Chapter Five

That night, Kane was served dinner and he ate while his assistant sat beside him. He ate slowly, like he wasn't enjoying the meal and from time to time, he would take sips from his glass of water.

"Sir…. You wouldn't believe me if I told you this…" he began.

"What is it?"

"Do you remember that waitress over two years ago you saw in that cafe and immediately took interest in her?"

Kane thought for a while and finally remembered. It wasn't easy to forget that young girl he had deceived and abused. After that incident he lost all desires in lusting after women. It was like the pity and guilt he felt that night turned him a new leaf. He could not bring himself to deceive and use another woman, then abandon her.

"Yes… What about her?"

"Well…she's now an employee in your company. She's one of the cleaners." he said and Kane stopped eating, trying to take down what Darian had told him.


"It's true sir. She's now a worker in your company. I saw her today in the canteen. I couldn't believe it myself."

Kane thought for a while and continued eating.

"And how is that a problem?"

"Well…what if she recognizes you? You could really be in trouble if she decides to tell the police."

Kane was amused.

"You'd really think that some lady would dare call the police on me?"

"It's just a thought sir."

"Well that was two years ago. You must be hallucinating or something. Go get some rest alright?" he said, patting his back then he stood up and left.

Darian was sure he had seen that girl, the same girl from two years ago. However he had to shrug his thoughts off. He must really be hallucinating.

The next day, Caitlin got up to her normal morning routine, preparing Sultan for preschool, then going to work.

At work that day, she was assigned to a different job.

"Miss Caitlin, because of your dedication and hard work, I think I will assign you to clean the CEO's office today. It's the biggest office in the building so you must do your job properly. I want no negative reports from your work, is that clear?"

"Yes ma'am" she replied and left. She was given the keys to his office and she started cleaning right away. She had to finish before the CEO came around. She did the work properly and even hummed her favorite songs as she cleaned and didn't seem to notice the picture of him in a corner.

Not quite long, Kane arrived and headed to his office. He saw that the door was open and thought it had been cleaned, but the sweet and melodious singing that came from within caught his attention. He went in to see who it was and saw a young damsel dusting the sofas.

Caitlin had just finished cleaning the office and decided to dust the sofas once more. Kane was so mesmerized by her singing and stood there, listening so attentively as if he was hypnotized. He smiled and approached her slowly. He wanted to see the face of this mysterious damsel with such a heavenly voice. Caitlin saw a shadow towering over her and turned, startled. They were standing face to face with each other and the smile on his face disappeared as he immediately recognized who she was.

Caitlin was horrified. She couldn't believe who she was seeing. Her face turned white with pure horror.

Kane would know this face anywhere. No matter how hard he had tried, he couldn't rid his mind off the image of that girl that he abused two years ago. Her sobs, her cries, her gasps with each painful thrust, he just couldn't get it off his head. It tortured him for so long and now that girl….is exactly the same girl standing before him.

His eyes widened in untold shock. Caitlin was also in shock. She could never forget the face of the man that abused her. His evil smiles tormented her for so long.

Tears welled up in her eyes as the bitter memories came flooding back to her mind. She quickly brushed past him, running out of the office hastily and leaving the sweeper and mop bucket behind. Kane stood for a while, still shocked about everything.

Just then Darian came into his office. He had seen the girl running out earlier, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Sir…! Did you see that girl?! That's the one I was talking about!"

Kane was quiet for a while, then he sighed heavily.

"I did. You…you were right."

"You should fire her right away before she causes trouble!"

"No. Let her be." Kane said and sat on the sofa, lost in thoughts.

Caitlin ran into one of the bathrooms on that floor and locked the door, panting and shedding uncontrollable tears. She couldn't believe it! The CEO was none other than the cruel man that ruined her life! How could this have happened?! She had to resign as fast as possible! She couldn't work for such a cruel and heartless man. She couldn't see him again!

There was suddenly a loud knock on the door. The knock persisted for a few minutes and had gotten louder, probably from agitation. She quickly wiped her face and opened. It was another female staff member who was deeply pressed. She had been knocking for quite sometime now. She stared at Caitlin angrily before rushing into one of the toilets to ease herself.

Caitlin wasn't herself the rest of the day. She always hid whenever she heard the CEO was coming. She couldn't perform well and Matilda scolded her severally. She must quit this job no matter what! But then there was something else. She couldn't just quit, she needed this job to take care of herself and her son. Grace worked hard to get her this job and she couldn't be so ungrateful by quitting. She was so restive and waited earnestly for the day to end so she could go home.

At long last, it was closing hours. Cleaners went home a bit late because they cleaned up again before leaving, but she had to take a permit to leave because Sultan was still at the daycare. He usually stayed there with one of the teachers until late in the evening when Caitlin came to pick him up. When he saw his mommy coming, Sultan got out of the teacher's arms and rushed to her, hugging her excitedly.

"Mummy! I missed you!" he said in an adorable voice and Caitlin carried him in her arms.

"Sultan, my baby. I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting."

"Mummy, I want….to eat spaghetti." he said with such adorable, pleading eyes and Caitlin smiled tearfully.

"Don't worry sweetie. I'll make you just that."

Waving the teachers goodbye, they left for home in a cab. It was a long ride, so Sultan fell asleep in her arms. She covered him with her coat and held him closely as the cab rode on the highway. She looked out the window, lost in thoughts.

The father of her son was her boss. What would she do? She couldn't hold the tears that filled her eyes and they came running down her cheeks uncontrollably.