Chapter 45_ I Saw

Mia's POV


She knew something was off about this Mackenzie, she had been observing her for long but she knew better than to confront the enemy without adequate preparation or a specific plan. Moreover, she wasn't truly sure the girl was a bad person. She was just sensing something fishy about her. And the girl was her friend. She has tried warning Medusa about her but she wouldn't listen. Medusa was just too dense and plain.

 Everyone thought she was the inexperienced and gullible or maybe that she was a little bitchy but she knew it was probably because they do not understand her. Even the senior was bullying her. Oh, she hates that senior, she really does. She really could not wait for the day to end and they return back to their hostels.

Remembering they were going back to the hostel which means they were going to be done with Mackenzie whom she presumed was hiding something from them. But she knew she was harmless though, she wouldn't hurt them. Would she? Even if we were to hurt someone, she would hurt Medusa first. 

Medusa would get herself in trouble one of these days. She just was too lousy and loud mouthed. Or maybe she should apply to be transferred to another hostel or another room perhaps with normal and nice girls, not girls that have too many dramas surrounding them. There was Medusa's issue about the whole other dimension and Ajax stuff.She even got them in trouble after making an evil ghost hurt them, they still got a week's punishment from the dean. She remembered she said she wasn't going but then they would make her look like a timid person or maybe she doesn't have guts but she knew if they had all listened to her throughout their stay here, they wouldn't get in too much trouble. Rules and laws were set for a reason and breaking them comes with inevitable punishment. She doesn't even totally get it when Medusa explained about her father. All she knew was that Medusa was a product of two dimensions who had a mysterious father and a crazy ghost on her butt. Then, there was Mackenzie.

 She could still remember how unsure and imbalanced Mackenzie was. They were always in fear of the girl freaking out on them but then all of a sudden she turns superwoman and starts using her power on seniors and all of that, claiming it was because she listens in class and that she read it about how to control powers in books they borrowed from the library. Did the young lady forget when she told them she likes to read a lot or maybe she thought she wasn't serious.

She reads a lot and she knew one doesn't get total control of their powers because they listen in class or read a few pages of some books that weren't even up to five. She gave the excuse that she has been reading apart from the books they borrowed. 

 Yeah right, that was like denying the falling rain even though its wetness was all over their body. They've always been together and she hasn't remembered a time when Mackenzie has gone down somewhere and they didn't see her. They've always been together and there hasn't been a time Mackenzie has been gone for too long. So where did she get the chance to study alone and master her powers? Except for early mornings when she was aways meditating. Logically, something was fishy and missing Somewhere. 

Oh lord, why was she paired with such type of girls? One is a moron who hasn't realized she was in some deep shit even when it was clear she was. Even she was fearing for her, soon the ghost might be back for her. And she was too gullible to see that Mackenzie was not right, she was not the Mackenzie they used to know. If she couldn't be transferred to another room, she would tell out her suspicion to one of the teachers and it must be the fiercest of them. Maybe teacher Zane? But first, she would make a move on getting transferred to another room and Medusa can remain with her bestie.

 At least she tried warring her, it was her who wouldn't listen. She was sleeping soundly until she heard the loud mouthed Medusa's screams.

"Arrgh" she groaned, using a pillow to cover her ears but the noise wouldn't go away, Medusa wouldn't stop talking so she got up rather sluggishly. After a series of yawning and stretching, she scanned the whole room. They were all out of bed. Seems she was the only one still in bed. She was hearing Medusa and Mackenzie's voice and it was all coming from the bathroom. Oh, that Medusa, she was going to give her a slap in the back of her head and then a nice scolding. So, she tiptoed and took easy noiseless steps into the bathroom but what she heard next made her freeze.

"You made me do this and I'm not sorry" it was Mackenzie.

Huh, she knew now that she must hide. Instinct told her to hide and peep from where she was.

"Uhh " a gasp escaped her mouth but she used blocked it away with her hand. She placed it on her mouth. Mackenzie was strangling Medusa, she had her hand on her neck. It was a cold morning but sweats dripped from every part of her body as she shook. Oh, she warned this Medusa! Now Mackenzie was going to kill her. Who or what the hell was this Mackenzie ?

Why did the school bring her and put her amongst them if she was a beast? Yes, she did not see her as human, she was a beast. 

A sly, deceitful, and inhuman one. As much as she could, she tried not to make a sound when Mackenzie looked Medusa in the eye and compelled her to forget what happened and go to bed. The compelled Medusa nodded and was heading back to bed but she silently rushed to the bed first and watched as Medusa came to sleep beside her with dreamy eyes.

" Medusa, Medusa" she called her with a whisper but the girl was too far gone. She didn't hear a thing. She was visibly and internally shaking. Her breathing accelerated and so did her heart rate. She wrapped her hand around herself trying to steady her breathing and panic as she laid paralyzed to the spot. Mackenzie was still in the bathroom, she noted. She wasn't going to sleep anymore. She could not even try it not after what she has seen. 

The sleep wouldn't even come if she wanted to, she was too scared and disappointed and frightened at the same time.She heard Mackenzie's voice spoke although it was inaudible. Who was she speaking to? Oh, senior Eira was not in. Could she be the one? Did they both know and plot to do that to Medusa?

" Where is..keep...the.." she heard Mackenzie's whispers but she wasn't able to get the message totally. Senior Eira spoke this time. " The prophesier will...the sorcerer...then"

Oh, damn it! She wasn't hearing them well no matter how hard she tried to.

"Ok, and.. .Everyone five minutes" it was Mackenzie telling something to the senior. And then, the whispering stopped. She quickly shut her eyes and Pretended to be asleep. She was expecting Mackenzie to come out of the bath but it was senior Eira who did. She had half her eyes opened and carefully spied on the happenings.

Senior Eira also had that dreamy look like Medusa as she slumped on her bed and proceeded to sleep. What on earth did Mackenzie do to her too? She wondered. 

After a while, Mackenzie came out and Mia tried as hard as possible not to think of anything. The girl has the power to have access to their minds whenever she wants to. She tried humming a lullaby in her head maybe when she tries to read her mind, she would think she was dreaming of kindergarten. She walked out majestically and the air of confidence about her was undoubtedly and barely hard to miss. Now, all her suspicions has been confirmed. They need to stay the hell away from her and be wary even if they would still remain near her until the truth comes out. Mackenzie sat on the bed and looked over at all of them one by one. 

Mia shut her eyes and made it so she wouldn't suspect she has been awake. When she started scratching her hand and some part of the skin in her hand fell off, Mia made a gulping sound. She just couldn't hold it, the hell? Mackenzie glanced in her direction immediately and she continued singing the lullaby in her head. This girl was gaining no access to her mind, never. After a few seconds of staring with suspicion, Mackenzie finally slept on the bed and pretended to be asleep.

Mia was still singing the lullaby and it was hard. She knew if she should stop, she wouldn't be able to help it but to think about the whole thing and it would be risky. If she says Mackenzie wouldn't read her mind and she did? She thought heavens heard her cries and saw her fear because senior Eira got up from the bed and came to their bed. She landed waking spanks on her and Medusa and she stood up with a pretentious yawn.

"Medusa? Medusa?" serior Eira continued to call but she Medusa was not answering. She suddenly got worried. 

"Medusa?" she joined the senior in waking the latter up.