Chapter 46_ Don't get in trouble

All efforts to wake Medusa up were to no avail. She was scared down to her wits. Did Mackenzie do anything else to her apart from compelling her? Or can compelling have a side effect like not waking up from sleep? If anything happened to Medusa and it was Mackenzie's fault, she would never forgive her and she would make sure to expose her. She meant every word.

After continuous spanking without Medusa moving, she stood transfixed and frozen to where she was. All energy in her suddenly got drained even though it was still early morning.

*What's wrong with her? she heard Mackenzie ask. Damn! The girl was such a hypocrite and she was so good at it. She succeeded in deceiving all of them for long. If it wasn't for the whole bullying scenario and the virus that led them to this situation, even she wouldn't have noticed anything wrong with her or maybe anything suspicious about her.

Senior Eira knelt on the bed and bent her head close to Medusa's chest. She felt her breathing and Mia saw her shoulders relax a bit, that was a good sign." She's breathing" senior Eira finally announced.

"Oh, thank God. Why was she not getting up when you two are waking her then? I guess she's up to another mischief" Mackenzie said sounding like a relieved puppy. Mia continued to wonder in her head how more cunning she could get. She saw Mackenzie walked closer to Medusa and gave a light tap " Wake up and stop playing already.." she almost shouted.

Good, she should be awarded the position of best in acting. Look at her acting like she really cared, Mia thought. Even though she was trying to not harbor cynical thoughts against the girl, she couldn't help it at times and could not control her thoughts whenever she saw her being so nice and cool. She was unaware she has seen her true color, she saw her real self. The cold-hearted, cunning, and deceitful girl she was. 

Medusa did see her too but she used her powers on the girl and now, she was not waking up even though she was still breathing. She tried to sound as casual as possible and act clueless so she shrugged and "I do not know what the hell is always wrong with Medusa, she's the one that gives us troubles always " she doesn't want to raise Mackenzie's suspicion and not give her any clue that she had seen and had caught her. She doesn't want her memories to get wiped like Medusa's.

Ok maybe not all her memories got wiped, but she wouldn't know there was an enemy. She was going to completely forget the discovery, still be friends and trust the enemy blindly. This was a game of craft and something she was good at playing.

The voice over however sent panic to both Mackenzie and senior Eira's spines. The message it carried made the other girls fret but she did not, she was the one registered as the only occupant of the room. Now, they needed to flee before the school staff gets here and found they were actually four in the room.

"Dear students, we are grateful you've been very cooperative during these hard times. We want to announce our promise stands and you will all be released tomorrow after getting your dose of the vaccine that will be sent to your rooms today. The curfew will be lifted and all academic activities resumes promptly the day after the curfew is lifted. Please, stay safe and await your breakfast in few minutes." The voice over announced.

It was Mackenzie who first spoke after the voice over finished addressing them " So we get nothing? No vaccine?" she turned to senior Eira.

Mia knew she was pointing out the fact that it was the senior's idea to not get tested which led to their names not being recorded as occupants of the room.

Well, serves them right though. If only they listened to her and not the corrupted senior who teaches them all sorts of bad habits. She was even teaching them to be rebellious toward the school. When the school was the only thing that saved them from the stigma of the other dimension.

Did they think if they were still in the other dimension the people would be cool with them having powers ? Even if they hid it, there was no assurance they won't be found out later. And if they were discovered as having mutant powers, they would be hunted down for sure. Either by the government or other greedy people who would be willing to use them for their selfish purposes.

It seemed bad that the school was wiping their existence from the other dimension but it was also a good thing because if the school did not come to get them, even their parents wouldn't want them anymore. Mackenzie was even about to be sent an asylum before the school came to get her, it was the perfect timing. Now, all thanks to the senior, she was being rebellious against that same school.

" No, when it's time for the vaccine, we won't run away anymore. We will stay and get our doses" senior Eira declared with so much confidence that she felt like delivering a blow to her head.

They would stay back and put them all in trouble? If it was only them who would get punished it would have been fine but what about her? She followed the school rules and opened her door to be tested. A good and patriotic act that would help not only her but the whole school and the other students. That was what they were all supposed to do, not run and hiding away without evidence of the school's evil acts.

She turned to the senior " What are you talking about? That will get us all into trouble " she hollered.

She hated talking to her that was why whenever the senior speaks, she always made sure not to contributed in any of her conversations.

" When the time comes, I will explain l have a plan. For now, you guys move Medusa out of here so l and Mackenzie could hide" she said to them and it was more like an order.

Exactly what she hated about her, always acting bossy and ordering them around like they were her junior ones. Okay, maybe she was a little bit older than them and seniors them in class. So what? Right now, they were practically roommates.

She would have respected her if she was teaching them to be good students and better individuals but she would not support immoral acts.

"What don't you just teleport her out of here" Mackenzie suggested. Senior Eira looked down at Medusa " I could do that and come back for you then" she agreed with Mackenzie.

No, she wasn't going to allow them take Medusa anywhere. She does not trust any of these two people. So when senior Eira moved closer to Medusa and was about to hold her unconscious self, " Wait" she called out, making senior Eira and Mackenzie turn to her in wonder.

What woud she say now? " Urhmm... We could hide her in the bathroom"

she saw the questioning look still plastered on their faces "to save you the stress of course and you guys can hide there with her. It doesn't take long for the kitchen staff to deliver the meals and go back" she puffed her cheeks sheepishly. 

Did they buy it?

After a few seconds of silence, " I think that's okay " senior Eira shrugged.

Thank the Lord!

Senior Eira nodded at Mackenzie and her " She is all yours. Carry her to the bathroom" she said and walked into the bathroom first.

Oh, did she just leave her alone with Mackenzie?

"Let's do this" Mackenzie broke her thoughts, Mia looked at her, she still had her innocent face. She looked like the Mackenzie she knew still... So what changed?

She nodded and they fumbled with Medusa's body until they were able to lift her up finally. Slowly and sluggishly, they made their way to the bathroom. They were almost by the door when they heard a knock at the entrance's door.

The kitchen staff had arrived...

The shock of the knock on the door made Mia unbalanced and she never knew when her hands slipped away from Medusa's and...

Thud !

She landed on the floor, her head hitting the aluminum on the floor of the bathroom's door.

Mackenzie mouthed a 'what?!' to her and she frowned.

Oh poor Medusa ! She still didn't wake up.

 The sound made the knocks intensified " Is everything okay in there ?" a masculine voice asked from outside. It was the kitchen staff, they were going to catch them in the act. Maybe she was a little timid but she couldn't help it.

She was unsure of what to say but Mackenzie saved the day.

" Yes, sorry I'm just coming out of the shower and I slipped" she lied trying to answer for her. Mia drew her lips to a corner. Oh this girl has been doing it for long. She knew what to say exactly at the right time.

Senior Eria was outside now and she also assisted in dragging Medusa into the bath. Oh, so she could help out now? Why didn't she do that earlier instead of acting bossy.

After successfully hiding Medusa away, she shut the bathroom door and wrapped a towel around herself pulling off her skirt. She went to get the door with slightly shaking hands. Her prayer was for them not to notice something was off, she doesn't want to get in trouble.