Chapter 19_Talk to us

We sat on our beds and I actually thought we were going to sleep away but we got in, we found ourselves discussing other matters and didn't sleep.

"I am not really tired, back at home I do work tirelessly everyday. It is just that the odor of the blood" It was Mackenzie that talked.

Mia removed her glasses " Who were you back at home?" She asked Mackenzie.

Mackenzie shrugged " There isn't much to me, just an average girl. No mum no dad, lived with my uncle's family, finished high school the the year before then, I'm here."

I and Mia nodded. "That's a hell of a simple life, where's your mum and dad?"


Dead? No wonder Mackenzie was always so cold.

"Oh" Mia quickly turned to me trying to shove off the brewing awkward moment that might lead to emotional imbalance on Mackenzie's part " what about you?" She asked me gingerly.

" Me... I lived with mama and Anastasia, my little sister. I also do not have a father. I have been living with mama and we've been so happy" I finalized. My voice so jovial and filled with enthusiasm.

I've always been so proud to talk about

mum and Anastasia, they were my world and really meant a lot to me. I remembered the horrible dream I had where Ajax had murdered them and I pulled my duvet closer to me.

I did not know when I started to shake and how I came about sweats in the cold night.

The girls noticed my discomfort "Are you okay?" Mackenzie asked and moved closer to me. She had always been the one who was the most concerned about me.

l and Mia were always too busy picking on each other.

I felt like sharing my worries, I do not want to keep it all to myself anymore.I had omitted some parts about my father, I didn't tell them and I also do not know why. I felt like if I told them about the relationship between Ajax and my father, they might see me as a kind of threat to their safety or maybe a freak for being the daughter of a man from another dimension.

"I am not okay girls," I said loosening my hold on the duvet now.

"What is wrong? Feel free to share" Mia sounded concerned too.

I Inhaled and exhaled, maybe it would make me feel better, it didn't.

" It's about the senior" I sighed again.



"What about him?"

"He..he was the one l saw in my dream. The one who murdered my mum and my sister" I stammered.

Mia also sat beside me " It's just a dream Medusa" she stressed.

"No, you don't understand. He knows my father, he was a friend of my father's and he wants to hurt me to get to my father" I rushed the words because of the tension I felt.

"Calm down girl, he knows your father?" Mackenzie asked with a brow raised.

"Yes, I don't know my dad yet but the dean told me he was a friend of my father's," I said.

"A friend of your fathers and he seems like he could be your friend. Can you not see his face? He is just a young boy in his twenties" Mackenzie threw her hands up.

Mia touched my arm "I think you are overreacting and being paranoid"

I understood how they felt, it sounded unbelievable. When the Dean told me I thought it was not believable too. I believe the dean's Words because he had no reason to lie to me. Moreover, we were exposed and opened to a world of supernatural happenings and abilities.

l explained to them everything the dean had said and I watched their expressions change with every word I said. When I finished, the girls were dumbstruck and touched their chests with their hands.

I saw the sincere concern they had for me in their eyes and I knew I was not alone in this journey. I was meeting good people who truly cared for me and I also do care for them.

They were like compensations for loosing my former friends. It was sad I could only remember them but they would have no memory of me. Including mama and anas too.

Mia drew me closer to her and held my shoulders in her arms. She sniffed like a person who was close to shedding tears. "Poor Medusa, you've been keeping this to yourself. It is a whole lot to be only on one

person shoulders"

"Why didn't you tell us?" Mackenzie queried me with narrowed eyes.

I looked up at her and saw she had a look like she was disappointed. She expected us to be plain with one another. I had no excuse, I have to tell them the

truth so... "I was afraid you girls would find being around me dangerous since I am the one he is after. I could endanger you then you would not want to be my friends anymore " I said with total honesty.

"Not telling us, that's endangering. Now that you are telling us, we can know to be at alert and now, we know what we are up against " Mia scolded me.

She was right, I was being a baby and selfish.

"No matter what, we'll always have each other's backs. We can not stop being friends with you over such trivial matters. We are all we've got in this new world." I heard Mackenzie say to me while she took

my hands.

I saw emotions in her eyes, I didn't know Mackenzie could be emotional too!

I guess nobody can survive alone. At the end of the day, we need one another. We all embraced ourselves for a short while before retiring to bed.

I slept soundly like a baby, it was nice to talk to the girls and let out the worries that lay on my heart like a hard rock.

We woke up the next morning with the voice-over instructing us of the time classes begins. I was getting used to the voice-over giving instructions to us so, it was easier to wake up now. We were used to it and it seemed like our subconscious minds has imprinted the voice and time phrase the instructions

come every morning.

Now, when the voice-over sounds, we get up immediately unlike before when it took us time to break free from sleep.

"Good morning girls" Mia addressed us as she put on her glasses.

"Morning Mia" we chorused.

We slipped off our pajamas and went to bath simultaneously.

It had become a culture to bath together.

When we finished dressing up, we decided to go to the dining area first, we were famished.

The dining area was filled with other students who had also came for their breakfasts.

We wrote down our preferred meals and it was soon served to us.

"I can not believe we're going to come back to wash the dishes everyone uses later" Mia sulked.

"It's the library we'll be going today remember?" Mackenzie corrected her.

"Oh, that's true!" Mia nodded her head in realization. "Hopefully, the work there would be lesser work than here"

The library, that was where I met the annoying jerk with a woman's name the last time.

What if I meet him again? I had goosebumps all over and I stiffened under the fabric of my clothes when I remember how he had acted like a freak and asked me what I was doing the last time.

I also remembered Ajax told me he was a demon controller, whatever that was.

I did not realize I had groaned out loud until I heard Mackenzie's voice.

"What are you groaning about and why are your cheeks flushing?"

I touched my cheeks instantly "Me?

"Yes, you" she nodded.

I became nervous and I didn't know why "Nothing...I...just" I stammered

"I think I know what she's smiling about" Mia smiled her usual mischievous smile.

Before I could protest, some seniors hit their plates with spoons to gain attention.

We all turned to look at them.

One of them chanted. "All supernatural's college!"

"we learn, we survive, we conquer!" the other seniors who were present in the dining area shouted back.

It seemed that was the school motto they were chanting.

What are they doing making noises again, I do not want All-backs trouble.

I remembered the last time he warned us to maintain decorum in the dining area.

"There they go again" I whispered to the girls who rolled their eyes in return.

"The dominant competition is here again!" the senior who was addressing us spoke.

He turned to the newbies's section " Newbies, I am sure you are lost but don't be, I got you. The dominant competition is held annually and takes two weeks to end. It is a competition where all magical colleges come out to show who is most dominant and who is most powerful!"

Some of the newbies amongst us started clapping and whistling like the other seniors were doing.

I was pretty sure they were not understanding his words but decided to shout to not look like they do not belong.

"There are other magical colleges?" Mia asked in surprise. I was also surprised, I never knew there were other supernatural colleges. I thought it was just our school alone.

"The seniors knows their groups but the newbies will be recruited based on the group they choose. Each group has things they do to participate in the competition. Please join the groups according to your talents and what you feel like you can contribute to the competition" the senior continued.

"How do we know what they do in each groups?" One of the newbies asked.

"Each team leader will address you " the senior answered.

"What if some of us do not have talents and decide not to participate?" Another newbie asked.

"Then you stay back and join the spectators to cheer on those who are working hard to make us proud. We do not expect the whole school to join also, we only need few selected ones." He finalized.

I felt like this was going to be fun!