Chapter 30_ Three more days

It appeared the running girl saw us but it seemed impossible for her to sight us so we stood still, peeping, hoping we were mistaken.

We could not see the other girl in sight, maybe she ran off, we do not know. The other one running around ran to our door in haste. Luckily, Mackenzie was able to shut the door in time. Oh no, we were not mistaken. She saw us as she banged on the door violently.

We shook with every bit of her knocks and our fears rose higher. " What are we going to do?!" I cried out in fear while jumping about.

" Don't open it!" Mia whispered then rubbed her arms as goosebumps lined on them. "But she will infect her!" I protested " We have to help!" I cupped my face with my palms. It was too heartbreaking to watch girls my age, young girls like me, taken

away from their homes and brought to this

school die miserable instead of the purpose in which they were brought her which was to help them improve on themselves and make the people who will help society instead of people who would constitute nuisances to it. I mean, it was thoughtful that our interests were put at heart and institutions to train us were put in place, it was great and exactly what we needed. How else was I supposed to live with myself when one day I woke up and discover l could do things that was out of the ordinary?

I knew myself, I would panic and might even run away from home because mama would never understand and believe me if I tell her I had supernatural abilities. Even if she saw me displaying my ability in action, she would scold and accuse me of joining some immoral cult group which was something a well-mannered lady wouldn't do. I could not even picture myself being at home and having powers, I just could not. Now, I stood with hot tears threatening to shoot out my eyes as my hand trembled above my mouth. The school that was supposed to save us was the one putting these girls' lives in danger. I could not imagine the pain the infected girl would be feeling and the fear that would have taken over the sanity of the other girl who was running for her life. We felt a hand push us to a side sending us thumping on the floor. I grimaced before looking up, it was Senior Eira! She opened the door a little slowly before opening it hard and violently.

Thump! We heard the girl previously banging on the door land on the floor with a loud thump. It was over for her, the other girl caught up to her as her faint "Save me!" sounds were being heard more clearly by us now. "Please leave me alone, I can not save you please.I am not a doctor..! " we heard the

other girl's cries of surrender as the infected girl had caught up to her and was probably infecting her with the fluids dripping from her mouth. I cried even louder as the tears were now streaming down my face running down my cheeks like an army charging vigorously to

war .Mia was still rubbing her hands as if she was trying to get stains off them. She had a psychotic look on her face which showed she had drifted into her own pool of sadness. Mackenzie on the other hand had a straight look that was hard to analyze but by the emptiness in her eyes, I knew she was equally horrified. Only a mad psycho would remain calm and unmoved in this kind of

situation. Wait! Senior Eira not only looked calm and unmoved, but she was also the one who tossed the girl into the hands of the infected one violently amidst her pleadings.How could she be so cruel? She was supposed to open the door and help the

uninfected. She twisted the lock and drew the door closer like she was about to open it. The door stood and only jerked to her pullings. Satisfied that the door was securely locked, she turned to us and saw us staring at her with horrified looks on our faces.

"What? Don't stare at me like that" she shrugged " We let her in and we are all dead

 meats" she finalized and walked back to the spot beside the window she had sat down all along. "" Mia whispered with a shaky voice. " Senior Eira, she touched us 

she scattered her bulb hairstyle which complimented her horrific looks with a more messy one. We all looked messy, it was not the time to worry about how we look. So, yeah! The senior touched us! Senior Eira who might be infected touched us! "She is not infected "I heard MacKenzie say as she slumped on the floor. "Listen, do you hear any more sounds from the infected girl? She is probably dead now. If the senior was infected, she would have been long dead. Don't allow your fears to mess with you Mia, you are more smarter than this." she patted Mia's already scattered hair making it look messier the

more. Mackenzie did have a point, if the senior was infected she would have died by now. She was not even showing any symptoms, we were just being delusional.

"Sorry we didn't believe you." I stretched my neck at her. We were already having enough problems with seniors, I wouldn't want to

add one more to the list. She stood up immediately and turned to us.

My heart skipped a beat, I had no idea why. Infected or not infected, I was scared of the 

senior. I was scared of all the seniors as ironic as it sounds, I was scared of them yet

I admire them and can not even wait to be

like them. "I'Il be right back." she said to us.

Okay now she must be totally out of her mind, she was not infected before but now, she wanted to seek the virus out herself. Going out? I don't think so. Ah... Look at me thinking all those thoughts as if I could say that to her in reality. Those thoughts can only live in my head, they dare not come out Imagine me saying to her 'Going out? I don't think so' then, she would pick me up and toss me outside into the hands of the newly infected girl who had collected the anthem from her dead friend now and was the one mumbling save me at our door, the way she tossed her into the dead girl's hands. We watched as she disappeared right in our faces and my jaw slacked into a length I never knew they could loosen into.

"Whoa..!" I heard Mackenzie's dreamy voice marvel at the senior's ability. It was

the first time I would hear her marvel at something. 

"She is horrible" came Mia's contradicting opinion. I kind of agree with Mia, Senior Eira was horrible. I would never be able to forgive her or forget what she had done to the poor girl She sent her to her death without giving

her a chance to save herself. She did not even make attempts to help the girl out at

all. "How is she horrible?" Mackenzie turned to Mia.

I was the one who answered for Mia " Did you not just watch her toss an innocent girl into danger just now?!" I almost shouted in wonder. "Wake up girls!" Mackenzie touched her forehead before raising her hands up in astonishment. " She literally just saved our lives. We should be grateful. Imagine while we were still debating on whether to open

the door or not and then she touched one of us? What do you think would have happened?" I kind of saw some sense in what she said. What if we all got infected while brooding

on maybe to open the door or not? "But she was not infected!" Mia queried. That

was what she was good at, querying.. "Since we are not sure then automatically, we assume they are all infected." Mackenzie

explained calmly. She looked like a teacher nurturing her student to being good. If Mia had any more queries, she didn't voice them out.

We heard some approaching footsteps and then the senior teleported back inside. The voice-over addressed us from the

speakers. "Dear students, this is a phase that will pass us by so please, let us all try to stay alive and avoid being infected." it

paused. "The school's infirmary workers will be at your doors soon, kindly open the door for them. A new test kit has been provided by the government. It tests patients for the

virus directly this time, unlike the thermometer used in testing your temperatures. We are sorry if any mistake was made and you found yourselves with an infected individual. Kindly cooperate and get tested please. Information also reached us that the vaccine is almost completed thanks to our hardworking students and it would be delivered in three days. We only have three more days to

endure this misfortune, thank you and stay alive." The announcement ended. Three more days? We have three more days in this hell of a situation. Dear lord, all I want now are peaceful days till the end of the three days. No more dramas, I prayed silently.