Chapter 27_ We should have listened

We should have listened to the silver haired girl and maybe alert others too but no, we didn't.

What did we do?

We disregarded her words and even called her crazy. Now, who was in a crazy situation shouting crazily like an insane person? The silver haired girl whatever her name was, is probably in her room sitting in comfy and sipping wine while we are here, screaming and running, almost peeing our pants.

When the senior collapsed and started coughing blood, no one knew the nature of his sickness but we were not dulards,

these people were just returning from a mission of retrieving a boy from a plagued


What if one of them had been careless and

had now brought the virus over with them?

The screams increased as everyone tried

to scamper away while running for their

lives. The students were pushing one

another in desperation and were stepping

on the ones that were unlucky enough to


It became a game of the survival of the

fittest. Teacher Lazlo had previously

referred to the school as the survival of

the fittest' however, I was sure this

situation was not what the teacher meant by that when he uttered that statement.

I stood where I was staring at the sick senior on the floor, he was the son of someone taken away from his home because he was unlucky enough to have his powers. Perhaps, these powers we had were not a gift but a curse.

If he didn't have no ability, he would be at

home with his family and would not be

assigned to go save the day. We were only

kids, we are not heroes!

"To our room now!" Mackenzie shouted as

the gathering started getting disrupted and everyone ran helter skelter.

"Hold yourselves" she instructed and grabbed Mia's hand while Mia grabbed mine.

Mia saw I was dazed and in a trance when

she scolded me back to reality." Medusa,

we are running now!"

I broke away from my short trance and we

ran hand in hand. It was a rough run as the

other students were pushing us while we

maintained our hold and used our trio srrength to push them away too.

If any of us should fall, that'll be the end as

the confused and desperate students

would step on them without realizing it.

We saw those who had the power to disappear and teleport, disappeared right

in our faces.

We wanted to run faster but we could not

as the hall was filled with students and it

was almost impossible to run.

Mia stumbled on a student who had fell

down and was unconscious on the floor.

"Mia!" I and Mackenzie chorused in fright

and we quickly helped her up.

"My glasses!" she panicked. I looked at her

face and saw she had lost her glasses.

I quickly scanned the area and saw it on

the floor just some steps away from us.

"Mackenzie hold her, I'll go get it" I said as

I jogged towards where the glasses lay. I

bent and stretched my shaky hands to pick

it up when a running leg stepped on it.


It broke " Oh shit!" I stood up and ran back

to the girls, cold sweats dripping from my

face and landing on the floor with my every


"It is broken, let's go" I shouted as I neared

them and we resumed to holding each

other's hands. This time, tightening the grip

a bit more.

A bright light shone across our faces

causing all of us to stop in our tracks and

shield our eyes with our hands,

"Female students, this way to the emergency hostels!" It was all black ushering us to enter a portal that he made appear. "Male students, this way !" another teacher

shouted and ushered the male students

into another portal.

I sighed in relief and thanked the stars, I

was beginning to get worried about how

we would make it to our hostel building

without touching anyone. Any of the

students might be infected, we were all

running around and pushing one another.

Who knows...

We ran towards the teacher and jumped

with the other students into the portal. We

all jumped like ants that gathered on a

cube of sugar.

We landed in another building, it was a

hostel but it wasn't ours. Everyone was

scattered, we saw some newbies and there

were also seniors.

We were all scared but maintained

composure as we approached the hostel. The tension and shock was making some

of us shake while some were even crying.

Of course, it was newbies like us that cried.

Definitely not the seniors, they were quite

shaken too but I guess they've seen worst.

There were three people dressed in hazmat

suits in front of the hostel.

We were hearing voice overs all over the

speaker in the building stating that they

didn't know what happened but in case it

was the virus, necessary procedures

needed to be taken.

The voice over was informing us that the

virus attacks quick and its first symptom

was mild fever accompanied by high teperature so they would be checking our

temperatures as we go in and we were

advised to cooperate.

Why would we not cooperate? It was all for

our own good. I and the girls walked side by side, we did not want to miss one another.

When we got to the building, we formed a

line and queued as we go in while the

people by the entrance would hold a

thermometer to our foreheads before

allowing us in.

We heard a noise and we looked forward to

see a girl being asked to step aside while

her friends continued to shout.

"She has been sick all day before all of this! I swear!" her friend was shouting with her

two hands by her side while she raised and

dropped her shoulder.

Her friend just stood still by the side of one

of the people testing us.

"Please just go!" a senior shouted


Murmurs ensued amidst the queue forcing the girl to go in reluctantly without her

friend. I could almost smell her sadness as

tears laced my eyes. I was always quick to

shedding tears as I am a very emotional


I've always wondered how people who

does not shed tears even in an intense and

painful situation do it because I'm always

close to tears when it comes to emotional


Soon, it got to Mia's turn. She was good

and was allowed to go in so was

Mackenzie too and then, me.

We walked into the hostel's passage and

had no idea which room to enter since this

was not our hostel.

We opened a door and found it already

occupied with five girls.

"Fuck off" they barked at us when we

opened the door. We shut it back and proceeded to the next door.

It was two seniors that were inside the

room, they looked at us without saying

anything as we opened the door.

"They are two, we are three. I think all five

of us can manage" Mia whispered and we

made to step into the room.

"Don't even dare" one of the two seniors

said and we shut the door reluctantly while


This was getting annoying, why did all black not send us to our hostel?!

We moved to the next door and as I was

about to open the door, Mia held my hand

and shook her head.

"It would probably be filled up too or be

occupied with mean seniors" she sagged

her shoulders in frustration.

The others from the queue were already

coming in too.

"So we wait and freeze out here?"

Mackenzie asked in frustration and opened

the door.

Was someone inside? Yeah.

How many? Just one. 

Who was it? A senior.

What did she do?

We stood and started at her, she was all

curled up on one of the beds.

"What are you doing?" she asked us and

we were about to shut the door when we

heard her sweet voice." Do come in" she

ushered us with her hand.

Oh yeah!, her voice seemed like a guardian angel's voice at that moment.

We rushed in and shut the door behind us.

Finally, we would rest our legs that were

already worn out and unsteady.

"Thank you" Mia told her.

"For what? It's not even my room also she

shrugged while looking outside the window

Anyhow it is, we were grateful.

Since the room was originally designed for

three occupants and had three beds while

we were now four in number, we decided to

share the bed amongst ourselves. Mackenzie and I shared one bed while

we allowed Mia to have the other one

because of the stress of loosing her

prescription glasses.

We were all silent for a while, each person engrossed in their thoughts.

"But, what the hell happened?" Mia finally


"The virus happened." I replied with

sarcasm, why was she asking what

happened when it was already obvious.

"Did the seniors not go with protection kits

before going on the mission? Why send

them to hell if they wouldn't be fortified?"

Mia ranted again.

"They went prepared with hazmat suit and

oxygen. Something is fishy about the

whole thing. I'm guessing one of the other

colleges did this to slow down our school's

preparation of the competition?"


"Why would they do that?!" I almost yelled.

Our school has been winning the competition now for five times in a row for the past five years " the senior answered

calmly still looking outside the window.

She had short black hair and had a whitish

skin, she was cute with her round face

which was now wet from sweatings of the

whole running thing. She was dressed in a

white tank top with black jacket and a pair

of white trousers with blue sneakers.

"They will risk the lives of juveniles and

disrupt the whole school peaceful system

for that? I can not begin to imagine the

number of injured students and the number

of those who would lose their lives!"

Mackenzie fumed.

This was unbelievable! A school attacking

another and risking the lives of youngsters? 

What kind of world where competition was

thorough was this?