88 Finale


"Ok no problem, then we'll... , use... as a signal."

As soon as Chu Nao woke up, she heard intermittent conversations, but because of the distance, she couldn't hear the key points clearly, and only knew who Luo Ye was talking to through the voice recognition.

She had been resting for too long, lying on the bed almost every day. When she woke up, she felt like someone who had just recovered from her leg disease. Her legs were so soft that she had no strength at all. She directly slammed her knees on the ground and made a "dong" sound.

The door of the room was not closed, leaving a gap so that people outside could detect the situation of the people in the room in time, and Luo Ye, who was talking with Cui Yu and others in the corridor at this time, immediately turned around and entered the room.

Chu Chu helped the bedside to get up from the ground and saw him scratching his face embarrassedly: "I slept for too long, my legs are weak."

After speaking, I found that my words were somewhat ambiguous, so I opened my mouth to explain and closed it again.

Forget it, the more you explain, the darker it gets.

Luo Ye strode over, helped her sit down, reached out and took the cup from the bedside table to feed her water.

"How many days have I slept?" Chu Chuo drank water from his hand to moisten his throat, then remembered and asked.

When she fell asleep, she was always in a daze, and had no concept of time, she only knew that she had slept for a long time.

"Ten days."

Chu Tso was surprised for a moment, it was indeed long enough.

"Did you just talk to Sister Yu and the others?"

She was sure that she had just heard Cui Yu and the others, but it seemed that they left after she made the sound.

"Well." Luo Ye didn't hide it.

Chu Chu was not curious about what they said. These days she almost spent in bed, and she simply wiped her face and body when she took a shower. Now she wakes up feeling uncomfortable all over her body and can't wait to take a shower.

She looked at the room, it was very unfamiliar, it was not the family home where they lived, but she vaguely remembered that they had changed to a new home, so she was not too surprised.

She found the direction of the bathroom, got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom: "I want to take a shower."

Luo Ye first went to the bathroom to give her water, prepared clothes and toiletries, and after she walked slowly into the bathroom, leaning against the wall, she looked at her unsteady and asked sincerely, "Do you want me to wash it for you? "

Chu Chu blushed instantly, and quickly shook his head: "No."

Luo Ye calmly said, "It's not that I haven't washed myself."

Chu Chu pushed him out, closed the bathroom door, locked it, and retorted firmly through the door: "I can wash it myself."

Although he was helping to wash his body during the period of drowsiness, and he had had an intimate relationship with each other for a long time, it was still too shameful to ask her to help him take a bath when she was awake, and it was impossible to take a normal bath at all, right?

Hearing this, Luo Ye said regretfully, "Call me if you need to."

Naturally it is not needed.

When I came out of the bathroom after taking a shower in comfort, I felt refreshed.

Luo Ye was sitting beside the bed and sent a message with an external tablet. When she saw her hair came out without drying it, she had to put down the things in her hand and walked towards her, grabbing the towel on her shoulders and carefully drying the water droplets. And activate the power to dry her hair.

He brushed her dry hair and said, "It's still cold, don't catch a cold."

The capital has just entered March, and the cold spring is coming, a bit colder than winter.

Chu Chu lazily stretched out his hands and hooked his neck, and offered a kiss: "I know, isn't it with you?"

Luo Ye naturally wouldn't let go of her who took the initiative to bring her up. He clasped her waist with one hand and moved it to the side of the bed to press down.

For nearly two months, they were either fighting or resting, and they didn't have time to get close at all. Now the firewood is burning, and they are very eager for each other, and they are burning at the touch of a button.

After a long time, the man slightly propped up his upper body, looked at the flushed man below him, his voice was slightly hoarse: "It's your birthday."

Chu Chu knew what he wanted to express, and nodded with a blushing face.

Her birthday is a bit special. On February 29th, it only happens once every four years, so she used to celebrate the lunar calendar, but since her grandfather passed away when she was a child, she hasn't celebrated her birthday in the lunar calendar again. One is that she doesn't remember the date very well. The other is that no one has been with her.

On this birthday, they were still running around for the farm, and they had no time to take care of it, but when the battle was over and returned to the residence to prepare to rest, Luo Ye suddenly remembered that it was her birthday according to the old calendar, and quickly got up to go to the farm's kitchen. I don't know how he did it, he stuck for the last ten minutes, made a bowl of noodle soup and sent it to her.

Although this birthday was a little sloppy, she was very satisfied, because it was the first birthday he had for her. At that time in her previous life, she hadn't met him yet. In order to survive, she didn't even remember her own birthday.

Eighteen years old, legally means adulthood, although she is a person with two life experiences, her mental age has already reached adulthood, but it is also meaningful.

No matter how foolish they were before, Luo Ye didn't take that step, always sticking to the last line of defense.

The man pressed down again, and the territory expanded and plundered recklessly.

The dragon traversed deep forests, dived into narrow valleys, widened the walls, and lay prone in the depths of the valleys...

After being vegetarian for too long, it is generally because of the taste of the marrow. In the next few days, although Chu Chu woke up but not fully awake, he still spent a lot of time lying on the bed. Of course, he would occasionally shift positions.

After a few days like this, she finally found an excuse and said that she was going to stay at her uncle's house for a few days, even though the two houses were separated by a few small western-style buildings.

At first I thought that Luo Ye might be reluctant to sleep by himself, and he was ready to convince him. As a result, he was unexpectedly easy to talk this time. Not only did he agree, but he also sent her to Jing's door in person.

A lot of preparations but no use for the beginning: "..."

He's not right.

This conclusion was reached at the beginning.

But it's good to be able to live separately for now. After all, the two live very close, and they can meet whenever they want, so she didn't investigate why he was so abnormal.

The Jing family had a spare room. Lan Hong knew that she was going to stay for a few days, so she first asked if they were quarreling with concern, and only after she found out that it was not, did she pack up the empty room for her and let her stay.

If the couple had to come out and live after a quarrel, it would definitely be impossible to escape, and they had to help them communicate and reconcile first.

During the few days he lived in Jing's house, Chu Chu actually didn't see Luo Ye very much. He only appeared once or twice when Lan Hong asked him to have dinner together. Chu Chu didn't know what he was doing recently, but out of unconditional trust in him, She didn't ask much.

If they don't even have this trust between them, those long years will be hard to come by.

Fortunately, her days were not boring, with Jing Yicheng and Xue Nu accompanying her everywhere.

After the safe passage from the base to the farm was opened, people who had been waiting at the base for a long time could finally go out and take a look. The farm became a resort-like existence, and even ordinary people dared to leave the base in twos and threes.

In the glass safe passage, they can see the scenery outside, although there are always a few mutants roaming around the scenery.

Because oil is a very precious material, cycling has become popular in the base. Cycling from the base to the farm and back from there, people's lives are no longer boring and stuck at the base, and gradually they have fun .

Perhaps this catastrophe will not pass, but they have also found a new way of life, a way of living in "harmony" with the mutants in an alternative way.

After all, this world does not only belong to human beings. The emergence of mutants naturally has the reason for their generation. No matter how human beings eliminate them, they will still breed new groups. What human beings can do now is to constantly seek a balance in such a deformed new environment. .

Although the balance may seem eerie.

Because more and more tourists come to visit the farm, many people will sometimes affect the normal work of the farm, but most of the tourists come to the farm to relax, and they should not be rejected out of reason, so the farm has opened a special place for tourists. "Peach Blossom Spring".

Inside is a greenhouse, where most crops can be planted. Interested tourists can receive a seed after entering, and try to plant them on their own in a small plot of land. Occasionally manage it, but most of the time it is managed by the farm. , the crops will be owned by the farm after they are finally mature, and tourists can also choose to spend a few points to buy them back, so they have the fun of growing their own vegetables and eating them.

The three of them also grew vegetables in Peach Blossom Spring. They visited the farm every three days and occasionally acted as free labor for the farm. They lived a very fulfilling and comfortable life.

The three of them returned to the base from the farm early that day. At first, they wanted to go home and change their clothes, but Jing Yicheng and Xue Nv obviously didn't have enough fun, so they had to take her to the park to play.

—The original park was abandoned, but it was rebuilt and opened recently. It is another place to relax besides the farm. After a hard day, when night falls, people who dance, play chess, and play ball gather here. It is the base. One of the busiest places.

There are many people and consumers, and hawkers and small businesses naturally arise. There is a special place next to the park to set up street stalls. Some sell handicrafts and some sell homemade snacks. No matter when, the street stall culture is timeless.

They saw that many young people have joined the army of square dancing. There are also young people leading the dance. Even if they can't dance, they can twist a few times. In short, it is just for sports and relaxation. No one will notice that you will won't jump.

The three of them mixed in, water skiing with music, and some of the dance steps were quite simple, and they had a lot of fun.

I played until 9:30, when I first saw that it was almost time, I proposed to go back.

They walked to the gate of the park, and the two little boys saw someone selling snacks again and wanted to eat. Jing Yicheng said to Chu Chu, "Sister, stay here and don't move around, we'll be back when we go."

Then they disappeared in a blink of an eye, drowning in the crowd in the park, leaving Chuchu alone standing at the door in a daze.

Chu Chu could only stand there and wait for them, but she didn't see them come back after waiting for ten minutes. She wanted to look for them, but she was afraid that they would not be able to find her when they came back.

When she was worried about whether they had forgotten her or something had happened, a little girl with braids of four or five years old walked up to her with a bunch of flowers and said in a milky voice, "Sister beautiful. , Flowers for you."

At the beginning, I was stunned for a moment, was this a girl accosted by a little girl?

Of course, she was just surprised that she could meet little girls giving flowers on the side of the road. She thought narcissistically, is she so good at seeing children who can fall down to five years old?

Chu Chu looked up at the woman standing not far away. She was obviously the mother of the little girl. She was looking at her with a gentle smile and nodded slightly.

Chu Tuo hesitated for a moment, lowered his body and squatted, took the bouquet from the little girl's hand: "Thank you, my sister likes it very much, this is for you."

Chu Chu was glad that the box of fruit-flavored gummies that I had bought before was unopened, and it was just a gift.

The little girl really liked it, her eyes sparkling with joy.

Seeing her cute for the first time, I couldn't help but ask, "What's the name of the kid?"

"Shangguan Aiqing, just call me Qingqing."

"The name is really nice, and my sister also knows a sister named Shangguan."

Compound surnames are actually quite rare, at least among the few people she knew. Unexpectedly, the only two people with compound surnames she knew were all surnamed Shangguan, and the other was Xiaojing, whose full name was Shangguanjing.

The little girl opened her eyes and looked at her cutely and lovingly, and said in a childlike tone: "I have more than my sister. I know two. My father's surname is also Shangguan, and my aunt's surname is Shangguan."

Chu Chu couldn't help laughing at this, and said with a smile, "Yes, Qingqing is better than her sister."

After talking to the little girl, it was probably too late. The little girl started yawning. Her mother came over, picked up the little girl, and apologized to Chu Chu: "Qingqing likes pretty sisters, so she wants to send flowers. I'm really bothering you."

Chu Chu quickly waved his hand: "No, no, I want to thank Qingqing. This is the first time I have received flowers from others, and I am very flattered."

This is not a lie. She has been given small snacks and small gifts by others, but she has not been given flowers. Of course, except for Luo Ye, who is probably a person who does not understand romance by nature. She sent flowers, or she casually said in a previous life that the spring flowers on the side of the road were beautiful, so he picked one and put it behind her ear, um, if that counts as sending flowers.

The little girl was a little sleepy, so her mother had to say goodbye to Chu Tso and take her home.

Chu Tiao continued to wait on the spot with a bouquet in her hand. There were beautiful gypsophila. The bouquet was beautifully tied and the flowers were fresh. I didn't know where the flowers were sold.

After admiring it for a while, she suddenly noticed that there was a pink card in the middle of the bouquet. If she didn't pay attention, it would be integrated with the bouquet.

Pick up the card, the back is printed with a red rose pattern, and the front is a line of handwritten words: go to the right and someone will pick you up.

Chu Ning's eyebrows twitched, and her heart accelerated. Combined with the fact that Jing Yicheng and Xue Nv had to take her to the park and then disappear in the middle of the game, she probably guessed that they were playing tricks.

She had a gut feeling that what happened next would definitely be beyond her expectations, but she also wanted to know what the surprise they had specially prepared was.

So she didn't wait in place anymore, but walked to the right side according to the hints on the card.

After 500 meters, she was stopped by a person wearing a Pikachu doll cover and handed her a gift box with a card on it: stand at the intersection and face the direction of the lighthouse, and go left.

It's like a decryption game, except that her puzzle-solving process was prompted by someone.

Her curiosity was all aroused, and she continued to the left, and another 500 meters met two penguins jumping around. They handed her another box and a card that said: Go to the guild.

This time, the location was named directly.

But the guild is not far from here, only 500 meters away, even if she doesn't need to give directions, she knows how to get there.

Holding flowers in one hand and two gift boxes in the other, she walked to the gate of the guild. There was no one in front of the guild gate. She saw Mei Xinhe in a sky blue dress standing in front of the guild gate at a glance. Kim Woo in the same color suit.

Even when they were there, Chu Chu's curiosity was at its peak.

She walked over to them, and Jin-woo asked in a straight-forward manner: "A dance is being held on the roof, do you have an invitation?"

Chu Chu shook his head: "No."

Mei Xin tapped the three cards she had inserted in the flower: "Isn't that what it is?"

When I lowered my head at the beginning, I realized that under the bright light, the rose pattern on the back of the three cards would change, forming the three words "invitation letter".

Like magic, it was amazing, she had absolutely no idea how they did it.

Jin Yu added: "Although you have an invitation letter, you have to wear a dress at the dance, so you can't do it."

Chu Tso bowed his head again, a wool sweater and wide-leg pants, this body is really not good.

"What are you holding in your hand?" Mei Xin gave a hint.

The first blessing is like a heart, aren't these two gift boxes just enough to hold the dress and shoes?

She was taken to the office by Mei Xin to change her clothes. After the gift box was opened, there was a white tube top dress and a pair of gorgeous crystal slippers.

People who are not so keen on clothes and shoes like Rao Shichutu think this dress is very good-looking.

With the help of Mei Xin, she changed into her dress, she simply did her hair and put on light makeup. She stared blankly at herself in the mirror for the first time. Thinking of what might happen next, her heartbeat could not help speeding up.

"It's so pretty and has a good eye." Mei Xin couldn't help but sigh.

The dress perfectly fits the early figure, with a slender waist and a full grip, the temperament is gorgeous and elegant, and the small diamond crown on the head glitters in the light.

Chu Chu pursed his lower lip slightly, a little embarrassed.

It was the first time she wore such a solemn and gorgeous outfit.

Jin Yu looked at them lightly after they came out, and said with satisfaction, "That's good, now you can go to the dance on the top floor."

Chu Chu gently lifted the hem of her skirt, stepped on unfamiliar high heels, still held the bouquet in her hand, and pushed open the door to the top floor.

In an instant, the scene on the top floor came into her eyes, and everyone's eyes shifted with her appearance.

They were all her familiar faces, the weekend family, Wei Hao, Zhong Wenjie, Hou Jun, Cui Yu and Xue Nu, Jing Yicheng and his uncle and aunt, all the friends from the base, and Uncle Xiaojing, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

The little girl with pigtails who gave her flowers just now was held by Xiaojing, and behind them was a young man and woman. The girl was the mother of the little girl with pigtails.

"My father's surname is Shangguan, and so is my aunt."

It turns out that everything is connected. It was designed by them from the beginning. The little girl and her daughter are not just random passers-by, but the daughter and wife of brother Xiaojing.

Luo Ye walked out of the crowd. He was wearing a black suit today, and the hair that she had cut before had grown out and was trimmed again. He lost his languidness and coldness, and the silhouette of the lights added a bit to him. Soft, she wasn't even sure it was him anymore.

Luo Ye walked up to her and looked at her deeply, the surprise and tenderness in his eyes seemed to overflow.

"You came."

Chu Chu blushed slightly, lowered his head, and asked in a low voice, "You did this?"

She was basically certain that he was doing this these days, and he had invited all his relatives and friends here.

Luo Ye was noncommittal, just took her hand and walked to the middle of the venue, all the friends around looked at them with smiles on their faces, and Chu Chu was even more embarrassed to see.

"Isn't it a dance party? Why is there no music?" Chu Chu tried to divert his attention.

Luo Ye said indulgently, "Yes."

"Where?" All she saw were familiar people. There was no band, and it was unlikely to be invited. There was no audio equipment around, so how would you play music?

However, as soon as she finished speaking, she heard a long violin sound. She turned her head and saw that Jin Yu was actually playing the violin, while on the other side, Mei Xin was sitting in front of a grand piano, playing a pleasant note under her fingers. Accompanied by the sound of a violin.

They have both practiced the violin and piano for more than ten years, and were also members of the school band.

As the music started, the people around them joined hands in pairs and entered the middle arena and began to dance.

Luo Ye reached out to her: "Can I invite you to dance?"

Chu Chu didn't know how to describe her mood at the moment, she gently covered her face and said, "But I'm not very good at dancing."

"It's alright, I'll take you, you can step on my feet." Luo Ye gently took her hand and led her to the most vacant place in the middle of the field.

Chu Chu was wearing high heels, and he was willing to dance on his feet, so he could only devote himself to the music seriously and dance with the music.

The music is melodious and the dance steps are light. People in the middle of the venue are dancing, and those who are single or have no dance partners around are holding drinks and food while eating and watching. When the song is over, the venue is full of applause.

"I heard that this is the first time you have received flowers from others?" Luo Ye said.

Chu Chu naturally remembered what she said to the little girl's mother before, she snorted softly and used the topic to play: "Yes, someone never gave me flowers when they were in love."

Luo Ye smiled, and then saw that he took out a bunch of red roses from nowhere: "Is it too late to send you? But I should be the first man to send you flowers."

Chu Chu went from surprised to moved, and reached out to take the bouquet of bright red roses. The method of dressing the bouquet was actually the same as the previous gypsophila.

She sniffed lightly and replied in a low voice, "Yeah."

He was not only the first man to send her flowers, but also the first one to send flowers.

Luo Ye: "Do you think roses are too monotonous?"

I was a little confused at the beginning, isn't that what red roses are like?

I saw him take out another blue velvet box from his pocket: "Would it be better with this?"

Chu Chu was stunned before he could react. He had already knelt down on one knee and opened the box. A well-cut diamond ring lay quietly in the box.

"You've been with me for so long, and you haven't given you a stable living environment. I owe you a formal confession, a marriage proposal and a wedding. If others have it, you can't miss it." He rarely spoke so solemnly. , "I love you is an eternal mission engraved into the genetic sequence. Are you willing to give me the opportunity to complete this great mission?"

At the beginning, the eye sockets were moist, and the circles of the eyes were already red.

In the eyes of others, they have only known each other for less than a year, but only they know that they have known each other for two lifetimes. This love and protection spans time and space.

He once guarded her without hesitation, and she was willing to travel thousands of miles just to find him.

Protection is an instinct of the body, and loving you is a sequence engraved into your genes.

"I do." Saying that, she took out the diamond ring and put it on the ring finger of her right hand.

All around were booing: "Oh! Kiss one! Kiss one!"

Luo Ye stood up, stretched out his hand to drag the back of her head, and said with a low smile, "You should wait for me to put it on for you."

Chu Tiao blamed: "Can't I wait?"

"Okay." Luo Ye said, bowing his head and kissing her.

The roar around them grew louder, and they all danced with excitement. Xiaojing covered the eyes of the only child present with a smile: "You can't watch it."

Qingqingren Xiaoguidadi said to her aunt: "I know, they are kissing! Will they have a baby?"

Xiaojing fell into deep thought, she was thinking, should she remind her sister-in-law not to take children to watch TV series in the future.

Luo Ye: "Do you want more people to know?"

"What?" Chu Chu looked down at the ring in his hand and couldn't put it down.

Luo Ye smiled without saying a word.

A few seconds later, the sound of fireworks suddenly sounded in the distance. From here, it happened to be the best viewing position.

Chu Chu heard the sound and looked up, and instantly understood what he meant.

Countless fireworks bloomed one after another, forming a line of conspicuous fonts in the sky.

[Luo Ye Ai's first journey]

A big heart was added at the back.

This is the same high-profile announcement to the world. It is estimated that everyone in the base has seen it.

Chu Tiao blushes and her heart beats: "Will it be bad to be so high-profile?"

"No, I love you and I want the whole world to know."

"Well, me too."

She put her arms around his neck and offered a kiss.

They have always kept a low profile, but they want the whole world to know about I love you.

(End of text)

The author says:

It will end here, and there will be a few episodes later.