87 Finale

The farm construction lasted for more than a month. With the unremitting efforts of all the engineering team, the defense facilities of the farm were finally completed. With the defense foundation, the rest of the internal construction did not need to worry about rushing the construction period every day. The task of the farm has finally ended, and the farm's security base will arrange other people.

After more than a month of escorting tasks, when she first returned to the base, she just spread out the bed and didn't want to move. She slept in the tent in the wild for so long, and she missed the bed at home so much.

Although they were regular residents in the wild in their previous lives, they did not have such a high-intensity battle. When there were two of them, the movement was small and the breath was weak. There would hardly be such a large-scale mutant attack. Except for the inconvenience of life, living like that Over time, you get used to it.

For more than a month, she has been fighting almost every day, and she has to fight with 12 points of spirit to deal with the danger. Since the last time she changed to rolling, her physical defects have also been improved, but she can't stand such continuous rotation and high intensity. The power output can only be recovered by relying on the big sleep time.

So when I first returned to the base, I just wanted to sleep, and sometimes I didn't even want to eat, but with Luo Ye by my side, three meals a day are pretty regular now. When I really don't want to get out of bed to eat, he will also Wake her up and feed her something else.

In the past few days when she was lethargic, Luo Ye was still busy with other things, leaving early and returning late.

When I first found out that he was going out to run errands, he was woken up by a nightmare in the middle of the day and wanted to find comfort, but he searched around the house and didn't see anyone else. I also asked upstairs and downstairs if anyone had seen him. The answer is no.

Chu Chu returned to the room gloomily and sent a message to him and asked:

[where did you go. ]

The reply message is fairly fast over there, and I got a reply as soon as I sent it out:

[Outside, something happened, why did you wake up? ]

[Have a nightmare, I can't sleep. ] She unconsciously acted like a spoiled child.

Luo Ye: [Good, I'll go back now. ]

After getting the information he wanted, Chu Tso sat on the edge of the bed with his knees in his arms and waited for him to come back, but he couldn't help falling asleep again.

When Luo Ye put things down and hurried home, as soon as he entered the bedroom, he saw that the girl who said she couldn't sleep was already unconscious on the head of the bed.

He walked over helplessly, picked him up and laid him down, and moved a little as if he had felt it for the first time.

"Go to sleep, I'll be with you."

Chu Tso, who had not slept peacefully before, miraculously went back to sleep because of his words.

No matter how powerful she is now, or even able to enter and exit the base freely and live in the wild, she still likes to stick to him as before, she has a toughness that ordinary people can't match, and also has a softness that comes from part of her personality, and she can be squeamish at ordinary times. Acting like a spoiled child, at a critical time, she can distinguish priorities and perseverance.

She always said that she was his burden of dragging the oil bottle, but in fact she was not. Whether it is now or in her past life, she was never a burden to him. She had many opportunities to stay at the base, but she gave up the established stable life, She wandered with him without complaint all the way. As an ordinary person, her bravery and tenacity are enough to make people look at her with admiration.

Moreover, if it weren't for her, he might have lived in the abyss of hatred in his previous life all his life, living alone. I don't know which day, he would get tired of that kind of life and end his own life in the cold night that no one knows about. She rashly intrudes into his turbulent life, bringing waves, light and heat, and the ability to be loved and loved.

He used death as the end point in the abyss, and because of her arrival, he greedily wanted to live a hundred years.

Looking at the girl sleeping peacefully in his arms, he couldn't help but kiss her cheek.

How could there be such a girl who made him happy.

Because of his original family, he once thought that he would not fall in love with anyone or start a family with anyone, but when she appeared, he knew that those firm ideas were no longer counted.

The girl he likes is very good. In the past life, he owed her too much and let her wander with him. Now he just wants to give her a stable life and a stable home.

In the evening, Supervisor Luo Ye went out again after eating, washing, and sleeping. He didn't come back until midnight. He hurriedly washed off the cold dew and fell asleep with his girl in his arms.

After that day at noon, he would accompany her to take an extra nap, but he was still very busy.

In the early days, she felt half-sleeping and half-awake several times, but she was so sleepy that she always forgot to ask him what he was doing when she woke up.

This situation continued for a week. One night, Luo Ye came back from the outside. Instead of taking a shower and sleeping as usual, he came to the bedside and gently picked up Chu Chu, who was still sleeping, feeling his body volleyed into the air. , Chu Chu instinctively wrapped his arms around his neck, unable to open his eyes, and murmured sleepily:


She didn't know what he was going to do, but she didn't have the energy to ask.

Luo Ye took her out and coaxed her gently: "It's okay, you sleep."

A car was parked downstairs, Luo Ye put her in the back seat of the car to lie down, then went around to the driver's seat and started the car.

"How is my sister?" The front passenger's seat appeared, leaning on the seat and looking back.

Jing Yicheng was wearing work clothes and a yellow hard hat on his head, as if he had just returned from the construction site.

Luo Ye turned the car and replied, "I used up too much power some time ago, and now I'm in a state of long-term drowsiness."

This happens after the power user consumes the power excessively, because the operation of the power depends not only on the power and energy of the power user, but also on the energy. Under the double consumption of physical strength and energy, the body will trigger the protection mechanism, and then fall into Recover from drowsiness.

Most of the people in the **** team have this state this time. The first time is relatively long, so Luo Ye can rest for a day.

Jing Yicheng scratched his head and only scratched his bare safety helmet. Then he remembered that the hat had not been taken off, and he worried: "Then can my sister catch up with the times?"

"Okay, just take another day or two to rest." Luo Ye drove the car out of the family home.

"My sister doesn't know yet."


Jing Yicheng suddenly became angry: "Oh, you have done a good job of keeping secrets."

Luo Ye tilted his head to look at him, then took it back lightly, without saying a word.

Jing Yicheng froze at once: "What kind of eyes do you have? Do you still have a lot of things to hide from my sister?"

Adolescents who are sensitive and prone to frizz are the most difficult to deal with.

Luo Ye sighed: "No, be quiet, don't make any noise."

"Humph!" When it came to the beginning of the journey, Jing Yicheng stopped his thoughts of looking for a thorn in the sky.

The car drove quietly in the base, and soon arrived in front of a 3-story single-family villa, which is not far from the previous family home, but the surrounding buildings are new, and the location and environment are better than before. The good ones, of course, are also more expensive.

The family home they lived in was allocated free of charge by the base, and the unit was small and outdated.

The large villa here not only has many rooms, but also has an independent courtyard, which is suitable for many people to live together. After all, the previous family courtyard was too small, and even a meal together had to be crowded to sit down.

These houses were just built by the builders before, and they encountered the end of the world before they were sold. Because they are better than other residences in all aspects, it will cause unfairness and dissatisfaction when they are used for distribution. Therefore, the base simply adopted the method of selling. The purchase of a villa is 200,000 points, the rent is 6,000 points for one year, and the monthly payment is 500 points.

In the past, this price was probably the builder jumping off the building and selling it, but today it is still too expensive for most people, so many houses here have been vacant, and only a few have been sold in the past year.

And most of them are joint ventures and rented as team bases by those teams that have formed teams of power users.

It is worth mentioning that the villa sales offer a 30% discount for those who have performed tasks successfully. As early as Luo Ye learned about it, he has been secretly saving money. Not long ago, he used the money he earned from several tasks to buy this house. villa.

The villa he bought was renovated. After reading it, he thought that he would like it for the first time before buying it. However, he has re-edited some other designs. He has not been busy with this for the past few days. Buy a house with a mission bounty loan.

And Jing Yicheng's sister and brother-in-law were interior designers before, so Luo Ye privately hired their family to help them do a simple redecoration according to what he had said in advance during their mission, mainly some decorations and yard repairs, which was time-consuming But it's not hard to do.

Originally, Jing Yicheng and his family were unwilling to receive the remuneration from him, thinking that it was just a gesture of effort, but they were blocked by his words, "If they don't accept him, they will go to the guild to offer a reward."

It is true that the bounty offered by the guild may not be as much as what he gave them privately, but it is time-consuming and labor-intensive to find others, and it is difficult to communicate, and they do not have any understanding of their initial preferences, so he will also spend money, efficiency and efficiency. The results were more than a little worse.

At Luo Ye's insistence, they had to agree to his request and hired them to help at a high price of 50 points per person per day, and five members of their family participated together.

You must know that the tasks they receive at the base are only five points a day at most, and even if they do management, they only have about twenty points.

It's not an exaggeration to say that Luo Ye gave them money in disguise, but his request was reasonable and they could only put in more attentively.

The renovation of the villa went very smoothly. It was basically completed in half a month. The rest, such as the bedroom decoration, were all handled by Luo Ye himself after he came back.

Luo Ye took Chu Tiao out of the car, went straight upstairs into the bedroom, and put her on the new bed.

Jing Yicheng took his safety helmet and walked to a row of small townhouses not far away—it was their new home. After all, the former Hutong courtyard was still too small for their family of five, with only two rooms. house, and he could only sleep on the living room sofa.

Their family has always had the idea of ​​​​changing places. It happened that Luo Ye proposed the idea of ​​​​living closer to them. Their family rented this small villa here.

Small-sized villas, two-story buildings, the rent is much lower than that of large villas, one hundred and seventy-five per month, there is no independent courtyard, and the lighting of the townhouses is not as good as that of a single-family house, but it is cheaper.

If this happened before, their family would definitely not be able to rent it, but with the high price paid by Luo Ye for one month, the five of them can rent for three years together. As for the future, it will naturally be considered later. .

"Hey, why did you come home so late?"

Before Jing Yicheng entered the house, someone on the balcony next door shouted from a distance.

He looked up subconsciously, and saw a girl in a red dress sitting on the balcony railing on the second floor next door.

She seems to like wearing red clothes.

Xue Nv and Cui Yu also moved here. Xue Nv's remuneration is also quite large. Cui Yu worked as the deputy director of the supervision department because of the misfortune in the past, and the salary was also a lot, so the two jointly rented a single-family house here. Coincidentally, Over the weekend, their family and Wei Hao also rented a house here. They are still neighbors, but they moved to another bigger place.

Jing Yicheng was not in a hurry to go home, but climbed up the tree next to him, stood on the trunk of the tree and talked to Snow Maiden: "I'm going to pick up my sister with my brother-in-law."

"Is it Sister Tsao?"

"Yes, why are you still not sleeping?"

"Can't sleep."

"Then I'll chat with you."

The two teenagers stood and shouted in the air for a long time, talking about some innocuous topics. Until Wei Hao, who was wearing big pants in the other side of the building, watched them with interest while brushing his teeth.

He sighed: "It's good to be young, it reminds me of my youth..."

The two teenagers looked at him with disgust, one turned to go back to the room, the other went home under the tree.

Wei Hao stopped them cheaply: "Don't go, you continue to chat, don't worry, I won't tell others that you are in a puppy love."

"You fart!"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

The two teenagers refuted his words in unison.

"Tsk tsk, childhood sweetheart, no guessing." Wei Hao rolled into the room before the two jumped.

On the other side, Luo Ye just put down her first twilight, probably because she was in an unfamiliar place, and she quickly woke up. Seeing the unfamiliar room, she was stunned for a few seconds before asking him confusedly, "Where is this?"

"Our new home." Luo Ye simply lay down beside her, embraced her, and said.

Chu Ning's brain was like a dull and rusty gear after sleeping for a long time. It couldn't run, and he didn't know if he understood what he said. He blinked, but after he lay down, he immediately rolled into his arms and continued to sleep.

No matter where he is, as long as he is there.

The author says:

I was tortured by homework these few days, and after a few days of dystocia, I wanted to finish it in one chapter, but the concubine still couldn't do it, so I still wrote it in chapters.

After the end, as usual, there will be extras and some details to add. What extras do you want to watch, you can leave a message in the comment area. I will write if you are interested.