86 Under construction

A few people rested at the base for a few days and then set off again. On the day when the guild organized the annihilation of the mutant lair, all the powerhouses ranked in the basic base participated. It can be said that this is the largest organization organized by the guild in the past year. An action, the team is also quite luxurious.

Chu Chu used invisibility and flight ability to cross over the city, and quickly searched for the location of the mutant's lair. After she flew around, she finally saw where the mutants came from. She flew back and tried to hack and kill the people underneath. The mutant crowd said: "I found it. In that building, the entire building is the mutant's nest, but the parent body should be on the eighth floor in the middle. As for which room I can't tell."

Mei Xin was overjoyed: "Okay, let's retreat today, go back to the camp to rest, and plan for the long term."

The camp is a rudimentary military tent. Ten people sleep on one roof, so that if there is an emergency, they can take care of each other. It seems that the conditions are very simple, but in fact, apart from sleeping, the base is very generous in terms of food and clothing. Let the soldiers enjoy the best rear supplies and maintain the best state to meet the battle.

In the evening, the bonfire in the camp was weak, and a group of people sat around, listening to the search plan for tomorrow.

"Tomorrow morning, the base will send helicopters over. At that time, the first team will fly from the top of the building to the eighth floor to find the parent body and destroy it. The second team will go down the corridor to attract the mutants upstairs. The other teams will be responsible for attracting the mutants outside and downstairs. , to prevent the mutants from returning to the nest, make sure that a team arrives at the mother body safely. The helicopter and team doctor will be on standby at any time on the roof. If there is any emergency, you must retreat from the window in time. I only have one request, everyone must come back alive. ."

After Mei Xin finished speaking, the first one stood up and stretched out his right hand.

The next day, the helicopter took both teams to the roof of the building. A group of ten members, including Luoye Chuxue's uncle Zhou, fixed the rope on the roof and slid to the eighth floor with the rope in hand. Outside the panoramic glass window, Chu Tiao grabbed the snow girl who couldn't slide the rope and flew down. When they were ready, the talents of the second team opened the door of the corridor and rushed in.

Because the people from the second team suddenly broke into the building, the mutants wandering in the upper floor were immediately attracted by the smell and movement, and they crowded into the corridor on the top floor.

At the same time, the people downstairs also began to act, making a big move downstairs, attracting the variants in the hall and the floors below, and most of the variants in the building had left, greatly reducing the danger of a team's mission.

After the mutants in the building were gone, a team of people picked up the escape hammer to break open the window and crashed into the room.

Because they don't know which room the parent is in, they are divided into two groups to enter different rooms when they break the window, which is also conducive to dispersing the variants attracted by the sound.

As a result, the two rooms far away from them were perfectly staggered, and the variant on the eighth floor did not leave, and was attracted by the movement they made, and came towards the two rooms respectively.

As a last resort, they had to bite the bullet and deal with the mutants while searching in various rooms. The mutants upstairs and downstairs sensed the danger of the mother body, and some of them had already started to return to the nest regardless of other people's obstruction. They did not have much time. Before the mutants can return to the nest, they must defeat the mother and sever the connection between the mutants.

In order to find the mother body faster, Chu Chu became invisible again, and quickly shuttled through the corridor, looking for it from room to room. Finally, in the large conference room in the innermost room, she saw the mother body that was almost filled with the whole room and was as fat as mud.

She couldn't solve the mother body alone, and her arrival had alarmed the mother body. Even if she couldn't see her, she launched an indiscriminate attack. She avoided the attack dangerously and explained the situation to others.

Next, is to defeat the Matrix.

But there were more and more variants coming up from the corridor, and it was impossible to take care of both sides. In the end, Luo Ye and Xue Nv had to go over to help Chutu, while the others stayed at the entrance of the corridor to block the mutants from returning to the nest to protect the mother.

This mutant mother body is very powerful, and its defense is extremely high. It took nearly an hour for the three people to join forces to destroy the mother body.

When the mother body gradually slowed down under the attack of extreme cold and extreme heat, and finally was completely unable to move, after being cut in half by Luo Ye's sword from the top of the head and crashing to the ground, all the violent attacks attacked humans. The mutant was temporarily incapacitated and shot by the psychic.

When all the power users safely retreated from the building and left in helicopters, a fighter plane with power weapons already equipped flew into the air, a power bomb was dropped, and the entire building was destroyed. Countless variants were completely wiped out. The battle that lasted for several days finally came to an end.

Victorious heroes from their dangerous lair are lifted up and thrown into the air by outsiders to celebrate the victory of the battle together.

The remaining variants outside the city buildings were also eliminated one by one, the entire city was cleaned up, and someone held the flag of the base and planted it on the highest roof of the city, which meant that the city had been recaptured by humans.

Fight side by side in wartime, obey the command, work together, and use the most simple method in victory, without restraint or abandonment.

Because of the preparation, although the battle was difficult, no one was sacrificed in the end, and injuries were inevitable. The wounded would be treated by the team doctor as soon as possible. No matter the tactical arrangement or the treatment of the wounded, the best was achieved.

A good team never comes from slogans, but from adequate preparations, well-equipped personnel and weapons, abundant medical supplies, sophisticated combat command plans, high awareness of obeying commands, and never giving up on any teammates. unity can only be created.

The victorious bonfire banquet was held on the newly walled farm site.

A grand bonfire was burning in the center, and the surrounding long tables were placed with various foods and fruits grown on the farm, with passionate or lyrical music playing, and everyone who had been tired for days sang, danced, and sang.

Chu Chu and Luo Ye just watched the excitement for a while and then left quietly. They were not used to this kind of excitement, not to mention that as one of the biggest contributors to the elimination of the mother body today, the two of them are too famous in the team. Someone came to say hello and chat.

One of them was afraid, and the other didn't like to talk. It was too embarrassing to be there, so they slipped away while no one was paying attention.

The two climbed up the newly built lighthouse on the farm. The sentry tower was built very high, away from industrial emissions and various pollutions for nearly a year. The sky in the city was much clearer, and stars that were rarely seen in the city before. Now it is full of stars, standing on the top of the tall sentry tower, as if you can reach it with your hand.

"Aye, look, it's so beautiful to see the stars here!" Chu Tso let go of Luo Ye's hand, trotted up to the top floor, and pointed to the sky to show him.

Luo Ye followed her figure without looking at the sky, his voice was perfunctory: "Well."

Chu Chu turned back in dissatisfaction: "Have you seen it?"

Luo Ye looked at her intently and said, "I'm looking at you, you are prettier than the stars."

Chu Chu was stunned for a moment, then looked away embarrassedly.

The spring breeze blew past the tower, and the girl pulled her hair on the temples and said softly, "The moonlight is beautiful tonight."

The wind is also gentle.

The author says:

If I say, here is the end of the text...

Just kidding, there should be another chapter...

The moon is beautiful tonight and the wind is gentle - Soseki Natsume