Chapter Eight

"He isn't your son, and never will be!" Caitlin's voice echoed in his head as he sat in his car, returning home.

He couldn't believe what just happened today. She really had a son for him! Now he really understood all the pain and troubles she went through. She must've had a hard time keeping a pregnancy resulted from sexual abuse. For the first time in his life, his ego died and he felt very ashamed of himself.

Karma was really having its revenge on him for all the women he used in the past. He felt so lost without direction for the first time in his life. What would he do?

Caitlin was far from ready to forgive him. He sighed and felt the scar on his left cheek. It was still bleeding. He looked at his blood stained fingers. Darian knew his master was very stressed about what happened. He decided not to say anything yet or Kane would let out his anger on him.

Caitlin was also on the road in a taxi, returning home. She looked out the window as tears ran down her cheeks. Sultan looked at his mother sadly. He knew she wasn't happy. He didn't understand what had happened earlier or who that man was, but he was very shocked to see his mother hit him so hard. She had never raised her hand on any one before. It made him nurse little fear for his mother and he was curious about who that man was though.

"Mummy….Who was that man?"

"No one, my baby. I'm so sorry you had to see all that."

He smiled and wiped her tears with his little hands.

"It's ok mummy….don't cry…"

Caitlin smiled and cupped his face.

"I love you so much baby."

"I love you too mommy." he mumbled and they hugged.

Kane couldn't sleep that night. The nightmares came again. There were screams, cries of women he hurt and of course that cry of a child. Now he realized who that crying child was. It was the boy that Caitlin had for him. He woke up from the nightmare and sat up. Heading to the wine cellar, he took an alcoholic bottle of wine. He quickly opened it and drank as much as he could.

Maybe getting drunk would cure his pain, but he was wrong. The more he drank, the more terrible he felt. Soon, he had consumed several bottles of highly alcoholic wine and soon collapsed on the sofa, but the nightmares still came. His heart ached. He held his chest, groaning in the emotional pain he felt. He cried like a child. He smashed the bottles on the floor. Nothing he did could relieve the emotional pain he felt. Now he was suffering the consequences of his actions, and none of these would end unless Caitlin forgave him.

The next day, Darian came into his room and was shocked to see the mess he had created. There were smashed bottles and glasses and the air reeked of alcohol. Kane laid helpless on the sofa, groaning in pain. It wasn't physical pain, it was the heart aches.

"Master! Are you alright?! Have you been drinking?!"

Kane grabbed his shoulders. His eyes were blood-shot red.

"Help me….Darian! She's torturing me! He groaned."

"Who, master?!"

"C…Caitlin! Please….make her forgive me!" he groaned again before he passed out. Darian was confused. With the help of other assistants, they were able to carry him into the car and to the hospital.

Half an hour later after consultation, the doctor confirmed that he was suffering from emotional breakdown and stress.

"Is he going to be alright?"

"Yes he will be fine. He just needs a little bit of rest and he has to stop over thinking."

Darian was relieved that it was nothing serious, but he knew that Kane wouldn't be alright from then on. So many things have happened in his life the past few weeks and he would never be the same again.

Caitlin was running low on money, but she started searching earnestly for another job. Luck was on her side as she soon found a good job as a bookkeeper in a big bookshop.

The owner was a rich, old professor who needed help with keeping the business alive. Luckily, he found Caitlin and happily offered her the job. He also assured her that she would be paid well and she was truly grateful. Things were starting to look up again and Grace was relieved when she heard about the new job.

She was a really strong and determined young girl who would do everything in her power to get what she wanted, and Grace loved her for that.

Kane was discharged from the hospital that evening. Darian was upset that he would drink so much and get himself drunk.

"Why on earth would you do such a thing sir?! You almost hurt yourself!"

Kane ignored him as they got into the car.

It was a silent ride and when they got home, Darian questioned him again.

"I was….very depressed. I wanted to cure my pain. That's why I got so drunk." he said in a gentle tone.

"None of that would help sir."

"It doesn't matter though. Caitlin would never forgive me." he said sadly as he remembered her and his son. He closed his eyes in pain and Darian sighed.

"I think you should give her some space."

Kane however, had other plans.