Chapter 26_It is Here

I woke up the next morning with body pains

all over. There was no class today because

it was the weekend so we were allowed to

sleep more.

Unlike before, the voice-over did not shout out our routines politely. Instead, it was quiet

and we slept to our heart fill.

Mackenzie had woken up, sitting in her bed

while striking a meditating posture. Was

Mackenzie meditating? I did not know she

was the type to meditate. It seemed she was full of surprises these days.

I know they said to maintain decorum when

a person was meditating but I could not help

but want to talk. I wanted to know why she was meditating in the early morning.

"Yo girl! Good morning and what are you

doing?"I said, intentionally raising my voice

She opened her eyes instantly like a person

possessed. "Medusa" she stressed my


I knew I had caused trouble, I did it

intentionally. "What?" I pouted and feigned


"Don't act like you don't know what I'm

talking about!" she sounded stern.

"I don't " I shrugged.

"Don't forget I can read your mind" she said


"And I think you should stop doing that

without asking for our permissions" I rolled

my eyes.

"Do what?"

"Read our minds, it's a breach of privacy.

Ask Medusa can I read your mind? If I'm

cool with it l'l say okay to ahead and if I'm

not, I'll say.." I was saying but got cut short.

"What the hell are you saying Medusa, are

you sure you are up to 18 yet ?" she shook

her head in disbelief.

"No I am not, I will be 1a 8 in few days" I replied.

And then...


A pillow landed on my head!

"Would you shut up. Why make so much

noise early in the morning?" Mia groaned.

She was the one who threw the pillow to my

head. I went over to her and slapped her


"Wake up and stop calling quarter past 11

early in the morning so early"I dragged her

duvet off.

"I'll II cut your head and give it to our

neighbor's dogs to feed on Medusa!" Mia

groaned again.

"I can watch you try." I snapped now

walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth

and take my bath.

We will be rehearsing in the dancing team

today, the seniors would not like it if any of us

came late. I might look unserious on the

outside, but I take my matters seriously,

I would never disappoint those who believed

in me, never.

I was staring at the mirror as I brushed

when I thought I saw the silver-haired girl's

reflection flash across the mirror with her

empty eyes.

I saw the empty eyes and remembered her

words once again. "Hide in your rooms, do

not go out" kept on ringing in my ears.

If we did not go out today, no one would find

us since it was the weekend. But why

should we stay back and not go out?

Because it is coming?'

What's coming? I couldn't help but laugh.

Maybe silver-haired needed attention like

the girls had suggested.

I finished washing up and went into the

room to dress up. Mia went in after me.

"Are you not having your bath?" I turned to

Mackenzie who was trying to regain the

connection of her meditation that I had


"I will, after you girls " she replied, and went

back to her task.

I did my daily skin routine while applying

the expensive skincare products provided

by the school. My skin was already glowing

better than usual.

Back at home, I used to feel my skin was at

its best. I never knew there was a best greater than the best I knew.

I took a sweatshirt and a pair of tight jeans

with boots that had high heels. I let my hair

fall and combed my bangs, making it fall on

my nose the more.

I looked in the mirror and striked different

poses. I was grateful to the heavens for my

body, skin, and looks. I was one gorgeous


Mia came out of the bath while Mackenzie

entered to have her share of washing up.

I watched Mia dress up. She always wears

a turtle neck sweaters with denim skirts

and sometimes jeans but her jeans were not

always as tight as mine or Mackenzie's.

I watched her apply the skin products to her

body and then put on her clothes and then

sat down to clean her glasses and then put

them on.

I wondered if she usually sees anything

without those glasses. I am sure she doesn't

because if she does, she would have made

remarks about me staring and watching her

intensely as she dressed up.

As if reading my mind, " Medusa, I never

knew you were so deep into girls " she said,

her face still buried in what she was doing

and was not looking at me.


"I was aware of your gaze on me as

dressed up" she said rather calmly in the most annoying way.

If I was a boy, she was definitely not my


"Who told you l'd take a fancy in you even if

I like girls.. grandma?" I purposely stressed

the last word for emphasis.

"Grandma?" she turned her horrified and

pained face to me.

I was about to make more painful remarks

when Mackenzie stepped in.

"Be nice Medusa" she said in a way mama

used to tell me back at home, I suddenly missed her again.

Mackenzie dressed up and we all set out to

the dinning area to have our morning meals

It was the weekend so the dining area was

unnecessarily full.

We sat in one of the empty chairs but the

table was not empty. Some newbies were

already occupying it.

The space in the dining area this morning

was limited so everyone had to share tables

and be accommodating.

The others at the table were already eating

so we took the paper and scribbled our

orders on it. This morning, I did not feel like

eating too much so l ordered a light food.

"There are some seniors who are coming back from the other dimension, they have gone on a mission before and were coming back today." one of the boys on the table said to basically all of us.

"Really?"I jumped in on the conversation and asked.

The boy also seemed to be a talkative and

was more than willing to share the

information with me.

"Of course, aren't you in this school?

Everyone is talking about it. A top student

was the one who led the mission" he added.

"What was the mission?" Mackenzie asked.

"There was a plague in one of the countries

in the other dimension which was already

spreading to other countries. Scientists

were trying to find a way to stop it when

they heard there was a young adult who

was supposed to be infected but he wasn't."

The boy's friend answered her.

The boys were the boys in class, the one we spoke to the other day but I could not remember their names now.

"So they want to use him to conduct

experiments for the vaccine?" Mia asked.

"Yeah, so the problem was the boy was in

an area which was knee deep on the

infection so there was no way to get him as

the infected were always aggressive till

they die. Although the virus kills fast, it can

also be spreaded in the most ridiculous way

By touching infected persons or infected

surfaces and sometimes, the virus can be

aggressive and it attacks in the air." the boy

explained in details.

"Wow you know so much," I said, surprised

at how quickly they had gathered


The boys smiled at me "All thanks to our

friend here who has enhanced hearing

ability." one of the boys said and pointed to

a shy-looking boy who hadn't said anything

all along.

When we looked at him, " The seniors are

talking about it" he finally said as if we

asked him for any explanation.

"So was the mission successful?" Mia


"Trust our beloved All Supernatural

College seniors, it was. They brought

victory to our school amongst the

government and it would help boost our

reputation for the competition. "The boy's

friend replied.

"That's true, they really did just save a

nation" Mia shook her head and continued

eating her food.

I could not eat my food anymore, not after

hearing such gross information. It disturbs

my system for an unknown reason and

found myself pondering on it.

We heard noises and the dining area

became noisy too. " They are here!" the

boys shouted and rushed in the direction

everyone was rushing to.

Mia also stood up instantaneously "Let's go

take a look guys " she ushered us.

Mackenzie who doesn't like to support or

oppose stood up after her but I remained

seated where I was. I did not want to go

because my instinct told me not to.

"Let's go!" Mia shouted at me and I shook

my head.

"Come on Medusa" Mackenzie begged me

with her eyes. She knew Mia would throw a

fit if we did not allow her to feed her eyes. She had too much to feed, she's gotten four


I stood up reluctantly and we followed the

boys to the gathering to witness a mob of

students and teachers who stood by


A portal appeared flashing its light across

our faces and then, slowly the seniors came

in through it.

The hall was a filled with applauses as the

seniors stepped in. Finally, the top student

also stepped in and the shouts increased.

Whistling, claps, giggles and screams filled

the hall as the top student entered the hall

while the portal closed behind them.

I could not help but clap too, they had done a

great job. Not to mention the top student who led them was a female.

They stood formally and bowed to receive

our greetings and praises which grew

louder by the minutes until...

One of them slumped on the floor and

started coughing blood. The previous

shouts of victory was replaced with shouts

of horrors and terrified students.

I panicked from where I stood and now,

understood my instincts and the silver

haired girl warnings.