Chapter 18_ The Kitchen

Mackenzie threw the dark energy she shot from her hand into the faces of the two of the seniors and instantaneously, their pupils dilated to black.

In addition to our astonishment, she told the seniors to attack their friends.

"Teach your friends some lessons, " she told them and they charged toward their friends in obedience to her instruction.

The boys got into a messy physical fight and Mackenzie ran away. When she saw that I and Mia didn't move from where we stood, she ran back to drag our hands sending our senses running back to us as we were caught off-guard by her sudden

elevated powers.

"Run before the magic fades, I don't know how long it would last" she dragged our hands and we ran with her.

"Mackenzie, how did you turn from the girl who cannot control her powers and always want to freak out to a confident girl who controls her powers and has even mastered the channeling tricks!" Mia exclaimed.

Even I was surprised. Too surprised that I

was speechless all along.

"Don't think you're the only one who pays attention in class" Mackenzie told Mia bitterly.

Did Mackenzie pay close attention in class? Wow. She didn't look like a person who'd be serious with classes.

"But you have learned so fast, after just a class of channeling, you have been able to master how to channel your power into another aspect." I said in awe.

"I pick up fast. From the books we've read and the ones I have been studying. I just hope those seniors don't catch us later, it would not be nice" she said with a sarcastic laugh.

l and Mia burst out wholesome laughter when we remembered what happened. Mackenzie also joined us in laughing, it was satisfying watching those bullies beat the hell out of each other.

We got to the dinning area and wondered

where the kitchen was. We usually saw a door covered with curtains in front of the dining area so we decided to go through that door, maybe that was where the whole kitchen crew was.

We went over and tried to open the door but a male in his late twenties beats us to the opening of the door.

I was the one that wanted to open the door but when the door opened on its own, I Jumped startled.

"What are you ladies doing here?" he asked us scanning us from head to toe one by one

"The dean told us to come help in the kitchen so we came over to help out" I explained.

He said with a corner of his mouth " ohh I see, you are offenders and were assigned your punishment posts"

We rolled our eyes. Whatever, I wanted to say.

"Thank the stars I intervened on time, this is the male chefs and workers changing room. If you did walk in, you would have walked in on a bunch of men naked and getting dressed" he looked at us one after the other, his face half curled up.

Mia inhaled and used her hands to cover her mouth.

Then thank the stars he did intervene,I might have thrown up from seeing too many private parts.

"Ohh" Mackenzie drew her mouth in a circular form "Would you please lead us in the right direction?"

"Ok I will " he replied without telling us the direction.

"Thanks" I nodded.

"Yeah" he replied again.

.After a minute of silence with the man still standing and looking at us...

"Stop playing around and give us the directions already!" Mackenzie was loosing patience.

"It's.. right here!" He shouted and laughed annoyingly to our amazement.

He was pointing at the door he told us led to a men's dressing room.

I was confused as I stared at him like he was an abnormal person. As a matter of fact, I do not think he was okay.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I frowned

"I fooled you girls! This door is the right one not a men dressing room" he laughed sheepishly.

Me and the girls exchanged glances. Our

day could not have gotten any worse. First, we got in trouble with the dean, the teacher, the seniors and when we were trying to locate where we would have our punishment, we ran to an idiot!

Good, just good.

"This was the door after all?" Mia asked in disbelief.

"Yes," he laughed and walked away.

We all followed his every step with a perplexed look on our faces.

What an annoying man!

We opened the door and stood beside the entrance taking in the view from the inside right from the entrance where we stood.

All supernatural's college never ceased to amaze me! The kitchen was spacious and bright. It had Refrigerators, sinks, cook tops which created a work triangle and provides adequate space and

conduciveness for food preparation.

The scent that filled the kitchen was a delicious aroma of baking mixed with the aroma of frying turkeys.

I inhaled the pleasant smell and slowly and the girl's walked into the kitchen.

The cooks were at work each busy with the task at hand. Some were frying, some were throwing foods up the frying pan showing off their skills as an experienced cook. The whole space generated heat and busyness.

We were approaching the busy set of people who didn't take note of us until a man wearing chef's attire came over and blocked our view.

"What are you kids doing here?" He asked.

"The dean sent us here sir" Mia replied him

He twisted his head as if he knew why we came but wanted to make sure, " Why?" he asked.

"We are being punished and coming to help out in the kitchen was one of them" she told him.

The man clapped his hands and smiled as

he do so " We could use the extra hand, Come"

We followed him and he took us to another

section, away from the heats and seriousness.

Here, there were ladies and women doing the dishes and some other little stuffs.

"Hilda" he called a woman who was instructing some girls on how to separate feathers on the skin of a turkey. She was so bent on what she was doing that she didn't notice us.

She wore a lengthy gown with a blue and white apron sitting on her dress. She had a slight chubby outlook and look like she had birthed up to four kids some of whom were older than us.

She glanced up " Yes?" She looked at us and raised a brow " Who are they?"

"They're students of the college sent here by the dean to help out in the kitchen " He explained to her.

"Ohh erring girls huh?" She waved a big cooking spoon she was holding in her hand at us while putting a hand on her waist.

This woman would not make life in the kitchen hard for us would she?

I am definitely scared of her, what if she finishes us with workloads?

She probably thought we were some kind of bad and corrupt students because I could see the look in her face, she had a sternbscolding look plastered on it.

"I'll leave you to Hilda now" the man said to us and left.

She sized us up one after the other before assigning us chores. Making sure to separate us from one another.

"You, join them in picking the turkey's feather " she ordered Mackenzie who reluctantly joined the ladies that were busy

picking the feathers of turkeys that were up to 50 stacked in a bucket in front of them. They were throwing each turkey into another bucket that was filled with turkeys with already picked feathers while taking from the pile of the unpicked turkeys.

"You, come with me " she took Mia to another section where some women was busy doing the dishes, she instructed her to join them in doing the dishes and told me to wipe and put away the dry dishes.


The work was okay at first then it got so hectic and I thought my legs were going to break from moving up and down putting away dishes in their right proportions. Mackenzie was the most worked out, she kept on getting nauseous at the smell and sight of the turkey blood.

I thought she was really doing well and

managing the situation well because if it

was me, I would faint from the pungent smell of the stinky blood.

After working for about an hour, Hilda came to us and told us to take a break. I guess she saw the fatigue on our faces. I was

greatly stressed and kept dozing off while thinking of how warm it would be on my bed if I was in my hostel.

After the break, Hilda did not allow us work anymore and told us to go to the hostel and sleep early to prepare for class the next day.

We were extremely happy and almost wanted to hug her out of gratitude but we just smiled at her while exchanging happy glances.

We bid the others in the kitchen goodbye and went outside with relief.

We were now walking back to the hostel and the weather was dark.

"The other students are probably sleeping now" Mia sulked while she stretched her hands and back.

"I know right" I mumbled.

"We will survive this girls " Mackenzie added as she patted our heads.

"The stars are beautiful " Mia whispered while staring at the sky.

I and Mackenzie also looked up and we smiled, yes the sky was beautiful.