
His lips arch in a smirk as he says "I didn't know such an interesting woman was enjoying her food next door. Care to join me at my table? I have plenty of food you can have as my apology." I narrow my eyes at him before looking back to the man kneeling at his feet.

I lightly kick the man that was still groaning in pain in front of Li Jie and me as I say, "Just come collect your mess." The handsome man's smile grows as he says, "I insist." I turn to look at Li Jie only to find him on the ground on all fours, struggling to breathe.

Surprise flickers through me as I turn back to the handsome man and say "I promised someone to keep him safe. If you hurt him and cause me to break that promise, I will not forgive you." Suddenly, his lackey is thrown against the wall and pinned there with my magic.

The handsome man's eyes fill with joy as he says, "I will release your friend if you agree to eat with me." I tilt my head and think about it. I can see Li Jie straining to stay upright but he was quickly growing weaker.

I sigh and say "Fine." Li Jie suddenly falls and sucks in air as he can finally breathe again. He struggles to stand up and says "No, let's just leave Lyra." I shake my head and say "I made a deal, and I will see through it. I will meet you back at the Inn when I'm done."

He wants to argue but it suddenly becomes hard for him to breathe again. He looks pissed and wants to argue but he can't. He glares at the handsome man before turning back to me and saying, "I will be waiting." between clenched teeth. I watch him leave with a bitter taste in my mouth.

The smooth voice pulls me back as he says, "Mind putting him down now?" I turn back and wave my chopsticks. The lackey falls to the ground but remains kneeling before the handsome man. I purse my lips at him causing the handsome man to lightly chuckle.

The lackey flinches in fear, not ever hearing his Master laugh before.

The handsome man waves his hand, and the lackey quickly disappears with the man that was still groaning on the floor in pain.

The handsome man then says, "Now that it's just the two of us, please join me." I sigh as I stand up and walk over to his table. His dark eyes watch my every move, not missing a thing. As I sit at the table, he places a bowl in front of me and pushes the food toward me.

I glance at him before picking up a piece of chicken and popping it into my mouth. I moan again and relax into my seat, enjoying the wonderful flavors. Food is life. His dark eyes continue to watch me as he sips his tea and says, "You aren't a Cultivator."

It wasn't a question; it was a statement. I shake my head no and continue to eat as he continues to watch me. He narrows his eyes and says, "Then what are you?" I look up at him and as our eyes lock, I notice the smallest movement in his stone-cold face.

He was no longer smiling and no longer amused. He seemed like he was genuinely taken back by my existence. Without the mocking smirk, he looked absolutely terrifying. I lower my chopsticks and ask, "Would it really make a difference if you knew?"

His dark eyes take me in and for a moment, it seems like the air in the room comes to a complete stop. He then says "Normally I wouldn't care but for some reason, that's not the case this time. So, tell me, woman, what are you?"

I sigh as I place my chopsticks on the table and say "You really know how to ruin a nice meal. I'll tell you but you won't know what it is." I push away from the table and stand up as I say, "I'm a witch."

The table in the other room, as well as the wall, begin to fix themselves as I brush my dress off and say, "Before you ask, no, I'm not of this world and I will also return to my world as soon as I find out how so there's nothing to fear."

He watches everything without a word. He's never seen something like this. Was this even possible? He and others can destroy just about anything but to put things back together like this while looking unbothered... it wasn't normal. What is she?

When everything is done, he softly asks "Why would I be afraid of you little witch?" I look at him and then shrug before saying "Because most do. I wish I could say this was pleasant but... well, you know."

I reach out to the door to open it and find that it won't budge. I arch an eyebrow and turn back to him in question. He watches me in silence and says, "I'm not done." I blink several times before saying, "Excuse me?"

He points to the chair and says, "I'm not done." I scoff at him and say "Well I am." I try to open the door again, but it won't budge, even with my magic. I frown with annoyance before stepping to the side and creating a door in the wall and walking through.

I have no idea what kind of power this is but it's annoying. It meets mine head-on, making it difficult to face. It doesn't feel like magic... it feels like something else. Older and... I shake my head. I will think about it later when I don't have him nipping at my heels.

I huff in annoyance as I walk down the stairs but when I'm greeted by silence, I look over and see that everyone is gone. Not even a rat remains. I start to walk again and nearly walk straight into his chest!! I stumble back and land hard on the steps as I look up at him in horror. He was like a freaking ghost!

He looks down at me and smirks before saying "That was a neat little trick. What else can you do?" I gape at him as I say "Trick? I'm glad to know that you think my Magic is a trick. Move. You're being rude." He tilts his head and says "Then what if I'm not rude? Will you show me more then?"

My mouth slightly opens before I snap it shut and say, "You're not right in the head, are you?" He leans down, causing me to lean all the way back against the stairs but short of being coming one with them, I wasn't able to back up any farther. He asks, "Would you like to find out?" When his dark eyes stare into my eyes I feel my heart trying to cease up. DANGER!!

I release my power and quickly turn the stairs into a slide but only the middle part. I don't want him coming with me. I quickly slide down and walk out of the restaurant with my hand against my chest. He's dangerous... like crazy dangerous. We need to stay far away from him in the future. The only reason I didn't attack him with my magic was because I didn't know if I could actually beat him.

His strength is deep, but I don't know how deep it actually is. Something tells me I don't want to find out.