Chapter 47_ Blind to see

She slowly approached the door after making sure she looked like someone who was just coming from the shower.

She opened the door and plastered a big smile on her face " Hello" she greeted the school staff who had her breakfast on their pan racks.

She saw that it was a new set of people this time too, they were five in number. Every time, it was always new faces who comes to deliver the meals.

Just how much does the school have to be able to afford such several staff?

Every time after delivering a meal, they would ask her what she wanted for her next meal and take the record of it. And the next time they came, they never failed to deliver the exact food she had ordered.

" Mia Anderson room number l6, Here is your breakfast. What would you like to order for lunch " a young brunette with a record journal and a pen in hand, she wore an apron over her white chef attire, asked Mia with full concentration on her task not bothering to return her greetings. They never return greetings, just deliver the food, take down the order for the next one and leave.

" Thank you," she said as she collected the food which came with a bottled water.

" Please be prompt in getting the door next time, you are not the only one who wants breakfast " one of the told her sternly.

That was just exactly what she hated, the super fixed formal attitude about them was one of the things she doesn't like. If not, every other thing was cool. The food was always well cooked and seasoned, she aways enjoyed every bit of it.

" I'm sorry I delayed opening the door, like I said I was in the.. " she wanted to explain but they left not without waiting for her to finish.

" Bitches" she cursed after she made sure they were out of sight and ear shot before shutting the door.

" Come on out, theyre gone now" she told the others that were hiding in the bathroom. She sat on the bed she shared with Medusa and dropped the food on the bed drawer. She was not hungry now, she lost her appetite earlier.

Mackenzie and senior Eira emerged from the bathroom carrying the sleeping Medusa. " She is still sleeping?" she asked in this wonder. She was amazed and worried, what if Mackenzie did something else to her?

"I wonder what's wrong though. What did she eat last night that made her fall deep into sleep this way ?" Mackenzie asked feigning ignorance of what really happened.

Why was she talking as if she doesn't know what happened or like Medusa hadn't waken earlier and she was the one who sent her back into a deep slumber? Oh, damn! A shot of nostalgia sent painful aches to her head.

She was remembering and seeing everything clearly and feared Mackenzie all the more. If she hadn't caught her in the act, she wouldn't have suspected her not even one bit. Not with her indifferent expression and top notch acting. Was that how she has been deceiving them all along? What if she has done that to her too and she didn't know because she compelled her to forget and go to sleep?

Oh, this poor Medusa! it was as if Mackenzie wanted to punish her by telling her to go into a deep slumber if not she should have woken up now.

"She ate her cronuts of course. I don't think it's the food, something else is up" senior Eira said thoughtfully.

For the first time, she thought the senior had said something reasonable and in line. They conversed a little more while the senior kept on guessing what was wrong with Medusa and Mackenzie cunningly diverting her attention away from it. She doesn't want to join the conversation, she was avoiding anything that woud make Mackenzie suspicious of her.

They washed up and got dressed. It took more time this time around because they don't bath together like they do in their hostel. Since senior Eira was here with them they thought it would be weird if all four of them including the senior goes to the bath naked and starts showering the way they usually do.

It was always fun with them though as they would mess around, sprinkle water on another and dance while singing and humming but with serior Eira, it woud be absolutely boring. It was clear the senior doesn't fancy noise and girly things that is even if she agrees to bath with them at all.

She smiled to herself remembering those days, what changed? She wondered. Where did Mackenzie go or had she adways been that way?

After getting dressed and relaxing, they decided to eat. She was the only one who had a change of clothes after the clothes that were provided to her by the school staff. The girls didn't get theirs though, serves them right for breaking laws. Oh, she has been staying with lawbreakers, that sucks. Credit to the goofy senior.

She opened the lid of her dish and the aroma of noodles dumpling filled her nose. "Ah." she inhaled the delicious smell and she already knew she was going to enjoy her breakfast.

" Show off" Mackenzie grumbled dreary fuming with her leftover cheeseburger.

" Oh, please!" Mia rolled her eyes. What's her buiness? She wasn't the one who told her to not follow the rules.

She was eating her food silently while the others ate their left overs. She almost wanted to share her food with them but it was certain the food wouldn't fill her up if she did so. The school packed the food mainly for an individual with only a bottled water.

"You're awake sleeping beauty" Mackenzie said and she turned to Medusa immediately.

She was awake? Thank God ! She breathes a breath of relief. She almost had a panic attack thinking something bad had happened to Medusa.

Medusa got up sluggishly still sitting on the bed. She was holding her head and complaining of headache. Oops!... They did drop her earlier and she landed with a thud.

If she didn't get a headache after waking, she would have believed Medusa was another version of the hulk. It was only lucky she hadn't bruised any part of her body and didnt have any physical injuries because the fall was a nasty one that even the school staff outside heard. They successfully explained what happened to Medusa, credit to the senior, and also successfully earned Medusa's tongue lashes and fury.

If only she knew whom it was she was supposed to be furious at.

We don't necessarily need a malfunctioning eye to be blind. When you don't observe your surroundings and the people surrounding you closely, when you don't see beyond what is there and plain to the eye, when you see but ignore and make up excuses for the obvious, when you are not able to differentiate your friends from your foes and also frenemies, that is when you are truly blind. Blindness doesn't stop with eyes that are blurry or do not work. In conclusion to her, Medusa was a blind girl. Blind, ignorant, and maybe a little naive too.

The voice over that announced the forthcoming events to happen got their attention and that did brew up arguments from within the girls. They were ranting about how they wouldn't be able to get the vaccine because their names weren't recorded on the list of surviving students.

 Then the senior said she had an idea and told the girls not to worry. Mia wondered about the idea she had, whatever it was, it won't be good, that was sure. After a series of talks about the school, talks that were hypocritical on the school's part and senior Eira explaining why she wanted to go back home after all this. Oh, for one more time, she agrees with the senior. Going back home and enjoying the peace was the best solution.

She watched Mackenzie freak out when the serior mentioned she was going back home. Will somebody tell Mackenzie that not everybody was power blinded like her and not everybody had a sour home like she had. Some of them had beautiful homes and happy lives even if it wasn't a perfect one that they wanted to return to.

She was noting and watching Mackenzie closely. She was extra sensitive to talks about powers, Mia noted. She watched her enter the restroom and come back with water dripping from her face and the senior still talking.

She had promised herself she wouldn't make her suspicion too obvious but when Mackenzie was speaking of the other schools as if she had been there, she could not help but ask with her voice coated with suspicion. "How do you know that " she spat.

Mackenzie turned to face her, a psychotic and deadly gaze in her eyes. " By reading minds and thoughts, the way I know you've been doubting me for long" she smiled.

Oh no, she knew ? After her extra efforts to make her doubts Concealed? If Mackenzie wanted to play this game with her, she would show her she knew how to play the game better. She was the one with the brains. The power brain has is distinct from that of physical powers. She laughed casually .Stop playing around girl, are you acting Medusa right now?" She spanked Mackenzie's hands playfully. She saw the look of confusion in her eyes and a smirk broke the corner of her face.

She settled her glasses well and was satisfied, that wasn't the reaction Mackenzie was expecting from her it seems but she wasnt going to allow her lead this game. She woudd lead it with reason until she exposes her.

" Mia! I am not a bad witch " Medusa complained behind her. Oh, how did this girl pass in high school? She was too dense and forward.

" Just shut up, I didn't mean your Medusa, I meant the real Medusa the one that turns people to stone when they look at her eyes " she explained. She saw Medusa's mouth turn into an 'Ohh'. Who knows, she might not get what she was saying still. Maybe she doesn't even know the real Medusa's story.

And that, Mia evaded Mackenzie's confrontation leaving the latter unsure of what to say and after a while of elightening Medusa about the origin of her name, they soon forgot the issue of Mia harboring doubtful thoughts about Mackenzie.