Chapter 34_ Everyone laughs at Medusa!

"You girls shut up and go to bed." senior

Eira admonished us.

I was hungry so sleeping would be hard for

me. I don't sleep well under hunger.

"Are we not eating dinner?" I wondered.

"It's about time they bring the foods, they

don't expect us to starve to death. Do they?"

Mia whispered behind me.

Senior Eira was the one that answered. Her

words were not what we were expecting "I

do not think there will be meals tonight, the

school is still trying to curb the virus from

spreading further. Just sleep, there will be

food in the morning" she said in more of an

order than advice. We were distracting her


I could feel she wanted privacy to think.

Maybe being a senior was not all that cool if

it meant having to worry about so many things.

I was harbouring thoughts that maybe being

a senior meant stepping on juniors and

showing off your powers to others in the

school and maybe going on missions and

striving to become a top student.

Everyone else was slowly drifting to sleep

or maybe they were not. I was not sure, the

room was just silent. However, I know I'm

getting overwhelmed with sleep so that's

what I did, I slept.

Some gurgling sounds and movements in

my stomach woke me up from dreamland. I

was having a dream that I was at the night

beach party.

The last place I was before being sent to

the school. I left with a young man to the

serene part of the beach and we started

making out. However, this time, it was not

Jonas. It was an able-bodied fellow with a hard chest. I trailed my fingers across his abs and felt the strong flesh cold on my fingers.

I touched the place where his breast was supposed to be and the succulent thing

that was plastered on his chest with nice

width and size bounced beneath my palm.

Oh, this felt cool, I was in heaven, I thought

as I continued to feel his godly body with

my palms touching every nook and cranny

of his chest down to his stomach.

Then my fingers traveled up, it went further

to touch his thin structured nose with the

hole in his cheek. I felt those too, they felt

so soft and smooth. Why would a man

possess such baby-like skin? He almost

seemed angelic.

I stopped exploring his face as my face was

buried in his chest, taking his mint smell as

l inhaled hard.

My hands did not stop exploring, they went

on to his hair. The short well-styled strands

felt fluffy under my adventurous palms, it was just like cotton!

This wasn't Jonas, that was sure. This was a rockstar or a celebrity. Only celebrities have such bodies.

"Look up and meet my passionate eyes

darling " his deep masculine voice whispered and slowly brought my face away from his chest and onto his face.

My eyes were closed because it indeed felt

like a dream. I did not want to open my eyes,

this phase in heaven might be over when I

open these eyes.

"Come on, I want to get lost in the mesmerizing beauty of your eyeballs. I want to climb high on its moonlight shape, I

want to claim you with an eye contact. I need a direct communication of the eyes love. Grant me this request." Again, his profound voice whispered in the quietest way which was so loud and rang so much in my ears

I obeyed like a loyal student and slowly, I separated my lids as l allowed my eyes the

grace of setting on the beautifully made

essence in front of me whom I've been

taking in and breathing in his scent all

along while my hands traveled about his


My face turned blue instead of red, and the

hairs across my shoulders and legs stood

in attention as if there was a commander

present who was calling out the parading


In front of me was none other than the annoying jerk! What was he doing here at the night party I and the girls go to?

He didn't seem like the party type, he

was an A1 introvert!

And what the hell was he doing to my body?

Why was he standing still and allowing me

to touch him that way? Oh damn! I was even

breathing him in. I coughed out violently

trying to cough out his scent that I'd been

breathing in all night. I wiggled away from

his hold and almost push him away.

"What the hell are you doing to me?!" I

roared. I touched my body that he had been

caressing all along and wrapped my hands

around it protectively. "Why are you

shirtless, what are you doing?!"I fumed


His face which had previously held

passionate gazes turned bitter as he stared

at me with disgust. If he hated me I don't

care, well I hate him too!

He tilted his head " I think the question should be, what are you doing?"

What was I doing? Was he trying to play innocent? He was obviously all over me and

I was sure he was the one that told me to

rest my head on his chest so l wouldn't see.

He was taking advantage of me!

"What do you mean what am I doing?" I

spewed, my voice coated in contempt.

He nodded his head forward signaling to

something. I followed the movement of his

head and stared down at my stomach.

I heard the grumbling sound coming from it,

it was the most embarrassing moment of

my life!

Suddenly, the sounds grew louder and

louder and he stood expressionless at first.

As the sound coming from my stomach

grew louder, a smirk broke across his face

which turned to a mocking smile and then, a wholesome laughter.

A frown crept on my face and I closed my eyes to avoid meeting the mockery in his eyes

but when l opened my eyes, I was on the

bed. All the three girls including senior Eira

were standing above me.

"Seriously Medusa?" Mackenzie was the

first to talk.

I was sent away from dreamland by a face

that was disgusted at me and was laughing

mockingly at me to meet three faces who

stared down at me with disapproval.

I blinked my eyes at them, my hands on my


"Are you that hungry?" senior Eira asked


Oh, I was, if only she knew how much. I was

hungry since the previous night down in

my dreams and even in reality.

"I've been hungry since last night."I said

while mustering up the most innocent voice

I could. Their faces seemed as though they

would eat me alive anytime soon.

" I'm a late waker but your singing tummy

wouldn't let me have my beauty sleep " Mia

scolded. I wanted to tell her to shut the fuck

up but I figured it would be better to let things

slide. I don't want an argument so early in

the morning not after I've faced an episode

with the annoying jerk in my sleep.

Why on earth would he appear to me in sleep? He even made me do things and laughed at me in the end. Oh, I wouldn't forgive him when I see him. I promised myself I was going to smack his annoying ass twice, it was a promise!

The voice-over broke our conversation and

heaved a sigh of relief. It was not a pleasant thing to see the girls rat my ears out for making sounds in my sleep.

"Hello, students, we want you to know we

are with you during these hard times and we are doing our very best to keep the

situation under control which thankfully is

working out and after two nights, the curfew

will be lifted" the voiceover paused.

"Say something new! We've heard that

before honey." Mackenzie growled.

As if hearing her words, the voice-over

continued from where It stopped. " Food

and new neat clothes will be provided to

your doorstep soon"

"Now, that's more like it !"I shrieked.

Finally, food! Clothes!

A nice way to start your day.

Again, as if hearing my joyful jubilation...

"Some of the medical staff who came to take your blood for testing has countedbeach person in each room and has recorded each name so we would be able to know your preferences when it comes to clothes and foods according to your past history in the dining area and your wardrobes. Do know that the school considers you first above every other thing and your safety is our priority." it ended.

What? They've counted each student? But

we were not counted, we were not even

tested because senior Eira said it wasn't


So no food and new clothes for us?!

I and Mackenzie turned to senior Eira

simultaneously with looks that could swallow her whole.

"What? I did not force you to come with me"

she shrugged nonchalantly. How could she

be so nonchalant about the situation? We

are not getting food or new clothes all

thanks to her. It was true she didn't force us

to come with her though.

Mia's mocking laugh filled the room as she

rolled on the floor holding her stomach

while she laughed at us.

Today should be named the day everyone

laughs at Medusa!