Chapter 51_ You need fixing

All black was as taken aback to find senior Eira talking back at him that way. The dean seemed amused as his ascendant laughter filled our ears and the entire hall. The look on All black's face could send back life to a ghost. He was upset and enraged at senior Eira's confidence. I could imagine how enraged he was.

"Zane, this is Eira of the fifth year. I'm sure you know her and the sacrifices she has done for the school to be titled a top student. You cannot mean she would ever do anything to hurt the school. Please allow sleeping dogs to lay" Dean Androcles said amidst laughter as he left us and went directly into his office.

What?! This dean..! He was going to make me laugh out too. His wholesome laughter was addictive and his deep masculine voice roared along with the supremacy demeanor about him.

He shut his office door to our surprise and we were left alone with all black. Immediately the dean was out of sight, he turned to us and his pained reaction was very much expected. "Watch out because l won't stop until I get you and you three receive the very best punishment in my blank room" he spat and stormed off, his shoes making creaking sound that seemed too loud in the silent corridor.

"Phew" I exclaimed, crossing my fingers over my hand to indicate my relief. " He's scary" I finalized.

"You girls better watch your backs after this, I'll be watching mine. He meant every bit of what he said "senior Eira advised.

Oh, that reminds me! "Senior Eira what was that?!" I turned to her with my mouth open. "You were so cool!" I tightened my hands around her almost immediately.

I heard a scoff from her before she withdrew my hands that were around her. "I barely scaled through and my fingers were crossed all through. Teacher Zane is scary and very hard to deal with. Thank the heavens only have a year left. I guess it's you girls who have more years ahead to spend with him" she replied and was walking away laughing to herself.

That was right, she was leaving after a year and we would be left to look out for all black for a good six years. " Senior Eira, that's not cool!"I complained now walking back to the hostel and trying to catch up to senior Eira while Mackenzie trailed behind.

"Thought you said she was cool just now" Mackenzie queried. I pouted and threw my hands in the air defensively "I said she was cool, not what she did" I pointed out Don't know why these girls irk me.

"Okay so you're saying what she did was not cool?" Mackenzie asked again.

Oh dear lord, save me. This girl was after my life!

I wasn't sure senior Eira was listening to any of our conversations because she wasn't showing any reaction whatsoever. I knew she must be hearing us, the senior is just too snobbish and eerie.

"Mackenzie would you please?" I shone my eyeballs that were already big enough. " Would you please leave me alone? What senior Eira did was not cool but it was beneficial to us. Impersonating a teacher when we were actually guilty is wrong but that doesn't mean she's bad. She only did what was necessary at that moment even though it was wrong. Basically, it was either the teacher or us" I explained my view. I don't want her spewing nonsense while the senior was listening. I do not think senior was immoral or that she was a bad influence.

She was teaching us what was necessary and doing what was necessary to get us out of the mess we were in.

All Black was acting as though we killed a person because we went to take a few foods from the kitchen that already had many. Since the funding of the school was in the Government's hands and the government was funding because of the hard work of the students, then it was our right. We just didn't go through an exemplary way of acquiring it but that doesn't spell us as bad students. Mackenzie's next words sent pangs of guilt stabbing my heart. "So why do you girls think of me as any less? Because I was doing what was necessary in a not so exemplary way, you girls titled me as dubious. Last time l checked, such

judgemental people like yourself are the worst actually " I was walking on but immediately she landed.

We strolled back to the hostel and the instant she dropped those words, I froze to the spot and could barely utter a word for the next few minutes.

Slowly, I turned to her "Oh Mackenzie" I covered my mouth with both my palms as sentiments rushed to me like a wildfire. " I never judged you and I never will. Fine, I had my doubts but I never allowed them cloud the better part of you that I see every day. Me and Mia, we truly love you and that was why we were scared when we thought we were losing you " I stuttered.

I thought my words would bring down the wall of isolation in her eyes but they didn't. When I probed in them, I continued to see the emptiness which she blinked away with a fake smile plastered on her face " It's fine Medusa, I have learned to adapt to such for a very long time ago even before I came to the school " she quickly added.

I nodded and moved closer to her and clasped my hands in hers while we walk back to the hostel. The stiffness was still there, the coldness I felt from the touch instead of the warmth of friendship made me realize Mackenzie was damaged in but she concealed it by carrying a sober conduct all day, every day. I am going to fix her, I made a silent pledge to myself.

I wasn't even done with my pledge when I heard this immense loud laughter in my head.

Second annoying jerk, he's back!

Oh God, why? Just when I thought I was rid of him.

"It's hilarious you're thinking of fixing someone else, when you need fixing yourself," he said to me.

I never knew when I shouted " Oh, would you shut up?! I don't need fixing only you did

"Are you okay? senior Eira turned around and asked with a confused expression on her face. She turned to Mackenzie to inquire if we were having a fight. "No, it's not me" Mackenzie yanked her hand away from me and raised them up "I never said she was damaged " then she turned to me " Why would I say you were? Are you a damaged tool that needs fixing" she asked with sarcasm. Her expression shouts 'she's running out of her mind"

No Mackenzie, you're the damaged tool darling. I wished I could say to her....

"I wasn' know what? Forget it" I stormed away in frustration leaving Mackenzie and senior Eira behind clueless.

When I got to the hostel, I tried to opened the door but it was locked. Silently, I cursed before knocking on it lightly. After receiving the vaccines, the other students in some of the other rooms were outside now chattering since the tension and the fear of the virus had reduced. I recognized some as students from the first year of my class and hostel but most of them were seniors. I also saw the seniors who were in the first room we tried to enter but sent us off. I wished Mackenzie could compel them and make them pee their pants in public, they deserved it! In the room where the infected girl who infected the one that was running about was locked and had a tape that had scribbles on it that says 'stay off, Decontamination in progress'

Images of the helpless girl who was running about replayed and the infected one who was scared and was asking to be saved replayed in my head And I wondered if their bodies had been stored away or buried.

How many more bodies would be buried? How many students lost their lives starting from the senior who went on the mission and got infected first?

It was sad, those poor kids who were just learning what being an adult was. I prayed their souls find peace in their new home, heaven.

" Medusa Clarke?" a voice said from behind me and I turned to see a familiar face. It was a girl in my class whose name I don't know but apparently, she knew mine. My eyes shone with delight to see another familiar face "Oh, you survived!"I hugged her, it was a sincere hug. "I did " she laughed "and you did too" she concluded.

"Apparently, you're..?"

"Pandora" she put in. I smiled sheepishly "Oh, Pandora. I'll see you around " I waved her away and turned back to the door.

I guessed she has been staying with strangers throughout the curfew, maybe some grumpy seniors for her to be this pleased to see me.

Come to think of it, I never knew I was famous in class. I found Mia glaring at me with her ridge eyeballs from under her glasses.

"What's with the look? You're not happy to see me?" I threw a hand listlessly in the air." You knocked and I came to get the door to find you glimpsing around at first then talking to a stranger like you've known her since forever" she said, her voice sounded provoked as she walked back in leaving the door open for me to go in.

I was explaining as I entered "I was waiting for Mackenzie and senior Eira to catch up before I entered. Only God knows where they might have been. Then I saw the girl, she's not a stranger. Her name is Pandora and she's a classmate" "Save me the details, I know she's from class but she's not a friend. Stop being too accommodating to strangers " Mia scolded.

I finally stepped in and alas!

Mackenzie and senior Eira were right in front of me.

"Don't look so shocked, since you decided to leave us behind, I teleported us into the room then" senior Eira smirked. She was mocking me, cool.

"Cheaters" I spat.

" What cheaters? We were not competing..." it was Mackenzie. I sprawled into bed and covered my ears with a pillow. I didn't want to listen to what she had to say. It was all because of second annoying jerk, that pest!