Chapter Sixty nine

Miles couldn't believe it. He should've guessed who was responsible for Celina's abduction. It was none other than that peacock Leon! How could he do such a thing?! He had put everyone in a difficult situation because of it and worst of all, Celina's mother, Mrs Eloise had been very pensive ever since her daughter got kidnapped.

"That selfish snake! He's going to pay for this!" he hit the wall in agitation.

"I would've never thought that sir jegug's son would do such a thing." Jonathan said in bewilderment.

"Well, what are we waiting for?! Let's arrest him immediately and make him pay dearly for all the troubles he put us through!" Miles said angrily.

"We will do that, but let's approach the matter carefully. Leon is quite powerful and just like his father, he's very ruthless. He might harm the girl if we try to take her away harshly."

"He might have harmed her already! We must save her now!"