Chapter 35_ Sneak to the kitchen

"Look what you've done senior Eira." I

slumped on the bed and was rolling all over.

I have been famished and the thought of finally getting something to eat and changing my clothes lightened my mood . Now, this was happening?

Oh dear, oh no..

"Stop whining Medusa" Mackenzie said to

me then faced returned to look at senior

Eira. "You got us into this mess now it's

your job to get us out of it. We will get

dehydrated and lose the little strength we

have left"

Senior Eira shook her head " I'm not superman, I'm hungry too" she said.

As it should be!

"So what do we do? " I sulked then I patted

Mia's shoulder " We might share your food

right Mia?"

The expression on her face showed she

was not going to share, no doubt. I knew

Mia wouldn't share, she must feel like

queen Elizabeth right now.

She stayed behind, got tested, gets food

and new clothes. While we got nothing for

deciding to be outlaws.

I wanted to blame senior Eira but like she

said, she did not force us!

"I'm sorry but I like to eat my food alone

and in peace and you heard the man, they

are bringing the food for only a person " it

was Mia's annoying voice. " Finally, I'm

getting new glasses "she stretched.

"So what do we do now?" Mackenzie asked

impatiently." I'm getting hungry man!"

Senior Eira seemed skeptical to talk at first,

but then she spoke " We steal from the kitchen." she announced.

What?! Were my ears hearing well?

And she was a senior? A top student?

"l am not a thief!" I widened my eyes in


She spoke now with so much confidence

and seniority." To survive in this school, you

need to become more than a thief"

"We need to do what we can but is stealing

from the kitchen the best option? What if

we get caught?" Mackenzie asked her.

"I will be leading you, getting caught is not an

option." the senior bragged.

Mackenzie stood and nodded at her, they

were both ready to go out and were looking

over at me.

I was still laying lazily on the bed " What

now?!" I grumbled.

As if my words held pins that pierced their

ears, " Let's go!" they yelled.

"You guys go, I am too weak right now. I'I

slow you down" I said and turned to face the other side of the bed, my back on them.

I heard Mackenzie's cynical voice " Ok then,

you stay. Luckily, Mia can change her mind

and decide to share with you her food"

I heard their footsteps as they moved closer

to each other in order to get ready to


As if Mia would share, oh that Mackenzie

was a witch!

Reluctantly, " Wait!" I said and sluggishly got

down from the bed and went ahead to

meet them. "Ok fine let's go but if all black

catches us, I won't forgive you with due respect "I stretched my neck at the senior.

"Who is all black?" she asked in wonder.

Right, I only call him all black in my head

"Teacher Zane" I shrugged.

"Medusa!" I heard Mia's scolding voice.

Should a patriotic student give her teacher

nicknames? Weird nickname at that"

Oh right, this was a younger version of

mama. No wonder I don't get along with her


"Don't you dare speak to me!" l eyed her.

She can refuse to share her food with me

but she is fast in scolding and correcting

me. I felt like going over and turning her into

a chicken and then I will fry her and use her

for breakfast. If only I had a magic wand.

Sadly, no one in the school has a magic

wand. If they do, l'd borrow from them and it

would be welcome to my plate Mia.

"What? I did not get mad when you chose to

go with a..a." she paused. I knew she

wanted to call senior Eira names but

decided against it when she remembered

what happened the first time.

"When you decided to go with her and leave

behind, I didn't get mad so you shouldn't be mad now." she finally let out.

Avoiding calling senior Eira anything foul

that could get her in trouble.

I rolled my eyes " Whatever"

"She speaks the truth Medusa, don't call

teacher Zane names. He would make sure

to torment you till you peed your pants and

beg." senior Eira warned.

I wanted to tell her I have seen him do that

before. However, I preferred to keep quiet

as I imagined all black doing things to me

and me peeing my pants.

That would definitely be the second most

embarrassing moment of my life! The first

was in dreamland with annoying jerk.

Unknowingly, I placed my hand on my face

as an embarrassed person would do.

"Yeah be sorry" Mia said behind me.

"I wasn't sorry" I turned to her "I was just...

you know what? Forget it "

"Let's go" Mackenzie growled.

I nodded.

We took senior Eira's hands and soon, we

were out of the room and in the kitchen


" Quick over there" senior Eira pointed at an

empty corner where we ran to immediately

and hid behind a door.

"Here is the opposite side of the dining

area, the kitchen is over..." senior Eira was


"We know where the kitchen is and we

know where we are" Mackenzie cut her off.

Senior Eira looked surprised, "How would

you know?"

I was not ready to tell her all about the

story of Ajax and and how I have a father

from another dimension and how I wasn't

supposed to happen because I was a

product of two separate dimensions so, I

quickly chirped in and changed the subject.

"Are there no CCTV cameras here?"

"CCTV cameras wouldn't let them carry out

their deeds effectively so no, there aren't no

cameras in the school" senior Eira


Mackenzie always seem to be interested in

topics that held the secrets of the school

"What deeds?" She asked.

Senior Eira only shrugged.

"You see that pavement over there?" She

pointed at the space under a kitchen sink

and we nodded.

We could see the space from afar looking

from the door where we hid, the kitchen

was visible enough.

Luckily for us the kitchen was not as

crowded as it was the last time we came.

Some of the cooks were so engrossed in

their cooking I doubt we would be noticed

at all.

"On the count of three, we run toward

under separate sinks and hide under the space there. As the cooks are cooking.

whatever they drop, you pick up as much as

you can but don't pick too much so they

would not notice and so it would be easier to

sneak away" she explained.

Bring it on baby! Anything sneaking is my

field of expertise.

"Understood" I nodded.

"Ok so, one..."

"I told you the grains are getting exhausted"

"There is more in the inner storage"

"Then go to the inner storage and bring

more!" We heard voices approaching.

They were not coming from the cooking

zone but from the storage zone of the


"Go back, go back" senior Eira whispered

and we rushed back to the spot behind the

door where we hid as we already took a

step to leap forward into the kitchen.

Slowly, the chattering people became

visible. There was Hilda barking out orders

to a female worker in the kitchen. I wondered if those girls were also members of the school or were magical students too because l could not picture how they got to work in the kitchen.

We waited and stiffen our body careful not

to make a sound as they passed by.

"Now" senior Eira whispered as soon as

they passed and we got out slowly this time

making sure not to rush as another person

might pass by and catch us.

Slowly, we tiptoed and was about to go

through the door of the kitchen zone when..

"Mama mia!" We heard a voice from behind.

We turned, our backs still bent to see the

girl that went with Hilda just now eyes

widened and jaw slacked.

Oh no, why does everyday has to be a bad


"I will take care of it" Mackenzie whispered

and started walking towards the girl.

"You should be in your dormitories, are you

infected? What are you doing here?" The girl

was ranting.

Thank God for the noisy kitchen if not, they

would have hear her shouts and we would

have been exposed.

Mackenzie got to her and whispered some

inaudible words to her which we were

unable to hear because of the distance and

noise coming from the kitchen zone.

We saw the girl walk past us like she did not

see us and went her way. Mackenzie was

back now, I knew she used her powers on

the girl.

The rate at which she increased in the use

of her powers, the way she could control

them like she had been using them for long

never stopped to faze me.

I saw the admiration look on senior Eira's

face " You're good for a newbie" she

smirked at Mackenzie.

Yeah whatever, wait till I get my powers, l'd

be able to control them better in no time, I

wanted to say.

" Now let's go get some food." Mackenzie

whispered and we went back to our

sneaking business.