Chapter 61_Teacher Hunter

Mia's POV


It was not to be doubted, it was obvious Mackenzie was lying. She was close to believing her even though she still had doubts but Mackenzie sold herself out the moment she said that was the first time the itching was severe and that she only scratches a little before while little skin get stuck in her fingers.

She had seen her before, the morning she compelled Medusa, she saw her scratching her hand so severely while her skin peeled off but she had forgotten it until now when she saw her repeat the same action.

It was frustrating that she was the only one seeing the truth. Medusa was just unduly dumb!

She was too ignorant to see what was right in front of her. She fears Medusa would get herself in trouble one of these days. The only reason why she had grabbed Mackenzie's hand that way when Medusa mentioned going to the dean was because

she knew Mackenzie's lie would be exposed there. The dean would instantly pick up on her silly excuse.

Her skin was peeling because she was using her powers too much? What a lie!

How does that even fits?

How does her flesh connects with her powers? And it heals on its own?

Wow, that was another cause for alarm. She was beginning to doubt who Mackenzie said she really was or what she was exactly.

Teacher Hunter spoke of students getting possessed, could Mackenzie be possessed too?

If she was possessed, by who then?

Or by what? Demons maybe?

There was no keeping this to herself anymore. Tomorrow, as soon as she wakes up, she was turning to teacher Hunter for


He would know best about possession because she was certain Mackenzie was possessed.

The audacity she had to toss her that way! She was getting justice for it. She couldn't blame that dumb Medusa who scolded her instead of insisting on taking Mackenzie to the dean.

Medusa's lQ was just too low to calculate the odds.

She needed some time alone to breathe so, she stormed into the restroom and undress herself before having a cool bath.

When she was done washing up, Medusa had also undressed and was ready to use the bath too. So, she came out of the bathroom and got in her pajamas before going to bed.

Mackenzie had her back turned to them, she was laying in bed too.

For the sake of shielding her thoughts from Mackenzie, Mia slept earlier than usual. The morning would arrive in a jiffy and she couldn't wait.


Like most times, the voice over was what woke her up. She was the type who sleeps till late in the morning before waking up.

" Classes would commence after the funeral. All students should assemble in the school's graveyard for the funeral of the lost souls. Funeral starts in an hour " the voice over repeated the way it repeats instructions to them always.

Medusa and Mackenzie were awake and Mackenzie seemed to have taken her bath as she was already dressed up. That was better, there was not going to be no group baths from now on, Mia stated in her mind.

Things weren't what they used to be so the barrier was important.

She laid lazily in bed awaiting Medusa to finish bathing before she gets up to have her own bath.

"Get up if you're awake" she heard Mackenzie said to her.

Was she reading her mind again?

She turned in bed reaching out for her glasses which she usually place on the bed drawer before sleeping every night. When her hand touched the glasses, she blew in air into it and cleaned its insides. " Don't read my mind Mackenzie " she said to her friend who didn't seem like a friend anymore.

"I wasn't reading your mind, you were turning so much and I knew you must be awake" Mackenzie defended.

She knew better than to trust Mackenzie. Just in case, she started humming the usual lullaby in her head to distract her thoughts.

Momentarily, Medusa emerged from the bathroom and Mia entered promptly without waiting to exchange morning pleasantries with Medusa.

She rushed through her bath and brushing with took the best of only five minutes. She got dressed as fast as she could and turned to the girls.

"Please, go ahead to the graveyard. I will join you shortly" she addressed them.

"Why?" Medusa queried still fumbling with her shoe lace when everyone else was ready. Even she who only bathed after her was done.

"Senior Katz mentioned not allowing me join in the reading team anymore so I think I should go find him beforehand and beg to be allowed one more chance to redeem myself" she lied.

She was going to see teacher Hunter now and expose Mackenzie, there was no turning back.

Expect the most absurd thinking and words from Medusa Clarke."Do you really need to beg that annoying jerk? You can join our dancing team if you want " Medusa said to her

"I don't dance Medusa"

"I could teach you"

"I said I don't dance Medusa..!" Mia stated


Jeez, this Medusa was supposed to be 18 in five days?!

To her, it seemed she was just turning seven.

"Ok, don't eat my flesh dear zombie, do your thing" Medusa blurted and Mia turned out without no further talks.

She walked in a faster pace so the girls Wouldn't catch up with her when they came Out.

The school was fairly buzzing with life and early morning noises. The students were out but were still few.

Teacher Hunter's office, where could that be? She wondered.

She was walking about the teacher's office building aimlessly trying to locate Teacher Hunter's office. Thankfully, the offices were titled with each teacher's name.

In block letters were inscription of every teacher's name in front of their office door. She was walking the passageways, eyes searching the doors until she bumped into someone.

The splattering of equipments on the floor jerked her back to reality to see senior Eira picking up her fallen bunch of keys.

"Senior Eira..."' she exclaimed, surprised at her own happiness and excitement at seeing the senior.

Without looking at her and picking up the keys, " Why don't you watch where you're going Mia" senior Eira said to her. She smiled at the senior's unchanged nonchalant attitude " Sorry sis" she bent to help pick up the dismantled bunch of keys.

"What are you doing with so many keys by the way?" she inquired.

"Teacher Hunter said to deliver them to Hilda in the kitchen" she replied her.

Senior Eira was good news for once, she thought.

"What are you doing here by the way? senior Eira asked now bringing up her face which had one of her eyes dimmed.

"Trying to locate the same Teacher Hunter " Mia responded with relief that her goose search was going to end and that she was going to finally be at rest by lifting the heavy burdens on her mind and heart away.

Soon, she would get answers and Mackenzie, whatever was inside her or whatever she was would get exposed and defeated. Then, they would have their own Mackenzie back. She was going to fix their friendship.

"I guess it was his office you've been trying to locate?" senior Eira asked.

She thought she just mentioned that?!

Mia nodded " Yes"

She was expecting senior Eira to ask her why she was seeking Teacher Hunter but the senior proved to be a matured and not a nosy one.

All the respect and admiration Medusa, Mackenzie and the whole school was showering her, she deserved it. The only problem Mia had with her was that she was acting and teaching the girls to be outlaws but then, there might be a good reason for it. Maybe she was the one being stubborn

and not listening.

"You are almost at your destination. Just follow this path down. His office is the one at the far end" senior Eira directed her. "I have to go now, Hilda is waiting" the senior added before walking away.

"Thank you senior..!" she shouted behind the senior then she walked to the direction given by her.


She found the inscription engraved on the last door at the far end as senior Eira described.

Her hands started to sweat and her breathsunsure but she cleaned the hand on her dress wiping the fabric away and took deep breaths when she remembered how Bale had told Pandora to take deep breaths the day before.

"Ready…?" she asked herself " Ready" she responded and tapped the door lightly her knocks faint but audible enough for the teacher to hear.

"Come on in" The feminine voice of Teacher Hunter instructed her and she creaked open the door inertly before stepping in.

"Good morning teacher Hunter" she curtsied.

The slim figure with a feminine look enhanced by his feminine voice looked at her with one of his brows lifted. " Morning young lady, are you not supposed to be in the graveyard?" he asked her.

She walked closer and held the edge of thechairs in front of him. He did not offer her a seat nor did she have the desire to sit "I am sir, but I have a matter disturbing my mind everyday in and out" she replied him.

"Are you a newbie?" he tilted his head.

She nodded swiftly " I am sir" she replied.

"Ok" he was tapping his desk now " Have a seat" he pointed at one of the chairs in front of him.

She truly did not have the desire to sit but she also didn't want to tick off the teacher. What if he misinterpreted her and thought she was being adamant? Or that she does not want to listen to instructions?

She also knew it had not gotten to that level but her paranoia was getting the best of her. She dragged out a chair and she sat on it shifting it closer to the desk with her butt in it while the metallic chair made clinking sound on the floor.

ignoring the sound like it wasn't audible..

"State your purpose " the teacher said to her.

After taking a silent deep breathe, she looked up at him. It was a case of eight eyes colliding as the teacher wears glasses

and so did she. Her pupils darted around in her eyes under her glasses while his remained confident and still.