agreed, and only looked at each other for a short time before staggering.

Chu Tiao happily took a lot more meals than today's noon and found a seat to sit down.

"It's great, I don't have to be afraid of the canteen aunt's shaking hands anymore." Even if she just added an extra piece of crispy meat, she was very happy.

They didn't see anyone else in the cafeteria. There is more than one cafeteria in the base. The one they're staying in now is just close to the family home. If it's convenient for others, they may have already dined in other cafeterias.

Halfway through their meal, a plate fell across from them, and the young man with a chef's hat and a white chef's uniform sat down carelessly.

"I'm starving, I'm finally getting off work." The young man devoured a few mouthfuls of rice, and then he was free to push the two small bowls of seaweed egg soup on his plate to them, "The free soup presented by the back kitchen. , it tastes good, you can try it."

Chu Chu rudely picked it up and took a sip: "One bowl for the two of us is enough, you eat slowly, don't choke."

The boy picked up another bowl of soup and took a big sip: "I've been busy since five o'clock, and my hands are shaking when I'm cooking, and I can't eat until I get off work. It's too painful."

Chu Chu was already full, and there was a small half of the food left to naturally push to Luo Ye, "By the way, how did you apply for the canteen to open the window?"

"I originally wanted to interview for the kitchen dishwasher, but there were too many interviews, and I couldn't grab those aunties. The interviewer saw that I was young and didn't want to be interviewed.

Then I heard that one of their employees had quit and just missed a window for food, so I volunteered and showed them a fancy spoon. I'm on top. "Weekend is beaming about his experience of joining the company.

Their family used to run a restaurant. He was very familiar with his eyes and ears, and he would help in his spare time. He was actually very familiar with everything in the back kitchen. .

Therefore, relying on his versatile performance, he passed five levels and defeated six generals, and stood out among the aunts and aunts who were skilled and favored, and was reused.

Chu Tuo sighed: "It's good to cook rice. It not only includes food, but also a lot of kitchen benefits. The most important thing is that it can open a small stove for us. The happiest job in the world is probably the cafeteria worker."

Although a day's wages are not much, the people take food as their priority, and no one who is hungry will be hungry to the canteen workers. This is a very popular job in the base like an iron rice bowl.

He was a little nervous on the weekend. He actually had no hope that he could find a job today. After all, it is still very difficult for ordinary people to find a job. There are many applicants for every job, and the interview scene was overwhelming. If nothing special Ability, it is difficult to be seen by the interviewer.

His age is not dominant among those older people. He used to be regarded as a half-pampered young master. He was white and clean. When others saw him, they felt that he would definitely not be able to endure hardship, so they rejected it.

Fortunately, he was clever. When the restaurant was busy in the past, he went into the kitchen to help. Although cooking was so-so, he learned a lot about his cool skills.

"By the way, have you found the mission?" The weekend stuffed his mouth full of small crispy meat and asked them vaguely.

Chu Tiao nodded: "Find it, go the day after tomorrow."

"That's good." The weekend helped the chef's hat that was crooked. The teenager was growing up and had a thin body. The chef's uniform on him was lent to him by a pot-bellied chef. It was a little funny to wear it. "At more than five o'clock, I saw Brother Ahao and the others coming for dinner. They were with the people from the technical department. They were still wearing the uniform of the technical department. They should have passed the interview."

"What about Sister Yu and Mother Zhou?"

"I didn't see Sister Yu. I don't know if she passed the interview, but there should be no problem with my mother."

Zhou Ma's cooking skills are obvious to all, and there should be no back chef who would reject her.

"We just went home to the courtyard building and didn't see Sister Yu at home. She should be still outside, so let's go and look for it. It's just a snack after dinner."

"om, wait for me to finish eating this and go back to the kitchen to change my clothes." On the weekends, the speed of eating was accelerated, and the wind and clouds were finished in a short while.

Chu Chu and Luo Ye sent the dinner plates to the recycling place, and returned to the kitchen lounge on weekends to change into their clothes and come out to join them.

"I'll look at the map." Chu Chu took out the beginner's guide from her bag. The guide included a map of Dongcheng Base. She took the map and looked left and right, then pointed to a place and said, "Sister Yu At noon, he said he was going to a textile factory for an interview, and the textile factory was heading this way..."

Luo Ye glanced at the map in her hand and reminded aloud, "The map is upside down."

The beginning of the oath: "..."

Well, map blinds don't deserve to see directions.

Although she wasn't a lunatic, she was confused when she saw the map and often couldn't understand it, so she had to give the map to Luo Ye.

Luo Ye took the map, looked at it seriously for a while, and said, "The textile factory is to the northwest of the canteen."

Chu Chu and Zhou Zhou nodded clearly, and the two walked towards the northwest with conviction, while the man with the map walked in the opposite direction to the northwest.

Two people: "??"

"Why don't you show me the map?" The weekend whispered.

It's really unreliable for the couple, one can't read the map, and the other has a poor sense of direction. I'm really worried about their travel.

When the map was in the hands of the weekend, he closed the map with just one glance, "Follow me."

The only one who can understand the map and find the correct direction on the weekend suddenly found a sense of superiority, and led the way with his head held high.

Before long, he led the way to a dead end.

Three people: "…"

Come on, the whole army was wiped out.

In the end, it was the Snow Maiden who was passing by licking the candied haws and led them to the right path.

Although Snow Maiden tried her best to hide it, the three of them could see that she couldn't hide it and laughed.

Xue Nv just came back from eating in a cafeteria, and Zhou Ma really applied for the chef of a cafeteria, and she conquered the entire back kitchen and the guests as soon as she showed her hands. Xue Nv originally wanted to find Cui Yu, but Cui Yu was busy When there was no time for work, she went to the cafeteria by herself, met Zhou's mother, and ate a free meal in the back kitchen. After that, Zhou's mother also used the ingredients she brought with her to make candied gourd as a snack for her.

She is holding a bunch in her hand now, and Xuebao still has a few bunches in her body.

Chu Tiao, who was laughed at, pulled out a bunch of candied haws from Xuebao without hesitation, and ate it as he walked.

"Sister Yu passed the interview, and she is also the team leader of the female workers, but the work is a bit tiring. They have to work three shifts." On the way, Xue Nv took the initiative to explain Cui Yu's current job.

Chu Chuo sighed, the three shifts who couldn't escape, the evil 996.

However, Cui Yu can become the team leader on the first day of work, and the treatment should be good.

The three arrived at the textile factory, where they need to produce a line of applications such as clothing, shoes, socks, curtains, etc. The emphasis is on the word "wear".

It is one of the important factories of the base.

People outside the factory could not enter and needed to be brought by employees. They came to the guard to ask. When the guard heard that he was looking for Cui Yu, his expression changed and he said, "She is not in the factory."

"Where did she go? She hasn't gotten off work yet."

The guard didn't say anything, Chu Chu narrowed his eyes, his intuition was not right, he patted the registration table in front of him, and vines grew from her arm: "Tell us, two points."

The coercion and inducement were used at the same time, and the doorman was relieved: "She was called away by the deputy minister and is in Office Building 207."

Although the guard didn't say anything else, they all heard that it was not good, and after turning the points, they hurried towards the office building.

Ignoring the obstruction from the front desk, I rushed to the second floor. When I was about to reach room 207, I heard a painful scream, followed by a few more.

The voice was not Cui Yu's, but a man's.

The door was pulled from the inside, Cui Yu came out with a cold face, saw a few of them stunned outside the door, and twitched the corners of his mouth: "Why are you all here?"

"This...inside..." The four pointed to the inside of the office.

Cui Yu looked relaxed: "Oh, I quit my job, and I gave a lesson to the male boss who tried to harass female employees."

It is self-evident how this lesson is taught.

Several people were instantly in awe.

Those who have the courage to copy their bosses and beat up their bosses who do bad things are all good.

The author says:

There are all kinds of birds in the forest, but they will be punished