The Blacksmith

Raje was roaming the Maval with Dadoji. He was managing the office in the mansion; He was seeing Jija-bai giving justice to those who came to the doorstep. Kirtan performers were coming into the mansion. People came to attend the Bhajan. Raje's whole being would be filled with contentment when he attended Bhajan-Kirtan. His blood would boil by the folksongs sung by the bard. True boredom came from going with Dadoji around Maval. he did not like going to inspect the region with elders.

One morning, Daoji told Raje, "Raje, today we must go to Nane-Maval."

"When will you return?" asked Jija-bai.

"At least 4-5 days. There is a lot of work to be done."

Raje was looking at Dadoji with sorrowful eyes, Dadoji noticed and said,

"Raje! you asked for the territory from Lord Raje with such eagerness. Already filled with conflicts and disputes. How will the territory work without the master? If you feel bored then say so, I will notify Lord Raje."

This line always worked, Raje Automatically got on the horse. While roaming the Maval, Raje's attention went towards the various forts in the region which seemed like they touched the skies. He would ask Pant,

"Who's forts are these?"

"Adil Sultanate"

"Territory is mine, then how come the forts are theirs?"

"Raje! Having a territory does not mean you are its owner. You only have the right to governance. The rule is of The Adil Sultanate."

Shivaji-Raje had a lot of authority in Maval. His name held great prestige. Everton's necks bowed as they saw the Son of Shahaji coming along with Doji. The subjects could see their Raja (King in literal words)

Their Joy and Sorrow had manifested in words. Shivaji-Raje saw how Dadoji used the Carrot and Stick Method. Raje noticed the increase in respect after The Hooligan Deshmukh was strictly punished.

Raje was sitting in the Mansion's front square. Jija-bai appeared behind him but he did not notice. Jija-bai asked,

"Raje, what are you looking at with such concentration?"

Without shifting his gaze, Raje said,

"Mother, ants are dragging an insect. I'm looking at that."

"What is there to look?"

"Such a big insect! I have been looking for a while. The insect is alive. it's struggling for freedom. But it can't do anything against the small ants. It's surrounded by all sides."

Jija-bai's reply did not come. He looked back, Jija-bai had already left inside.

Raje's gaze turned towards the Gate. A person was coming. Brown, Tall. a smile In the eyes, broad chest. He wore a cloth around his legs to knees called 'Dhotar' and a sleeveless vest with buttons called 'Bandi'. The Bandi's left shoulder was in tatters. The shoulder was wounded. blood trail flowed through his arm and dried at his palm, but not a hint of pain could be seen on the man's face. He came inside leaning on his Thick and Solid stick.

He looked inside the square and seeing Shivaji-Raje he made a salute. he said,

"Ram Ram! This is Shivaji-Raje's mansion.. isn't it?"

"yes, why?"

"I had Business"

"come up!" Raje ordered.


Shivaji-Raje said calmly, "come up."

The man came up startled.



"Sit, I said."

Seeing Raje's gaze, he sat down. Shivaji-Raje stood up, he looked at the man's arm without saying anything, he yelled.

"Is anyone there?"

servants came running from four directions, he said to the one who arrived first.

"Go, bring the physician urgently."

The servant left, Raje asked.

" What's your name?"

"Bheema, I'm a Blacksmith." realising his mistake he said. ".... Lord"

Dadoji had also come outside until then, Raje asked.

"So why did you come?"

"Do i tell? I'm not of here. I'm from there... Satara. Famine struck, so i left and came to Mughals when i was coming. A forest was on the way, and it rushed at me."


"Grey wolf, O~~.... Ah! forgive me, Lord."

"And Then?"

"There were three of them, alone me in the wilderness. Only this stick in the hand, what could I have done? I said God's name and smashed at the one in front. it went rolling backward. the other ones also moved back. But the animal was shrewd, it stood up, and dived and bit on the left shoulder and ripped a chunk of flesh, that bastard! I was pissed off, I smacked hard on its head, it never stood up after that."

"And the other once?"

"As if they would stay after I had smashed one to death."

Raje was listening with admiration, he thought it was fun.

"But how did you get here?" Raje asked.

"Oh... that was left!... After that, I got on the right track. I met two men while I was on the way. They also asked what happened to this silly me just like you did. I told them, so they said, "You killed a wolf, then why didn't bring its tail?" I said, "Why?" So they said, "You, Idiot! if you kill a wolf and show its tale, then Shivaji's officer rewards you."

Everyone's gazes turned towards Dadoji, he was laughing, Bheema was telling,

"Me who's of another place, how could I have known? So I went back just like that, I brought the wolf's tale, here!" He removed the Wolf's Tale which was hung on his waist as he spoke.

Dadoji had applied this reward method to remove the nuisance of wolves, this was known in all of Maval. Physician came. he applied some ointments to Bheema's wound. while getting treated Bheema asked,

"The Shivaji-Raje, that's yourself?

"Yes, why?"

"Nothing, I had heard a lot about you, thought that you would be some big person."

Everyone laughed,

Dadoji told,

"Kulkarni, go with him to the office; and give him his reward."

(Lol, My surname is also Kulkarni, The Kulkarnis mostly were Accountants, or they managed Finance at that time. you wouldn't believe it but I'm too learning commerce and my father is an accountant.)

"Stop," Raje said. he went out and when he came back he had a sword with him, giving it to Bheema he said,

"Bheema, you were lucky that the stick saved you. Keep this sword with you."

Bheema took the sword in his hands, seeing the blade he said,

"It seems to be a Raampuri sword."

"You know about this?" Raje asked.

"Hmm? Isn't this my job? I have been doing it all my life."

"Where will you go now?"

"Wherever I can fill my stomach."

"Why don't you stay here?"

"Sure I will, what's the work?"

"I will give you the blacksmith workshop."

Bheema clung to Raje's legs, he said, "You have done me a huge favor, My Lord!"

"Sono-Pant!" turning towards Sono-Pant he said, "Give him the Workshop."

"As you order," said Sono-Pant while leaving with Bheema.

Everyone went back to their respective stations.

Dadoji said when Raje was left alone,

"Raje! You should not appoint people so abruptly. He is an outsider. Who, Where, What no one knows."

"Pant, we will naturally know when he is given the opportunity. His hands are sturdy, strong, and hardworking. He is brave-chested. It is easy to recognize the Iron Breed."

Dadoji was listening in admiration.

In the evening Dadoji said to Jijau when he went for a visit,

"Maa-Saheb, Raje's eye is in making. He Recognized Bheema's skill so quickly!"

"I too admire him, He has a keen eye for people."

"That too is a quality of a King! What you can learn from observing, you cannot learn by tutelage, is not a lie at all."

Jija-bai felt happy hearing this. This type of open praise could be rarely seen from Dadoji's mouth.