Chapter 24_ Scared Puppies

I had no idea what I needed to do when Mackenzie said the librarian told her to stay in her spot for her.

"So what am I supposed to do then?" I threw my hands up.

"Just go read your book till she gets back or you can stay herewith me" she replied.

I could do the both together!

Stay with her and read a book.

"I'll do both," I said with a big smile.

She frowned at me with a look that screamed "you have started your mischief.'

"How..?" she finally asked with a big frown while tapping her fingers on the counter desk.

I will stay here with you while reading a book." I shrugged. It was a simple topic she was supposed to understand.

"Whatever " she rolled her eyes.


Does that mean I can go over to counter and act bossy like a librarian?

Oh yeah!

I can not wait for the newbies to come around and tell them 'hey you can not take those books.'

I thought inwardly and I giggled.

"What?" Mackenzie asked with the same look again.

"Nothing, I'm coming over to the counter " I made to go over but a hand pushed my head from the back.

I turned around to see the librarian putting her hands on her hips " Go back, I will assign you your work posts now" she said simply but the scorn in her tone was barely hard to miss.

Mia was behind her, the annoying jerk was also trailing behind.

"So much for staying behind the counter and acting bossy like a librarian." I mumbled inwardly.

My words were inaudible so the librarian thought I was speaking to to her. "What?" She asked. Her eyes dimming while her eyebrows moved in sync.

I shot her a stern look before rolling my eyes. "Nothing " I said.

She ignored me and told all three of us to follow her lead.

Consequently, she led us to a large but empty shelf.

"These are the new just-in books, arrange them all on the shelf" she pointed to the big sealed cartons on the floor.

How meaner could she be?

I knew she was mean the first day I saw her and I also know I was not going to like her.

"Do you know what omnilingual

translation is?" she asked us out

of the blue.

We exchanged glances before looking back at her and shaking our heads.

"No" I and Mackenzie replied.

Our dearest smart Mia took the

stage and..." the ability to

translate multiple languages" she showed off her smart brain.

Well I am smart too, I was able to answer questions no one could answer in the defense class. I never knew when I started to smile to


"What are you smiling about again Medusa" Mackenzie threw her hands up in the air listlessly.

"What...?" I pouted.

The librarian ignored us and went about what she was explaining.

She looked at Mia "Good, at least a smart one. Through channeling class I am able to channel my mutant ability to comprehend

languages into having vast knowledge too. As far as studying faces and expressions. I can look at you and read what is on your mind through your facial expression." she finally stooped addressing all of us and looked at me.

She was starting to get scary.

"I can tell with the three horizontal lines on your forehead, the slight curve between your upper lip and lower lip. The half

obscured eyebrows and the tensed cheeks that you are harboring thoughts of how irritated you are at my seniority and how you do not take a fancy in me"

Was this the same librarian behind the counter? Ok, I want my power now. It sulks for people to induce dominance on me because

they had powers

"What...?" I couldn't finish as I stammered.

"I want you to knouw that I could care less about what you think of me and I also do not take a fancy in you but the fact that I am a Superior to you, you dare not voice out those thoughts ever. It's okay to harbor the cynical thoughts though but the day you trespass, | will not go easy on you" she smirked.

"Has Medusa done something

wrong before senior Cass?" Mia asked her.

"Finish your duties and go back to your hostel was the reply she got from the scary librarian who walked away on us.

We stood in wonder and watched her as she walked away.

" I think she is a witch " Mia

announced immediately the librarian was out of sight.

"I think there is something Medusa had done to her before " Mackenzie cleverly noted.

"What me? Nothing! I do not know

her before but she was right about me harboring cynical thoughts though. She was just being bossy and I didn't like it butshe wasn't supposed to be so serious, gosh!" complained.

"I got goosebumps as I watched her talk. The seniors are more scary than the teachers" Mia rubbed her shoulders and muttered.

"Guys, lets get to the work at hand" Mackenzie ushered us.

I looked at the books in the cartons that was on the floor, and suddenly got an idea to make the work faster.

"Guys, lve got an idea'" I announced.

"I do not wish to listen to your ideas Medusa, they always land us in trouble example the situation we are in now" Mia disputed.

"How many times are you gong to mention that Mia? I was only trying to help!" I almost shouted and she shrugged.

"Yeah and you did help, helped in getting us pro classes chores" she sarcastically replied.

"Wow! And how many attempts have you made to help out because..." I was firing back at her but Mackenzie cut me off.

"Guys please we have a lot to worry about than all this please. Medusa do tell us your idea, we will decide if it is a good one or not" Mackenzie bargained.

I shot Mia a last hard glare before talking." One person can stay on the upper part of the ladder and another on the lower part " I

was saying when Mia gave a fake cough of cynicism but I chose to ignore her.

"How about one person stay on the ground here and open the sealed cartons then they pass the books to another that is on the lower part of the ladder while the latter pass it on the one on the upper part of the ladder" I suggested.

Then how does that help?" it was Mia again.

"It reduces the stress. The one on the ground only needed to remove the book and pass it on while the other person collects it and pass it to the one on the top part who arranges them in the shelf" I explained more


" Makes sense" Mackenzie shook her head.

"Then I guess I will stay on the lower part of the ladder" Mia said and moved towards the ladder.

She was quick to disregard my proposal of an idea but quick to choose the easiest chore when we decide to make use of the same


"And there goes the benevolent smart Mia choosing the easiest chore" I said intentionally sounding as sarcastic as I can be.

"Duhh" she rolled her eyes.

"Let her be Medusa, I will stay at the upper part of the ladder while you stay on the ground" Mackenzie suggested and I


We started the task at hand with so much energy and vigor but when we finished, we were left with O.17 of our strengths.

It took us approximately about 2 hours and 45 minutes to finish and when we did, it was already dark and we have been there in the

library before sunset.

We dragged our legs on the floor as we walked away. It was already so tiring for us and we still needed to walk back to the hostel.

I was inwardly uttering profanity at the librarian when I was sure she was not on sight before she would read my expression and say

mean things that would give me nightmares. It was already so dark, I won't sleep well if she scare the hell out of me again.

We walked away from the sectionsand were almost at the library entrance near the librarian counter when we saw him.

It was the annoying jerk and an awful, horrific and ugly looking creature beside him.

The creature had horns like the devil's and stood almost 1 feet tall with liguids dripping from its mouth and body. Its veins were

visible and it had pinkish purple liquid that were supposed to be blood flowing through it.

The creature opened its mouth as if it was about to swallow him.



"Help" We all shouted out of horror.

The creature hiccuped and turned to us.

"Arrrghhh!" we shouted again with terrified voices this time, our voices more louder.

As if our shouts woke and summoned the ground , it opened up and swallowed the creature immediately then our shouts

increased even the more.

"What are you doing" The annoying jerk turned to us, anger evident in his voice as his

eyes got colored and his gritted teeth sent cold chills down our spines.

"That thing was about to swallow you" Mackenzie hollered.

"We just saved you" I added.

"What the hell is that ugly shitty thing" Mia squealed.

"How dare you!" he marched towards Mia and suddenly stopped like there was a control bar controling him, his tensed face calmed and he looked calm again like his usual self.

"That was my pet" we heard his low voice say.

His pet? The horrible creature

was his friend?

"That ugly thing is your pet?" Mia

blurted out in wonder. She spoke my mind.

"Don't.." he clenched his fists and then calmed himself again.

"Go." he said.


"Leave here now!... he shouted and we scampered away like scared puppies.

Well that was what we were. Scared Puppies.

The people in the library are out of their mindsl

Author's Note


Hello Readers,

How is the journey of Medusaa

going so far and how have you been liking it?

How about you comment in the comment section to let me know of your favorite character so far.

The favorite class of yours which they've had so far?

And what you think about the annoying jerk? 

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