Chapter Seven

Caitlin had meant what she said. She requested a resignation form much to the surprise of the other workers she became acquainted with.

"But….why are you quitting?! You just got this job dear!" Matilda asked in shock.

"I meant what i said! I'm not going to work here any longer and that's final!"

She took her purse and left.

Her colleagues tried to stop her and reason with her, but she rebuffed them and left after signing the resignation letter.

Kane was still ruminating over the incident when Matilda came in with the letter.

"Miss Caitlin resigned…Sir."

He only sighed and took the letter from her. nodding slowly, he signaled her to leave without an explanation. She stared at him for a while and left.

Caitlin quickly got into a taxi and headed to the preschool to pick Sultan. He was playing with the building blocks and toy soldiers when he saw his mom coming towards him with a broad smile and open arms. He stood up excitedly and hugged her.

"Mummy!" he squealed.

"Hey baby! How was school today?!"

"Mummy! I counted up to two hundred today!" he said, mumbling some words he couldn't pronounce properly in a cute way. The teachers smiled broadly.

"He sure did! He's so smart! He will move to primary school pretty soon!" one of the teachers said with a broad smile.

Caitlin carried him in her arms and smiled.

"I'm so proud of you Sultan. Well, it's time to go home now. Shall we?" she asked with a broad smile and he nodded excitedly.

They left and the little boy was happy to go home so early. He sipped on the peach juice Caitlin bought for him, seated on her thighs and staring through the window.

She couldn't stop thinking of what happened in the office. Did she really make the right decision? How would Grace feel about it?

The next day after taking Sultan to school, Grace came to visit. She was so shocked when she learned that Caitlin had quit her job.

"Why on earth would you do that Caitlin?!"

"I did it because I had no choice!"

"What do you mean by that?!"

"The man who abused me….is the chief executive officer ma'am! He's my boss at the office! When I found out, I was so devastated. I couldn't look at his face because if I did, I'd remember those awful memories again! I'm really sorry but I just had to!"

Grace was speechless.

"Wait… You mean the one who abused you, is the CEO of Holton Empire?!" she whispered in shock, covering her mouth with her right hand.

Caitlin nodded in tears and Grace couldn't believe it. She sighed and put an arm around her shoulder. "You didn't have to quit because of him dear. You really need that job to take care of you and your son!"

"I don't want to see him again, and I don't want him to know about Sultan!" she sobbed.

Grace was really perplexed. She hugged Caitlin to comfort her.

"You don't have to worry about me. I'll find another job soon enough."

Weekend finally approached. Caitlin was excited to take Sultan to a theme park. It was going to be a whole day of fun, and it was a good way to get away from all her troubles and enjoy the day with him. Sultan would be so surprised and excited. That morning after doing the chores, they bathed, dressed up and left for Maris's theme park.

"Where are we going mommy?"

"You'll see, baby." she beamed.

When they arrived, Sultan was so excited. He had always wanted to go to a theme park. He couldn't stop squealing excitedly. They had a nice roller-coaster ride and Sultan rode on a horse for the first time. The little boy couldn't hide his excitement and everyone around greatly admired Caitlin and her son.

"Oh goodness! That little boy is so adorable!" one of the women said with a broad smile.

"What's his name?!" another asked.

"His name is Sultan." Caitlin said with a smile.

The women around had turns to carry him. They wouldn't stop pulling his chubby cheeks and kissing them. Sultan was a very outgoing child. He loved everybody who loved him and wasn't picky. He was happy to be in everyone's arms.

"He's such a handsome little boy! why….his father must be very charming if i'm not mistaken!"

Caitlin frowned and took Sultan from her arms to her surprise. She turned and they left.

"Mummy, I want that soft cotton candy!"

He said, holding his balloons and waving them in the air. He had seen a cotton candy stand earlier.

"Of course sweetie." she beamed and they approached one of the stands. Darian was standing beside the other stand In his usual disguise, a black suit and dark glasses. Caitlin did not recognize him though but he recognized her immediately and quickly moved away from them. He was curious about the little boy she carried and stayed around for any juicy information.

"Welcome to my cotton candy stand! What flavor do you want, my child?" the middle aged man who ran the stand asked with a warm smile.

"Mummy! I want the strawberry flavor!" Sultan squealed with a broad smile.

"Of course, son. You're so adorable!" he smiled as he rolled the candy in a stick. Seeing the candy form thin lines like brightly colored cobwebs around the stick was hypnotizing, and Sultan watched with great attention.

When the candy was ready, the man handed it to him. Caitlin paid and they left. Darian was shocked. Did that boy just call her his mother?! He decided to follow them to find out more.

Two hours later, Kane was seated on a bench just outside the theme park where it was quiet and peaceful. He had been waiting for Darian to return with their drinks. Shortly after, he saw him coming, but without the drinks.

"Darian, where have you been?"

"I'm so sorry Master, but you won't believe what i discovered today."

"What is it this time Darian?"

"Master, I saw Miss Caitlin and she was carrying a little boy that looks a lot like you." he said and Kane looked at him in shock.

"What are you talking about?!"

"I mean it sir. And....the little boy called him mother. Could it be that…miss Caitlin....had a child for you?! Could that boy...

be your son?!"

Kane stared wide eyes at Darian who returned the shocked stare. His heart skipped a beat.

He could not believe what Darian had said, and went into the theme park to look for Caitlin. It was almost evening, and people were leaving, so it was easy to find her seated on a bench beside an ice cream hut with Sultan beside her, licking an ice cream. He had eaten so much candies and threats for one day and he was still asking for more.

Caitlin would dress his long hair from time to time to prevent it from covering his face. Kane could only stare in shock at them. He couldn't stop staring at the little boy. It wasn't very hard to see how much he resembled him. It was like a younger version of him right there. Kane was heart broken.

The fact that he abused Caitlin and she got pregnant and still kept the child even though he was illegitimate broke his heart even more. He could feel it like a pain in his chest. His heart felt so heavy. For a second, everything else seemed not to exist as he only stared at Caitlin and the little boy that seemed so happy as he enjoyed his ice-cream.

She suddenly turned and saw him staring at them from a short distance. She quickly stood up and held Sultan's hand tightly and he looked at the man standing before them. Kane was staring back at the little boy with the saddest eye ever.

"What are you doing here?! What do you want?! Are you following me everywhere now? I told you before, I will never forgive you if you have come to apologize. If you won't leave then, we will do so."

She said and made to walk away with Sultan but he grabbed her wrist to stop her. She was startled and enraged and tried to rebuff him but his grip was very firm.

"Let go of me!" she yelled and he slowly let her go.

"You didn't tell me you had a son…" he said in a soft, puzzled tone.

"You don't have to know anything about me. You're not the boss of me anymore. Stay away from me and my son or you'll regret it!"

"Is….he really my son…please…. tell me." he said in a very sad and shaken tone.

Caitlin couldn't take it anymore. She gave him a hard slap and when Darian tried to scold her, Kane raised a hand to stop him. He wasn't upset at all by the slap. He deserved it and a thousand more and he knew it.

"He isn't your son, and never will be!" she said in tears and left, carrying Sultan in her arms. He watched them leave. Her fingernails had scarred his face and it bled.