Chapter 29_ Save Me

We all stood breathing loudly, our breaths could be heard as we were now holding each other's hands and staring at the senior with deadly eyes.

" You guys need to listen to me. If I was infected, I woud have shown symptoms but I have not. I woud have infected you guys already, the virus is more serious than you think." Senior Eira said almost in a whisper.

"How can you not be infected? You all went on the mission together " Mia queried with a lingering panic around her voice.

"That is what I'm trying to explain to you" she seemed more impatient now.

What if she gets angry and charges at us? What if she decided to rub all her fluid on us?

I needed to do something to calm her "Ok, we are listening, " I said to keep her talking and refrain her from moving closer to us.

She walked back to the window and sat beside it, now looking outside like she was doing before.

" For one, you girls need to know I do not allow physical contact with others. I keep mostly to myself all the time, in solitary. So it is understandable if I wasn't infected. The boy who collapsed dared not touch me on a normal day." she began.

She does not allow others to touch her, that does not guarantee her not being infected. Was she expecting us to buy that?

"We went on the missions with protection kits, Hazmat suits and oxygen. The mission went well, there was no reason for any of us to be infected until it got to the point where we opened the portal to teleport back to the school after delivering the boy. An infected person rushed toward us from behind unexpectedly and grabbed the young boy who brought the virus to schol. The infected are very aggressive at the prodromal stage. I believe that infected was at his prodromal stage the moment he grabbed the dead lad." the senior was saying....

"So it was that infected that infected the boy?" I asked, cutting her off.

"Yes, although we never noticed. The infected grabbed him begging for help but he shoved him away. However, the boy bent and looked at his suit right under his knee, and when we asked what was wrong, he said it was nothing." She finished.

"Maybe the pressure made his suit tear and the fluid might have passed through it at that time. Or maybe the air too, since the virus attacks in the air and the air would probably be contaminated since that was the ground zero you went to" Mia said thoughtfully.

"Maybe, maybe not. I never got to find out" senior Eira replied in a low tone.

"I still do not see how any of the other schools are related to this" Mackenzie said. She just spoke my mind.

"We were going about our mission successfully. We entered ground zero, where the virus was at its peak, but nothing happened. Why would we be attacked when we were done and were about to come back to the school ?" she threw the question at us.

The situation was suspicious but it was not enough to throw pointing fingers at others.

"Who knows, might be fate " I shrugged.

I saw the look of displeasure on her face. Maybe she thought we were too naive to understand as she stopped explaining.

" Anyway, I am not infected. If you think I am, there is the door. Leave." she said in the most sinful calmest tone.

How she managed to stay calm in that situation, I do not understand.

We stood and turned to each other.

"Should we go? " Mackenzie whispered.

"What are you talking about? Let's go!" Mia protested.

"But we don't know what's outside and the school had informed us to stay put in the rooms" I reasoned.

"Stay put with an infected person?" Mia asked me sarcastically. She was already getting scared, she had always been the timidest one yet the loud mouthed one.

Okay maybe I was loud-mouthed too but at least I've got guts. Mia was always the first to chicken out and ask us to bail out of any dramatic circumstances.

"We are not even sure she is infected. We go out now and risk getting infected" I fired back in a whisper. Our voices were starting to make funny sounds around the room now. I was sure Senior Eira was hearing us regardless of how hard we tried to whisper.

"But you were the one who called her infected first" Mia shouted and looked at me with unbelievable eyes.

"I did not call her infected, I said she was the top student that went on the mission! " I said sternly my voice unclear because of the cloth tied around my nose.

Mia was being annoying, she was looking for any stupid excuse to justify her timidness.

"Okay Guys" Mackenzie called us to order. We stopped arguing and looked at her. "Remember the way a girl was detained outside." she asked.

We nodded.

"For her to be able to enter the hostel, she must have been tested outside for fever and declared okay for them to allow her in right?" she asked again and we nodded.

"I think so, the virus was said to attack its host fast and the symptoms were always surfacing after a few minutes down to hours of infection" Mia said in a low tone.

"Good, although she must have been tested outside, let's ask her anyway to confirm " I added.

The girls nodded in support of my decision and we turned to her.

"You were tested outside before you were allowed access into the hostel right?" I asked slowly.

The senior was silent and did not give a reply. We exchanged glances. What the hell was wrong with this senior?

Oh my God, I hate seniors.

I knew I used to rant about how cool they were but damn, they can be very scary too. Take the librarian, for instance, I hate the seniors and they always give me multiple reasons to!

" Senior Eira...?" Mia called slowly and she removed her gaze from the window and back to us.

"Gradually, I am losing my patience" she caressed her hair and we shook in fear. We held each other's hands tighter and swallowed hard.

We had no idea what her ability was so we were right to be scared.

Maybe Mackenzie wasn't scared, she had her ability but what was Mackenzie's ability compared to a senior's?

They have had years to train and even had experiences with danger firsthand.

"I was not tested, I have the ability to teleport so l teleported in." she said nonchalantly.

Oh shit! That was good, very good.

She just added salt to our injury. She was not tested? She teleported in?

Yeah, now all I need to do was cry.

We stood frozen to our spot not knowing what to do or say.

Mia gave a low cry while tapping her hand on her forehead. " Let's go already " she cried out.

I nodded in agreement, we should leave.

I looked at Mackenzie to see if she was in on the idea and saw she looked beat too.

"We might see an empty room down the hall, or a room with no seniors" I said trying to lift the spirits of the others.

"Wait, Mackenzie you can not go like that" I let out. The girls turned to me with a questioning look.

"Her nose, it's exposed" I waved my hand across my nose to demonstrate the clothes tied on me and Mia's noses.

Mia removed the cloth on her nose " It's not like they will work anyway. I only did that out of shock when I saw you do the same." she said.

She was a betrayal, we did that together now she's opting out saying it would not work!

"The problem now is me, I mean, I don't have my glasses. I can bearly see" her voice broke my thoughts.

" It's not like we are going outside the hostel building. We will only step out and look for a better room with no infected" I said intentionally sounding sarcastic.

If she was quick to disregard my decision, l would disregard hers too.

"Let's just go, I will hold you" Mackenzie settled our unnecessary childish brawl. She was about to place her hand on the door handle when Mia shouted.

"Wait!" she gave her the sweater in her hand. "Use this, it might be contaminated" She signaled to the senior.

Mackenzie nodded and collected the sweater from her to use as a shield from having close contact with the doorknob. As she was about to open the door, "Wait" Mia shouted again.

What now?!

We turned to her with hard looks to show we were growing tired of her delays. If she was too scared to go out, she can just say it already.

"Do you hear that?" she whispered.

"Hear what Mia? If you are scared why don't you stay with the senior?" I impatiently hollered.

"No, listen'" she whispered again " My sight may be bad but my hearing is top notch " she said.

Me and Mackenzie obeyed and listened out.

At first, I thought she was being paranoid.

And then...I heard it.

It was noises, shouts from a girl or maybe two.

What's going on?

" I hear it" Mackenzie stuttered.

"What's happening?" Mackenzie opened the door a little making sure not to make any sound.

We peeped to see two girls with another behind them running after them with blood in her mouth.

The two girls were running banging on the other doors one after the other. They were dodging the other girl's attempt to touch them.

"Save me!" the girl with blood in her mouth was whispering.