The Story of Queen Padmini becomes the seed of change.

(Note - In this chapter, I'm going to do my best to translate the Folksong from the Marathi Language to the best of my ability.)

The next day. Dadoji said to Jija-bai,

"Maa-Saheb, a Bard has come from Solapur. By your permission, let's have a singing program in the mansion"

"Sure! Raje likes listening to Folksongs, We will have the program at night."

The mansion's first square was illuminated by the lights of torches In the night. A Special Sitting arrangement was made. The bard and his companions were tuning their instruments. The square was filled with big personages. Salutes were made. At the right of the sitting, Dadoji, the Notary, and the minister were sitting. On the left, Dadoji's people, Brahmin women, and beyond them the Maratha women were sitting.

The bard came into the square. He and his companions bowed and saluted. He slapped on the traditional mini drum. other instruments followed the rhythm. clash cymbal's bell-like sound echoed and the remaining murmurs also ceased. The bard made a salute once again and opened his mouth for the lyrics.

[ Firstly greetings to Lord Ganesha, and Goddess Bhavani.

I Salute mother Jijau, Young Shivaji||

Many sang the glory of men.

Now listen to the Valour of Women Kind| ]

[ The pearl of The Rajput, Queen Padmini who was of incomparable beauty.

She whose feats shook the Fort Chittor.

Lakshman Singh King of Chittor.

Bhimsingh who was his cousin.

Like Uma to Lord Shiva

Like Jaanaki to Lord Rama

Padmimi was to Bhimsingh

She who blessed the Rajput Lineage. as so her deeds. ]

The bard was singing while clasping his hands together. The subject was Queen Padmini. Chiitor's beautiful Queen Padmini was born with self-respect. No one was hungry, or sad in her rule. Bhimsingh - Padmini's Match was like a match between Lord Vishnu And Goddess Lakshmi.

[ Padmini the morning star, The sculpture of beauty.

Spread the tale of her beauty and virtue over the world|

Allaudin Kilji who was berserk

The tale of Padmini reached his ears|

'I must see the extraordinary treasure of beauty myself'

While Eating delusions in his mind he Sieged the fort. ]

The tale of Padmini's beauty reached Allaudin's ears. He became impatient to see her. Allaudin who harbored evil intentions attacked the fort. Chittor which was in peace and harmony was bathed in blood. Bhimsigh was striving to protect Chittor; but success was not in his fate. Bhimsingh was caught in Allaudin's hands, and Padmini's husband was in danger. Allaudin was obstinate on seeing Padmini. She was even ready for that to save her husband. Allaudin came to the palace. His evil eyes were restless; the curtain was moved... and Alauddin's gaze fell upon the mirror behind the curtain. Like a dream, he slowly saw Padmini's image. Allaudin melted after seeing such extraordinary beauty; he forgot the promise. Bhimsingh was not released on top of that Allaudin asked for Padmini. But who would accept such a request? In anger, he once again attacked the fort. But he did not know the Self Respect of the Rajputs.

[ Khilji enraged,

Raised the sword on Chittor fort.

He slaughtered unrestrained

Rows of corpses amassed on the Fort's walls

The fort lost to time.

Cruel malice became victorious

Khilji became triumphant, And Evil Faith.

The defeated Queen became a widow

Like Evil had defeated Pune

The truth was sacrificed like that

Defeated, so what?

Who can conquer Rajput dignity?

Khilji won't even find a nail

Johar was decided ||2|| ]

('Johar' is when women jumped in fire when a kingdom was conquered. )

Shivaji's eyes were tearing up while listening to the song. his chest heavy to the point of suffocation. The bard continued...

[ Beauty crossed the ultimate line of courage

Padmini's flame went out inside the raging fire |

Rajput women did Johar with her

Khilji lost even after winning

Just like Padmini, Countless women die today

Chaos everywhere, Courage has been crying in the corner,

Men do not dare.

The Poor | Our mothers and sisters

Have no savior today,

Why. Oh! God, you have closed your eyes?

Why was Chittor's Johar wasted

This artist does not want the life of slavery

There is no chivalry in warriors, what do I sing more? ]

It became impossible for Raje to hear more. He went inside. Jijabai went behind him. Shivaji was wiping his eyes, sound came from the back,

"Why? Raje. Why did you come in?"

Raje turned, His face was flushed. eyes were moist, fists were clenched. He said,

"Mother, I cannot bare to listen to folksongs like these. Even a person with a rock as a heart would not be able to hear it, cannot bare it!"

"Did Padmini herself not bare so much? There is no more shameful race than mankind on this earth. This happened with Chittor's Queen, Dahir's Royal daughters were forced into Khalifa's herem, did someone obstruct? Padmini did Johar, she was at least free. But thousands of Padmini like her are suffering in hell today. Why see outside? Even your aunt was kidnapped by Mahabat Khan in broad daylight, what did we do?"

"Then why do men keep mustaches above their lips?"

"Easier said than done, Raje! These people, villages, towns, and cities, where are they? see with opened eyes."

"When will this stop?"

"When the one who stops it is found! today, every strong is in service of the Sultanate. People have gotten used to the oppression; they have become weak. It's your and my luck that just one story reaches at a time, otherwise...."

"Mother! I will stop this!"

"Raje, if dreamland's castles had come in reality, then would all this have happened? Wipe those eyes, and come outside. It doesn't look good going out in the middle of the performance. The bard will get discouraged. You must sit until the performance is finished.

Shivaji-Raje with Jija-bai returned to the performance.

NOTE - If you want to learn more about the story of Padmini. Then watch the bollywood movie 'Padmavat'. it's a great movie.