It Didn't Happen

After cleaning up I feel my stomach rumble in hunger. I want to walk out but I was still feeling the sting of embarrassment from earlier. I sigh and suck it up when my stomach growls again in protest, plus, hovering always burns through my magic and energy. It's not an easy thing to do.

I walk out and try my best to act like I didn't embarrass myself as I walk downstairs with the others. When Li Jie sees me, he walks over and looks me over before asking "Are you okay now?" I clear my throat and say, "Let's just act like that didn't happen, okay?"

He smirks but then quickly hides it before saying "Got it. Let's go get something to eat." My eyes light up and I quickly agree. As we leave the Inn, I notice that this town was a lot bigger than the one Li Mei and the others live in.

As if noticing my surprise, Li Jie says "This is a larger city. As you get closer to the Capital, the cities grow larger in size." I nod as I take in everything. I truly was in a different time. I still don't know if it's my timeline or another world altogether, but I really don't know how to figure that out. Not yet anyway.

I agreed to help Li Mei in return for shelter and money and food, but I also need to think about how I'm going to get back. I can't stay here for the rest of my life... I have unfinished business with Aiya.

The men from are group huddle close and whisper as I walk by. A bulky man turns and says "I'm not kidding, I don't think she's human... she's not a Cultivator but the power she has is... abnormal! No one can fly!! She was flying like a ghost!!"

The others shiver as if cold water was poured down their backs. They dismissed her and thought she was just going to be deadweight, but it turns out she's much more terrifying than any of them could have imagined. Wait... was she a deity!?

He starts slapping the table over and over, causing the others to turn and look at him in question. He glances at her back as she leaves and leans in. The others lean in as well as he glances at all of them and whispers "Is she... a deity?"

All the men stiffen as their eyes silently shift over to her small back. They had never met one, but they had heard stories. She was definitely pretty enough to seem like a deity and her powers...

They all shiver, not knowing what to think anymore. All they knew was that they could not afford to offend her and get on her bad side.



Watching Lyra, he couldn't decide how he felt. She was so pretty she didn't seem real at times and at others... she was embarrassingly human. Though he was happy she managed to scare off all those men, he was still upset she hadn't listened to him.

He knows she has powers, but they've all been tricks. Nothing like real power. What would have happened if they had a powerful cultivator with them!? She could have been killed! He didn't know how to feel but when he thinks about her getting hurt, it makes his chest tight.

He has no idea where she came from or why she's even here but every day he finds himself caring less and less about that. He just wants to keep her safe and find an excuse to keep her close. It's like he's drawn to her in ways he can't even understand. Even when she looks like a ghost...



As we walk into the large and busy restaurant, I find my mouth watering. It smells so good... A man in a funny hat walks up and says, "Young Master, would you like a private room for you and the Young Miss?" I slightly frown at the term, but Li Jie nods and follows the man.

I let it go as I silently follow from behind. I look over and watch the different people talking, laughing, and eating but when we reach the second floor, I notice a difference. The people up here looked different. They were dressed better and walked around with their noses up in the air.

I slightly frown but I keep my mouth shut. When we get to the room he bows and hands us a menu before saying "Your waiter will be with you in a moment." He turns and walks out without another word. I walk over to the table and sit across from Li Jie with a frown.

He notices it and asks, "What's wrong?" I think about saying something but decide against it. He sees nothing wrong with any of this and seems right at home. So, this is the norm here, who am I to say anything different? This has nothing to do with me.

When our food finally arrives, my eyes light up with pure joy. When I take my first bite, I moan with delight but miss the way Li Jie tenses at the sound. I dig in and start thinking that maybe life here wouldn't be so bad if this is what I got to eat every day.

Suddenly, a loud crash is heard before a man flies straight through the wall and lands on our table. The table snaps in half and he falls to the ground with a groan of pain as our food falls all over him.

I remain seated with my chopsticks still in my hand as I look down at all the wasted food. Li Jie jumps up and yells "What's the meaning of this!?" The wall the man flew through is knocked all the way down as a man in all black steps through and walks towards the other man lying on the ground in pain, covered in our food.

When he reaches out to grab the man, I reach out and stop him with my chopsticks. He turns his head to glare at me as Li Jie says, "I demand an answer!" Suddenly a silky-smooth voice is heard from the other room. I turn to find a man with long black hair sitting at the table drinking tea like a man didn't just fly out of his room and into ours.

"You demand an answer?" The man in all back says with a dark smirk. When he looks up, I instantly know he's trouble. The handsome man slowly puts down his cup of tea with the elegance that would put any woman to shame.

He then says, "You are nothing to me." I narrow my eyes and use my magic to send his lackey in black back into his room. The lackey's face shows shock and confusion as he flies back and into the table of his Master.

Fear nearly stops his heart as he quickly turns and bows to his Master in apology. He doesn't dare lift his head even though he wants to look at the woman who just threw him like a doll. He didn't feel any Cultivation from the woman... how did she do that!?

I watch the lackey bow to the handsome man with disdain before looking back at handsome. He was now looking at me with amusement as I point my chopsticks at the ruined food and say "I was only able to enjoy three bites before you ruined it. Do you know how hungry I am? Don't you know it's bad manners to waste food?"