Chapter 54_ Bunch of hypocrites

The noises quietened down a bit and the dean motioned to a teacher from the back.

The teacher stepped out from amongst the other teachers who was sitting behind the dean, holding a wooden award in his hand. He presented it to senior Eira who collected it from him without emotion on her face after shaking hands with the teacher.

We kept in cheering her on with shouts and applauses. I suddenly admired senior Eira and wished one day, it was would be me in the school

would celebrate this way.

"Yeah, you wish?" the second annoying jerk scoffed in my head.

" Please, shut up" I shouted back at him in annoyance. Pandora thought it was her whom I was mad at " I did not say anything" she said with a surprised frown. I had to smile and waved it away "No dear, I wasn't talking to you" I said so she would be at ease. I saw the "then who?" on her face but she decided to keep quiet and

only nodded. One of these days, second annoying jerk will label me a mad person.

Senior Eira went to stand beside the other two seniors who went on the mission and after little cheers, they went back to their seats. How I wished I was sitting with the girls, I wanted to hug senior Eira tight and tell her how much I was proud of her. The dean returned to addressing us but was cut short by the emergence of teacher Hadleigh who was smartly dressed as usual. She had a black fitted suit trousers and a white shirt on which had a red tie. She had red heels on to match. Her whole appearance screamed formal and her hair was packed up In a high ponytail. Her feminine/ masculine dressing that was complemented with a tie was wow to me. That teacher Hadleigh, she was my role model, I smiled to myself.

She whispered something into the dean's ear and his countenance changed a bit before he spoke into the mic " Classes will begin tomorrow morning immediately after the funeral and I have a message for you all" he stated. We were all silent as we wondered what could be wrong this time around.

"This unfortunate incident that we suffered might not be natural after all, it could be from any of our enemies. I won't mention names but let's be aware there might be moles amongst us but we will fish

them out. l implore you all to stay safe and do your best in the upcoming competition. Let's show them we are more stronger no matter what hardship and delay we face. Each team leader, please take the stage and discuss with your members so training can commence after classes" the dean finalized and walked out leaving three teachers behind with teacher Magnus among the three teachers. Whispers and murmurs ensued in the hall, the competition seems to be a big event for the school and the rest of the magical schools. " Do you think what happened wasn't natural ?" Pandora gasped beside me.

Senior Eira did say it wasn't but I wasn't totally sure but now that the dean mentioned it, then senior Eira had been right all along. "I don't know but I think the dean is right. What moles do you think he was talking about?" I finished answering Pandora's question with another one.

A voice said beside me, it was a senior boy who had a slim figure "People working for the other schools pretending to be one of us. I personally suspect magical Alicorn college. That school has been following behind us closely and they are ruthless there. The dean of their school makes them take channeling classes on how to channel their powers by using others' strengths and all the dark channeling modes our school is against. Sadly, they have been losing the competition to us and reducing in reputation and standard of living. I guess this time, they are using nasty means to get what they want" he said more to everyone who wishes to listen.

Another senior beside him also added "It is only a shame our dean is too soft. We are supposed to retaliate in the most cruelest way. Is he just going to sit back and let them hunt us one after the other ? Let them teach us how to channel our powers through borrowing from the opponent's strength and other things he banned." the female senior seemed angry noticed the seniors were quite sensitive when it Comes to topics about the other schools. It seemed the rivalry between them was too high and intense.

I and Pandora exchanged glances, we were totally clueless and new.

I Didnt know a thing about what they were talking about.

The male senior said in a low tone now. " I heard there is a teacher who wants to overthrow the dean. I want this teacher to win because, by the look of things, we will all perish if dean Androcles were to remain the dean. He is too soft, tcch " she scoffed.

What? Overthrow the dean?

Pandora mouthed a 'what?!' to me when I turned to her and I shrugged.

I am defiritely teling this to dean Androcles.

"The tests too, I heard it was initiated by this teacher to search for the student with the..." the female senior wanted to say but was cut short by the male.

" Shhh" he put a finger on his mouth and pointed forward.

We all followed his hand and saw that a teacher whom I do not know and suspected to be a senior year teacher who was trying to take the stage but the noises from the rest of the students were too much.

Thankfully, teacher Elora had followed the dean if not, her piercing voice would have hurt our ears by now.

All black was moving from the entrance where he stood to the stage and when everyone set their eyes upon him, even without him doing anything decorum came next.

Another point to note, the seniors all feared all black so it was not bad or meant I was timid by fearing him too much.

The hall was as quiet as a graveyard now, the teacher nodded, and when she spoke to the mic, her voice echoed around the entire hall, and we

all listened with rapt attention.

" Hello magical students " she greeted.

" Hello, teacher Zara" the seniors answered while the newbies only greeted hello as we do not know her name.

Hello newbies" she stated whilst knowing we havent answered her properly " I am teacher Zara, the sixth-year channeling teacher" she


" Whoa! A sixth-year channeling teacher" Pandora gasped tapping me now. " Must be powerful" she whispered.

Oh, Lord.. Where are my girls?

Can the breeze carry me to them and away from this Pandora? Even though she hadn't done anything wrong but her overly clingy nature doesn't fit with me.

"Hello teacher Zara" we all chorused.

Teacher Zara nodded and.." The school said to inform you that the top members of the mystic coalition who comes every year to inspect the management of the schools and how well youre trained morally will be arriving anytime from next week. So please, be in your best behaviors and the newbies whose birthdays are next week please stay back in your hostels on the day of your birthday. We do not want the mystic coalition to see your outbursts. They might not understand you

are just gaining your powers and any mistake will lead to the disqualification of the school from the competition " she announced.

Does that mean I'm staying back too? On my birthday I will be miserable and lonely in the hostel alone ?

" The system is whack." the male senior beside us hollered again causing everyone in our row to glance his way.

"I know right, they will come to inspect our school acting like they are all saints and would reprimand the school for things their schools are doing secretly. Bunch of hypocrites. " another senior on the other row faced the back and added.

"Especially that Magical Alicorn college. They are just too filthy and malicious" another senior spat.

I suddenly felt out of place. The seniors were discussing and seemed to be serious about it but I had no idea what it was. It sucks to be a newbie.

" Silence students" Teacher Zara called the murmuring hall to order and we all went silent "Please, follow the rules and let's make All

supernatural's college proud so our next year's feeding and good living would be guaranteed. Thank you" she ended and we all clapped our

hands to cheer on she and the other teachers who were now leaving the hall.

Even all back went with them. The absence of all black in the hall gave rise to the murmurings and discussions amongst us all.

I stood up immediately to locate the girls.

"Where are you going" Pandora asked when she noticed I was going away.

I smiled faintly at her. Where else? To my friends, of course, I said in my head. But instead..." To the girls, do you want to come?" I asked her.

" Oh, yes thank you." she shrieked and we both got up. Squeezing our way through the rows to get to the girls.

"Are you an l8?" I asked Pandora.

She was behind me and "I am" she replied.

Wow ! She's an 18..

" What power do you have?"

"I can smell troubles, Powers, and weaknesses. I believe with channeling, I should be able to see weaknesses too when I set my eyes on a person" What? I stopped and faced her. Is there a power like that? It's not so cool, I do not want that kind of power.

Whoa.."I said in a low tone. " I do not know such type of power exists. "How does that help in battle?" I frowned.

" Knowing your opponent's weaknesses, youd know the exact spot to hurt them or the right thing to say to hurt them" she replied.

" So you know what to say to hurt me right now ?" I asked now walking forward.

A group of seniors were now on the stage asking for silence and that we all settle down.

Guess who was amongst them?