Sultan was turning three years of age and Caitlin planned a surprise birthday party for him. When he returned from school, he enjoyed the party with Grace and his mom.
He was so excited when he saw the beautiful cake that was made for him. Caitlin was glad to see him so happy and she bought him so many toys as gifts. Mrs Grace also bought so many nice things for him.
Sultan squealed with joy as he unwrapped the Mattel toy dinosaur. He had always wanted a T-Rex and this one was vicious enough for him.
Kane couldn't stop thinking about the little boy and he finally decided to visit him at school. All he had to do was follow Caitlin secretly when she took him to school, then he would go in during play time.
The next day, Caitlin took Sultan to school. They boarded a taxi and left. Nearby was a black Tesla and inside was Kane. He had decided to drive alone this time without his assistant so he followed the taxi, giving a good distance between them.
When they arrived at the school, Caitlin took him to his class and after having some mother and son moments with him, she bade him goodbye and left. Kane had to wait in his car until it was play time, then when he saw the kids playing at the playground.
He went into the school playground to look for sultan. The female staff around had their jaws dropped when they sighted him. He was so handsome and they couldn't help but stare in admiration.
"Look at that hottie! I wonder why he's here. He's the most handsome man I've ever seen!" One of the staff said, staring at him with dreamy eyes.
"Maybe he has a child here. Oh! I wish he'd just look at me!"
Kane looked around for a while, then a ball hit his foot. He turned and saw Sultan coming towards him to pick his ball. He stopped and looked up at the tall man that stood in front of him. He recognized him as the man his mummy had hit and yelled at the other day. Kane smiled slightly and picked the ball, then approached him slowly to hand it to him but Sultan moved back. He normally didn't reject kind gestures from people, but after seeing how his mother hit him, he thought he may be a bad person who might hurt him.
"It's alright. I won't hurt you. Come take it."
Sultan looked at the ball, then back at him. He hesitated for a while and slowly approached him, then took the ball and Kane smiled at him. He was so adorable and looked a lot like him. He almost felt like crying, but he restrained himself and stood up.
"What's your name?"
"Sultan." he mumbled with his cute voice.
"Sultan…." Kane smiled. "Such a lovely name. Your mother must really care about you."
He smiled as he remembered his mother.
"Yes! Mommy loves me!" He beamed and Kane smiled.
"Have you had anything to eat?"
"Yes! Mummy always packs me lunch."
Kane looked around for a while and saw a snack bar.
"Wait here." He said and went off to the snack bar. He bought a nice chocolate ice-cream and took it to him.
"Here. Have this."
Sultan looked at the ice-cream for a while.
"But I'm not hungry."
"It's just ice-cream. Please take it." He crouched before him and stretched out his hand to hand the ice-cream to him. Sultan looked at it for a while, and took it with a smile.
"Thank you sir!" He beamed and ate it excitedly.
Suddenly the bell went off. Play time was over.
"I have to go. It's been nice to meet you, Sultan." He smiled and touched his left cheek gently.
"Will you come back?" he asked sadly.
"Yes, I will." Kane smiled and Sultan smiled back. He waved at him before running off to his class. Kane watched him leave, then he left.
He felt so happy and fulfilled as he got into his car. He had finally found a chance to talk to his son, but his Joy was suddenly cut short with a sudden pang of sadness.
He was sad because Caitlin would never forgive him, and he wouldn't be able to be with his son. Then he decided he would come everyday during recess to spend time with him.
Sultan would've told his mother about the man that came to him at school that day, but he was afraid that she would hit him again, so he decided to keep it to himself.
The next day during play time, Sultan came out to the school garden and there that strange man was, sitting on the bench. He smiled at Kane and went to him.
"You really came!" He beamed and Kane smiled.
"I told you I'd keep my promise. How are you? How's your mother doing?"
"Mummy's fine." He mumbled shyly and Kane helped him sit on the bench as they talked.
He bought him ice-cream and also bought himself one and made funny faces while eating his. Sultan couldn't stop laughing.
"You look so funny eating an ice-cream!" He giggled.
"Really? how?" He asked as he stuck his tongue out to lick the ice-cream. Sultan laughed again and he chuckled.
"Is it really that funny? I only stuck my tongue out."
"You look really funny!" he giggled and Kane smiled. He felt so much warmth in his heart being with his son and he had never felt such kind of love towards anyone before. It was a fatherly love and it felt amazing.
Kane counted numbers with his fingers and Sultan listened attentively. He also placed his little hands on his and it felt so amazing to hold the little boy's hand.
"Your hands are really big!" He said dramatically.
"Really?" Kane chuckled.
"My hands are so small." he beamed.
"Well, I'm an adult, so my hands should be big."
"But mummy's hands are small!" Sultan argued.
Kane chuckled with a sad smile. He couldn't help but feel his heart ache whenever Sultan talked about his mother, Caitlin. He wished now more than ever that he never abused her. He wished he never did such horrible things to her.
"Why did mummy hit you like that sir?" Sultan suddenly asked and Kane paused for a moment then he sighed.
"Your mother doesn't like me very much…." He said.
"I'm sorry if it hurts." Sultan said with pleading eyes and Kane was touched.
"It's not your fault…it's mine. I'm such a horrible person." Kane said sadly.
"No you're not. You're very kind and funny!" Sultan beamed and he smiled. He was very fascinated by his intelligence and ability to speak so fluently at such a young age.
"Yes! I wish you were my daddy."
Kane's heart broke. He stared at the little boy who looked very sad.
"I don't have a daddy and I don't know why. Mummy won't tell me anything." He added, almost in tears. Kane felt really horrible now. He pulled him into his arms and hugged him warmly, and Sultan felt safe in this man's arms.
"Can I call you daddy?" He suddenly asked with a bright smile. Kane was surprised, but he only smiled and nodded.
"Of course you can." he said softly and Sultan smiled, throwing a hug at him again. Kane beamed as he held him in his arms.
Meanwhile, one of the teachers had seen them hugging and got very suspicious. She decided to monitor them from then on. Why was this man hugging Caitlin's son? Is there a hidden relationship between them? she had to find out.