Chapter 53_ Proud!

Time was up and almost immediately, the sounds of doors opening filled the whole dormitory. We were also ready, following senior Eira's lead who opened our door.

"Where is the general hall?" I asked her.

She just opened the door without looking back at me " Where I'm leading you and where the others are going" she said in a snobbish manner.

| don't blame her, I blame myself for asking a redundant question when I knew her crooked personality.

The other girls were out now and we all made our way to the general hall. I saw Pandora, the girl from the last night but I refrained from acting all too friendly with her, Mia might start ranting if I did so.

Not that I cared if she did so or not but I was planning on disciplining myself to be wary of people in the school.

" Medusa Clarke" A voice screamed in excitement, that was Pandora.

She saw me regardless.

I saw Mackenzie grumble through her lips that were pressed together.

I also saw Mia rolling her eyes, making it as obvious as possible. I hope Pandora didn't see that.

I faked a smile and turned to her with a seemingly excited face so she wouldn't feel like she was the only one glad to see me and not vice versa. " Hey, Pandora. here you are" I muttered.

The girls were walking on without waiting up for me. Well it's okay, I can walk with Pandora to the hall.

"How was your night Medusa Clarke? She asked me flinging her long hair backward. She was an attractive girl with nice heights. I don't know why she was acting all clingy with me.

" Please it's just Medusa, remove the formalities" I pointed out.

She let out a giggle before patting my shoulders "Ok Medusa, I've always admired you from the day in teacher Hunter's class"

Oh, dear teacher Hunter, thanks for all you did.!

I could only smile sheepishly, I found it all too awkward. If she was trying to make friends with me because she thought I was intelligent, then she made a mistake. I wasn't the smart one, Mia's the girl for her.

The other day in teacher Hunter's class, l was only lucky to be the only one to answer his questions.

We were now in front of the hall, and we had to queue to get in. The Hall was crowded, the whole school was in it.

Thankfully, we arrived early. Teacher Zane was the one coordinating the queue, making sure there was no commotion as the number of students were alarming.

I hid behind Pandora as much as I could looking the other way as the queue moved. Teacher Zane wouldn't recognize me if not for my red hair, would he?

He probably won't. The last time, he didn't recognize me too. He was only guessing and following instincts.

The hall was actually a theater with a large number of seats. It was so spacious and big as the chairs lined up, while the stage was on the far front. It was identical to the hall where the dean addressed us the the first time we came only that this one was bigger and had chairs while the other one didn't.

Watching the dean stand in front of us as we took to sit on any available seat with the teachers standing behind and beside him felt like deja vu.

The setting was exactly like your first day in All supernatural college.

The only difference as I mentioned before was the difference in the number of students present, the number of teachers, and the spacious theater.

Dean Androcles dressed in blue garments, this time stood silently waiting for us to settle down. Our teachers were also present amongst the other teachers.

Teacher Lazlo with his usual grin and white clothes that had the same style as All black was nodding continuously and his faint grin never faded.

Teacher Magnus in his usual seriousness stood motionless staring into the crowd and so was teacher Hunter, the four eyes.

Seeing teacher Hunter gave me the chills, whenever I saw him, I always replayed the scenario in the class which had obviously made me popular

amongst the students in the class. Pandora here who was sitting beside me was a good example.

My eyes searched for Teacher Hadleigh but I could only see Teacher Elora also with her old-fashioned prescription glasses. At least,teacher Hunter's own was more inviting except for his feminine Outlook, maybe he's gay.

Where is my Teacher Hadleigh? The rest of the teachers, I do not know not recognized except for the channeling teacher who was teaching the third-year class during our orientation.

Satisfied that we were all settled down, Dean Androcles began his speech speaking into the shot. gun mic in front of him.

*Howdy my strong supernatural students," he said, the mic sending his voice in all directions of the hall.

"Good day dean Androcles" we all chorused.

He paused, allowing each student to conclude their greetings as we all didn't speak at once.

When the voices derailed, " Before going on, let's have a minute of silence for those who lost their lives to the venomous virus. Especially Brian Dave of the fifth year. A student who was almost done with his academics here, and whom the virus took his life first amongst the others. He died serving the school, he will be given an honorable burial

along with the others that went on the mission with him who also died " he stated and silence ensued immediately after he finished.

His words reached all our hearts. Or allow me to speak for myself because I've gotten to find out there were heartless bastards in this school.

My heart stung and was also silent for a while as if honoring the lost souls. I bent my head and silently offered a farewell wishes to the dead students.

" Now, we've all been in curfew and weren't able to move about as we liked and school activities had to be suspended. But the curbing of the virus was quickly and successfully done thanks to the government. We are an essential asset to them and each one of you all are their investments so, they could not afford to lose anyone of you. That

was why, thanks to the help of our students whose names I will mention and call out here to receive their prizes which were sent to them by the government, we were able to receive more recognition from the government and across the other magical schools." Dean Androcles paused and took a bottle of water in front of him before he


"As soon as the government heard about the unfortunate event here, they did their best to send the vaccines here as fast as they could. So let's appreciate them by doing our bests in missions" he finished and applauses from the entire hall met his speech.

He waved his hands to signify for the noises and applause to stop but

when it didn't... " Silence." Teacher Elora shouted at the top of herlungs, her mouth opening wide.

We all had to cover our ears with our hands because her voice stabbed our ears as if they held hidden nails in them.

What's with this teacher Elora and her overload voice? Was that her ability? High-pitched voice?

The dean coughed into the mic and one by one he called the names of the students who went on the mission while they all stepped out one after the other as applause led them forward.

" Unfortunately, this group was a group of seven students but only three of them survived..." he halted as if he choked on something before finally finding his voice and commencing. " Eira of the fifth year, please step out" he called out to senior Eira separately and all gazes followed her as she got up from where she was sitting with the

girls. Finally, I spotted them and where they sat.

The students, unsure of whether to clap or not only stared at senior Eira as she stood up and walked to the stage.

She stood beside Dean Androdles, her rumpled clothes adding to the mysteriousness of the reason for her separate summoning.

" Eira here, led the students and during the curfew, I had interrogations with the other two students because I had to know the real source of the virus getting to the school." Dean Androcles


My heart started to race and cold sweats were dripping from my pam.

I twined both my palms and stared at the dean with held breaths.

Did senior Eira do anything wrong?

When Dean Androcles continued, everyone had their ears strained even though there was a mic in front of him. " The testimonies from

the two students showed that Eira did a massive job in the collecting of the immune boy which led to the birth of the vaccine. Please let's."

he was cut short by whistles, shouts, giggles, and claps from all of us.

Even the teachers were clapping too.

Oh my senior Eira, I was so proud of her that I stood and jumped while clapping and giggling.

Pandora does not know the reason for my over happiness but she stood and started jumping with me also exhibiting as much happiness as I was. I was proud of my senior Eira that was why I was acting that way but her?

Why was she giggling like a happy sheep, what is wrong with her?