Chapter 33_ There is a prophesier

I opened my mouth to tell Mia about our

latest discovery. Perhaps, another time she

would listen to us and not open the door. I

know it might not be the door next time but

whatever it was, she would know it wasn't

safe to stay behind and trust the people

who came to test us.

Or was it the school? Oh, I remember, senior

Eira said it was one or some of the

teachers. Whoever it was, she would know

not to trust them.

But to my amazement, Mackenzie held my

hand and cut the words off my mouth.

"Are you okay?" she asked Mia to cover up

what I wanted to say.

Why? Did she feel Mia was not worthy

enough to know about the secret? Oh! It

must be a top secret and Mia does have a

large mouth. I totally got her point!

"Of course I'm fine, it is you guys who went

outside. Outside is not safe, the virus is

everywhere so I should be asking you " Mia

folded her arms across her chest. I could

tell she was satisfied with herself, she was

feeling we had made a mistake going out

and only wasted our time.

I turned too and also shrugged. I wasn't

going to allow Mia to think she was the cool

person here for staying back. " The virus is

not everywhere outside, it was calm and

quiet outside."...You're the one who should

fear for yourself that you were tested if you

happened to have what they were looking

for, it's bye-bye Mia. I said those silently

inside my head. I wish I could relate it to her

so she would stop being so confident.

It's not even like I knew what they were

looking for or what they were going to do to

the person who had it when they find them.

"I suddenly feel so mad at the silver-haired

girl, she must be in her room laying

comfortably in bed" Mackenzie stressed

while she went to sleep on one of the beds

in the room.

"You're laying in one now yourself. We

Shouldn't blame her anyway, she warned us.

It was we who didn't listen" I shrugged,

going over to sit on a bed myself. My legs

were so tired I could hear their silent wailings.

I remembered how we ran earlier today and

almost burst out laughing at Mackenzie's

show of seniority. Sometimes, I do feel like

she was more older than she seems.

However, the dean had mentioned that we

were all in the same age grade so definitely,

she must be 18. Harsh experiences

probably made her tougher than her age.

"Arrghh! Please do not mention that maniac,

I can not stand the thought of her. Instead

of going to the school authority and

informing them, she chose to stand outside

her room scaring the hell out of us at night

and spewing nonsense we could not even

comprehend " Mia bared her teeth and half

clenched her fists across her face like a

person groaning in pain.

I shook my head at Mia's lame perspective

of things. The girl warned us, it was only

our stupidity for not listening and for not

understanding her words. She did not tell the

school authority? Of course, I understand

her pain. She was just a girl like Mackenzie,

new to her powers and probably petrified

about the whole thing. If not for Mackenzie's toughness, she might also be freaking out on us day by day.

I remembered those times we were always

worried and scared not to overwork her so

she wouldn't freak out.

I shook my head, "Stop being self-centered,

Mia, have you forgotten this girl saved our

life once?"

"Yes! From the problems, you created for us!"

"Mia!" she was unbelievable, for how long

would she continue to holler at me for

being the one who took them to Ajax? " I

can also remember I was only trying to help

some inappreciative girls whom I thought

were my friends and wouldn't point fingers!"

I almost shouted.

"You girls" a familiar voice called from

behind, a voice we dear not defile. It was

senior Eira.

We turned to her simultaneously. I thought I

heard Mia gulp loudly Senior Eira put on hand on her upper waist

"instead of eating each other out, why don't

you tell me about this girl and what she

warned you about?" she asked.

Why would she want to know? For some

reason, I developed a fondness for the

silver-haired girl. Yeah, she was weird, what

if she was weird because of people like Mia? What if she was acting like a freak

because she saw the look in people's eyes

when they look at her?

As if they were all not freaks too, people like

to point fingers at others. People like Mia!

"Why would you want to know about her?

She is just a broken newbie." I said with

furrowed brows.

"She is a girl with the gift of precognition"

Mackenzie blurted and I felt a sudden urge

to smack her mouth and travel down my spine.

And she called me a fat mouth?

"She sees things?"

Yes, things that would happen in the future

She predicted the virus she also saved us

once" Mackenzie replied her again. I saw the look on Senior Eira's face. I saw the curiosity that formed deep lines on her forehead. She became thoughtful.

"Precognition? There is a sorcerer in the

school then. Prophesiers are often followed

by sorcerers. I haven't seen one in school

before and I heard the history of the people

who escaped from some other dimension to our dimension " senior Eira was saying but she stopped. " I really can not wait for the pandemic to be over and everything returns back to normal. I think I have a lead on what the teachers are looking for" she said the last words mainly to herself.

I saw Mia gaze at me while circling her

finger across her ear to signal to me the

senior was crazy.

I knew she wasn't, senior Eira was far from crazy. My heart suddenly beats faster and

the butterflies that were in my stomach were crying. I only know of stomach butterflies dancing instead of crying.

Something was definitely wrong!

What if this was all serious and I was in the

center of it all? Oh no, I do not want to be in

the center of anything! l just want to complete my academics here and return back to mama and Anas with super cool powers.

I saw a look in Mackenzie's eyes as she

gazed at me. It was a look I had never seen in

her eyes before.

Did she pick up on something too? Maybe l

made a mistake telling anyone about what I

found out about my father. I told the dean

first what Ajax said and I've been safe. Can I

trust the dean? Or can I trust the girls?

I definitely know I cannot trust the teachers,

one that of them was a villain.

Wait! What the hell is wrong with me? Why

was I thinking like the main character of

some fairytale?

There was likely nothing special about me

and I was just being paranoid. I, Medusa is

not looking for anybody so nobody is

looking for me too.

It was the silver-haired girl they were looking

for perhaps?

Senior Eira's voice broke my thoughts " Who

was the prophesier seeing things about?" she asked. 

"First about the three of us and then about

the whole school " Mackenzie answered.

Whoa! Anyone looking at Mackenzie

answering the senior's questions with

swiftness and obedience would think she

was being a good junior.

I could tell she was stalling the senior,

intentionally prolonging the talks to find out

more about what the senior knew. The senior had mistakenly confirmed the teachers were looking for something when she said she was getting what the teachers were looking for.

Arghh, I was thinking too much my brain

was already rejecting the whole notion. My

brain never fails to reject such ambiguous


Making an effort to lighten the entirety tensed atmosphere, I stretched on the bed where Mia was also sitting on now "I miss my phone" I sulked and my mama too added silently.

Mia played with my hair from behind " You are not alone Medusa dear, I miss the


"I don't miss anything. The school is the

escape I needed from the other dimension.

It did not favor me like it did you girls. I had no parents to make good memories with, I stayed with an uncle who was far from nice" Mackenzie chirped in.

"So you're staying behind after completing

your academics here?" I asked, and the

answer was going to be yes.

She sighed and sat up from the bed she was laying on while she stared at the empty space. "There is no one, nothing is waiting for me in the other dimension. The school is my safe haven." she finalized.

The school was her safe haven? This school was far from being anyone's safe haven. It was a harsh reality we didn't necessarily need.

I felt for Mackenzie's sorrow, she was a strong young girl after all.